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Approved Tech Ferrum Luna

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Relationship Status: It's Complicated


Intent: Create a unique lightsaber for Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath
Image Source: Link (edits by me) Headers by Darth Metus Darth Metus
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: Lightsaber


Manufacturer: Gerwald Lechner
Affiliation: Naedira Darcrath
Model: N/A
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Songsteel, Lightsaber Components


Classification: Lightsaber
Size: Average
Weight: Average
Length: Short


Bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse
Locking Activator
Dantari Crystal
Christophsis Crystal
Firkrann Crystal
Hurrikaine Crystal
Vexxtal Crystal
Life Drain Crystal


+ Instant Refill: Thanks to the Dantari Crystal energy spent in combat may be used to recycle and refuel the users force energy allowing them the extra push they may need to fight a little longer.

+ Under the Sea: The bifurcating ignition pulse allows the lightsaber to be active underwater.

+ Seven in One Blow: Due to the Christophsis crystal kinetic attacks are stronger. The user of this blade will see a significant increase to the impact their strikes make.

+ Pitch and Catch: The locking activator allows the blade to remain active after the user has released it.

+ A Hot Knife Through Butter: The blade cuts through most materials with relative ease

+ Sucks to be YOU: The Life Drain Crystal allows the user the ability to siphon life energy from their opponent. Paired with the Vexxtal Crystal which can potentially leave a corrupting wound in its wake.


- Cotorsis will cause the blades to short.

- Force enhancing properties of the impeded crystals are null in the presence of Ysalamiri or other force null fields.

- The blade will remain active until it is turned off.

- Dark side effects can be neutralized with Force Light


Ferrum Solis was not the only weapon forged by Gerwald Lechner upon his ascension as Lord Commander of the Knights Obsidian. The sun blade had been forged as an extension of who he was as a warrior, and its mate forged as a memorial for the woman who pushed him to become what he was. Without her, Gerwald would have never pushed himself past the soldier he was. He would have never known the leader he could be.

Naedira's death had left a mark on Gerwald, one he refused to find the power to move on from. Others had told him it was long overdue, and while she had laid her life down willingly, it had still been stolen from her. She had been stolen.

In many ways Naedira had been Gerwald's opposite. His emotions and passions had gotten the better of him often. Like the sun there was a fiery inferno buried deep within. Naedira was dutiful, able to keep a certain kind of calm in the center of a storm. She was often like the moon, controlling the waves simply with her presence.

Gerwald's blade reflected the sun. Naedira's reflected the moon. Ferrum Luna boasted a violet colored blade, dark as the night sky. The combination of crystal Gerwald used in the construction made the weapon as deadly as she had been. Her wisdom and insight had guided Gerwald toward the philosophy of the Sith.

"Through strength I gain power."

Those had been her words, and her blade, Ferrum Luna, was made to reflect it. A single wound could inflict a corruption that would be difficult to heal. A crystal with the ability to aid in draining the life energy of the wielder's enemy lay within the hilt. Everything about the design, even the songsteel frame, existed to enhance Naedira's fighting style, and the power and skill with which she wielded the weapon.
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