Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eskel Tyvia


Name: Eskel Tyvia
Faction: None
Rank: Force Sensitive Initiate
Species: Human
Age: 19
Sex: Male, Heterosexual
Height: 6'1
Weight: 160lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Mid-length, brown
Skin: Causcasian
Force Sensitive: Yes



Eskel, given his special circumstances of leadership of his people at such a young age. Has given him wisdom beyond his years

+Endurance, Strength & Resourcefulness

Eskel, due to the harsh environments of his home world has grown naturally resourceful and makes great use of what little he has. His experiences have given Eskel extensive levels of physical and mental strength and great endurance.


Training under his people, Eskel learned to track and hunt animals with ease. This ability has developed into being capable of hunting and finding almost anything, a trademark of a force sensitive with exceptional tracking skills.

+Malicious & Dirty in Combat

Growing up on a backwater planet with a less than civilised culture, Eskel grew up with the mentality of doing anything to win.


Eskel considers himself to have had a poor upbringing, and thus is ambitious in his dreams. Alas, has always wanted to be a hero to his friends and those that know him.

-Inexperienced & Untrained

Eskel has no official Jedi training, and thus is inefficent in official lightsaber combat forms. And, could be outdone by most proficient Jedi and Sith lightsaber combatants.

-Flirtatious and Naive

Eskel, being from a less civilised planet doesn't understand the politics and mannerisms of the inner colonies. Which, tends to make interractions with those who are well versed in mannerisms and the unspoken roles of social interraction, most often find Eskel to be, incredibly awkward and when compared to the drastic change in his mood when in conflict, can be considered unnerving.


Eskel has no truly remarkable features. He looks average, with the exception of the white stroke of hair on his head. Eskel, has never really put himself out there. But was forced to take centrestage as is, the continous marketable quality of the young man. However, as someone who lives in a harsh environment; Eskel is physically fit and more than capable to keep up with the best in a scrap.


Eskel, was born in the outer rim. On a very small planet, far away from the problems of Jedi and Sith. There was nothing worth talking about on this planet. Other than the fearsome clans that had make their home there. They weren't primitive, but everyone within each clan was family, it was a close nit community. However, the boy Eskel had the stars in his eyes. None of his family had ever looked to the stars, and so he was always restless. This, did not settle with his family. Especially his father, who was not a native to the land, but a descendant of a veteran of force wars. Said descendant had crashlanded on the planet and given up his life as a sith and turned to a simple life. He had been able to turn away from war and the dark side, and he was so afraid. He did not want that life for his sons or those that followed, thus implementing the mentality that outsiders were dangerous. This caused a great rift in the family, especially with his brother who was jealous of the attention their father gave to Eskel. Even as he did not wish to inherit his home and the responsibility as the leader of their clan, Eskel's younger brother was more than eager to replace him. They were equals in the heat of battle, however Eskel had always had more of a handle on strategy and leadership. Their father thought such things, ambitions would die with time and maturing of his children. He was half wrong.

Eskel's brother, was no longer jealous with his brother and loved him no matter what he chose and even at times. Was the only one to support him, and as a warrior tribe. At the age of 16, they were put to the test. To become men, they had to venture into the depths of the local forest and slay a beast.

The Beast Of The Forest:

Eskel's feet were in pain, every step felt like his father was lecturing him on the importance of a simple life, however now it was a physical pain, he knew what he was doing. Even if it hurt a little bit. They had been ambling about this dark forest. Even during the hottest of seasons, it rained on this planet and so. Eskel and Gren were showevered in rain and were still sweating like wompa rats stuck in a ventilation shaft.

Aimlessly searching for this beast's tracks. However, thus far Eskel and Gren had nothing and both were getting tired of each other. "We should make camp soon, it's getting dark." Eskel pointed out, emphasising his point with a heavy sigh as he planted his buttom on a sturdy rock. Peeling one of his thick leather gloves off with his teeth, proceeding to squeeze his hand down past his scarf and over his gear and scratch his back. "Oh man, my feet hate me right now." Gren agreed, throwing himself down into the long grass beside Eskel. "Well, we've made no progress here. Maybe, we should try near the swamps..?" Eskel shook his head, half smirking. "Nah, the swamp, leaves a pretty distinct smell on whatever trekks through there. And, this guy's been smart enough nouot to leave any tracks. So, I doubt he's went for a swim and made himself easier prey for the rancors.." Only now, did Eskel notice his brother mocking him in a childish fashion. Eskel used the force to throw a rock at his brother's arm, not too hard of course. Gren looked up in surpise, and gave an over dramatic expression of pain. "Harsh!" Eskel chuckled and shrugged, "You asked for it" Gren stood up, and throttled Eskel off his seat with a telekinetic push. Eskel landed in a mess of wet grass, "You ass! now my back's all wet..." Getting to his feet, rubbing his bare hand on his back to feel the extent of the dampness. "Oh, in comparison to what exactly? Because you weren't damp before." Eskel gave his brother a frustrated look, letting his limbs fall at either side. "Well, it had kinda dried. Now its clinging to my back again." Gren laughed, raising both hands to his eyes and mimicking tears. "Boo hoo, I'm wet aha, ha, ha." Eskel walked past Gren, thudding his shoulder. "Give it a rest Gren, I'm tired as it is. I don't want to have to waste my energy knocking you about." Gren welcomed any challenge, something that was always amusing and very often dangerous. "Oh, really?" Gren let a smile cover his face as he pounced backwards, raising his feat up and dancing back and forth. Come on, lets go. Come on big brother.

Eskel let his brother have his moment before he settled down, "Alright come on, save your energy. You're gonna need it for tommorow, we're heading for those mountains."

Both brothers were up early, refreshed and on the move. Drawing closer, they discovered more and more tracks of the beast. It was large, with sharp claws and some considerable brute strength. "Over here Eskel!" Gren called out, crouched over a large print in the muddied ground. Eskel, ran to his side. "The track's are leading to that cave in the mountain cliffside." Eskel, nodded and was on the move, climbing. "Alright, let's get this done!" Gren was quick to follow. "Right behind you."
Within a couple hours, the wind was howling high in the mountians. Both Eskel and Gren, pressed against the mountainside. "Can you see the cave?!" Eskel roared through the wind. Gren could barely hear him covering his ears to even somewhat understand what he was saying.

The beast they were tracking had become known to them as a Drexl, it was small for a Drexl. However that still meant scary large.
"Hold up, have your sword at the ready." Gren had his sword in hand already, buckled into a corner near the entrance to the cave. Eskel nodded in agreement, Gren always kept him straight. Eskel took his shorter curved blade from its straps on his back. Moving into the cave first, Gren close behind.
Soon the brothers found the beasts nest, and lay in wait for it. When they ambushed it, the beast proved more than a match for the two brothers. Nearly killing Eskel, and leaving him mortally wounded.
Gren had to carry Eskel down from the mountains, and gradually had to nurse him back to health as they returned home.
Both sons returned home. However, now more than ever the brothers dreams became starkly different.

Gren wished to lead the clan to greater things, branch out. Where as Eskel wished to travel. Neither of which did their father want.
Over the next two years, Gren had convinced his father to allow spacers to colonise their planet. Which would surely bring it into the cross hairs of impending war. However, both sons pressured him to do so. And, eventually the father gave in to their demands, and as soon as possible. Eskel was on the first shuttle off the planet. However, not before he spoke with his father,
A Fathers Blessing:

Eskel was turning 19 soon, and was considered a man now. He had been working as a mercenary for hire for the locals. Once he had gathered enough credits, he was ready to leave, he had said his goodbyes. He was to leave that night. However his father had summoned him. This would be the last time.
"Father." Eskel acknowledged his father, giving him a respectful bow. As usual, his father was sitting in silence in the clan chair. His leather jacket covered him from head to toe, his furs over his shoulders giving him a brutish look to him, his fathers face was withered, however he had led a simple life, "Son." His father spoke, placing both hands on his thighs, pushing himself up out of his chair. "Come with me would you." His father gestured to his bedroom, which was chillingly cold by comparison to the rest of the keep. "You don't intend on trapping me in here, do you?" His father allowed a brief laugh to escape him. "No, wait a moment." His father bent down and reached under his bed, pulling out an old crate. His father placed he crate on his bed; "My father and grandfather told me to never open this." He said, before cracking open the old, deteriorating lock. "This, is your great, great, great, grandfathers Jedi Weapon." His father approached him, and placed it in his hand. Eskel stared at what was in his hands, he knew it to be a lightsaber. "Go on." His father urged. Eskel ignited the blade, a beautiful crimson ejected from the hilt. "Father...I.." The old man placed his hand on Eskel's shoulder, "I want you to take it with you." Eskel was shocked, moving away from his father, almost obsessed with the hum of the blade. "I don't know what to say.." Eskel admitted, de-activating the blade. "And when you are ready. I want you to return, I want my son to come home, see his old man sometime soon. Alright?" Eskel couldn't handle seeing his father like this, looking down at his feet. "Yes, father. I'll come back." Eskel's father smiled, giving his son a farewell embrace. "Now go, don't miss your ship." Eskel nodded, and exited quietly. Though, he'd never see his father again.

SHIP: None as of yet.

The colour of the blade was unique, described as; "Not Quite blood red like that of Sith, a weaker colour. Almost pink, with a glimmer of red."

Initiate, Adept, Advanced, Expert, Master, Specialty

Telekinesis: Adept
Pyromancy: Adept
Telepathy: Initiate
Force Body: Adept


Eskel has never even heard of the forms before, and thus uses his own personal style of lightsaber combat.

The Way Of The Ancestor: Adept

RP: Soon.

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