Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Fear Of Missing Out

As much as Amani had wanted to be on the mission to recover Nida, her duties obligated that she be at the Halls of Healing. With how few in numbers they were, someone needed to stay behind and man the fort. That someone was naturally the Chief Healer. Begrudgingly, she entrusted the mission to her Jedi allies, and anxiously waited for word of their success. She could only anticipate that her services would be needed in the aftermath.

For her, it felt like an annoyingly long time until she heard anything. Worse yet, her work around the Halls was minimal during that span, having resorted to watering the plants and staring at the pleasantly painted walls (courtesy of Iris). Of all the times for Amani to seemingly run out of things to do, it seemed cruelly apt that it be now. But the strike team returned with Nida in tow, and despite an urge to celebrate, they also brought more work along with them.

"Who's up?"

"Jand Talo. Jedi padawan. Gunshot wound. Shoulder." The medical droid accompanying the Chief Healer droned off.

"Really?" Amani asked, surprised that she was even needed for the exam.

"Slug round."

Amani's eyebrows ticked up, "That'll do it." She stepped into the private room with the droid right behind her. It was quiet, and fashioned in a similar manner to the rest of the Halls. Soothing and meditative, rather than cold and clinical. "Hello Jand. Been a while," She offered him a smile, and the sapphire fastened around her neck seemed to pulse through the Force, as if in anticipation of its own use.

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The small room in the Halls of Healing was quiet.

It was nice, it gave Jand a moment to just enjoy the silence, especially after the cacophony of battle for the rescue operation. The battlefield was different from a dueling challenge, in almost every way possible, and it had been through some serious effort on Jand's behalf to become comfortable in widescale danger. When it was all said and done, the Nagai preferred the more personal and quieter challenge, being able to focus on a single individual, rather than having to remain aware of the whole.

It had been that exact reason that resulted in the wound to Jand's shoulder.

The battlefield was unpredictable, there were often hidden elements one couldn't anticipate readily, such as a sniper perched beyond awareness. At the time, Jand had felt the pain sear through his limb, his left arm useless from the inflicted trauma, but the need to continue fighting - if only to avoid death - had spurred the Padawan on. Still, even after some basic medical treatment on the return from the rescue operation, there was enough damage to the shoulder to warrant a skilled healer.

After all, bacta spray had helped, it had alleviated some of the pain, but though it could only do so much and Jand still couldn't move the limb.

Jand's gray eyes opened as he heard another enter the room.

Jedi Knight Amani Serys.

The same Jedi who had assisted the Padawans on Ilum, some months ago. That had been another instance of Jand being injured from combat, to the point of struggling to retain consciousness, which had required similar healing and recovery. Though - unlike now - the injuries sustained on Ilum had been less internal.

"Hello, Amani Serys," Jand said with a faint smile, as he looked her way, though kept his body immobile. "It has been, yes. I congratulate you on joining the Jedi Council."

Beyond the Jedi Healer, the medical droid that had examined Jand stood by, likely having explained the situation already. Still, the Nagai sat on the table with his robes pulled down to his waist, and his left arm visible for further inspection, numerous thin scars across his body. The wound itself looked to be from a mid-caliber sniper slug, though Jand was no medical physician and couldn't assess much beyond the wound and pain associated with it.

"I apologize, it seems you always find me in states of injury and in need of assistance," Jand commented, though his expression was pained. "Your medical droid didn't indicate the severity of the injury, but I assume it is significant if I am unable to move my arm."

Jand looked from his shoulder to Amani and then remained still...

Amani's smile turned a bit more bashful, "Thank you. I'm still getting used to it, but," She just trailed off and nodded. "Let's see about this arm, hm?"

The healer walked behind Jand to get a good view of the entry point. She measured it a bit with her finger, before leaning over to see the exit wound, which was significantly larger. "Yep, that's a slug wound, alright," Amani grimaced, and whistled low, "I treated quite a few during my time as a traveling medic. People on Lamarredd used slugthrowers almost exclusively." Experience that would hopefully come in hand today. His apology then made her blink, "No need. To be fair, that's how a lot of my interactions tend to start," She chuckled dryly. Such was the life of a healer.

Amani walked over to one of the drawers along the wall, grabbing a few tools and supplies as she continued, "Well, tissue damage aside, we're likely looking at broken bones, namely the scapula or clavicle. Or both. Add in all the muscle damage, and that would explain why your arm won't so much as budge. There's nothing there to actually pull it around." The mirialan came back with a few metal instruments, wipes, and bandages. "Last but not least, there's probably a bit of shrapnel still embedded in your shoulder. The round passed through so, probably not as bad as it could be, though. If the pieces are small enough we might not even need to worry about it. But I'd be willing to be there at least something left behind."

She raised a pair of pliers, and used her hand to carefully pull back the torn flesh to examine it more closely, "How'd the mission go? Nobody's given me any details yet," Obviously Nida was back, but Amani still felt in the dark about the operation itself.

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Jand nodded as Amani brought the focus of the introductions to checking the wound.

That made sense.

"Yes, I am aware," Jand said in response to the information of the slug being the cause. It wasn't sarcastic or ill-intended, rather the Nagai was prone to taking some things literally. "I have not heard of Lamarredd. Perhaps once the healing process begins, you can tell me more?"

The apology had been given as an aside, by way of acknowledging that Jand was aware of Amani, her skills and his want to assure her she wasn't seen as just a medic. Nonetheless, the examination began, to which Jand listened quietly as the Jedi healer began to list issues - perhaps concerns - with the wound, how complex the damage might be, and what likely caused the inability to move the limb. There also seemed some likelihood of slug fragment remains inside Jand's shoulder, which had to be looked into, to best determine how to deal with.

The whole situation seemed a pain, beyond the physical, and Jand almost apologized again.

"I will do as you instruct and will not complain."

Jand glanced down to the wound, as Amani began to use the pliers to scrutinize the injury. He didn't care about the sight of blood, or wounds, and as a Nagai was definitely not squeamish. Much of his life had been focused around blade wounds - slices, lacerations, stabs - and dealing with those by way of needle and thread, typically. The honor duels Jand had personally been involved in had warranted the numerous scars over his body, so for him this was another day... though admittedly a slug wound was vastly different to a foil sword.

"The mission was a success," Jand said slowly, as he blinked and looked to the healer. "I was not directly involved in the retrieval of the captured sentient, I was given the task of working alongside Jedi Master Vanagor to provide distraction for the enemy. The battlefield once our forces breached was intense, we downed many Stormtroopers... and then eventually some more specialized purge troopers moved in to engage, which is when I was shot."

Amani shrugged, finding it agreeable enough if he was actually interested in hearing about Lamaredd, “It’s an interesting little planet.”

She gave him a pleasant smile before setting to work, mentally reminding herself of Jand’s often unique perspective. His tendency to take things literally or humorlessly, was almost unintentionally humorous in its own way at times. At least in the sense that anyone’s naivety might be amusing. Though the scars on his body were proof enough that naive wasn’t quite the right word for it. Simply a difference in culture, and upbringing. His people were from a whole different galaxy, after all.

The Chief Healer listened rather intently as Jand recounted the story, hanging on to whatever details he could spare. Details that were admittedly scarce, given the padawan’s role in the mission, “Purge troopers?” Amani echoed, surprised. Perhaps it should be expected from a facility where Force-sensitive prisoners were held, but nonetheless it piqued her interest. She’d never actually seen one before herself. “A sniper, then?” Based on the caliber, it seemed to be. Lucky it wasn’t even more powerful, or else Jand might have been rolled in here with one less arm.

“Oh- As I figured,” Amani said, pulling out a piece of metal shrapnel. As soon as it was out, a bit of blood leaked from the wound, which she was quick to clean up. “Give me a moment,” The healer stepped back, and grabbed a large metal arm that was attached to the medical table. On the end of it was a machine, which she pulled over to face Jand’s arm. It began to construct an X-ray scan of his arm, letting her see where the remaining shrapnel would be located, “Glad to know the mission was a success, at least. It'll be nice to have Nida back in here.”

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Jand nodded.

"I believe they are called purge troopers, yes," The Nagai confirmed, as he watched the process, respecting how fine a control Amani had with her hands. "From what I understand they are more elite Stormtroopers, typically tasked with guarding important individuals, but have a reputation for being combatants against Force using opponents... or at least that was what someone explained to me, when I asked on the drop ship after the battle."

In truth, Jand didn't know specifically, but the explanation seemed to fit with what he saw.

"And yes, one of the purge troopers engaged in ranged sniping. I had not expected it, my focus had been on the immediate five combatants in close-quarters," Jand continued, as he watched as a piece of shrapnel was removed, but Amani had it under control quickly. "I managed to kill one of the troopers, and was about to engage with the second, who was a Codru-Ji with four arms, when I suffered the slug shot... I then adjusted my strategy to use the purge trooper as a barrier as I engaged."

Jand watched Amani step away, to gather the the x-ray arm from across the way.

"It was then that a retreat was called, and the purge troopers disengaged, with particle beam cover-fire. Unfortunately I was unable to give pursuit, and rejoined Master Vanagor, to assist in the escape with our forces. The injury made it a trying battle, I do admit."

The machine was brought back, to which Jand watched it curiously.

"I am not familiar with Nida. Does she work alongside you, healing others?"

"That's what I've heard as well." Amani entertained his explanation, "Would explain why they were operating with slugs." It stood to reason that a soldier trained to take out Force-users would employ ammo that can't be deflected by a lightsaber.

The x-ray scan completed, revealing a few other pieces of metal still in his arm, as well as a broken bone, "Yep. Your scapula got blown apart by that shell." She reached over to rub the back of her shoulder, demonstrating the location, before pulling over the scanner arm to show him the results. "We'll be able to patch up the bullet wound once most of the shrapnel is out, the bone itself is still gonna be pretty weak for a bit."

Amani got to work once more, moving a bit more deftly now that she had a good sense of where each piece was, "Yeah, she's a healer. We both worked with the Concord for some time as well, before hopping over here to Coruscant. Never really got to know one another back then, though. I was classmates with her sister, though." She smiled a bit, remembering her days of padawan study.

"So do you apprentice under Master Vanagor?" The healer presumed.

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"For such a versatile weapon, the lightsaber does have very distinct weaknesses," Jand said in agreement, as he considered. "It is why I also carry steel bladed weaponry. That, but also due to my culture."

Jand watched with curiosity as the machine arm was brought over, which was revealed to provide x-ray scans, and waited patiently as the healer did her work. The news about his internal state wasn't ideal, Jand became very aware of why he required such strong pain limiters, and he listened as the process for getting healed was explained. The shrapnel might prove an issue, though thankfully Amani was one of the best - if not the best - healer in the Jedi Order.

"I will make sure to ease into training again," Jand mentioned at the news the bone would be weaker for a time. "Knowing the shoulder will be weak for a time helps, thank you."

When Amani spoke about Nida, Jand nodded and listened. He supposed it was nice to hear more about the sentient that was rescued, though it didn't change the actions he took, as the Nagai would do the same for anyone if it was requested of him by Jedi Master Vanagor. Still, Jand had been trying to connect and learn more, so he asked:

"What is the Concord, if I might ask?" Jand raised his eyebrows. He was newer to the wider galaxy, after all. Saijo had been somewhat isolated, due to Nagai culture and feelings about other species. "And Nida has a sister? Is that sentient also a healer, or a Jedi?"

When Amani asked about Jand's mentor, the youth nodded.

"Yes, I was recently taken on as a student," He said. "I stumbled onto Jedi Master Vanagor training in the temple, and after some mutual displays of martial prowess, an offer was made to take the position as my mentor. It has been a positive and beneficial experience so far, I am learning a lot about additional lightsaber combat forms, as well as some exercises in Force development... we have a trip planned to Kashyyyk in the coming weeks, which I am anticipating, as I have not seen the Wookiee planet before."

Jand went quiet for a moment, before he looked to Amani and asked:

"Are there methods I can seek out to improve the injury sooner? Bacta treatments? Force healing appointments? I ask, because my involvement in the wars taking place has increased somewhat, and I do not wish to let others down by being inactive."

"My pike hilt lets my saber play both roles," Even with the blade unignited, the metal grip worked perfectly fine as a quarterstaff. One of many reasons she had fallen in love with that particular choice of weapon.

"That would be for the best," Amani confirmed, taking out another piece of shrapnel. She was reminded yet again of Jand's general unfamiliarity with the wider galaxy, and fell silent for a moment as she constructed an answer. "The Silver Jedi Concord. They're a federation of planets just east of the Alliance. Galactic east." Another pause as she double checked her knowledge.

"Their Jedi are a bit more old-fashioned. Not terribly so, at least not in general. I was trained as one in my padawan years, and I was pretty old-fashioned," She chuckled sheepishly, as if recalling some embarrassing part of her youth. Though some of those beliefs still clung with her, Amani had entered much more of a happy medium in her religious views. "They're also a bit more active in the government itself. Though as of late they've been much more… isolated from most galactic affairs." A shame. They likely had resources that could be game changers in many of the wars that now plagued the galaxy.

"And, not a healer. She's… I'm not really sure what she is now," Amani seemed to turn a bit more solemn, "I haven't seen her in a while…" After a beat, she shook it off, moving the conversation along to the topic of Jand's master. Which conveniently, came back around to his initial question, "Ah, sounds nice. Kashyyyk is where one of the Silver Jedi's main temples is. It's where I lived for almost half my life. Perhaps he'll be taking you there."

Another piece of shrapnel was found, and Amani dropped it into a metal pan with a soft clink, alongside the rest. With that, all the big shards were out, and she switched gears to start sterilizing his wound with a formula. "I can't claim to know him very well personally, but he's a very skilled Master. I'm sure you'll learn a lot under him."

"As for the wound…"
Amani paused, dabbing up a bit of the excess fluid off his skin, "We'll have you come in for regular check ups and healing appointments. We'll also probably send you back with doses of a bacta salve that you can apply yourself. It'll let us monitor your recovery to make sure everything is healing as intended. If you want my professional guess, I'd wager… three weeks to a month until the bone is completely back to normal. Provided we keep up with treatment." He would likely be cleared to head back into action by week two, but hopefully that, and its associated risks, wouldn't be necessary. His typical day-to-day would likely see no differences by that point, at least.

Moving on, Amani found herself curious about a previous point Jand had mentioned. She decided to return to it, "I can't say I know much about Nagai culture. What can you tell me about it?"

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Jand nodded, as Amani explained.

He was curious about her weapon variant, that kind of thing always got his interest, truth be told. Perhaps it was due to being a Nagai. The brief detail provided about the Silver Jedi Concord gave enough to offer a starting point, if Jand wished to look into that more, though so far the Jedi Order had been suitable for the purpose.

"I do not have a reference for old fashioned," Jand said with a faint chuckle. "So you were trained by the Silver Jedi, then? Was it much different to the Jedi Order in method? You mentioned old-fashioned."

Then Amani talked about Nida, though it seemed the pair had grown distant, as the Jedi healer wasn't certain about the latter or her status. That was understandable, Amani was now part of the Jedi Council, so it was expected that much more of her time would be taken up. Besides, from what little Jand knew of Nida, it seemed keeping track of her was difficult at the best of times.

It begged the question of how Nida was captured to begin with.

"I look forward to seeing Kashyyyk, yes," Jand nodded. "Ideally I would like to challenge a Wookiee to a test of combat, to see how I fare against one of their warriors. I have heard they are immensely strong. And have claws. I cannot confirm that, though... do you know?"

The discussion moved to the wound, which Jand remained quiet for, and listened. There would be appointments, check ups, and self-applied bacta patches. That seemed about what the Nagai expected. The time frame wasn't so bad, Jand supposed, though if he was able to maintain his readiness for Jedi business, that would be ideal... but he suspected it would be at least a week, given he couldn't even move the arm yet.

When Amani asked about the Nagai, Jand had no reason not to share.

"The Nagai are warriors, first and foremost, our struggle against the Tof has been consistent to our culture for as long as any can recall. Our families, our clans, are very important to us, but our personal honor even more so - it is essentially our life. Each clan is considered a circle, in Nagai society, and each clan is considered a certain number - the greatest being one, the next down being two and a 'sub-circle', and so on."

Jand paused, curious if the healer wanted to know more. He decided to continue.

"Within our communities, social status is important, and sub-circle clans often seek to elevate themselves through honor duels. By defeating a higher socially positioned opponent, typically in a duel to the death, they can earn enough status to improve their clan circle. That is why, from a young age, all Nagai are taught to fight, especially one that is a lesser circle - and by that measure, seen as less in our society."

He offered a small smile.

"Before the Tof, clan circles would couple mates from similar circle clans. It maintained high social standing. Our escape to Saijo in this galaxy disrupted that mating tradition for a time, with our species requiring any offspring to survive and populate. But, in recent generations, the more socially positioned clans have again started to partner with other high clans."

Jand looked up and added.

"My clan is a first circle. We elevated our position through combat. I killed my first Nagai duelling opponent at the age of seven."

There was a moment of silence, before Jand raised his eyebrows.

"What species are you? Your culture?"

"Fair point," Amani admitted, "But yes, I was. Long ago Jedi tradition often held a much stricter view on asceticism and emotional control. Things such as marriage or rearing children were quite prohibited. Some would argue that this attempt at detachment led to their downfall," Had they permitted a more accepting policy on positive emotions, then perhaps a certain ancient Sith would have been less inclined to betray his former peers and lead their Purge. "Subsequent orders have taken a more lax position on those matters. Even the Silvers. But you see a lot of those old-fashioned trends. The method of education, the robes, so on and so forth," Meanwhile, many New Jedi Order members would rather throw on a leather jacket and call it a day.

When Jand proposed battling a Wookiee, Amani raised her brows and exhaled through her nose, "Uhhh… yes. They are very strong. As in, rip-off-your-arms-with-their-bare-hands strong. From a health perspective, I can't say I would recommend challenging one. Even if you win they can be… sore losers," She chuckled awkwardly. Although given what he began to express regarding his culture, she wondered how likely it was that she could actually convince him. Their society practically revolved around conflict. It gave them purpose and status. "Tof?" She asked him to expound, unfamiliar with the species. As for his mention of killing someone by age seven, Amani simply furrowed her brows, "…I see…" A more tactful response failed her at the moment. What exactly was someone supposed to say to that?

"I am a Mirialan. Though I myself wasn't raised on Mirial," She answered his question, and pointed to the diamonds spread across her cheeks, "The most noticeable part of our culture is the use of tattoos like these. Each pattern represents a different personal achievement or aptitude. There's a massive lexicon of them, with subtle differences capable of changing the meaning. They're a very spiritual people, with a strong focus on contributing to the collective. At the same time, the tattoos are a way to express individuality while also putting our merits on display."

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Over the numerous months with the Jedi Order, Jand had started to increase with curiosity. He liked learning new things, he saw how his own clan and society had been somewhat isolated, and found a lot of new revelations interesting. Listening to Amani tell of her time as a Padawan was met with a serious expression of attention and nods. He didn't interrupt, instead he remained focused on her, and waited until she concluded.

"That sounds like a highly regimented system, I can understand why there were problems," Jand said, as he realized what Amani had meant by traditional. "Perhaps it is good the Jedi have adapted, to avoid another downfall. I have learned some of what happened centuries past... it was unfortunate, but in hindsight also a definitive victory for the Sith and Palpatine's plans to undermine and destroy the Jedi Order."

Jand wondered what precautions the Jedi had in place for similar events from repeating.

"Do you believe such an event could happen again? A Sith taking control like that?"

Nonetheless, the information about the Wookiees was interesting also. Jand had heard they were strong. They also had claws, which were used in combat at times. The Nagai couldn't help but smile, as he nodded...

"I see, well, I will ensure to mention it is not to the death. It would be a shame to kill such an honorable sentient in a test."

But then Amani mentioned the Tof.

"They are a disgusting species, devoid of any compassion or morals, who are from the same extra-galaxy space as Nagi, our homeworld. The Tof were said to have discovered space travel, which began their foul reign as pirates and marauders - becoming the Tof Kingdom. When they invaded our planet, we were not prepared and my people were captured and enslaved for around three centuries." Jand exhaled, as his eye twitched. "Luckily some of our clans escaped into this galaxy, we relocated on Saijo, and the Nagai did what was needed to rebuild and avoid near extinction. The Tof found us again, and another war broke out, but we were victorious with the help of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker... but ever since that era on Nagi, every Nagai has vowed to never have their freedom taken again.

"That is the only thing we fear; loss of our freedom."

Jand considered how Amani and the Tof shared green skin. But, unlike the Tof, hers was a pleasant shade of green. Still, his face dropped when he caught the reaction to his statement about dueling, and killing...

"It is my culture, nothing more or less," The Nagai raised his chin. "We live and die with our honor. If we are challenged, that is the measure of it, and has been the case for as far back in Nagai society as any can recall or find. I do not apologize for my past, nor do I seek approval from others for my actions, and Nagai will do as we must to avoid being made extinct."

Still, Jand listened quietly as Amani told of being Mirialan, and how her culture used tattoos for depictions of achievement or aptitude. It was an interesting method of display, one that made the Padawan curious again, as he raised his eyebrows.

"Your tattoos are on display, am I correct to assume you are willing to tell me about them?"

Amani nodded, "Hm. They became so stuck in their ways that it ultimately backfired. Sidious could predict it all, and played those weaknesses right into his hands," Jand had at least some understanding of those historical events, which made it all easier to put in context. His follow up question made her pause, "I suppose… hypothetically, it's possible. But I like to think the Alliance has enough failsafes to prevent such an egregious takeover," Even saying it aloud, she wasn't wholly convinced of her own words. There would always be some, like the Sith, who sought to undermine righteous values for their own gain. And it's not like the Alliance was spotless. They may be a democratic nation, but it still left room for corruption and interference. Still, surely an event like that is something they would have learned from. Right?

"In any case, I couldn't ever see one figure gaining as much widespread influence as Palpatine did. The galaxy is too fractured as is to allow for that level of consolidation." Probably.

She was notably relieved to hear that Jand would at least reconsider the conditions of any future wookiee duels. The idea of him coming back, missing a few limbs and at the center of a diplomatic incident between the Concord and the Alliance, was more of a headache than she needed. That topic was immediately put on hold, however, as merely uttering the name 'Tof' had sent Jand on a diatribe. Amani could only blink, and listen. His distaste was easy to see, and frankly easy to fathom. The Tof were, at least by his account, ruthless slavers and marauders that oppressed his people for ages. She didn't have much sympathy for groups like that, "I can see why. That's a terrible fate to force onto your people."

Her reaction to his dueling was not lost on Jand either. Amani felt a bit awkward that it had been picked up on, but added, "It's not my place to comment on it. Yours is hardly the first warrior culture in the galaxy, anyway." She couldn't exactly just tell them all to stop. If that was how things worked, Amani would've been the supreme ruler and overseer of galactic peace a long time ago.

By this point, she had finished disinfecting the Nagai's wound, and raised a palm to apply the healing energies of the Force. Like magic, muscle and flesh slowly wove back together, mending the damage that had been done. As discussion came around to her own culture, Amani nodded, pointing to the rows of diamonds on each cheek, "Sure. These ones represent my aptitude as a healer. I started with only a few, but have earned more over time to represent my growing skills," She then pointed to a small kite between her eyebrows, "This is my family mark. The Serys family. Many families have one that is unique to them, but not all," She then pointed down to the back of her right hand, which had a collection of more diamonds, squares, and triangles that formed together to make an arrow shape, "This one is a symbol of personal redemption. I got it after returning to the Jedi," Amani kept the specifics out of her story for now, but it didn't take a genius to know that redemption meant more than just rejoining with one's past affiliations. Lastly, she flipped her hand around to show the inside of her wrist, which had a small triangle, and a line under the base of it, "This is a mark of love. My significant other and I each got one just recently."

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Jand remained somewhat curious, as Amani shared thoughts on the potential for corruption through a hidden Sith leader, and wondered what kinds of failsafes were in place. The Nagai had no real functioning knowledge of the political benchmarks of the Galactic Alliance, it was well beyond his understanding or care in truth, but there remained the Jedi Order that Jand hoped wouldn't fall to similar machinations in the future.

When Amani concluded about the likelihood, or lack thereof, of another Palpatine, Jand nodded.

"That is something, then."

Thankfully Amani was open minded. The information about the Tof, about the treatment of the Nagai, and the subsequent direction their society took after gaining freedom was accepted - if not agreed with. Yet, it took all sentients to comprise a galaxy, and not all of them were peaceful by nature. The Nagai were violent, yes, and morally ambiguous in many ways, but at least they had a code of honor unlike some.

"Do you speak of the Echani and Thyrsians?" Jand asked, eyebrows raised. "Or maybe others? I am not very familiar, but am curious if you know more."

The sensation of being healed was an odd one. It was hard to describe. It didn't hurt, per se, but when the body began to knit together at a considerably faster rate than normal, there were confusing messages sent to the brain. Or at least that was how Jand thought about it. He could feel the tugging of muscle, sinew, skin and it was like needle jabs but also ticklish in some ways. Nonetheless, the Padawan focused and listened as Amani began to explain about her own culture and people.

Her markings were very interesting.

"I see," Jand nodded, though tried to remain as still as possible. "Some Nagai clans also use tattoo markings, mainly to show familial connection and breeding histories. My own clan line is on my back, indicated by the intersecting circles along my spine."

Jand felt two questions come to mind, almost immediately.

"Is your significant other also Mirialan?"

Then the second.

"And is your tale of redemption and return to the Jedi something you share?"

Amani shrugged, "Among others, yeah. Noghri, Vong, Mandalorians. Can't say I'm particularly well acquainted with any of them. I did learn Stava, though - Noghri martial art." Of the three she mentioned, one of them had also come from another galaxy, ironically. Perhaps they should just consider themselves lucky that, despite how much conflict occurs in this galaxy, they weren't all ruthless warrior cultures.

As the healing process continued, she explained her own culture, which captured the padawan's interest enough to share a connection. Amani towards his back reactively, and nodded, "I've always found cultural tattooing practices to be an interesting topic of study. The similarities and differences between their artistic interpretations." Jand had a few more questions in store, the first she answered quickly, "Ah- No. He's human. Alderaanian."

The second, she engaged in a much longer pause. An internal debate over how much she wanted to share. "It's… a bit of a complicated story, but I can try: Back when I was a padawan with the Concord, our grandmaster was taken captive by bounty hunters for the then-Sith Empire. She willingly the allowed herself to be captured for the sake of preserving the life of a capture student: me." Amani frowned, recalling the inciting incident, "I blamed myself for a long time. And in my efforts to help get her back, I became… desperate. Our initial rescue mission failed spectacularly, and I was nearly killed by a Sith Lord. He twisted my mind, and convinced me that the only way to get her back was to tap into my… darker strengths."

"I was naive enough to think I could withstand the Dark Side's corrupting effects, that I could earn the power without the drawbacks. That proved… untrue. I infiltrated the Empire, with the help of a friend who… well, didn't make it."
Another frown, but she delved no further. That was an even more complicated branch of an already hefty story, "The Sith influence made me lose myself for a time. But eventually I learned where the grandmaster was being held, and it… snapped me out of it, I suppose. I broke into the facility, and escaped with her in tow. We almost didn't make it. In the heat of the moment, I killed an imperial dockworker just before we got out. It rattled me, and was just the final straw in a long list of overwhelming mistakes. I subconsciously cut myself off from the Force after that. Was left without it for a few years until a few others, like Valery and Iris, helped be get it back."

"It was only after I made my first trip to Mirial that I felt like I had finally earned a sense of 'redemption'."
Amani sighed, and even managed a quiet chuckle, "That's about as simple as it gets."


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