
CoruscantEarly evening
Emperor Palpatines Surgical Facility
Rain poured, like some cosmic warning of things to come, the gentle sideways fling a mere issuance of the development to come. Slippery and delicate, the steady downpour was a hop skip and a jump from the classical interpretation of deluge, if not for it's constant consternation and it's variable mood swings . As if surprised by the duration of it's own presence, the winds shifted and moved, changing the face of the rain as it smacked against the medical facility with a sense of determination. Perhaps if it rained just a bit harder, it might knock the whole tower down. A gentle rap and a subtle thump, the trails of water soaked the duracrete and stone as it found itself plummeting to the world below, finding the transformation from rain to sewer water a faster process than one might expect. Things moved fast on the surface of Coruscant and even faster in the world that existed below, deep in the belly of the beast.
The Star Viper, blue thrusters lit and powered, pushed the vehicle in serpentine descent as it circled the large structure before sitting down upon one of the four pedestals, a bird taken to flight and landing upon rock outcropping to view the dark world below. Claws digging into the landing pad, the platform descended from the beast as Gabriel exited out with a sort of nonchalance. His armorweave robe clung to him in the violent gusts as rain smacked hard against his body. There was a chill to the air, he noted, as the coffin sized case rolled behind him upon black plastic wheels, his right hand clutched to the elevated side. He dragged it, trails of water formed and disappeared behind him, as he approached the door to the facility and was greeted by two large body guards in enormous armor that he had seen before. To which his purpose existed, the armor and the future of it.
"I'm here to see the Voice. Please inform him that Reverance is waiting." The words echoed from the confines of his cowl, spoken in a hush just barely audible over the presiding gales. The men before him garnished a certain attention, a certain level of deserved respect, as their communications devices relayed the information to those inside the facility. Within the comfort of an area far more dry then where the current hand stood.
[member="Darth Carach"]