Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Essence burn

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Several issues.

First is more or less a quality of life thing, please can you resize some of your words and turn off the bold for some of this? It is overwhelming and just hard to read.

Black lightless flame
The blade holds within it black flames which give no light when the blade is engulfed in flames it acts like a flaming sword but the wounds are not cuarterized but the area around the wound is burned leaving the wound to bleed.
I don't know any Force power like this, can you link it with the appropriate name attached?

The blade has the ability to drain stamina from enemies temporarily enough damage can cause fatigue.
• Stamina drain
Also the Force power for this as well, please link it with the right name of the Force Power.

• Primary Source: Sith Sword
Material: Alchemized songsteel
Please link these to their wookiepedia links. Alchemized Songsteel can just be songsteel.

The loss of life essence can be regained after some mild rest outside of combat
I am unsure how this is a weakness, please remove and make a new one.

Let me know when this is fixed. You cannot make new Force Powers per the rules just to mention just in case.
Nupax nurin
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