Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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4527 Luxury hotels​
Endless beaches​
Thousands of private islands for rent​
Swim in the azure blue waters​
and when you're done for this week only SHOP!​
Claire Organa stood on the balcony of her suite inside models were fussing at designers, and makeup artists and Claire she was enjoying the view. What does one do during Fashion Week, smooze, drink, dance, and shop. She planned on doing it all. The owner of Contessa was hoping that somewhere in this collage of people and artists was one design, that would put her shop on the map. Her recent dealings with [member="Marzena Choi"] had gone very well and the dress was approaching it's one month first fitting mark.

But there were hundreds out in the galaxy looking for that dress that would make them memorable make them the star.

Claire's eyes looked out to the white sand beaches the sun glistening on the water and sand, and the comfort of the heat of the sun. This world was so different from the one she left [member="Viktor Alexander"] on and he would be on Alderaan with his companion in the next month.

Claire was ready to ditch the designers and models and hit the night life celebrations in her own gown of choice.

Yes she looked back they'd never notice. Slipping in and heading towards her bedroom getting kisses all along the way and appreciative hugs Claire knew she had the right figure for the dress she wanted to wear, she just wasn't sure how much trouble it was going to get her into.

An hour later she appeared in the fitted black dress looking into a mirror she couldn't believe it was her. With a little laugh she decided you only live once.

Designers were having parties across Spira tonight surely she would find one to have a little fun at she found it -

the signed screamed it.​
Claire headed inside to have a little fun.​

Marzena Vaas

Fashion week was here, and that meant that Marzena’s schedule was quite full. The actress and singer had always enjoyed coming to Spira to see the latest that the fashion world had to offer. This time was especially exciting, her celebrity status had granted her front row seating for any show that she wished to see. It was certainly a nice perk of becoming well known, and it was also a great way to get an amazing view of the garments that walked the runways.

Marzena had spent the whole of the day watching shows, taking notes on her datapad about the dresses she liked, and rubbing elbows with designers. She had even been very pleased to see a friend from her home on Dargul. Jean Paul Renaud was fast becoming known for his collection of handbags, and had provided accessories for many of the designers to use as a compliment to their outfits. Even though Marzena had never graced the runway, she had been used as the muse model for Renaud’s collection.


Black high heels brought her out of the tents, and for a moment she was lost in the crowd as she tried to decide what to do next. Evening was falling on Spira, and the sunset was spreading a burst of color against the sky.

“Miss Choi, there is a party up the street, if you’d like to attend.” Came voice of her assistant.

“Thank you, Bonnie.” Marzena said in a pleased tone. “You may attend as well.”

The actress didn’t stop to see the excited expression on her assistant’s face, but kept her long strides moving along. She turned when Bonnie indicated that they had arrived, and upon entering she was met with an array of colored lights and loud music. It certainly looked like this was the place to be. Marzena drew a few stares in her sleek midnight blue dress; it was fairly simple and almost modest from the front, but swooped low in the back.

“Is that [member="Claire Organa"]?” She asked, nudging Bonnie with her elbow. Marzena’s eyes were on a woman in a stunning black dress... she almost hadn’t recognized the designer.
Viktor had decided to have a little fun prompted by his little visit to an old friend Claire Organa. So he went planet hopping dancing in various clubs and viewing various fashion shows. Truthfully he cared little for Fashion but Claire did and her he held a great interest in. He was at the bar grabbing a drink after a few dances with a woman he didn't bother to hear her name. Tomorrow she wouldn't matter anyway so why pretend. It would be wrong to mislead her.

Viktor had gotten about half way through his drink and started to scan the crowd when something or someone for that matter caught his attention. It took him only a minute to recognize her but a great deal longer to peel his gaze away and finish his drink. He set the empty glass back on the bar literally toss the credits at the bartender as he pushed his way through the crowd. He didn't go right up to her though. Instead he made a wide arc to slip up behind here following her for a few steps.

Then he would allow himself to catch up to [member="Claire Organa"] and if able slip a hand out to catch her hip and whisper into her ear.

"You know a dress like makes a man want to do very naughty things and it still doesn't do you justice Claire."

[member="Marzena Choi"]
Claire was having a great time, champagne in one hand music that nearly vibrated her apart. She laughed with her new friends all models out scoping the crowds for designers and investors. She was scanning the crowds looking towards the doors and thought she saw [member="Marzena Choi"] squinting just a little yes it was, "MARZENA" she waved a hand, just as she felt a hand slip to her waist.

Claire without thinking just put her hand on the one on her before she could utter a word she heard the voice whispering gently against her ear, "holy feth" she whispered as she turned slightly to look up into the blues of [member="Viktor Alexander"] , "naughty things huh" she smiled, "Viktor are you following me, aren't you supposed to somewhere else right now" She did not turn and she did not remove her hand.

This was an odd situation, they had just had dinner together last week discussing a few things, "I see you still haven't let your hair grow" She glanced back, "I'm surprised to see you, but oddly not unhappy to see you." She laughed. "we will discuss the naughty things later, you should meet Marzena. OH and thank you, I'm glad you like it." She stopped, "you will stay for a bit, yes?"
Outside, a sloth drove by in an ice cream truck blaring ice cream truck music with the bass setting way too high. The volume was merely a setback to his otherwise perfect plan. Soon, he would own the monopoly on ice cream trucks, even if he had to ram every other ice cream truck off the road.​

Marzena Vaas

Marzena’s question had been answered when the woman in black waved and called her name. She raised a dainty hand to return the wave, but saw the suited figure of a man moving in behind Claire. Her brows rose slightly and she watched the scene unfolding. Judging by the way the pair stood close to each other, it seemed to say that they were already well acquainted. Perhaps they were a couple? If so, it was clear that Claire’s good taste extended beyond dresses. In the past, Marzena may well have attempted to swoop in, but a recent romantic affair had taken away her need to be competitive when it came to men...

“I really should go say hi...” She said in a reluctant tone to Bonnie, but the smile on her face hinted at the fact that she was enjoying herself. “Go on,” Marzena nodded to her assistant. “You’re dismissed for the rest of the night. Have fun.”

Perhaps Bonnie would be swept off her feet by some handsome male model... the thought made her chuckle. Marzena began to weave her way through the crowd, making her way deeper inside the club. She nodded and offered charming smiles to those that recognized her on her way over to Claire.

“Claire!” She beamed at the designer. “It’s so good to see you!”

Marzena’s dark eyes shifted pointedly towards Claire’s hip, where the man’s hand was still resting, and Claire’s hand was set upon his.

“I hope I’m not interrupting...”

[member="Claire Organa"], [member="Viktor Alexander"]
Viktor smiled when Claire didn't move but placed her hand on his.

"Would you believe me if I said no?"

He took a chance and planted a soft kiss on her cheek before whispering into her ear again.

"After our last meeting I developed a sudden interest in fashion entirely related to learning what makes you tick...though I had not expected to actually run into until our established appointment."

His hand slide off of her hip across her stomach as he briefly shifted over to Claire's other ear.

"I would much rather do naughty things than talk about them but I have all night."

When [member="Marzena Choi"] approached he smiled stepping around Claire his fingers dancing back across her stomach and off her hip before he extended the other and to the new arrival.

"Not at all the night is young................."

He stole a glance at Claire before turning back to Marzena.

".............My name Viktor it is a pleasure to meet you Miss............"
Claire could see [member="Marzena Choi"] heading her way through the crowd. Wouldn't you know it go off from home wear something slinky and sexy expect to run into no one instead run into everyone.

She looked at Viktor did she believe he wasn't following her, "I don't know" it was certainly odd running into him twice in two weeks. The women she stood with looked at Viktor like he was a succulent piece of fruit ripe and ready for plucking. Claire couldn't help it she laughed. A kiss to the cheek that was new oh a deception he was still whispering, oh his whispers gave her goosebumps, she could see Marzena drawing closer.

His hand was moving from the safety of her hip to the softness of her semi exposed stomach. Her heart skipped a beat as her cheeks began to turn crimson. Even if she had a response to him having all night she couldn't get it out.

"Marzena so good to see you. No. No not interrupting." She couldn't breath however [member="Viktor Alexander"] had his control in place as he introduced himself.

His hand drifted away just as her knees weakened. "Choi. Viktor this is Marzena Choi. Marzena Are you enjoying the shows? See anything exciting?" Her nerves were showing.

Meantime internally mynocks were screeching flapping their wings while Claire stood there thinking what the feth?

Marzena Vaas

Marzena offered Viktor a friendly smile when he introduced himself and returned his handshake politely. An expression of vague recognition crossed her face for a moment, Viktor looked somewhat familiar. Perhaps she had seen him somewhere before? The likelihood was quite high, but then again, Marzena met a lot of people... And unless she’d had some sort of interaction of note, it was unlikely that she would be able to put a face to a name.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Viktor.” Marzena said in a pleasant tone.

She had been about to make her own introduction when Claire did the honor on her behalf, and she nodded slightly. Perhaps now that he knew her name, he would realize who she was? Or perhaps he was one of those men that were a bit out of touch when it came to pop culture... one could never say for sure. But her attention was then pulled back to Claire.

“Oh, yes!” She started, “I’ve seen so many shows... I will be placing quite a few special orders.”

While some of the couture shows featured gowns that were completely unwearable, it was still fun to see the fantasy one could create with fashion. A couple of the shows had been downright odd... but their designers had indeed drawn a good deal of attention.

“I didn’t miss your show, did I?”

[member="Claire Organa"], [member="Viktor Alexander"]
Viktor smiled no real sign of recognizing [member="Marzena Choi"] crossed his face but still being polite.

"Miss Choi."

With his other hand Viktor's fingers danced across the exposed flesh of Claire's lower back like a man playing a fine tuned instrument. Even as he did so his focus seemed to be on Marzena and the conversation adding his own little bit.

"Miss Choi tell me have you been to Contessa before?" "Claire here as graciously offered to give me a tour at the end of the week." "I hear it is an experience to die for." "I have only seen a few examples of her work but they were all way ahead of their time."

He smiled warmly stealing a glance towards Claire his smile turning a bit devious before sliding back to normal as he turned back towards Marzena.
"My show was small this time only a few dresses, a few of the designs I showed you on Alderaan, and this one" She pointed to the dress she had on, "it was early this morning we all drank cafe and the poor models were so cold one could say you could see their peaked interest" She smiled surely they would both understand the implication.

She felt Viktor's hand at her back. This was a place they had not been and she wasn't sure how to react to it, course standing here with [member="Marzena Choi"] and with [member="Viktor Alexander"] she would be calm and not indicate any confusion. She surely wasn't in any discomfort, his fingertips were light upon her form, "Yes Viktor is coming to Alderaan and the shop in New Crevasse City, I plan on showing him the things I mentioned to you on your visit New Aldera city, The museum, Cloudshape Falls, and perhaps some of the lake country.

She looked up, "thank you for the compliment Viktor" he probably only saw a few designs in the windows of Balmorra or from ads on the holo. What was that devious smile he was giving her, what was he up to?

She looked back at Marzena, "you will have to show me who you bought from, some of the couture dresses were way over the top I don't know how some of those models slid into them." She then drained her glass and waited for another try to come by.

Liquid courage? A little yes.

"Viktor have you checked any of the shows?" He was trying to figure her out, was he trying to be a better friend to advise her when she needed it. "If so did you see anything you liked?"

Marzena Vaas

“I’m sorry I missed it!” She said with a sigh. “But I’m glad that I got to see some of the designs already.”

Marzena laughed when Claire had explained about the poor models putting a bit more on display than they had planned. It was just an unfortunate kind of wardrobe issue that was so unavoidable in cold weather...

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I was just at Contessa a few weeks ago.” Marzena said with a nod to Viktor.

The singer and actress watched Viktor and Claire closely; the man’s glances and brief touches didn’t slip by without her noticing. It wasn’t often that Marzena felt like the third wheel... She smiled when Claire mentioned that Viktor would be paying her a visit on Alderaan.

“I thoroughly enjoyed myself during my visit to New Crevasse City; I even stayed an extra day just to see the sights.” It had been a very serene trip, she had to admit. “I’m sure the two of you will have a great time.” There was a hint of knowing in her tone, and if they happened to be watching closely, they may have caught a quick wink.

She turned and looked back towards Viktor, interested to hear his take on Fashion Week. Marzena didn’t know many men that chose to attend, and were not somehow involved in the industry.

[member="Claire Organa"], [member="Viktor Alexander"]
Arabella walked slowly into the penthouse of Jean Paul Renard the incredibly talented designer of handbags. Bella however did not use them quite for handbags, well perhaps someone had delivered her one of his designs filled with hands as a gift. So yes handbag worked. She smiled at the young woman at the door.

What was going to be interesting at this party was that he was sponsoring a new artist who used a living creature as his canvas, they referred to it as being inked. One [member="Quint Salis"] was gaining notoriety as quite the skilled artisan and a living canvas by the name of [member="Azula Yeshevsky Feanor"] Bella was interested in knowing both of these individuals and seeing just what the newest craze was. She also did not know if this was true or just a bunch of gossip, neither could be here and she would have lost precious time.

She did not know anyone here, and was not sure she wanted to know anyone here, but she loved art in all its forms she wanted to see this. But what did a reknown handbag designer know of this kind of art.

She gently lifted a glass of wine from a passing beverage droid, how odd it looked like an old R2 unit. That made her laugh

[member="Marzena Choi"] [member="Viktor Alexander"]
Viktor smiled to [member="Marzena Choi"] with a nod.

"I am looking forward to the visit." "Claire has promised to be a gracious host."

He chuckled looking at [member="Claire Organa"] with a wink.

"I find the idea at times perplexing." "On the one hand designs such as the ones you two lovely ladies are wearing make perfect sense." "Accentuating the flawless curves that make the female form a sight to warm the coldest hearts...............even in cold weather...........or is it especially in cold weather."

He smirked at Claire his hand sliding to her hip as he place a soft kiss on her cheek before he continued.

"In other cases it seems like the designs conceal or otherwise deform the female form." "It strikes me at times as more of a political statement than being about the fashion itself."

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
Claire was just all out of sorts at the moment, normally she felt more in control but not at this moment. "Yes the sights of Alderaan are quite lovely, I am merely the tour guide Alderaan is the showcase"

He was flirting with her, holy feth. "Perhaps it is that it warms the heart no matter what the weather" She smiled looking from Viktor to Marzena. His hand was back on her hip again, then he applied the softest of kisses to her cheek as if on cue the moment his lips touched her skin goosebumps ran down her arms and a blush of pink came to her cheeks. Problem, she was beginning to like that he did that. THAT was a problem she had to remember why he was coming to Alderaan.

She heard his explanation or perception of design in fashion which broke into her thoughts of how soft his lips would feel on her neck and finally gave her a voice to speak -

"I can see where that might be a reason, a designer who has no political influence upon say an Imperial government, or official might decide to create a gown that looks like spikes to give the impression of hands off." She smiled, "Or they create a gown that is smooth to the touch, slightly revealing to show some vulnerability, to show that the armor they wear isn't as strong as it could be to show their gentle side."

She looked at her gown, it was why it looked that way it was why some of the gowns looked that way to show an openings, vulnerabilities.

"Besides a well crafted gown makes an impression, it could be the only memory of a night. The gown that everyone wants to wear" Yes, that was the reason to give her a voice.

"Do you agree Marzena?"

[member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Marzena Choi"]

Marzena Vaas

Marzena chuckled slightly when Viktor admitted to finding the idea of women’s fashion to be perplexing. He had every right to be a bit confused, especially with the staggering array of designs, each with their own function or underlying message. A woman may have any number of reasons for picking an outfit, whether it was color, mood, or simply an appearance that she wanted to project.

“Yes, I do agree.” She nodded at Claire. “However, fashion is so very subjective.”

She wasn’t sure what Claire’s motivation had been for wearing such a show stopping dress, but it for Viktor it seemed to say ‘touch me’. At least that’s what Marzena had gleaned, during her short time with the pair... And now he was even kissing Claire’s cheek! It seemed that his motivations were becoming very obvious indeed. Marzena turned slightly to see that Bonnie was walking back towards her, she looked mildly annoyed, but was inwardly thankful for a distraction.

“I thought I dismissed you for the night...” She started, but Bonnie held up her datapad, displaying a party invitation from Jean Paul Renaud. “Oh! Jean Paul is having a party... I really must stop by.”

Bonnie made her way back into the crowd, and Marzena turned back to Claire and Viktor.

“I’m sorry to run out on you two...” She said, though she had a feeling that they wouldn’t mind. “Do you know Jean Paul Renaud? He’s an old friend of mine, and his penthouse is up the street from here. I’ll be on my way now to make an appearance. If you want to stop by, just tell them that we’re friends and they’ll let you in.”

Marzena did hope that she could count Claire as a friend now, and not simply a business associate. It was nice to have another woman to talk with about clothes, shoes, handbags... men. She knew that she would be returning to Alderaan in just a few weeks’ time, so she would be sure to catch up with Claire in the event that they did not see each other for the remaining days of Fashion week. And so Marzena made her way out into the night air, and started on her short journey up the street.

[member="Claire Organa"], [member="Viktor Alexander"]
How could quint say no to a fashion week on Spira. While everyone was certain to be in suits, Quint was going in skinny jeans, a v-neck t-shirt so the ink on his arms was showcased. All the ink had somehow made him popular. He was tattooing more than Zeltrons now. The artist was tattooing any who would come to his parlor. Still he refused to expand his shop beyond Paradise City. The week would boast party, drugs, alcohol, lots of sex, and the former Kessel occupant was invited to it all

His suite was free, paid by for someone designing women's hand bags. Why, he didn't know, but it was time for some fun. He hit the streets and went off to the club where everyone was supposed to be. For whatever reason Quint's designs had gained notoriety. For the life of him he did not know who he had done work on which would have been popular enough to thrust him into the spotlight of all these yuppy designers, but they were paying for a week long vacation. His only challenge was going to be avoiding all the after parties. The pheromones the Zeltrons put off were the only "drug" he allowed himself anymore.

The club was alive. It didn't match anything Zeltros could produce, but it was pretty close. Bodies were dancing, grinding against each other as the music blasted and the bass pumped through the dance floor. He looked around for anyone he would know, but there was no one. Naturally, he was the the new person to all of this. Why would he know anyone in this scene. Quint went right for the bar. He needed a drink.

"Vodka martini, give it to me dirty..." he said winking to the Zeltron behind the bar. That made him feel little more like he belonged.

[member="Marzena Choi"] [member="Arabella Darkhold"] [member="Claire Organa"] [member="Viktor Alexander"]
Viktor smiled as [member="Marzena Choi"] said her good bye.

"Nice to meet you miss Choi."

He slid in behind [member="Claire Organa"] his hands going to her hips he placed a soft kiss on the back of her neck just behind her ear.

"I think the gown doesn't make the woman but the woman makes the gown." "Wouldn't you agree Claire?" "See what you have here.............."

As he spoke his hand slid around dancing across from her hip to her stomach.

"On anyone else would just be really expensive cloth."

His hand stopped as it got to hers gently grasping it against her stomach holding it there for just a moment.

"On you however it is.................."

He would pulling her hand to turn her around to face him his free hand rising up to caress her cheek as he started to lean in.

".............the living embodiment of a Goddess." "A gift to us mere mortals unworthy of being in such a presence even just for one night."

If not stopped he would place a soft lingering kiss on her lips timed only a millisecond after finishing the word night.
Claire did not want for [member="Marzena Choi"] to go that left her with a very hands on [member="Viktor Alexander"] no doubt at their next meeting Marzena would want to know what happen tonight.

What a sly one he is, no what a silver tongued sexy bad boy. Damn.

His hands were traveling gently lightly touching the thin material of the dress. "I would agree on some level" She was staring at where his hand slid from her hip to her stomach"

She caught her breath, "it's really a wonderful cloth" She managed to speak her senses were starting to tingle. She tried not to lean back she fought everything inside her that said oh my my oh my my but when he took her hand so gently she swallowed hard and felt her heart begin to beat faster.

She just looked up into those beautiful blue eyes he was getting closer he was going to kiss her? She knew she would stop him, but how long since someone had said such enticing words, oh if he was playing with her, making a joke she'd strangle him right here.

A kiss even the most chaste of kisses requires the action from two, he was leaning if she accepted the kiss, or wanted the kiss it was on her to meet him the rest of the way.

The millisecond passed she had not stopped him.
For Viktor it was a kiss that while lingering ended long before he wanted it to and his eyes said as much when he did finally pull away.

"I have been wanting to do that since the day I met you."

He smiled seeming to finally take a breath.

"I am glad I bumped into you Claire but I do hope it is not just for one night." "Shall we get a drink and you can tell me about your show." "I hate I missed it." "Perhaps you will let me know when the next one is so that I can be there by your side?"

He pulled away the hand that had remained on her hip sliding to catch her hand as he moved towards the bar.

[member="Claire Organa"]

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