Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Evaar’la’lor Deutch

NAME: Myrkalla Deutch
FACTION: Clan Europa, Mandalorians
RANK: Evaar’la’lor
SPECIES: Epicanthix
AGE: Late fifties
SEX: Girl parts
HEIGHT: 1.7 m
WEIGHT: 75 kg
EYES: Baby blue
HAIR: Thinning
SKIN: Has it

Master negotiator – nations tremble when she steps into a room.
Commander of armies – nations also tremble because she has a bunch of Mandos at her beck and call.
Mind over matter – unlike the usual Mando, Myrkalla has actually gone to college and in fact possesses a doctorate degree.

Dark past – as one of the leaders of Clan Europa, Myrkalla bears a heavy burden of ancient mistakes.
Family trouble – Deutch and British have had a strained relationship since British lost control over his clansmen. Europa’s dialogue with Americus has been stilted since the new Alor took over.
Halcyon days – the Colonel is certainly past her fighting prime, and knows it.

Myrkalla looks deceptively old, but… well, nothing. She’s old. But she’ll still intimidate your ass three sectors over.

Long, storied, and full of ex-husbands. And ex-territory. She’s the major driving force behind Clan Europa now, dragging all the bickering siblings together for the betterment of economy and society. It’s probably due to the guilt she still carries around from the dark deeds the Detuch committed during the Gulag. And also those several wars after.

A’lor’d British and her don’t like to talk about it.

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