Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Facing the Sea

Ceto - Lir Medical Centre

Making it back down to the planet surface had never been more nerve wracking. Had he been the one piloting the transport, ten different laws would have been broken with zero regard. Chalu had dropped him off back on the island of Lir, right in front of the expansive square medical center. Windows reflected the tropical scene around them as a flurry of activity swarmed about, like ants back and forth to their mound.

Judah had only been here once before, when he and [member="Thessa Kai"] had toured the hospital and its maternity ward. It was a bit less stressful those few months ago, making fun of a woman who had been yelling at the nurses and her partner at every contraction. Only there was no voice carrying down the hall today and the mermaid wasn't with him to crack sly jokes.

Automatic glass doors parted and Judah found himself in a lobby, manned by a droid that couldn't look more bored or geriatric. Sitting behind a desk with multiple arms doing many tasks at once, Judah approached and leaned over the desk, staring straight into the photoreceptors of the droid.

"Excuse me, what room is Thessa Kai located in? She should be under Thessa Kai or Thessa Kai-Dashiell."

"No leaning on the desk" An arm pushed him back as a second appendage was typing in to look through a datapade for the information. Boredem was laced through its tone and the droid gave an electronic sigh, as if bothered by the action of typing. After a long moment, the same tinny bored voice spoke once again. "Room 617. Thats the sixth floor, maternity ward."

Pushing away from the desk, Judah was soon taking the turbolift up to the six floor. Every moment felt like an eternity waiting for the pleasant chime to announce his arrival. Stepping out, eyes quickly scanned the number sequence and he made his way down the hall. Turning the corner, number 617 had never looked so good, like a beacon in a stormy sea.

Quietly opening the door, Judah found the room quiet, except for analysis of the Silken Asteroids with scenes cut from [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] 's interview playing on the holovision at a near mute volume level. Thessa looked as if she was sleeping or knocked out, leading Judah to believe a nurse had turned it on before he even arrived.

Taking her hand, Judah gently squeezed it before leaning over to kiss her forehead. Her small hand in his felt unnaturally rough and papery, as if the Galan was still dehydrated. Eyes scanned the IVs hooked up to his wife, along with the monitors. His free hand rested on the baby bump for a moment, with Tadpole moving around to indicate his or her presence.

"What kind of trouble have you gotten your Ma into Tadpole? You're going crazy in there, shouldn't you be all squished up by now?I cant imagine there's any room..." Sighing, Judah turned his attention back to the mermaid. "As for you...well, I think you've given me a heart attack and some gray hairs."
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Judah's voice stirred her from her unconsciousness. Eyes moved beneath closed-lids. Her fingers twitched at her side.

Inside she yelled: water, water! She needed to be placed into the birthing tub. She wanted Judah to understand. She needed Judah to understand. She needed to wake-up and speak. Every time she tried, she hit a wall.

Judah, Judah. Please understand me. Please.
[member="Thessa Kai"]

The only response to his gray haired commented was some finger twitching. Giving a strong squeeze back, Judah wasn't sure what to do. Shouldn't a nurse be in here? Eyes spotted the IV pole dripping fluids into her body. The little drips didn't seem like much though, especially with the air so dry in the hospital due to the air cooling units. Back at home they often left the windows open to bring in humidity. There wasn't even a latch to open the window in here ; safety reasons and all.

Humidity. Moisture.

Leaving Thessa's side for a brief moment, Judah returned with a basin and cloth. Maybe if he got the dry skin and scales looking close to normal the dehydration wouldn't be so much of an issue. Maybe. He wasn't sure how it worked besides knowing Thessa always looked amazing every time the moisture content was high somewhere. Running the wet cloth across her skin, Judah hoped his idea had some merit to it.
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Sweet relief. A crack appeared through the darkness on unconsciousness as her body greedily soaked-up the moisture. Eyes fluttered open and immediately squinted from the daylight. Voice rumbled in her dry throat as she struggled to speak.

"Judah," she breathed and offered a weak smile. " up. We don't...have...much...time." Iced-azure gaze spared a glance away from Judah's face to look around the room for the birthing tub.
[member="Thessa Kai"]

Brain fogged for a moment at her words. Help her up? Where? Judah had been so relieved to see Thessa awake and alive that his brain forgot for a second a baby was trying to be born today. Putting the basin and wet cloth on a table, one arm went behind her head while the other arm went under her knees, lifting the Galan. No way was he going to let her try to walk and most likely fall down in this situation, she was still too weak.

"Don't have much time huh? Tadpole is just as impatient as you already."

Carrying the Galan over to the tub, Judah lowered Thessa into the water, finding it surprisingly warm. Kind of like the ocean water found throughout the planet. Turning away for a second, Judah hit the call button and waited for a tinny voice to ask what they wanted.

"Can we have a medical droid or doctor or something? Don't send that nurse back in."

A huff came in through the little call speaker and Judah cracked a small smile before turning back to Thessa.

"Only you would come visit me and end up passing out on a transport after going into labor."
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

A brightness returned to her eyes and a glow to her face as she hit the water. Finally. The nurse almost killed her. "Oh stars Judah, only you would crack a joke about when I went into labor." Dipping lower into the tub, she squeezed Judah's hand.

A different kind of fade-to-black and several hours later...

She sat-up in the tub, exhausted, water dripping off her scale-speckled skin and hair, holding a crying baby boy in her arms. He had shaggy hair like his father and a few scale-speckles across his skin like his mother. Small-slits along his throat closed as he changed from breathing under-water to air and a healthy cry left his lips. "Hey sweetie," she whispered, finally understanding something she couldn't until she held him in his arms. "Meet your daddy."
[member="Thessa Kai"]

Judah wasn't sure if the moisture in his eyes was from the arrival of his firstborn son or the crescent shaped marks of Thessa's nails permanently etched into his hand after what she had just gone through. He placed a kiss on Thessa's temple as the newest Dashiell squalled his lungs out. Judah didn't mind. Between all that had happened in the several months it was good to hear. There had been a large amount of doubt in his mind that the mermaid and tadpole would even live to see this day. A concern privately held that thankfully never came to fruition.

"Hey there buddy." Concern gaze swept over his son as the gills closed. Judah supposed he would end up like his mother with the talent to breathe underwater as they so pleased. A handy trick but it certainly had high costs at times. "You did great Thess. He's amazing."

A little at a loss what to do since the doctor and medical droid were currently attending to the pair, Judah took out his comm and Thessa's and spread the good news to their friends. [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] was certainly on the list, as well as Thessa's redheaded friend. [member="HK-36"] was the only person Judah could think of off hand, even with his nude paintings the salvager had respected the droid for his compassion towards the citizens he lorded over. Naturally they would be invited over to come and say hello, which may prove difficult given their galactic location.

Another barbfly fell to its death after stinging her neck. Delila grumbled and picked through the grasslands, the vegetation reaching past her waist. It was hot, dangerous work. Firemane troops had been called on to investigate a frontier village being raided by slavers. At first, Delila thought the idea of their PMC acting as lawmen across the land was extremely unusual. It took a bit to understand there was really no law to speak of in some parts. The grass was making it difficult to see the tracks of any scum left out in the area, causing Delila to squat often and look for bent grass.

Feeling her comm buzz, Delila pulled it out and looked at the message. It had looked like she was now an Aunt. Of sorts. This came with duties. Like visiting the new creature and bringing a peace offering. Besides, Dells hadn't seen her friend since [member="Thessa Kai"] busted her out of jail. The redhead owed her a good sum of money and since she was making some now, it was going to be paid back in full and then some.

The investigation would be on going into the slaver issue. Delila would put a handful of soldiers on an investigation during her short absence. If they found the HQ for the slavers then explosives and fire was guaranteed for all.

Congrats kid. See you in a few days. I assume they are letting you go home see you there?

After getting the troops squared away, a bag packed, a gift and those credits out of the bank, Delila was finally on her way.

--A Few Days Later--

The driver stopped in front of a white two story beach house. Delila looked at the address on her comm and then back to the house numbers, squinting. She supposed it was the right place. Stepping out after paying, tropical breezes greeted her. The ocean could be heard and the smell of salt water tinged the air. Careful not to step on the well manicured grass, Delila took the path up to the front door.

Timidly, she pressed the doorbell. Dells had zero idea what to expect. Thessa had mentioned her husband was 'loaded'. Was her friend living a high flying lifestyle with maids and bulters and cooks now? It didn't seem like Thessa but the pair hadn't talked in so long it was hard to say.

"Dear Force, I hope they don't have more than one fork at meals..."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Thessa Kai"]


Another slap was thrown at the Sith's cheek by the metal hand of his interrogator.
"Where are their headquarters?"
Monotone drawl asked as the Sith prisoner, strapped to the metal chair of the dark room the two were in, only a small electronic lamp above him provided some light, and of course, the dull red glow of droid's photoreceptors. The Sith spat aside, a glob of blood, phlegm, and broken teeth fragments leaving his mouth.
"I'll never tell you!"
He hissed out to the droid,
Another slap of the metal hand threw his head to face the other direction, his cheek bruised and red.
"Where are the Bropos headquarters?"
The droid asked, inquiring about the location of the cult of Ropo-Obsessed Sith, his sworn enemies.
The Sith groaned out in pain, looking back up to the droid,
"Pain is nothing when compared to the ultimate cuddliness that awaits me!"
He growled out.

HK lifted his hand, about to give him another dose of his bronzium back-hand when suddenly he received a notification on his built-in communication systems.
"Oh, Judah's baby has been born, it is a boy."
HK turned back to look over his shoulder, motioning for someone to come closer with a quick gesture of his head. Another droid stepped closer, clad in similar armor as HK, the unit wore a similar grey cloak as HK.
"Have the Knight of Eclipse power up its engines, I am heading to Ceto."
The other droid nodded,
"What of the prisoner, sir?"
HK looked back to the tied-up Sith,
"If he loves Ropos so much."
He tilted his head slightly,
"Put a Ropo on his stomach."

The other droid nodded, the Sith began thrashing in his chair, trying to break free, as HK turned around to walk away, the Sith screamed out,
And the other unit passed HK carrying a super fluffy Ropo and tore the Sith's shirt off, placing a Ropo on his stomach.

The doors closed behind HK, enveloping him in darkness, only the red glow of his photoreceptors was seen as the Sith's screams echoed,
"Nooooo-ho-ho-ho, oh Force, it tickles so much!"

Few days later apparently,
[member="Delila Castillon"]

Delila would hear the metal clanking of boots as HK strolled up towards the house as well, clad in his ceremonial armor, his lightsaber visible on his belt as his cloak fluttered with his movements, he carried a canvas, easel, and a mixing pad for paint with himself along with some cans and brushes.
He gave a nod towards Delila as he spotted her,
"Good day, Major, have you came here to see the babi as well?"
Go figure he was one of those people who said 'babi' instead of 'baby'

Hearing the metal sound, Dells turned around from the door, blue and green striped gift bag still in hand. Eyebrow raised critically at the sight of the droid. Especially in such a tropical environment. Maybe HK would rust out from the humidity and salty air before he made it to the doorstep with her.

"Don't tell me...You wore the combat armor to capture the baby and then paint it naked. You've got some real problems HK. Deep, dark problems."

Smirk crossed her features at the joke.

"Its Captain now and yes, I've come to pay a visit to the baby. What are you doing? Giving up the Barony to sit on the beach and paint seascapes all day?"


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Delila Castillon"]
Oh Dells would probably love to see the sight of HK rusting on the spot and falling over, begging for oil, all at her mercy. Anyway, he was presumable sufficiently polished and oiled to prevent that.
"Well you know how it is in the mercenary business, you have to replenish numbers somehow, firstborns are quite efficient for that, plus you know what they say, 'every great story begins with a tragic background of some emotionless figure taking a firstborn into combat service' and so it happens, Judah owes me for a favor."
HK quipped and looked up at the building they were in front of,
"Well you will always be a Major to me, Delila, just as Siobhan will always be a Colonel. And as to my current doings, Abregado is expanding a bit tech-wise to aid in war against the Sith. Judah has asked me for help in creating a line of protocol droids some time ago, he appreciated my help."
Looking back to Dells, HK just calculated something, he would spoke out a bit more quietly,
"I did not knew you were aware of the paintings."
She probably knew which paintings exactly he had in mind, and he was just slightly prepared to make a run for it.
[member="HK-36"] [member="Delila Castillon"]

The very tired Galan just finished sending a message to [member="Jorus Merrill"], getting his advice on diaper brands and what to do for colic. It had been a long few days for the Dashiell household. Sleep didn't happen with a newborn, imagine that. She was lucky if she had enough energy to throw together some basic meal at the end of the day. Stars, she had no idea how single parents did this sort of thing. Judah was amazing. And they were both eating a lot of pick-up and take-out food.

Little Makai was demanding. But somehow well-worth it.

Holding the gurgling baby-boy, she answered the door to find a very well-known friend and one not-so-well known. She squinted, trying to place the memory but quickly brushed it aside to put on a tired smile. "Dells. Good to see you. And, have we ever met?" She adjusted the little weight of Makai, fingers softly patting his back as he gummed against her shoulder.

"And I'm sorry, but come in, both of you. The place is a bit of a mess..."
[member="Thessa Kai"] | [member="HK-36"]

"Remember the painting you gave me as a get well present when I had my new liver put in? I was in my birthday suit with overly perky assets" Yet Dells was unaware about the propaganda paintings or her friend Thessa that had been spread all over the Protectorate. If HK was wise he would keep his vocal circuits quiet. Delila would hate to dismantle him in a violent and savage manner in front of an infant child.

Door swung open to reveal a tired looking Thessa, questioning look on her face at HK. Delila gave her friend a half-hug, not wanting to squash the baby or her friend for that matter. Stepping inside with HK, Delila smiled briefly at her Galan friend.

"This is messy? You should see my place." There was a slight pause as she looked to HK, just merely finding him odd."Anyways, I brought some stuff for you and Kid Jr. but thats not important right now. What can I help you do? Don't say nothing either."
Judah had to take a time out from baby rearing duties to take a conference commcall in the guest bedroom/office. Delays were incoming on the finishing touches of his space station project. Judah wanted to have it to auction by the end of the month but it didn't look possible. Rubbing the overgrown stubble on his face, Judah sighed as the push back was explained.

"Lets subtly remind them our order can make or break their company. We need those parts in by the end of this week. Tell them to smuggle the parts out to us if there are no other options."

Hearing the doorbell, Judah wrapped up the meeting. He had wanted to take a large chunk of time off all duties to fully devote his time to Thessa and Makai. It wasn't happening though, as it appeared his input was needed nearly every day via a conference holomeeting. Leaving the room, Judah stopped by their bedroom to throw on a shirt that didn't have spit up or food stains before coming down stairs.

"Nice of you two to stop by." Judah slipped an arm around Thessa and smiled tiredly. Eyebrow raised at the items the droid was holding. "HK, I hope you didn't come here to paint my wife's breasts again."
[member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Thessa Kai"], [member="HK-36"]

It was around this point in time that Siobhan, beautifully dressed as usual, finally fething decided to enter the thread! What had she been doing the whole time before? Some actual work for Firemane, answering fanmail, getting to know pretty girls better after her appearance on holotelly, where she had sort of helped the Moross Crusade take over Ceto? Or maybe she needed time to get her hair done and to decide which nail polish to use.

It shall probably remain open to speculation. Regardless she had reached the door and moved to step in after the initial pleasantries between HK, Dells, Thessa and Judah had been exchanged. As for propaganda paintings, this writer likes to think that raunchy Siobhan pin-ups were still popular in the ranks of Omega Pyre and could be found in many a locker room! Perhaps sometimes featuring her with wings, though she did not need those to fly, as she liked to incessantly and redundantly point out because she was vain that way.

"Is that what you do in your free time now, HK? I thought ruling a planet was time-consuming!" Siobhan asked chipperly just as Judah had made his comment about the droid painting Thessa's breasts. "Hi, guys. Sorry I'm late. Looks like a full house. Hey, Thessa. Good to see all went well," she gave the mermaid a loose hug, mindful of how tired she looked and not wanting to squash the baby.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Thessa Kai"], [member="Delila Castillon"], [member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

HK just stared at Dells,
"Oh, I thought you were so drugged out of your mind that you did not even realized I made it, that is the sole reason why I was surprised at you referring to it."
But before he could practice his sly craft of flawlessly covering up his tracks, Thess opened the door and gave him a weird look, before and after she has greet Dellsy,

"You have ran in front of me naked on Dagobah once when I was sent to deal with Undead Plague, later on I volunteered in apprehension of Sith Templar Daxton Bane for violence he has done against you, I have dueled a Teras Kasi master in hand-to-hand combat while the rest of our team has made a get-away."
It should vaguely clear things up, vaguely because HK used one of his HRD bodies as a vessel during that mission, to be specific, he has taken appearance of Sammo that day.
"Judah recently came to me for aid in creating minds for protocols droids, I agreed and he has appreciated my help."
HK clarified a bit more,

And then Judah came in and screwed it up by bringing up the whole painting Thess naked thing.
By then, HK was already inside the house, stepping in along with Delila, carrying the painting equipment,
"Judah, I have just spoken about us crafting that protocol droid series. I was going to paint your child to immortalize his first months on canvas."
But now I may have to combat roll out of here,
The droid thought to himself silently.

It wasn't that bad, he was trapped between Delila and Thess, but he should be agile enough to bust out smoke cover and make a clean escape before being disassembled. At least here wasn't an over-powered Force User who enjoyed destruction and had mastery over telekinesis that could just drag the droid back if he tried to run,
"Is that what you do in your free time now, HK?"
Khark it all in the butt-face!
HK cursed to himself in his calculations,

Well now if the ladies wanted to lash out some vengeance against him he would be pretty much screwed like a bolt.

He simply looked to Siobhan,
"Sio, how very unexpected to see you. You did not had a limb to be replaced after the last battle?"
One day she didn't lose a leg or arm had to be this one
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] HK-36 Delila Castillon

As soon as she relaxed against Judah, she stiffened, casting a sharp eye on HK. "I don't kriffin' care if you dueled a bantha master or went up against an army of mynocks who could shoot lightning out of their rears. You have no business passing around naked photos of me." She shot Judah an accusatory look. "You do business with this?" Angry thumb hooked in HK's general direction. "And you knew???? Why didn't you tell me?"

She was about ready to break something or someone. Yes, even in her tired state she would have no problem breaking things. Turning to Dells, she handed Makai over. "Yes, please help by holding our son while I pull out this droid-thing's circuits." Hydrospanner was already in her hand as she took a step forward, nodding a genuine greeting to Sio.

"Good to see you again, Kerrigan."
[member="Thessa Kai"] , [member="HK-36"] , [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

When Delila said 'what can I do to help out', she didn't mean baby holding. Dells had thought of more of the lines of washing dishes or running to the store for milk and beer...or whatever it is parents required to stay sane during these months. Now here she was, holding the newborn boy. Blue eyes stared up at her, as if trying to place her face. Delila knew well enough to support the head of young children but the rest was lost on her.

Please don't fall Kid Jr. Don't twitch. Don't cry.

As if on cue, Kid Jr.'s face scrunched up and a tiny wail came from his aquamarine lips.A little panicked, Delila looked to Siobhan. If the baby wasn't crying she would have teased the woman for looking completely fem. It must be nice to be a kept woman.

"Uhm...Little help over here? What do I do? They cry for a reason, right?"
[member="Delila Castillon"], [member="Thessa Kai"], [member="HK-36"]

"I...don't know. Needs his diapers changed, is hungry, wants a lullaby? No clue." Siobhan threw out options, looking just as confused and perplexed as the baby wailed. The whole get Pretty Woman'ed and turn into a lovely femme when you were not out tearing things apart package - in other words exactly the sort of person she used to mock, but then she had not been an aristo then - had not included a course in child rearing.

Perhaps the baby did not like the imminent violence. It did not seem family-friendly and even if it were PG-13 the baby was not even a year old. Think of the kiddies!
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] , [member="Thessa Kai"] , [member="HK-36"]

Judah had to think of a valid reason and quick. Spending several nights on the couch or in relative silence wouldn't be an ideal situation. No one had informed him of post-pregnancy hormones and Judah felt a little cheated in that regard. Being a little prepared would have been more than helpful.

"We've had the invasion of Ceto looming over our heads. The Horde can still easily waltz in and wipe this place out. We didn't even know if Makai was going to be born a normal and healthy child. Between worrying about our home being leveled, you and Makai, telling you about a stylized version of your body was out there seemed trivial. We certainly didn't need it added onto our plate."

The young half-Galan started crying and Judah stepped away from in between HK and his wife to handle it. Taking the baby boy from the nervous redhead, Judah placed Makai against his shoulder and rubbed the boys back. Whimpering and little cries continued, but certainly not at the same volume it was at before he took the baby. Trying to break the tension, he smiled briefly over at Thessa.

"I'm a little jealous you're getting naked for other guys. Here I thought I was special."

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