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Approved Starship Extinguisher Class Picket

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Image Credit: (Image Finders could not reverse find original artist)
Intent: To develop a Anti-Starfighter Picket and Heavy Corvette for the Imperial Remnant
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: CRI
Model: Extinguisher Class Picket
Affiliation: Imperial Remnant
Modularity: No
Production: Mass
Material: Durasteel, Glasteel
Description: With a lack of serious anti-starfighter craft among the Imperial roster, work was put into the development of a small and easy to field design. The result was the Extinguisher class corvette. A small corvette, the Extinguisher class can be noted for being a ship that is taller, if you count its wings, than it is long. Many of its anti-starfighter weaponry is then kept along that height, spread over the tower protruding from the bottom of the vessel as well as over its wings. The main capital guns of the Extinguisher Corvette rest on its main body, turbolasers top and Ion Cannons bottom, having a mostly forward field of fire.

The main focus of the Extinguisher class is its speed and maneuverability, with the intention of the craft keeping mobile around the battlefield as a picket to intercept starfigher squadrons enroute to slower cruisers and destroyers with few Anti-starfighter weaponry of their own. Their speed also makes them decent patrol and scouting craft, as they can likely run from many situations or catch up to fleeing intruders. That said, the diminutive size of the Extinguisher does make the craft less durable than larger ships, and its lack of hanger support makes it ship heavily dependent on its own capabilities.

Nonetheless it performs its tasks admirably as an escort to larger and slower warships and the doombringer of snub fighters.

Classification: Corvette
Role: Picket, Escort, Anti-Starfighter, Support Craft, Patrol
Height: 112 Meters (counting wing tips)
Width: 68 Meters
Length: 96 Meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Hypermatter
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2 Main
Minimum Crew: 60
Optimal Crew: 132
  • 4 Dual Turbolaser Turrets
  • 2 Dual Ion Cannon Turrets
  • 2 Concussion Missile Launchers
  • 8 Quad Laser Cannons
  • 6 Point Defense Cannons
  • 4 Flak Cannons
Non-Combative Attachments/Special Features:
  • Communications Array
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Standard Deflector Shield Generator
  • Tractor Beam (x1)
  • Docking Clamps/Tubes
  • Standard Detention Cells
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Many Anti-Starfighter/Missile Weaponry
  • Fast and Maneuverable
  • No fighter support
  • Small
  • No Backup Hyperdrive
Passenger Capacity: 20
Cargo Capacity: 20 tons
Consumables: 4 months
Speed: 6

Maneuverability: 7
Who is this For: Only the Imperial Remnant
[member="Alva Calvarona"]

First of all, excellent use of the template, and the creativity and effort in this is too your credit. I like the general concept, the image is great, and you seem to be making an effort to be balanced in your use of speed maneuverability etcetera. Here is my hang up on just approving this and getting your RP underway. The amount of weapons, cargo, consumables, passengers and crew would have a difficult time fitting in this all at once. For instance the Defender-class light corvette was a slightly bigger size but similar and had far less by way of weapons, crew and passengers. So that said I have some options for you and you can choose what works best for you.

1. Increase the length and width to something closer to 150-200 meters and 80- 100meters respectively and adjust speed reasonably.
2. Reduce weapons, passengers, and cargo capacity to something closer to 2-3 weapons, 5-10 passengers, 20 tons cargo (This is an example not a demand).
3. explain how you can fit the systems and numbers into this frame and give me an example of something similar.

In a development thread of no less than 20 post establish a way to fit this all into a mass produced ship.

The Defender class corvette is much shorter in height though. Its 10 meters wider, and 10 meters longer, but 80 meters shorter.

I did drop the hanger as well, since corvettes can have between 0-1 squadrons and I went with 0.

I made the edit to drop down the cargo, but I left the passengers at 50 and the weapons as they were. As the CR-90 can carry much more cargo and passengers and yet also has smaller width and height (but a longer length) and is still decently armed.
[member="Alva Calvarona"]

The height on this is mostly side and ventral wing. the CR90 is almost 100 meters longer and solid (no wings). While I don't doubt the ability of the ventral section to beable to house some systems the overall design leaves it wanting.

I'm sorry I just can't approve the amount of weapons this has for it's size. There is no precedent for this size of ship with this configuration to be so heavily armed. Even the CR90 had less armament than this. Please reduce the weapons or increase the size.

May I point out the DP-20 then, which is smaller than the CR-90, more heavily armed, also carries more space, and also utilizes a much smaller crew count.

Nonetheless I did make it somewhat bigger than before, reduced passengers, and removed the backup hyperdrive. Are these sufficient?
[member="Alva Calvarona"]

The DP-20, which is a beast and I love it, also had zero passengers and a crew of only 91. Now here is the thing that concerns me. If I give this my approval, as is, everyone is going to be able to point to it and ask for the same amount of power in the same sized package.

So this is my only hang up. I like the idea and the work you've done and the fact that you took the time to find me an example ypu feel is similar go a long way in my book.

8 Quad Laser Cannons --> 4
8 Point Defense Cannons--> 6
4 Flak Cannons --> 2

What do you think of the above changes?

Well honestly I'm going to ask one last time if possible to avoid having to weaken this ship.

An assault ship would be approved under the old template without issue. This ship is just as strong as an assault ships from before, which I was trying not to bring up since I've been giving this template a shot. The only difference between this ship and assault corvettes is that its faster, however, I did cut out the whole hanger altogether and dropped the cargo, passengers, and other concerns.

Plus as I've stated before this ship is taller than the CR-90 and DP-20 while it is shorter. I will now provide the math for you to give the idea of comparative space. I know none of the ships is a perfect rectangle though (but the CR-90 and DR-20 are close) so bear with me, I dropped the dimensions of the extinguisher to factor in its wingtips shouldn't count and that the extending tower below isn't wide (by dropping is max width for the math).

DP-20 = 32.6 x 120 x 48.6 = 190123.2
CR-90 = 32.6 x 150 x 48.6 = 237654
Extinguisher = 96 x 24 x 98 = 225792

The Extinguisher is just a little bit smaller in space than the CR-90. I know very well how much space I've allotted myself. While this ship is more compact than the CR-90 or DP-20 it is not actually smaller. I am not trying to be argumentative but I made trade offs for the ship and knew it was not as small as you believed. While no single dimension broke 100 by far, the fact my height was above normal while length and width are still close to average does provide a different take on space.

If you still have edits for me despite this let me know. I even dropped 2 of the Point Defense Cannons if that helps.
[member="Alva Calvarona"]

This will set a precedent for future ships. I wasn't in the factory for the old system so I won't go into it. Canon ships like the ones you cited would have never been approved for the factory in the past. I know because I tried to convert several. As long as this ship doesn't become a problem I will approve it. An admin can veto my decision if they choose. Thank you for your work.

Pending secondary.
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