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Faction Ere the Iron Sun rises


Vandemar in itself was a relatively average planet on the surface, some of the majestic dark forests have been protected from the merciless industrialisation, maintaining a healthy relationship with the environment and preserving the natural beauty and cleanness of the world. Though the obvious simplicity and beauty of the world was both deception and an understatement.

Through twisted gravity, the so called Second Realm, a hollow earth was kilometers below the surface and was an actual hell, filled with fire, ash and darkness and foul creatures. It was a scar below the surface, a flaw in the perfect nature created by a natural disaster aeons ago. So much for the deceiving impression.

The understatement though was High Vandemar. It was a realm erected by forgotten architects, using gravity technology and anomalies far beyond the comprehension of current day scientists. It was a realm among the clouds, amidst the heavens of a clean and blue atmosphere. With towers of gold and glass seemingly touching space, sunlight coating the marbled surface from dawn till dusk. It was a paradise.

A paradise for every soldier and warrior. Because the Vandemarians are not known to waste, they utilize, they are pragmatic and it was the headquarters of their Legions. While maintaining inner beauty, on the outside it was spiked with guns, shield generators and hangars making a defensive system which would make any capital proud.



The Hall of Heroes has been prepared for the grand celebration. Glorious in it's simple architecture and design, large banners hang from the walls showing the glory of past times, touched by fire and blood. Every of the two hundred columns which hold the high ceiling is covered in miniature inscriptions, names of fallen brothers and sisters. Added to the hall were banners of the Empire, the Iron Sun competing with the Ruby and Eagle of Vandemar. Tables and cabinets were moved into one half of the hall, the other dominated by the apparent but small podium which seemed to be a natural increase of two steps at one end.

I. The official signing of the joining of Vandemar to the Empire and the assignment of Aurelian Sigismund as Moff were considered reason to invite anyone from the Empire with a good security clearance to enjoy high quality food, wine and later the ceremonial signing of treaties.​
II. For those of lesser clearance and more festive character, one of the outer landing platforms was build up with tents and bars, shooting contests and duelling rings. It was a much less formal occasion and more aimed towards fun and entertainment.​

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Objective: Attend the Ceremony and dinner before that.
Location: High Vandemar, Vandemar, Imperial Territories.
Tags: Open.

EC-644-21 quickly arrived to High Vandemar in a shuttle with several officials. The only exeption is, he was the only soldier here. Even if he only had a KXR SFP-60x Particle Beam Pistol holstered, EC-644-21 felt the officials giving him weird looks. Mostly because he was 1.83m high, which is higher than most of the Empire's officials in the shuttle.

And maybe because he was in a DT's armor, well, they did not know if the said DT was here because he had a good enough security clearance or he was here to reinforce the security.

To be honest, EC-644-21 was here because he had a good enough security clearance. But I guess he can let them think he's enforcing the security.


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