Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff Faction Advertisments, Sidebar Enhancements, Other Maintenance.

Faction Advertisements

I usually save the big topic for last, but let's come out swinging this time.

I like transparency, it definitely has a long history and a solid place at Chaos. So let's be transparent about these Faction Advertisements, and how they've grown into the monster I'm now taking a flamethrower to. Well, a proverbial flamethrower. And trust me, most of this is just hyperbole - I really doubt there's some underhanded movement in Majors to just advertise nonstop, brakelines cut, bleeding into every facet of Chaos. "WE NEED MORE MEMBERS."

Okay, yes, the system is designed for you to want more people, but here's my problem:

SCENARIO: I like my Major Faction. I create a subfaction within my Major Faction. I realize I can create another angle for getting members interested by doing this. I create a meme poster, or some cool art. I name it something nowhere close to what my Major Faction is named. It looks no different than a Minor Faction. I post it, and at the bottom, "LINK TO JOIN DISCORD."

And.... it leads me to a Major Faction's Discord.

I... think a large majority have seen this, or won't have to go back very far to find instances of it. I won't waste my breath trying to convince you this occurs. It's clever, not illegal, and honestly nothing very wrong with it. Sometimes, these parasitic Subfactions even end up eating their Majors. It's organic, it's metal, I like it. What I don't like is how underhanded it feels, how these subfactions are proposing initially that they're their own entity, and how to do it - it begins cluttering up legitimate attempts to start Minor Factions. Let's be upfront about the product we're selling.

If you're a Subfaction, say it with your chest. You need your Majors to exist. Be proud of them. Stop subverting expectations, or "gas lighting" us.

Staff's going to be moving prefixes, warning people, and in extreme cases even giving people timeouts for intentionally doing this. If you're a subfaction, if you owe your allegiance to a Major, say it proudly.

Let's talk about what's changed.

Faction Forum FaceLift

Lots of prefixes have been added, and it now has it's own place on the sidebar named "Factions". The biggest 3 prefixes you'll see floating are MINOR, MAJOR, and SUBFACTION. These will cross-relate with the new articles expansion.

Articles Expansion

Articles have been expanded. Blogs are now separated, and great for solo writers and non-faction stuff.

Factions now got their very own expanded section in the Articles - a reversal from what was previously announced, I just personally vibe with the viewing of most of this faction stuff in the Articles format. However, they're now locked in to the big three prefixes - MINOR, MAJOR, or SUBFACTION. Name it appropriately - and identify it clearly. If you're a Major's subfaction, say. it. with. your. chest. Stop impeding on Minor Faction's territory, you're not a Minor Faction - you're a Subfaction.

Subfactions are available to be posted in the "Major" Faction category. Choose the Subfaction prefix, though the Major would be fine too.

Multi-Prefix Disabled

This was a random issue that happened during all the changes. We never really leaned into it, but the functionality has been disabled.

Tabulated Sidebar

There's not much to say here you haven't already seen. Just click on the tabs, they should be self-explanatory.

Incredibly Useless Progress Bar

Watch the very top of your screen as you navigate down a thread. There's a small sliver of a progress bar watching where you're at. It is incredibly unhelpful.
Bunker-level Normal
Tabulated Sidebar

There's not much to say here you haven't already seen. Just click on the tabs, they should be self-explanatory.

Only thing I'd ask is if we can get the tab choices to stick between page loads. It'd be nice to set the factions widget to Minor so I see that one first, for example.

Cool changes, very schway progress bar.

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