Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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EXGAL HUNT - Weekend Treasure Hunt 9: Engines of Death

Participation in this thread counts as 2-4 completed 'Journeys' for the Extragalactic Exploration Challenge.

(Not counting the incidental prizes like the talismans and the Marks of Shule, Rasho, and Velok, not to mention the many things you could have been sampling along the way.)
WTH7 = Weekend Treasure Hunt 7
WTH8 = Weekend Treasure Hunt 8
SJ = The Snubfighter Job
Private = Self-run threads
Further participation in those threads, and further individual exploration, will accrue further points.

'Fragments' (WTH7)
[member="Jared Ovmar"]: 2
[member="Anders Sivas"]: 2
[member="Matsu Ike"]: 1

'Components' (WTH8)
[member="Ermac Laith"]: 2
[member="Lord Daemos"]: 2
[member="Countess Xyhn"]: 1
[member="Chloe Blake"]: 1
[member="Mrrew"] and [member="Jaani Doosun"] (team): 2

'Journeys' (points from private threads or communal thread activity)
@Raziel: 1 (WTH7),
[member="Aethan Tannan"]: 3 (WTH7)
[member="Anders Sivas"]: 2 (WTH7)
[member="Mrrew"]: 3 (WTH8)
[member="Chloe Blake"]: 3 (WTH8)
[member="Lord Daemos"]: 3 (WTH8), 2 (private)
[member="Countess Xyhn"]: 3 (WTH8)
[member="Rayl Wilded"]: 2 (WTH8)
[member="Jaani Doosun"]: 3 (WTH8)
[member="Ermac Laith"]: 3 (WTH8)
@Mornhun: 2 (WTH8)
[member="Naast'ika Laaran"]: 3 (WTH8), 1 (SJ)
[member="Arrbi Betna"]: 1 (WTH8), 2 (SJ)
[member="Thessa Kai"]: 3 (SJ)
[member="Darren Shaw"]: 1 (SJ)
[member="Cyrus Corr"]: 3 (SJ)
[member="Rennek Corr"]: 3 (SJ)
[member="Mistress Kurah Rrusho"]: 3 (SJ)
@stardust: 3 (SJ)
[member="Meraki Stomm II"]: 1 (SJ)
[member="Jared Ovmar"]: 1 (WTH7), 1 (SJ)
[member="Chloe Kandossii"]: 2 (private)he
[member="Atin Kandossii"]: 2 (private)
[member="Darth Helios"]: 1 (private)
[member="Darth Vornskr"]: 1 (private)
[member="Asher Kellan"]: 1 (private)
@Pibit: 1 (private)
[member="Sawa Ike"]: 1 (WTH7)

This is where the components, fragments and journeys start being relevant. This is not the endgame.


The Priests of the Tusk, an enigmatic priesthood that jealously guards its ancient bulk freighters and blasters, provide mass transit between the primitive planets of Companion Esk. They will transport armed persons, but not armies. These ancient, patchwork freighters are filled with cavemen, knights, merchants and wanderers of many species and premodern cultures.

Alarmed by an influx of explorers and rogues from the main galaxy, the Priests of the Tusk are evacuating two of their greatest treasures, items granted them by an ancient and eponymous benefactor. Both treasures are referred to as Heavenly Machines.

Your goal is to take, destroy, or defend those treasures as you see fit. You might choose to chase down one of the two ancient bulk freighters, using the small starships you have used to get to Companion Esk. You might choose to board one of the freighters as a passenger. You might also choose to try to guess which planet/system the transport will visit next, and set up an infiltration, ambush or trap for extra impact. Do not expect me to DM this thread. From time to time, however, I will post the next hyperjumps for each of the two bulk transports. As they flee from system to system, they may or may not land on each planet; I'll specify this in each post.


Transport A is taking off from SE-4. Transport B is taking off from NW-1.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Rave Merrill"]
Transport A
Noah sighed as he checked over his loadout, a R-2 Assault Rifle, a P-2 pistol, his Ori'Ramikad Armor, his Bodo Baas Gubelt complete with all the ammo he would need, a Corek Custom Revolving Slugthrower and his Custom Vibro-Trench Knives. He had heard of the Priests of Tusk, enigmatic priests who hoarded weapons and ships. So Noah saw this as a unique oppurtunity to get some unique loot, so he had offered his services to the Priests in exchange for weapons and weapon parts that couldn't usually be found in the galaxy. So, now here Noah sat on a transport bound from the south east of the quadrant to, well, wherever they were transporting the weapons.
Wherever they might be in the galaxy or in Companion Esk, the following persons experienced a strange mental draw, leading them toward Transports A and B. If they searched their instincts, they would find it wise to bring the...things they had accrued in their travels.

[member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Anders Sivas"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Raziel"] [member="Ermac Laith"] [member="Lord Daemos"] [member="Countess Xyhn"] [member="Chloe Blake"] [member="Mrrew"] [member="Jaani Doosun"].
Transport B: NW-1

Naast'ika Laaran glided through space with the ease and familiarity of one born for such a role. His thick carapace, plated with Beskar and adorned with organic and synthetic weaponry reflected the light of a distant star as he approached NW-1. On the bridge, Captain Tupu and crew busied themselves with various tasks as they planned their expedition to NW-1. Whispers and rumors from the planets they visited on their approach had spoken of a location in the deep of space where sentient insects chanted and ritualized the process of keeping their arcane hive functioning.

The rumors were spoken of as myth and legend, too old to give any real, reliable information. But still, the prospect was intriguing to Captain Tupu and he had taken it upon himself to attempt to locate and contact this lost colony. By more luck than skill, the venture had paid off. Long range sensors had detected electronic emissions and synthetic radio waves from deep in the system, in the heart of an asteroid belt. On the approach, however, sensors had identified an oddity not yet seen in all of their travels through Companion Esk's worlds and stars.

A ship.

Naast'ika's voice beeped tentatively on the bridge of himself. The ship was a stranger to him. And it was massive.

To him anyway. The ship easily dwarfed the small Corvette, coming in at roughly six times the Mesen'Loras' size. The foreign ship vibrated and moaned in space. It's hull rattled and leaked radiation, radio and other electronic transmissions burst from it at seemingly random frequencies and patterns, and what appeared to be rust covered the vessel.

It was old. Even Naast'ika could recognize the visible age of the craft. It's movements through space were slow and stiff, as if the ship itself protested being pulled from its resting place at dock and forced to travel the void.

To Naast'ika, it was a curious thing and he approached with tentative optimism. His crew assured him that the ship was harmless and expressed their own interest in investigating the thing.
Gladius Class Light Freighter
Objective: Transport A
...the Gladius Class Light Freighter would come out of hyperspace near the planet of SE-4 where the Freighter leaving the planet would have already broke the atmosphere for the vast abyss that was space. Onboard the Gladius Class Light Freighter the Mandalorian sat at the helm with the assistance of the Astrometric Droid that did the majority of the heavy lifting when it came to piloting the starship considering most of his talents extended to land engagements and personal combat. Anyways they were here now drawn by an unknown pull which had drawn them from elsewhere in Companion Esk to this location where Freighter A was apparently departing but the reason for this remained something of a mystery...

...looking over at the Astrometric Droid he'd make the comment...
"Don't suppose this could just be made easy."...the droid would beep in response causing him to smirk briefly before saying..."Open a comms channel to that freighter. We'll stay at a moderate range and hope they consider us amiable."...then he would spin in his chair, stand and move back into the freighter were he'd perform a last minute weapons check and ensure that all of his equipment was operating efficiently. Among his possessions were the two bizarre electronic components that he'd recovered from the last planet in Companion Esk he'd visited...

...Laith was satisfied that all of his equipment was in working condition and he'd turn to move back to the cockpit of the starship before pausing and lifting his left arm where he'd gaze at the marking which had been burnt into his flesh. The triangular tusk that had been imprinted on him; the Mark of Velok. Gazing at it he'd flex the fingers of his left hand, stretching them widely before closing them into a fist once again and then moving back on his way through a narrow corridor and back into the cockpit of the light freighter...

...the Astrometric Droid had opened comms with the Freighter by then and as Laith took a seat back in his chair he'd have said...
"This is the Gladius Class Light Freighter on your aft. I seek passage onto your vessel. Please respond."...a straightforward and blunt message that relayed the message Laith was hoping to extend to this vessel. He wouldn't tell them about the components he had however he had the strangest feeling that they might be useful here. Only time would tell however much the same as it would tell if he would be allowed to board the Freighter peacefully or by force...
[member="Rave Merrill"]
C O M P A N I O N E S K | S E - 3
On the Aurora Hawk!



Everything and everyone was connected. One just had to look close 'nuff. Granddaddy tells me there are six degrees of separation -- that everyone and everything is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the galaxy, so as that a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two sapients in a maximum of six steps.

Strange how that works, no? Just six steps.

It ain't nuthin' new 'tall, just is what it is. I myself have been part of these six degrees of separation. What with [member="Sarge Potteiger"], [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Rave Merrill"], Je'gan... now he's the ultimate connection to those six degrees!

But out here, in Companion Esk... makes me wonder. Do the six steps apply? Or am I just out here lonesome... just me and the inky black of the 'verse.

Makes one wonder, what the Gods out there thought as they created all this wonder. Makes one feel small in the grand scheme of things.

Makes one wonder just what is their great plan for one self; where my place is?


Well-Known Member
Daemos turned his gaze to open space, the same - now extremely beaten up - TIE Fighter he had stolen on Tera Lush guiding him to his next appointment.

But what was that odd tugging?

Casting his mental probe down, he examined the artifact bound to his waist, focusing on the pull that came from it - seemingly leading light years into the distance...


Making the jump to hyperspace had been a quick decision, casting himself back towards that recently found galaxy. When he finally emerged into realspace, Damien found himself nearing NW-1. A large ship was nearby, and thusly he called out on his Comlink, "This is Raptorstalon. My ship is severely damaged, and I require assistance. Can I dock on your ship?"

"Raptortalon, we recieve your message, and hope we can help. Come aboard."

In a few minutes he would be on the ship, and then he could finally find the reason for the tug..
Transport A
...silence and then...

[Identify yourself. Explain.]

...the Astrometric Droid would beep while Laith smiled vaguely and took his time before deciding to respond, he would need an answer for them and while honesty may have been the best policy in most cases this was not one of them, then he would casual flip his comms back on to reply to the voice he had heard..."This is Laith Varad. Your cargo is in danger; I've come to assist in its protection."...which was a bold faced lie however as he sat back in his chair once again Laith would glance over at the Astrometric Droid before commenting..."Don't judge me."...while he waited for a response. There was nothing until...

[Docking port Delta. You may come aboard.]

...did Laith necessarily know that there was cargo on this Transport? No. Regardless he had deduced that he was drawn here for a reason and thus his ruse had been successful. Now he also knew there was cargo onboard this Transport Vessel. Looking over at the Astrometric Droid which integrated itself into the Light Freighters systems he would tell it..."Bring us in to dock with the transport while I prepare myself. Nice and easy."...the droid beeped its acknowledgement before Laith stood from his chair and moved down a corridor into the main area of the starship where his equipment was waiting...

...the Gladius Class Light Freighter would move closer to the Transport until it was within range to drift alongside it and apply docking clamps upon which time a docking ramp would be extended and the ships would be joined together for transportation of cargo or crew. Onboard the Light Freighter Laith would feel a brief jostle as the ships interfaced with one another before the Astrometric Droid came over comms and signaled that the Transport could now be boarded from the Light Freighter. Laith stood and moved towards the docking hatch...

...outfitted in his Beskar'gam the Mercenary also carried an ARC-9956 Blaster Rifle, which was held across his chest, a CZ-836 Sonic Carbine, which was slung over his right shoulder via a strap, his Vibrosword, that had been sheathed across his back with the hilt extending up over his left shoulder, and an assortment of grenades which included Fragmentation, Sonic Detonators and Force Breakers two of each. He was ready for an assault. As he made his way through the docking hatch he would move onto Transport A which switching his visual interface to an enhanced optics mode...
Transport B: NW-1

Naast'ika approached the strange, ancient vessel with utter curiosity. He typically found significantly larger ships to be scary and intimidating, but for some reason he found this one... different. Its slow, ponderous movements and the vibrations of its rickety hull made it seem gentle and harmless. As he approached the massive freighter, his crew opened communications with the crew of the mysterious craft and Naast'ika listened in.

Junior Lieutenant Saris Lassiter worked the controls of his station as he attempted to isolate the communication frequency the ancient freighter was broadcasting its random emissions on. "That should do it." He reported after a few moments. "Opening a channel now Captain."

Nodding his thanks to the Junior Lieutenant, Captain Tupu turned to face the forward holoprojector where an image of the rickety ship was displayed. "Unidentified vessel. This is the Naast'ika Laaran, how do you copy?" He said with his hands clasped behind his back in militant fashion.

"Naast'ika Laaran. This is the Divine Spirit, who are we speaking with?" Came a voice through the ship's communicator. Whatever the Junior Lieutenant had done, it was working and they had a line of communication with the foreign freighter. This, 'Divine Spirit.'

"Divine Spirit, I am Captain Lani Tupu of the Naast'ika Laaran." Captain Tupu said as he snapped at Junior Lieutenant Lassiter to try and get visual communication between the two craft functioning. "Property of Hyperion Security, PMC of the Mandal Hypernautics corporation. We are unfamiliar with your vessel. Please identify your affiliations and mission."

"Greetings Captain Tupu." Came the voice through the communicator. "I am Magos Juris Konstantyn Ambolic, Priest of the Tusk. We are unfamiliar with Hyperion Security and Mandal Hypernautics. Are... you affiliated with a more well-known people or government?"

Eyebrows arched throughout the bridge. Mandal Hypernautics was about as well known as a company could be within Mandalorian borders and was fairly well known beyond those borders. "Magos Ambolic," Began Captain Tupu diplomatically. "Mandal Hypernautics is officially recognized and sponsored by the United Clans of Mandalore as a major corporation that strengthens the economy and security of the Clans and their interests. Please state your current mission Magos Ambolic."

"So... You are... A Mandalorian?" Magos Ambolic asked, the unmistakable quiver of fear lacing through his broken response.

"Yes Magos." Captain Tupu said calmly and politely. Fear of Mandalorians was an old reaction that his people had gotten accustomed to a long time ago. Such things happened when your ancestors happened to have nuked planets for sport and war. "Please disclose your current mission and operation."

"The Divine Spirit transports citizens and cargo from planet to planet throughout the Worlds of the Tusk." Said the Magos pleadingly. It was plain to see that the man was obviously fearful that his ship would be attacked by the 'terrible Mandalorians' that had stumbled upon him. Were it not an apt description, perhaps they would have taken offense to the stereotype. "We evacuate refugees and escort relief workers to where they are needed. Please... Please state your mission, Mandalorian."

"Our current mission is one of research and exploration Magos Ambolic," Captain Tupu said reassuringly. "you have nothing to fear from us."

[member="Lord Daemos"],

During the moment of silence that followed, Sensor Technician Sirra Demona spoke up. "Captain Tupu, we're detecting multiple approaching ships. One... unidentified light freighter and what appears to be a Tie fighter from a separate vector."

"A Tie fighter? Are they broadcasting IFF codes?" Captain Tupu asked.

"Not that we are detecting, sir." Reported Ensign Demona

Interrupting the conversation, Ensign Saris Lassiter gave his own report. "Tie fighter is currently broadcasting on all frequencies, Captain. It's requesting permission to dock with the Divine Spirit."

Without IFF identification, there was no way to be sure who the ship actually belonged to. But from the experiences of Captain Tupu and the rest of his crew, he felt safe in his assumption about who was piloting that particular ship. "Divine Spirit, this is Captain Tupu." He said over the communicator once more, broadcasting only on the channel that they had previously been communicating on. "You are being deceived. Do not allow that ship to dock."

"Captain Tupu, how do you know of this deception?" Asked the Magos. The skepticism in his voice was unmistakable.

"In my experience, Tie fighters belong to only two types of pilots." Said Captain Tupu honestly. "Sith and Imperials. Trust me when I say that you want neither aboard your ship."

Naast'ika did not even need to hear the following order. He knew well enough the threat posed by Sith and Imperials. Distrust of such individuals had been part of his conditioning during his time in the second womb.

Taking immediate action, Naast'ika poured power into his Neuroengines and raced towards the approaching Tie Fighter. Weapon's Lock warnings would sound throughout the bridge of the biological starship. In Naast'ika's hanger bay, his own launch craft and their respective pilots were scrambled into a state of readiness as they prepared to launch in case they were needed. Aboard the Tie Fighter, the ship's own indicators would warn the pilot of a hostile weapons lock. A few moments later, the obvious physical body of the approaching Corvette would be identified by his ship's computer despite the ship not appearing on sensors.

[member="Chloe Blake"]

You posted that you're at NW-4. Are you guessing that the freighter at NW-1 will jump there next?

Or... did you mix up NW-1 and SE-4?

Just trying to figure out if I should be responding to your ship or not.
C O M P A N I O N E S K | S E - 3

A small beep would register upon her sensors, drawing a small frown over Chloe's brow. SE-3 was a planet of forests -- and a hundred Gods. Being a girl raised on a similiar faith, Chloe could feel a kinship to that. It wasn't about religion, but of Faith. A higher power that has created everything -- beyond that of the Force.

Most wouldn't understand her faith, but that was right by her. With a small smile, Chloe would gather more information about the curious SE-3.

Technology level: Bronze Age. Common species: Epicanthix.

From what she could recall, they were a species that were unable to be manipulated mentally by the Force. Would these Epicanthix also retain the same racial abilities?

Points of interest: A capital city whose temple district honors one hundred gods in a variety of architectural styles (one is a massive, tusked figure).

Why did this seem to nag at her? Perhaps further investigation would be required. Up close and personal. Since it was a shamanistic society, she would feel a bit more comfortable.

Question was -- just how well would they take to a strange woman?

[member="Naast'ika Laaran"]

LOL messed up the number, but for a change of scene I'll just guess to where they may land next.

Figured some tusk like figure would draw the attention of the Priests of the Tusk. And might as well do some exploration in the meantime.


Well-Known Member
Having been scanning frequencies during his opponents hail, Damien knew what was coming before the event occured. Returning his attentions to that of his comlink he flipped to a more secure channel, and spoke again, "This is Raptorstalon again, if actions against me are sustained that will be criminal, aggravated and premeditated, and likely to bring attention to all involved that is unwanted.

"My name is Damien Daemon, Patriarch of the Clan Daemon, an ancient, if little known, Mandalorian family. I have no loyalties towards the Sith Imperials. This ship was stolen on Tera Lush, not to long ago as well! I also must point out, if any is not to be welcome aboard your ship, I imagine an instigator of a fight would be the likely default answer, correct?" Damien finished his hailing, and drew up on the proverbial gas.
Transport A
...moving through the airlock and onto the Transport, a massive starship really, Laith was greeted by three men who came equipped with body armor and blasters. A Security Team, how lovely. Outfitted in his Beskar'gam the Mandalorian was a formidable sight to the men he was meeting with just then but studying them as well as the interior of the ship itself he came to several conclusions that coincided with the rumors he had heard involving the Priests of Tusk. These were that the Transports were primitive by galactic standards and that the men in the service of the Priests of the Tusk likely fielded outdated equipment as well. Nonetheless his attention came back to the relevant when one of the men spoke to him....

[You stated our cargo was in danger. By whom?]

...if the men could have seen beneath Laith's helm they'd have known he was smirking but then that would take away from the surprise of what happened next..."Me."...a single word that signified his purpose on the Transport now. Once he'd uttered that word Laith would snap his Blaster Rifle to attention and level it on the center man before squeezing the trigger and sending a barrage of firepower into him. He was killed. As for the other two members of the Security Team; they'd respond in kind by lifting their own weapons to return fire. Reflexes amplified by the synthetic muscle grafted to his body allowed Laith to respond in kind as Blaster Fire erupted again gunning down one of the two remaining men and then the other at close range. When it was all said and done Laith wasn't without his own injuries though; he'd taken a hit over the left breast of his armor but the Beskar'gam would have absorbed the majority of the blow causing the damage that transferred through to amount to little more then bruising... the end Laith was standing just outside of an airlock surrounded by three dead men which he'd fire an extra shot into to ensure that they remained deceased. Lowering his Blaster Rifle afterwards Laith would raise his left hand and press it over the mark on his Beskar'gam where he'd been hit...
"Not perfect."...he admonished himself before he was mildly startled by a voice coming over an intercom that sounded scratchy...

[Security Team Gamma report.]

...the transmission sounded scratchy however approaching the intercom Laith would press a button he'd found and reply..."We're fine down here. Our guest is in tow. Escorting him to holding."...then he went silent and waited for a response to come back to him...

[Affirmative. Routing another Security Team to meet you there.]

...only Laith wouldn't be there. Now that the conversation had run its course he'd do a combination of things that would set his plan into motion. Taking a transmitter and planting it unobtrusively onto the side of a console was the first thing. The Transmitters role was simple, it would relay information to the Astrometric Droid on the Gladius Class Light Freighter allowing it to track this Transport after it made its jumps. Next Laith approached what looked like an archaic console and with some help from the datapad integrated into the right forearm of his armor would begin to slice into the Transports systems so that he could download a basic map of the starship and its layout. Laith wanted to avoid the more populated areas of this ship if possible such as quarters and this might allow him some way around them...

...outside the Transport the Gladius Class Light Freighter would detach from the airlock and move to hover at a distance allowing the Transport to make ground so that it could follow without arousing suspicion...


Well-Known Member
([member="Naast'ika Laaran"], I am moving past you now not as a hand waved thing, rather to bump the thread and progress. We can sti interact if you feel it necessary.)

Damien waited a long moment, found no instantaneous fire, thusly once again activated forward thrusters and drifted around the larger ship aiming to dock in back. Soon enough he was through the protective shielding and within the transport that called to him through the Force. Touching absent mindedly at the artifact he recently found, Damien rose from his ship, met quickly by a platoon of soldiers. It took less than 2 minutes to once again bring them to the previous understanding: he was not the one attempting to start a fight.

Clad in his Beskar'gam, with his Cloak of Nuun hidden under his Cater Coat, with his Warden Cloak draped around him, he looked ready. Little could they be aware of the many deadly weapons he possessed: he carried three Shadow Daggers, three Betty Blasters with surplus ammunition, almost two dozen assorted grenades, and other goodies hidden in his Gun Belt. Lastly, Kallig's Scorching Saber rested against his right hip.

They couldn't guess how ready he was.

Sending out his Force Shadow, Damien strode through the main door of the large docking space, seeing far ahead of himself and then down a seperate hall, all the while his physical eyes stayed ahead. Attempting to seem indifferent while doing his work, Damien moved slowly, examining the layout quickly as he moved. It would seem whatever was calling to him was likely not this far into the rear of the ship.
Transport A
...a large, archaic, Transport like this had plenty of maintenance corridors that existed for the crew and personal to conduct their duties relatively out of sight of passengers and these were the primary method of travel that Laith relied on. Using the layout of the ship he'd downloaded onto the datapad integrated into his armor he'd follow the corridors and move towards the rear of the Transport where engineering was maintained. Lighting panels flickered making it difficult to see at certain junctions in the corridors and it seems that despite the relatively professional upkeep of this vessel it was still extremely primitive compared to established galactic standards...

...traveling down one of the corridors Laith would pause when he heard voices coming from ahead of him and sinking back into the shadows concealing himself in the darkness and dim lighting of the corridor. He'd discover a door in the process and quickly using the access panel panel adjacent to it he'd have slipped inside and completely out of sight. A group of unarmed men walked by shortly afterwards. Maintenance Personal he thought. Laith went to leave the room he'd entered by turning his head he'd pause and inspect the area before leaving for his primary destination...

...the room appeared to be mostly maintenance and storage, nothing of real interest however the Mandalorian took his time checking things over while he could. As he did this he'd pause again feeling the pull that had drawn him to this ship in the back of his mind seemingly growing more urgent and he'd grunt...
"Soon." though he were talking to the unknown sensation that had been invading his thoughts. Once he finished in the storage room Laith would move back out into the maintenance corridors and continue on his way towards the engineering section of the starship...

...the layout of the Transport was extensive but generally straightforward ensuring that the possibility of getting lost was limited. Moving through the corridors had become quicker the further Laith drew towards his destination fueled by the knowledge that eventually security on the ship would be searching for him when the security team was discovered dead however this had not deterred the man. Glancing down the corridor Laith would have seen a large set of hydraulic doors ahead which were marked as one of the entrances to engineering and priming his Blaster Rifle he'd aim it ahead and proceed inside...


Well-Known Member
Spotting a few obvious cameras along the way, the CEO of JAC, knew that whatever events would unfold, would likely unleash the full torrent of the ships guards upon himself. Unhooking the helm of his Beskar, Damien placed the item against its own selected hook along his belt. His will never wavered, still attempting to seem confused and in awe at his surroundings.

It wasn't like he was indifferent, as all around did genuinely intrigue him. But the Force had led him here, so why evade its call to condone passive observations?

Touching the artifact within his Gunbelt, he concentrated for a second on a passing ship staff. Instantly the massive ships personnel began to show themselves in his mind. Not entire positions and the necessary statistics, but the ones nearest could easily now be found using the rest of his mental presence. As well he sensed calmness, some were irritated, others entirely focused on their own qualms thus leaving nothing for the artifact to sense. It would seem the ships crew had been around each other a long time, creating minor bonds between them all, with more powerful between friends and allies.

Why would he do this? With a ship this big, such a massive number of staff, and just a single man attempting to do...whatever he was doing, it would simply be smart to know upcoming enemies as they neared. As he passed through multiple doorways, and down extensive halls, he simply shifted his concentration to the next closest staff, always aware of where the nearest was.

Of its own accord, Damien found his mind wandering as he moved. Why did such a galaxy exist seperate of such a massively technological unit as he came from? How did they not know of each other? What would happen if they came together?

Simultaneously he found himself also wondering how his crew would react to this knowledge. Beside that how were they? He had been gone for almost a month now, taking in the sights of the galaxy as a whole, combined with the extended absence of his excursions in his own adventures in his space. Fenrir would likely be angry he was not around; she always seemed so dependent on him to be there to keep him from snapping.

Pausing a nearby staff member that moved slightly to close, Damien reached out to touch his shoulder. The pretense was asking aloud, "Excuse me, when is the ship leaving?" But in reality, the contact aided him in a complete scan of surface thoughts and ambitions. He ignored the random ideas found, focusing on the layout of the ship. It took barely a second to 'download' if you will.

"Not to long sir. You may want to contact the captain for such information." ([member="Rave Merrill"])

"Of course. Duh thats such an easy idea, dont know why I didnt think of it." With that he offered a smile: he liked that his armor instilled sheer awe and slight fear in the man.
C O M P A N I O N E S K | S E - 3


SE-3 - had a technology level most commonly associated with the Bronze Age. Their common species: Epicanthix -- unlike the NW- -3 steam punk planet that also had Twi'leks.

There were several points of interests; A capital city whose temple district honors one hundred gods in a variety of architectural styles (one is a massive, tusked figure). A planet of forests. Shamanistic Force traditions that revere knowledge above all else.

That is where Chloe was presently at. In front of one massively large tusked figure. One that memory would recall made her think specifically of a certain Whiphid -- Velok.

Her time with the Selab, conversations with Je'gan, and the knowledge of what happened on Rhommamool made the young Warden wonder if perhaps that particular black guard had anything to do with Companion Esk.

Either case, this would warrant more of an investigation...


Well-Known Member
Passing a quick hand over the shoulder plates of his armor, Damien smiled again; he really did like the work he had put into its appearance. Few could tell it wasn’t a true Mandalorian’s work, those that did only being able to do so simply because of such a Sith like feel to its crafting. It was something he had worked arduously on for quite a time, well before he had ever decided he wanted training in his mentalism or the force itself. Back when he was known to the Galaxy as one demented sob.

Things, as they always did, had changed. He had grown fond of some select few people: Dozer, Nuke and Fenrir being the first. Then that combined with the choice to elevate his stature by taking lessons from one of the greatest mental powers in existence at the time: Darth Voracitos. Being named First Apprentice, combined with all that entailed, then coupled with having his memories ravenously erased…it was another thing he had never expected. He should have thought to see that far ahead; for if he had there was a possibility he could have prevented the loss of who he was. With the aid of forgetting himself, Damien had opened to something he likely shouldn’t have; the Light Side.

Not even strictly just the light side of the force, which he did indeed find himself now capable of honing in on, but just the over all goodness and justice that comes from the truly good at heart. If ever a time came where Damien was truly that good, it wasn’t any time soon, but still that fact alone had made things quite difficult. The deaths of his friends so many months ago, strictly so that he himself could gain more power, affecting him as it did was ridiculous. Had it been a few years prior, the idea would have simply made him laugh with glee.

Turning his mind once again to the present, Damien pushed his Shadow outward once more. This time however the search could be so much easier, as knowing the layout had been an issue previously. Turning his mind down a long corridor ahead of his physical being, he shot quickly down the hall. Next left, then again a long straight away, followed by a right turn.

His senses rang loudly as he moved, enticing him further.

What was it that called to him? Why is it that the further into the ship he got, the harder it was to ignore the urge? It seemed to come from the cargo hold, or at least near it, could the cargo itself be his main goal in the end?
It mattered little to the man as he moved to follow his shadow.

More and more staff passed him as he moved. Some seemed to be guards or maybe they just were regular personnel with a gun totting issue. Others wore obvious suits that would be gifted to pilots while some wore helmets that seemed to have something to do with flight gear.

Maybe the ship was just over manned.

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