...I should get used to being discarded. Really not sure why it surprises me anymore. It shouldn’t. It’s been what, five years now? Since I left Corellia for the first time? That’s when it all started...
The stylus paused and she dragged in a deep, ragged breath, dark eyes unfocused. Mercifully, the passengers in the seat to her left were both asleep and ignorant of her emotional state. Well, the lack of one, really. Irri didn’t have any energy left to be emotional with, and trying to churn anything up would just assault her already raw senses.
She could savor the pain it would cause, wallow in it as she had been, letting it fuel her still-meager, untrained powers. But a ship sliding effortlessly through hyperspace was perhaps the wrong place to let go and feel. Best to wait until she’d arrived at her destination first.
One of the abandoned outposts in the mountains ought to be the perfect spot. Wouldn’t matter what she destroyed then.
Irridia yawned and finally focused back on the screen of her datapad. It blinked invitingly, waiting for her to finish the entry and file it away. There was little else of consequence to add, and nothing of substance in her words worth keeping. A flick of her stylus along the edge of the screen saw the pathetic words wiped out of existence.
A faint smile curled her lips as silver-tipped fingers put the datapad away and stroked through her curls. Tired as she was, Irri knew she sounded awful and was thankful there was no one who could pry into her thoughts aboard the transport. With any luck, this sojourn to Ziost would be both difficult and illuminating.
Lost in thought as she was, she barely noticed as the ship reverted to real space some time later and began its approach to the planet itself. The energy inherent in the planet enveloped her in its embrace, casting a comforting shadow across her senses in the time it took for the ship to break atmosphere and lazily descend towards the spaceport . As if in a haze, the young woman gathered her bag and wound her way through the crowd exiting the ship, not allowing herself time to think.
Simply accepting the guidance of the Force which had guided her here to begin with.
Something was meant to happen. Something critical stirred within the darkness she harbored.
Irridia paused only to acquire the landspeeder she’d arranged for, tossing her bag in the back and speeding off. Away from the heights of civilization and into the wilds of the planet that beckoned with a dark intent she could taste.
The stylus paused and she dragged in a deep, ragged breath, dark eyes unfocused. Mercifully, the passengers in the seat to her left were both asleep and ignorant of her emotional state. Well, the lack of one, really. Irri didn’t have any energy left to be emotional with, and trying to churn anything up would just assault her already raw senses.
She could savor the pain it would cause, wallow in it as she had been, letting it fuel her still-meager, untrained powers. But a ship sliding effortlessly through hyperspace was perhaps the wrong place to let go and feel. Best to wait until she’d arrived at her destination first.
One of the abandoned outposts in the mountains ought to be the perfect spot. Wouldn’t matter what she destroyed then.
Irridia yawned and finally focused back on the screen of her datapad. It blinked invitingly, waiting for her to finish the entry and file it away. There was little else of consequence to add, and nothing of substance in her words worth keeping. A flick of her stylus along the edge of the screen saw the pathetic words wiped out of existence.
A faint smile curled her lips as silver-tipped fingers put the datapad away and stroked through her curls. Tired as she was, Irri knew she sounded awful and was thankful there was no one who could pry into her thoughts aboard the transport. With any luck, this sojourn to Ziost would be both difficult and illuminating.
Lost in thought as she was, she barely noticed as the ship reverted to real space some time later and began its approach to the planet itself. The energy inherent in the planet enveloped her in its embrace, casting a comforting shadow across her senses in the time it took for the ship to break atmosphere and lazily descend towards the spaceport . As if in a haze, the young woman gathered her bag and wound her way through the crowd exiting the ship, not allowing herself time to think.
Simply accepting the guidance of the Force which had guided her here to begin with.
Something was meant to happen. Something critical stirred within the darkness she harbored.
Irridia paused only to acquire the landspeeder she’d arranged for, tossing her bag in the back and speeding off. Away from the heights of civilization and into the wilds of the planet that beckoned with a dark intent she could taste.
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