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Facing the Sea


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Thessa Kai"], [member="Delila Castillon"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Judah Dashiell"]

Maybe I can knock Sio out with a can of paint and use her boobs as a shield.
The droid calculated to himself as Thess got angrier when she put the things together and realized HK was printing pin-ups based on her, Delila's, and whoever the third lady was nudes. Also Kerrigan's apparently, but she most likely volunteered.
"Well a question comes to mind as to why you were naked on Dagobah during undead invasion in the first place, it was not me who caused that."
He would quip and then look to Delila and Siobhan just as Judah took his crying son in his hands,
"And I cannot believe you two have lesser maternal instinct than an assassin droid,"
The machine commented, this time looking to Judah,
"Try to sing to him, it worked when I was babysitting for Jedi during Old Republic."
HK slightly looked aside,
"There was a period when they got really liberal with the Celibacy Rule and breaking it was common. As the chief medical unit I had to deal with delivering the babis in the aftermath of it."
The horrible memories about dilation and placenta overcame HK.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Delila Castillon"]

She frowned as Judah foiled her plan to disassemble the droid/man/person. Iced-azure gaze glared at HK from behind Judah's shoulder, turning tired as she looked to Makai. A hint of amusement flickered across her features at Dells and Kerrigan.

Who would've thought?

"Better get your practice in now because Aunt Delila and Aunt Kerrigan will probably be babysitting for date nights." She turned back to HK, still holding the hydrospanner threateningly, "The story of Dagobah is not worth telling here. Delila might tell you sometime. But if you ever take any photos of me or my family again I will personally find and disassemble you and spread your parts to the deepest depths of Ceto's ocean to rust away. Got it?"
[member="Thessa Kai"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="HK-36"]

Delila was mildly disappointed she didn't get to see Galan vs HRD destruction. It had been some time since Thessa was all riled up and personally the redhead wanted to see if her friend still had it. Most likely the answer could be yes, especially in the way she was wielding that hydrospanner.

"Date nights? You're married Kid. Just accept your life is over and move on."

Smirk graced her features for a moment, letting her friend know it was all a joke. Delila had yet to tease Kerrigan but that would come in due time. They did just advert a war breaking out in the home after all.

"So as an honorary Aunt do I get visitation rights? You two kids go away on a baby free vacation, baby comes to stay over on Dahomey. I don't live in a cardboard box anymore, so you know he would be safe from roving gangs of rodents and other pleasurable sights and sounds."

Delila wasn't sure about actually watching a baby on her own for long periods of time though. She'd want to help Thessa out in any way possible, but she hoped they had a nanny droid that could give her assistance if the time ever came.
[member="Delila Castillon"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Thessa Kai"]

"Maternal instincts? Just because I have tits doesn't mean I have those. Never needed them," Siobhan scoffed, though it was in good humour. She was quite happy that her fade to black scenes with Tegaea did not require dice rolling and so neither of them would be popping out kids. Having a Jester was high maintenance enough from her perspective.

So apparently they would not be seeing the rage of the mermaid unleashed upon an assassin droid. Still henceforth the Galaxy would have a new rule: Never piss off a mermaid. "Tegs and I manage to have plenty of date nights," she said smugly in response to Dells, who was forever alone.

"Yeah, Dells has a nice apartment. I'm happy to hear she's actually using it!" That reminded Siobhan that she would have to visit her redheaded pseudo-sister's home soon.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] , [member="HK-36"] , [member="Thessa Kai"]

"I trust Miss Tegaea is doing well?"

Makai had calmed down enough for Judah to properly speak. The boy was still resting on his shoulder and he didn't dare move the child to see if he was asleep. Judah would have to inquire about the story of Dagobah when Thessa was well rested and less murderous. Perhaps in several years or so. There was no real rush to find out in his mind. Although he'd have to take note to keep HK attended at all times or face rusting-at-sea.

" that the war is over, I've got some business to discuss. How about us men go outside? HK, I certainly hope you're up for hearing business proposals."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Thessa Kai"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Delila Castillon"], [member="Judah Dashiell"]

HK just stared at Thess as he set the easel and canvas down right in front of her and started to paint, making slightly those printer sounds as his hand moved quickly across and around the canvas with the brush, dipping in paint pallet from time to time before smearing its colorful contents on the canvas.
"Bring it, I float."
The droid answered, turning the canvas over.

The paint was still drying, as he just did a quick-brush work and right in front of them, but it was already more or less completed, a speed-painting in just a couple of minutes.

It was cartoonish looking, featuring HK and Thess, she had a hydrospanner in hand, attached to the droid's arm as she tried to disassemble him with it, HK had a rolled up newspaper in his hand, as he attempted to swat the mermaid at her head with it. So that was the image, just the two of them, cartoon versions, duking it out.
HK dipped his brash in black pain on his pallet, reaching to canvas he added prominent black mustache to Cartoon Thess' face,
"Well, I suppose my work here is done."
The droid quipped at Judah's offer, nodding to him,

"I suppose I can spend more time with your lovely wife,"
The droid said, glancing to Thess and her hydrospanner once more,
"And share my own tales of date-nights later on."
HK nodded to Dells and Siobhan as well before looking back to Judah,
"Lead on."
[member="Thessa Kai"] , [member="HK-36"] , [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

In order to keep HK from meeting his fate in the deep sea, Judah passed the small bundle that was their son back to Thessa. With the young boy settled against his mother, Judah kissed his wife on the cheek and lingered for a moment, whispering in her ear.

"Best to kill him later, darling. Less witnesses."

Pulling back, he shot a small wink in her direction, taking the cartoonish drawing with him. No doubt there would be a raging fire in their barbecue grill tonight. His free hand moved to HK's shoulder, leading him into the kitchen. Probably best to take the war droid out of Thessa's view for just a little while. Perhaps they could only hope the open windows in their home brought in enough salty air to rust HK out thoroughly.

"Anyways, business." Judah leaned against the dark stone countertop. "Two things. First, I'd like to see you develop a seafood-type MRE. Good enough for my aquatic employees to eat while we expand our efforts far out. High quality too, no mystery octopus pieces."

"Secondly, I will be hosting an auction in the coming months. The auction is for an extremely high priced item. Naturally, when a person is spending over thirty million credits or more they seem to expect free food. I would need you to cater."
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] , [member="HK-36"] , [member="Thessa Kai"]

"Goody for you and Tegs and your date nights."

Delila wasn't sure if the smug comment was directed towards her lack of cohabitation with another person. Siobhan felt the need to drag everyone into her inner circle into the lifestyle she wanted for them. Ending homelessness, trying to hook her up with questionable men, making her do hellish jobs on hellish planets. The woman was no doubt some kind of sick and twisted puppet master that delighted in pulling strings.

"Always bringing your tits into conversation. We see them Kerrigan. No need to constantly mention those bloated water balloons hanging off the front of you." With the men(or one man, one want to be man) gone, Delila could finally grill Thessa in relative peace and quiet.

"So how is motherhood? Ready to curse Judah for burdening you with child?"
[member="Delila Castillon"], [member="Thessa Kai"], [member="HK-36"]

"Indeed. They're fun." Imagining Siobhan as a sick and twisted puppet master skilled at pulling strings was a hilarious thought. That said, her evil scheme to drag Delila into the lifestyle she wanted for her was almost complete, though it seemed that she would never be able to get the redhead to become one of her lovers due to her resolute straightness! But she had succeeded in putting an end to Dells' homelessness and setting her up with a lovely command job on a planet that was not a hellhole at all. Really, there was a nice beach and the Amazons were quite lovely.

Well, they really liked Siobhan!

On a sidenote, this writer never imagined Siobhan's breasts being that big. Well, they imagined her being...very well-endowed, but if Dells was to believed she was stacked like a comic book superheroine, which ought to cause all sorts of back pains and be rather impractical in combat! Perhaps she used the Force to provide support. "Tegs likes them. And you can't keep your eyes off them it seems...Miss I Am Totally Straight," Siobhan said smugly. "And, yeah, how's it going, Thessa?"


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Thessa Kai"]

Well, once HK broke from the gravitational field of [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]'s breasts and followed Judah into the kitchen, assuming he didn't burn out exiting their atmosphere, he gave a nod, listening to Judah's business with him,
"Well the catering sounds simple enough, I have done jobs like that before, for that big auction Danger has set up that one time, for instance. Nobody died from food or lead poisoning."
The droid quipped, slightly tilting his head,
"But what do you need for that aquatic MRE? Just having a taste that is more attractive to the aquatic beings, not having it bloat and dissolve under water, or floating on water and in flaky format?"
HK asked, he needed to knew a bit more about what Judah was expecting from the product before drafting up a design for it.

And what did [member="Delila Castillon"] mean by "want to be man" ?!
@HK-36 @Siobhan Kerrigan [member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Judah Dashiell"]

If it wasn't for Judah, HK would be at the bottom of the ocean by now. That droid-thing was on her hate and kill list. Of course, Makai also kept her from enacting any sort of revenge. Her grip was surprisingly gentle with her own son.

She visibly relaxed when Judah took HK away, focusing on her fellow women.

A tired smile crept on her aqua-lips from Delila's question and the banter between Sio and the redhead. She shifted Makai to the other shoulder and sunk into a chair. "If he tells me not to fly, then I'll curse him. But," the smile curled back on her lips, "he never would. I honestly didn't think I was ready for being a mom. But this little guy forced me into it and now that we have him, I wouldn't change a thing," the smile turned into a grin as she looked at Sio and Dells.

"But for the love of Fondor, Judah and I really need a night out. If he doesn't, I need a night out. Maybe another girl's night? You don't know how long it's been since I had some fermented kelp juice."
[member="Thessa Kai"] , [member="HK-36"] , [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"Dear Force. Not everyone is staring at them Sio. Please stop flattering yourself."

At least Thessa seemed fairly happy. The mention of fermented kelp juice made her mildly sick to her stomach though. Thessa had her try it when they first met. Delila was fairly certain she wanted to throw up once the drink made it past her lips. Wasn't her type of booze but the redhead could certainly use a night of drinking and debauchery. Last time she had managed to get drunk, cry, and hook up with a rock star all in one night. Although she would never admit it to her friends, Delila still had a bit of a soft spot for [member="Ace Kitts"] , despite his actions.

"Girls night out sounds great. I think we've all been missing one another's company. Better tell Judah to make sure he has enough credits on hand for bail money though, just in case."

"You in Miss Water Balloons?"
[member="Delila Castillon"], [member="Thessa Kai"]

Since as this writer understands Thessa giving birth occured shortly after Moross took over Ceto, timeline-wise Siobhan would not have been ennobled yet. If she was already a noblewoman then she would be acting even more smug, vain and pompous - yes, that was actually possible!

"Of, course, Miss Really Needs To Get Laid," Siobhan snarked. "Sounds good to me. You know I'm always done and I know all the best clubs! Let's have a fun night of blissful debauchery." Her holocron actually contained a section with a list of good clubs and bars...along with one for shops that sold leather outfits.
[member="HK-36"] , [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] , [member="Thessa Kai"]

"Under water won't be an issue. The mining facilities are quite dry despite the cold temperatures. I merely need the taste to be better. Perhaps a freeze dried method in your meals. I'm sure you'll think of something that will improve taste and texture."

Judah didn't feel his request would be too hard for HK. Hopefully the results would be decent enough.

"I'll let you know closer to the catering date. You'll have full reign of the menu and what not. I don't find it overly important."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

HK nodded at that, as he listened to Judah,
"Alright, I can do that, but it will increase the price and rate at which they break down. Increasing amounts of ingredients tends to do that, but I am sure you will be able to afford its shipments."
The droid nodded once more
"Sure, if you have any requirements for it, for example products that you would want to appear on the menu no matter what, or stay off of it, let me know ahead of time, otherwise I should be able to draft it rather swiftly and sent you a copy in advance for approval."
After all, they would make the menu before preparing the food or purchasing ingredients.
[member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Delila Castillon"]

"At the rate we're going, we'll definitely need bail money. I'll talk to Judah. Why don't you two pick a place?" Smirking, she stood and wandered over to her shaggy-haired husband, purposefully ignoring @HK-36.

"Hey sweetie, would you be okay with taking Makai for the night? I was talking with the girls and we were thinking of a night out." Add a little bit of aqua-pouty lip with her iced-azure gaze ad she doubted he would say no.
[member="Thessa Kai"] , [member="HK-36"] , [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"An increased price isn't an issue at all. Nor is an increased breakdown right. I am not stocking for an apocalypse. Not yet anyways."

Judah was least concerned about the menu for the auction. His focus remained on the large project he was involved in. The droid-chef could easily serve chocolate covered canned meats if he wanted. No doubt some being in attendance would find their presence delightful. About to convey his feelings about the catering job, Thessa sauntered in with the 'bedroom pout' plastered across her face.

Trying not to chuckle, his hand came up to feel her forehead, much like a mother searching for signs of a fever.

"Are you okay? I'm not used to Miss Kai asking, normally its all action."

Perhaps he was giving her too much of a hard time. Hand dropped and he merely shrugged.

"I think I can handle our son for one night on my own. Go out and have fun, you deserve it."
Great, my fate has been sealed.

Delila wasn't sure if she wanted another round with Siobhan and Thessa. She had barely survived the last outing with the two. The redhead had been incredibly glad both women got along but in her opinion they got on perhaps a little too well. Left to their own devices, Delila opened up her comm and immediately started to scroll through possible areas of fun. She was assuming Thessa couldn't get away for more than one night. Parties and clubs closer to the Core were out of the question.

"Pele experience of island nightlife." Sounds perfect for getting drunk and drowning in the sea... "Vellamo...hottest nightlife on Ceto. Oh hey, and its Ladies Night. All I have to do is show a little cleavage and I'll be drinking free all night."
[member="Delila Castillon"], [member="Thessa Kai"]

"Velamo sounds good. Let's go there," Siobhan declared in a chipper tone. Hottest nightlife on Ceto sounded good to her! Drinking for free as well. So did plenty of hot ladies. Having another round with Delila and Thessa - well, not that sort of round - would surely be fun! Anyway, the hottest redhead on the planet really needed more fun in her life.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Thessa Kai"]

//Haven't forgotten about the thread :p//

HK nodded slightly,
"Perhaps you should start to, Old Gados had a saying, 'The Wary are always secure,' it is better to have something and not need it then need it and not have it. By the way, I have calculated with my adorarithms a perfect nickname for your son."
The droid slightly tilted his head to Judah just before Thessa entered the scene,

It was then the Mermaid spoke to her husband and HK just listened until they may continue their discussion, the machine did caught the part about Thessa being all action, he muttered quietly to himself,
"Oh, Force, the images."

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