Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eriadu Invasion

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Ok guys, we managed to knock out Eriadu at the same time as the Fringe. That's definitely made me quite proud considering most people had us pegged as dead in the water. So, that being said the invasion is on hold until the 11th. We have three days to discuss among ourselves what we want to build and why.

But this is also a chance for you guys to get creative in other ways. Have refinements to the idea of building a symbolically faction related building?

Maybe you have an idea for a different contest entirely?

Post them up, let me know. We're just looking to not fight it out for once, have some fun with it.

I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys want to do/would like to see us do for this invasion. Uncharted territory here; a non-fighting invasion.

Start time: 11pm EST, 3/11
Goal: Build a Memorial to those lost in the Reaver War, to go near a museum dedicated to the same conflict.

Roth Tillian

Those gone missing, the dead from the Klaaxi attack, the dead from the Bando Gora attack on Naboo. Those killed in the Reaver assault on Eriadu, specifically.

Probably a full honors ceremony, with a great big monumental statue (s), eternal torches, etc.
Not a terrible idea. Build a large, enclosed memorial with an eternal flame in the middle. Maybe etch the names of those who died fighting the Reavers into some obsidian. Get an honor guard set up around.

We could easily make that memorial a wing of a Reaver War museum too.
Nyos Val said:
Because we've done enough fighting for a lifetime. Eriadu has seen more conflict than it needs to. Fighting over it wouldn't be right.

We gotta do this the way we should.
*dramatically stares into the distance*
*hisses at the fact that no one seems to want to alter FleetCom*

I shall attempt to participate, but I will probably wait for someone to take on the aforementioned objective, since I am not confident enough in my own writing skills to make up a starting point and... Other things like the locations :p. I dunno, I might post soon if I find something in the first 30 posts.
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