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Private Family Bonding: Akemi

Wearing: Warrior's Skin

Armed with: Elaine Tear's Lightsaber (Corrupted)

Objective: Get to know Akemi.

007 days after Family Bonding thread

The Battalion, slowly getting into the role of bonding with her stepsons, decided to try her hand at bonding with a daughter.

In this case, it was the sugary sweet Akemi Io Akemi Io , brilliant but with so many unknowns in her potential. She dreamed of making a heaven not just for her brothers and sisters, but for all droids.

This fascinated not just the Battalion, but the rest of the cult as well, endlessly debating amongst themselves what the results would be. Even Phyre got in on the musing.

But the Battalion was not here, heading to Akemi's workspace above Khemost in her TIE Reaper, Ession's Shadow, for some sort of scheme.

She liked the sensation of connecting with Galahad. She wanted to reach out. She didn't know why. But she wanted it.

What was the point of being a SIth if you couldn't simply do as you pleased on occasion?

The Battalion, not sure what Akemi had liked, had tried haphazardly being human, struggling to remember what a human sort of thing was for a stepmother to give to a stepdaughter.

The Battalion had decided to go with the safe bets. Rare upgrade packages, a bunch of memory and stochastic decision chips as well as a cake. The Battalion, as always, seemed a forever out of place beauty of carved marble, clad in white that accentuated how unnaturally perfect looking she was physically as she came aboard the station, still being worked on, but safe enough for habitation.

She wasn't just here on a social call, however. That was a large part of it, but the rest was a matter of state secrets.

Xiphos needed Akemi for a delicate operation studying and slicing into an organic database of an ancient ship. One not even the Battalion herself had seen up close. It had been the basis for the Leviathan of Sev Tok, which had developed a close rapport with Akemi (and constantly dug up old recordings of Laertia Io in her pre Darth Xiphos days, such as her recorded magic acts.).

"Akemi?" the Witch called out softly, unsure how she was to connect to her. Akemi was said to be very sweet, but also had some blue and orange thinking going on occasionally.

The Battalion wondered if she should have chosen something more human looking to wear but realized it would not matter. Akemi and every Nuetralizer knew exactly what the Cult was.

While she waited for Akemi to appear, she mentally practiced saying Hi, and ways to start conversations. But it was very difficult. She was BARELY learning how to interact with Galahad. How much more difficult would it be to talk to the much more lofty goaled Akemi?

All she knew was she wanted to try. Wanted Xiphos's children to like her...or at least, not hate her...

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