Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ezra Denko

Arjant Clevenger

NAME: Ezra Denko

ALIAS: Asriel Ren

FACTION: The First Order


FORCE RANK: Dark Jedi Padawan

SPECIES: Near-Human

RACE: Kraljica

AGE: 18

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5’11

WEIGHT: 190 lbs

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Blonde

SKIN COLOR: Caucasian

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

LANGUAGES: Basic, Huttese


HOMEWORLD: Nar Shaddaa

ALIGNMENT: True Neutral



APPEARANCE: Ezra stands at the average human height with a mesomorph body type. His facial features are dark brown eyes, and a blonde haircut that has the sides all shaved. Tattoos can be seen on his arms as well as scars due to his living on Nar’Shaddaa.

PERSONALITY: It is hard for Ezra to trust to any stranger that comes across his path due to him being born on Nar'Shaddaa and living there. He cares for no one except for the few friends that he had, his mother, and himself. He also holds a grudge towards his father since he left him and his mother after one night that occurred between of his parents. Ezra has also matured at a quick pace since he had to look for ways for him and his mother to survive the environment of Nar'Shaddaa.


  • The Force: A powerful trait that he inherited from his father, Josiah Denko.

  • Street Fighter: After years walking and living on the streets of Nar’Shaddaa he has learned how to fight in close quarters, but in a honorless way.

  • Heritage: While largely untapped due to living on the Hutt Moon, Ezra’s Kraljica heritage grants him the ability to survive underwater for a pronounced amount of time.

  • Mentalism: His mind is vulnerable to mentalist attacks and isn’t good at using mentalist Force powers.

  • Trust Issues: When you are living on a world full of crime like Nar’Shaddaa it’s pretty hard to trust someone since it’s “every man for himself”.

  • Illiterate: Come one, guys, it’s Nar’Shaddaa. Y’all really think that there’s gonna be any schools around?
BIOGRAPHY: Nar Shaddaa, one of the most vile places to ever live in for someone trying to make a good out of life. A place where one child was unfortunately born on after two beings met one night in a bar. The mother did her best to prevent herself from an unplanned pregnancy when giving consent to the very bartender she met that night; however, what she hoped to evade became reality as she began to experience the symptoms of pregnancy and noticed that her stomach began to grow and grow by the weeks and months. Seeking for aid, she searched for the father, the bartender, which she slept with and hoped to get a direction after confronting him with what she was bearing with. But she couldn’t find the man who had the same amount of responsibility with the unborn child in her womb. Instead of finding the bartender she found his brother, [member="Abel Denko"], and was informed that the very man she was looking for had flown away from Nar’Shaddaa to become a Jedi Knight.

Now knowing that the father had left she needed to decide on the fate of her child. She could’ve easily gotten rid of it before it had born in the Galaxy and was leaning in towards that direction, but she decided to keep the baby and hope that it’d be a good omen of what she did. Months later, she gave birth to boy which she then named Ezra Denko.

With the support of Abel she was able to provide Ezra a decent life despite the criminal activities going around the environment that surrounded him. As he grew up, he matured very quickly and begin to find random jobs around his community to contribute to the survival of he and his mother. This led him to do work for crime lords and cartel gangs as a smuggler. His mother didn’t agree to his actions, but Ezra didn’t care if his mother was okay of what he did or not. Ultimately, it brought a lot of income to his household which granted him and his mother a better life than what they were previously living. Ezra constantly asked both his mother and uncle about his unknown father, but they both refused to tell him until he was older. That day came when he was a teenager and had both his mother and uncle finally told him who his father was. After having that talk with his known family he began to hold a grudge against his father, thinking that Josiah was selfish and only cared for his own well being.
Knowing his origins at last, Ezra continued to do smuggling goods for cartels in order to financially secure the lives of him and his mother; and find a way to get off from the moon once and for all.

Kills: None

Bounties: None

Master(s): None

Apprentice(s): None

Parents: [member=Josiah Denko] (Father), [member=Eowyn Ray] (Mother)

Sibling(s): [member=Crux Denko], [member=Darius Denko], [member=Mordred]

Other relative(s): [member=Count Morcus] (Great Uncle), [member=Josianna Denko] (Aunt)

Arjant Clevenger

The Force

Lightsaber Forms
Djem So/Shien
Apprentice / Knight / Master / Apex

Other Skills
  • Street Brawler
  • Pickpocketing
  • Smuggling

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