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Private Eye of the Tiger


Things were starting to make sense regarding Force Bonds. This was helping a lot. Well, not just with Force bonds but also with the Jedi and the Order. Okay so there had to be something first there. That made sense. Zaiya may not fully ever understand how the Force, along with her racial traits, worked together, but it was becoming clear that there had to be some sort of relationship first. Were Loomi and Braze friends first before they had their super close bond develop?

Something to think about.

"So does it mean with these bonds, can someone die if they are separated for too long?" it was an odd question to ask. Still, when one takes into consideration how Lovalla mating bonds worked, this was more of a symbiotic relationship that required their close proximity. At Valery Noble Valery Noble 's surprised expression, Zaiya elaborated, "When my kind creates a bond with their mate, the longer they are separated, the higher the chances a mated pair who have been together for a long time may not be able to survive the separation. We first start to lose our colors, then we fall into depression, and then continue to get physically ill because of it. Do Force bonds work the same way if you are separated or the other person dies?"



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"No," Valery was quick to point out, hoping it'd take away some serious worries. "If a Force bond exists between two people and one of them dies, the other can feel a great deal of emotional pain and even if you're far apart when it happens, you'll know and it'll hurt. But it doesn't physically wound you, and you won't die either. Just being apart, no matter how long, will also not cause any harm," Valery explained.

"If you're far apart for a very long time, it is possible for a bond to fade, though. But how long that takes and how it happens is very difficult to explain because it's different for everybody. Some bonds are stronger than others, after all." Some bonds would never fade at all. Her Dyad or the one that had likely formed between Loomi and Braze didn't quite adhere to the typical 'rules' of a Force Bond.

But most worked exactly how Valery described them.

"Force Bonds are quite a beautiful thing, really, so I wouldn't worry too much about them, alright? The circumstances when they cause problems are usually quite extreme and rare."

There was another wave of relief, Zaiya's skin brightening at that good news.

"Oh, good. I didn't want anyone to accidentally end up being harmed because of me,"
Zaiya admitted, having been worrying about how Force bonds would work and if they were similar to how Lovalla's were with their mated partner. Lovalla were raised with that expectation if they were to find a partner, but it was an entirely different matter for someone else who hadn't been raised with those expectations.

"Yeah, Braze said bonds could fade over time if not maintained. But how are Force bonds even maintained? Is it done purposefully to break one, or does it just happen because one is far apart from the other for so long?" Valery Noble Valery Noble mentioned it was different for everyone, but Zaiya wasn't sure how things would work with her. Would connections be a mix of how Lovalla bonds worked in conjunction with the Force, or would they just be like the Force? Only time would tell, but learning and being able to ask these questions helped immensely.

"You mentioned a Dyad. Is that a bond that is made on purpose if it is so special and strong, then? Or does it just happen out of the blue?"
Plus, something she said came back up to the fore of her mind, her eyes widening: "And can you really just travel anywhere in an instant to them?"

That sounded so... freaking cool!



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"If you're apart for a very long time or if you grow away from someone else, that bond can slowly fade on its own. It's not something you actively do," Valery explained. "That said, it's possible to purposefully sever a bond, but I don't believe I've ever known someone who did." She did know of Jedi who cut themselves from the Force entirely, thereby also breaking any bonds they had formed with other Jedi.

But those were extreme circumstances.

"A Dyad can't be made on purpose and it doesn't really slowly develop either. My husband and I discovered it when we unintentionally swapped places during a mission, which wasn't long after we met." She chuckled, as she remembered their duel with the Hydra back on Thule. It was one of his many old labs they had taken down that way, and she still felt very strong about helping him take down the others.

"If you were in a Dyad with someone you know, you would have already known. But yes, they connect you through time and space, so if I'm in one place in the Galaxy and my husband is in another, he can instantly travel to me. I can do the same towards him." She smirked a little and raised a hand through her hair, "It has been quite useful on a few occasions."

So there were all sorts of different bonds. Bonds like Lovalla, bonds through the Force with people one knew, and this Dyad thing. Zaiya gave a frown, pondering all of what Valery Noble Valery Noble told her.

"But how would you already know then? If you didn't know you were with one with your mate until you switched, does that mean you could have had it for a while without knowing?"

Oh! Another thought came to her.

"Can you be in several Dyad's then with several people? And does the person you have one with have to be able to use the Force to have a bond, or can it be with someone who doesn't feel or use the Force at all? "

More and more questions. It was evident Zaiya wasn't shy in asking what came to her mind. She truly wanted to learn as much as possible to understand how it all worked. Especially when it dealt with a subject she was so curious and passionate about. No one else had been able to really explain bonds beyond what Braze and Loomi told her, but even they said they were quite sure how it all worked.

Besides they seemed very embarrassed after Zaiya got to talking about mates and bonds.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"He wasn't my husband when we discovered it. We had met, been apart for a year, and then I came back and it was one of our first interactions again. Before it, we did notice a strong connection between us, but it was that mission on Thule that really exposed just how potent it was," Valery explained with a smile. She loved looking back and reflecting on her relationship — a lot of it was like it came straight out of some novel or holo-tv show.

But it felt so much better because it was their story.

"You can only form one Dyad, and it needs to be between two Force-sensitive people. The two of you would be connected through the Force in a very intense way. You're almost one and the same in the Force." Even among Force users it was rare, but those without the Force would never be able to experience it. Even Aris, whose connection limited his bonds, wouldn't be in a Dyad either, as bonds as a whole weren't something he felt quite the way other Jedi did.

But she still felt a powerful bond to him, as his Mom.

"Dyads also don't necessarily Form between lovers or friends either. They can exist between a Sith and a Jedi too — between enemies."


Okay, that made sense; it required people who could use the Force to make a Force Dyad. But did that mean Aris Noble Aris Noble couldn't have one because he couldn't sense the Force? Sure, he could jump super high, move really fast, and lift heavy things, but he'd told Zaiya he couldn't sense anything outside his own body. Then again, they could resonate and feel each other's emotions when they were touching.

"Does that mean Aris can't be in a Force Dyad then? Only able to sense things when we're touching?" Oh, wait, right -- Valery had mentioned that a bond can be created between friends. Maybe that's why it worked for us?

No, but wait -- I was able to resonate with him when they first met, and they weren't friends yet.
Same with how she could feel his crystal's emotions about Aris. The Force was such an exciting and confusing thing. It could also be specific to being a Lovalla, too. There are so many questions and so many variables. Zaiya could see how it could make someone's head hurt trying to figure it all out.

The thought that it could also happen with an enemy, however, shocked Zaiya. The patterns on her skin melted into a ripple of pale yellow and dove-grey tones.

"Wait, with an enemy too? Like, someone who doesn't like you and wants to hurt you?" She paused, then shook her head slowly before returning her attention back to Valery Noble Valery Noble 's face, a serious thoughtful expression growing over her delicate features, "Oh wow... that sounds terrible. I wouldn't want to have a connection with someone who didn't like me or wanted to hurt me."



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

Valery nodded, "That's right, he can't. His connection to the Force is unique in its own way though, and even if he could be in a Dyad, it'd still be unlikely. They're extremely rare and there aren't really any patterns to them. With typical Force Bonds, you can easily predict who you'll develop one with. It's always the people close around you who also share a connection to the Force. With a Dyad? It can be anybody, but it'll likely be nobody at all." As far as she knew, her Dyad with Kahlil was one of few that had developed into something truly powerful.

Loomi and Braze would possibly get there eventually, but she hadn't heard of them manipulating time, space and the Force in quite the same way just yet. Unless they were keeping that to themselves.

"That's right," Valery then said when the Dyad between enemies came up, "As far as I know, the first recorded Dyad was between two people who started as enemies. It's quite possible that another such pairing will happen one day." She hoped it wouldn't occur, simply because of how terrifying that would be to at least one side of the Dyad.

But the Force had its own path and destiny.

"I wouldn't worry about Dyads though. Like I said, they're extremely rare. More typical Force bonds are already quite intense, and while they have something amazing to them, there are risks to those as well."


It was all so interesting. The Force worked in such curious and odd ways. Zaiya gave a nod, agreeing by saying,"You're right..." She gave an abashed expression to Valery Noble Valery Noble , the girl playing with her thumbs.

"Sorry for all the questions. It fascinates me, especially with how bonds typically work for my kind. Adding the Force into that made me wonder how it would all work out for me... and what that might mean." Zaiya gave a rock of her feet, moving back and forth as she gave a broad, joyful smile.

One that turned into a thoughtful, curious thought.

"Wait, is the way the Force is unique in Aris because he is a clone?" That was another interesting topic. "Is his father only able to use the Force with his own body, too?"

Another question.

"Does the Force work the same with everyone, or is it always different? Or can one learn to do anything if one trains and studies?"


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"You can always ask me anything," Valery reassured her, "I'm very open about myself and what I know. If there's something I can share to help you or to satisfy your curiosity, I'd be happy to oblige." She smirked and patted the young girl on the shoulder again. Few things were as wonderful as a young, curious mind. They were so open to learning and exploring, and their questions often triggered deeper thoughts that Valery could learn from herself.

Her question about Aris and his unique force sensitivity was one such example.

"Aris being a clone might play into it, but I don't think it's the deciding factor. His father is a clone as well, and he isn't limited in how he can use the Force." On the contrary. The things he could do with the Force were beyond amazing, and even Valery sometimes watched in awe sometimes when he tapped into those abilities.

She was proud to be his wife.

"Throughout history, there have been other Jedi who had similar situations. Jedi Masters who were very capable at one thing, but unable to use even basic Telekinesis. The Force is a very mysterious thing and it doesn't connect with us all in the same way. Aris might not be able to do certain things, but he'll be very good at others."

There was a shimmer of delight in Zaiya's eyes when Valery Noble Valery Noble said it was okay for her to ask all the questions she wanted. It made her feel comfortable and welcomed. And the fact that Valery was Aris's mother? That was even more awesome! Hopefully, Zaiya was making a better impression than how she started out with.

This whole thing got Zaiya wondering about Aris's other siblings and his father too. So, his dad was also a clone? Why were there so many clones? It was odd, especially since her own species took several decades to find a mate, much less have a child naturally. Was there a part of Epicanthix culture that absorbed the tendencies to make clones? If so, how would that work out with biology and generations afterward?

What if someone accidentally ended up mated to a clone of a grandparent or an aunt? Oh, this was a tangent. She'd ask about it later. Instead, she focused on the Force. Not everyone could be good at everything, even if they trained really, really hard.

"Okay, that makes sense. I guess that's why Aris is really strong, fast, and doesn't get hurt much -- well, except when there are super loud noises or bright flashes of light," Zaiya added as they began their walk again, heading toward the ceremony.

"That's why I made him earpieces that can attach behind his ear so they can automatically protect his ears. I made sure they worked for conventional soundwaves as well as Force ones. That icky scream blast from that mean guy on Tython accidentally made his ears bleed, and he couldn't hear very well." A little slip of the tongue regarding the sort of adventures the Lovalla teen had been having with Aris Noble Aris Noble .

Delight danced over her face as she gave a joyful glow in an ombre of blues and golds over her patterns, grinning up at Valery. "I also made him a cool earpiece out of nanoparticles that can automatically form over his face and eyes either as glasses or a helm! I have them with me and was planning to give them to him - do you think he'll like them?" she asked, eager for Aris's mom's perspective on the matter.

"I can show you! I have them with me right now!"


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"That's right," Valery said when Zaiya theorized more about Aris' strengths and weaknesses. His sensitivity to noise and light was new to her though, and sparked a thoughtful glance at the young girl. She had built him something to address those sensitivities? For a kid her age, that was quite impressive. Not impressive enough for Valery to miss the part about her son's ear bleeding because of some evil person, though.

There was a sudden, intense shimmer of heat in her eyes. A motherly anger that made her want to find whoever hurt him, and break them apart. But she knew how to control those urges of instinct.

"It's quite remarkable that you can make these things," Valery said, already much calmer as she set aside her thoughts. Whoever had hurt her son would be brought to justice. If not by her own hands, then by someone else's. "I'm sure he'll like them, too. Aris tends to be very practical, so if you make him something that he can use when he's on Jedi duty, he'll be happy with it." As long as it didn't limit him in other ways, but she doubted that.

These devices sounded extremely clever.

"I'd love to see them and learn more about how you made them. There aren't many your age who can craft pieces of technology all on their own."

Zaiya flushed with adorable pleasure at the compliment, delighted by the assurance that Aris Noble Aris Noble would like what she had made for him. The edges of her mottled spots and patterns rippled with a faint golden bioluminescence, and joyful delight swept across her skin in iridescent hues of teal and turquoise.

"I'm glad! He did say that he likes things to be not only beautiful but functional, so I programmed it so the nanoparticles and the solid-state hologram can be changed based on how he wants it to look. He can have cool aviator style or wayfarers. Or really, whatever style he wants. Same for the full helm, though it still needs to have the seal so the air filter can work..." She swung her satchel around and pulled out a small, embroidered, beaded bag. Inside was a case about the size of her hand, holding three earpieces.

"There is an emergency backup oxygen supply, but it's made for emergencies only; I'll need to figure out how to make it better later," she explained, using her thumb to flip open the case and excitedly presenting the pieces to Valery Noble Valery Noble .

"Oh! Wait, let me connect the right aural dampener to the helm piece. They can be used separately, but if you want, you can try them too!" Zaiya's skin took on a beautiful pearly luminescence in her excitement, bright, bold colors in blues and gold dancing over the markings etched upon her skin.

"They adjust as Aris gets older, so it isn't one standard size... and I can continue to upgrade them as I get better at programming and get better materials. Dr. Isak let me use some leftover materials from his cybernetic classes that were donated for use." The tip of her tongue stuck out a bit from her mouth as she concentrated, the blue tones rippling over her skin, shifting to a deep amber of concentration as she took the aural dampener insert and snapped it to the helm earpiece.

"You can connect them to a music player, too! Or integrate them into a ship or a speeder since Aris said he'll learn how to pilot so we can go on our burger dates or come visit me." Zaiya explained, giving a pleased shoulder shimmy as she continued describing all the features of the aural dampeners and the earpiece helm.

"I also managed to get a bit of laminanium, so they self-repair to an extent. The helm or glasses option allows some thermal and ultraviolet vision options, but you can turn it off with a finger tap against the insert."
Satisfied with how it snapped together, she beamed up at Val and offered the two earpieces to her.

"The aural dampener can be muted completely or should automatically filter out sonic and concussive sound waves... I did my best to test it out, and I got a friend to help out, so I think it is good to go."


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

Valery blinked, clearly out of her league with all the tech-babble, but she did listen and smile along. In truth, she understood maybe 30% of what Zaiya was trying to explain, but she caught the part about these pieces looking great in addition to being functional! Aris would appreciate that, though he likely cared more about them being useful.

But Valery already had an idea about what she'd have them look like.

"These are really amazing," Valery said with a chuckle, "I'd love to try them, too." She accepted the pieces that the girl offered and looked at them in the palm of her hand. She really didn't understand how they worked, but if they'd protect her son's hearing and eyesight, that's all that mattered.

Valery then popped in the ear pieces and let the earpiece helm fall over her eyes, looking like a pair of sunglasses, "How do I look?" she raised a hand up through her hair to fix it up a little and flashed Zaiya a joking grin, "I've never seen tech that just changes its appearance quite like this before."

"I'll never claim that I understand how it works, but it's really amazing, Zaiya. You should keep learning and experimenting with this stuff. It can help save lives."
She pulled off the sunglasses to make sure she could see Valery's smile, "It'll help protect my son when it matters most, and there's nothing more important to me than that."


"They look amazing!" Zaiya beamed, delighting in a medley of iridescent teals and pale blues. "I can make you a version of them if you like!" the Lovalla teen offered, turning a little bit shy as she tucked her hands behind her back and then rocked on her heels. The continued compliments would only make the young girl flush in pleasure and wiggle in joy.

She was glad that Aris's mom thought she was talented and that what she made would help others, especially her son. Grinning, she nodded and then took a deep breath.

"Okay, I'm glad you think so. I like tinkering with cybernetics and anything high tech, so I wanted to at least see if I can do something for Aris since he kept me safe. I don't know much about the Force or how it works... and I'm not strong at all, but I can at least do this!"

With that in mind, she waited for Valery Noble Valery Noble to return the earpieces so she could put them away.

"Okay... Knowing myself, I'll talk your ear off if we don't get going. Thank you so much for helping me get to Shan's ceremony... and allowing me to stay. " She added shly in gratitude, the apples of her cheeks blooming with a delightful pink tone as she grinned up at Val.

Last edited:


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"My ears aren't very sensitive, but my eyes are. I don't want to ask anything of you, though. The fact you helped my son is worth more than anything else someone could do for me." Valery beamed another smile and offered her the pieces of technology back. Aris was going to be happy with them, and that's all that really mattered.

It was the best kind of gift.

"You'll also be able to learn much more about the Force and get stronger. Don't let anybody make you believe otherwise." She placed her hand atop the girl's shoulder one last time and gave her an encouraging nod. Being small, lacking experience, or struggling with learning were no reasons to be held back. She had potential and a kind heart — that combination could turn her into an excellent Jedi if she decides to go down that path.

For now, they had a knighting to attend.

"Of course. Let's go to the Knighting, and we can talk more after."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

After the ceremony and celebration…

Zaiya was happy that she got to at least celebrate a little bit. Shan was busy getting congratulated by his peers, so Zaiya didn’t want to bother him. They could always reconnect later.

In the meantime, Zaiya was brimming with thoughts and questions. Mainly what to do next and how it would work out. She made the decision to join the Jedi, but how did that even work?

Shan gave her some answers but not the ones regarding if she needed a particular visa or how that would work with her guardian at the university.

Lots of things to consider. As she walked, her patterns were a deep amber in pensive contemplation.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"So, what did you think?"

Valery hadn't forgotten about her promise to talk more after the ceremony. In fact, she was quite curious to find Zaiya and hear more about her experience. It was uncommon for someone outside the Jedi to see a Knighting, so it was a unique perspective. Was it beautiful to her? Boring? Among the Jedi, there were mixed reactions. Padawans often loved Knightings because it got them excited for their own big day.

Knights and Masters who had attended a lot of them already were perhaps a little less enthusiastic. Though at the same time, no matter how many Knightings you had attended, there was always something special to them.

A big step forward for another young Jedi.

"I hope it hasn't scared you away from wanting to become a Jedi."


Zaiya was deep in thought, but Valery Noble Valery Noble 's question managed to pull her from them. With a faint smile, Zaiya shook her head. "No, that didn't scare me. It think facing what we did on Tython and Myrkr let me know just how bad things could get." she wasn't going to delve into the specifics on that.

"It is more I'm wondering how one joins and does that mean I have to get a new visa? I'm on a student one on Commoner because my parents were tenured professors there and I was their dependent. But now I'm a ward so my guardian is a professor there. Without it, I may get deported back to Volik." There was another pause, and then she added, "And how do I continue my studies to make sure I graduate?" she had more questions to follow up, but the most important one was the one she asked next.

Glancing up at Valery, Zaiya continued, "So what does one need to do to join?"



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"Well, if you have permission from your parents or guardian to become a Jedi, we'll handle the paperwork for you," Valery said with a warm smile. "You'd be allowed to stay here on Coruscant and we'll prepare a room for you at either the Prosperity or the Vonnuvi Enclave. All we need is that permission because we can't just keep you here, of course." Then her training would start from there, but she wasn't going to overwhelm the girl with every bit of information already.

Even though she was likely going to ask.

"You can continue your studies too, or choose to join the Jedi once they're done. It's your choice but it'll be quite tough to combine the two. Jedi training isn't something you do on the side — our missions can be dangerous or have serious consequences for a lot of people, so the training and preparation for being out there is something to really dedicate a lot of your time to."


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