Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Evie Arden


NAME: Evie Arden
FACTION: Not Applicable
RANK: Rogue Padawan
SPECIES: Umbaran
AGE: 9
GENDER: Female
WEIGHT: 57lbs
EYES: Icy Blue
HAIR: Golden White
SKIN: Pale


Evie has all the natural pros and cons which are stereotypical of her people: she possesses a highly sensitive eyesight which can aid her in darkness and when facing visual obstruction, while also impairing her if she faces a sudden flash of light. She is naturally gifted with telepathy, yet she is only particularly strong with this when some sort of contact is made, otherwise she requires an intense level of focus to make it work. She is very small, even for her age, yet despite this she is determined which helps her to overcome obstacles in her way. Evie has been gifted with Force Sensitivity yet outside of her telepathy skills all she is capable of utilizing is a small amount of telekinesis, but she has a large amount of potential hidden away.

Evie was born to an Umbaran couple on Coruscant, who had made their fortune on Umbara years before she was born. They were a somewhat wealthy family, her Father having founded a company which specialised in designing military-grade equipment. As she grew - being the only child - she was deemed the heir to the company and her parent's wealth, and her parents took the time to teach her to read, write and count. Yet at the age of 8 she was informed of the imminent arrival of a sibling, and more importantly a brother. From that day she became a shadow in the eyes of her parents, and her inheritance was dashed against the rocks. Naturally, this made Evie extremely jealous of her younger counterpart, and bitter of her parents for having cast her aside.

It was around this time that the Sith came to Coruscant, and things turned sour for the entire family. More than aware of Evie's Force Sensitivity, the family begrudged housing her - especially after a process began whereby Force Sensitives were being taken from the world. It wasn't spoken of, but it was noticed by the Citizens of Coruscant who were forced to keep quiet. Not wanting to risk a rebuke, the family tossed Evie out onto the streets, and less than a week later she was picked up alongside several others and shipped off world...





1. TBA
2. Strange New World
3. The Urban Labyrinth
4. Lost in the Jungle

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