Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Factory Submissions & You

There was a time when we would allow others to comment freely on Factory Submissions. It was even encouraged, as we were limited on Staff and valued others stepping forward and giving their input. However, over the past two months our member base has swelled considerably, causing a rapid amount of posts concerning member's input on Factory Submissions. This has become very distracting to the Roleplay Judges charged with reviewing this submissions, as they feel the need to also review and answer questions posed by members.

With that said, the Roleplay Judges and the Roleplay Judges only are charged with the approval or denial of Factory Submissions. To expediate the approving/denying of Factory Submissions, I politely suggest that all members of SWRP withhold their comments from other member's submissions. If you are concerned or wish to ask a question, I am told by @[member="Ayden Cater"] that the "Tech Talk" thread was created exactly for this purpose.

Starting now, all comments not from the Factory submission's originator will be removed. Meaning if you did not submit the technology, species, or planet, your comments will be removed if not posted in the associated "Talk Thread" or PM'd to a Roleplay Judge if there is no such thread available. This change in Staff Policy is not to demean or demoralize member's creativity, but to associate the correct content with the correct location.

If you have questions about this change in Staff Policy regarding the Factory Submissions and how they are handled, please ask here in this thread or PM myself and/or @[member="Ayden Cater"].
Teynara Jeralyr said:
I only ever comment with the aim of sealing up any gaps I notice in a submission (after all, we want the good ones approved!),
And it's appreciated, but from now on, PMing Roleplay Judges or posting in the Talk Thread is the preferred method of discussing your input.

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