Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Family, Friends, Mentor

Armis here is a Rogue Padawan crossed trained to be a LEO.

I am looking for one or a combination of three things.

1. A mentor (think Master). He is almost exclusively a sword swinger. The likelihood of him ever building and using a lightsaber is very low. Force wise looking to be very specific limitation to maybe minor healing ability, speed enhancement. Bonus points for being a crack shot with a blaster.

2. Friends/Family: Every cheerful young lad needs a few close friends to kick back with. You never know they may become like brothers.
Factory Judge
[member="Jericho"], Only if my mentor would respond to our thread. ;)

[member="Armis Vindex"], If you are looking for a place to go, I am sure there would be plenty of people in the Mandalorian Empire who would be able to help you with that. I know my Mother [member="Maya Carrick"] can do a lot of healing skills, And everyone there uses a sword at some point because of Mando's and Beskads. There are some who use katanas I think. And of course, guns, guns, and more guns.
[member="Jericho"] [member="Katagiri Ike"]

His parents are NPCs but thanks for the offer.

[member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"]

Both are tempting offers in their own right. My only concern is how his absolute refusal to follow any Mandalorian customs in favor of staying loyal to his own upbringing would play out.

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