Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Eradiate

Rhia Kesyk


"Stop picking at it" she chided quietly, as the boy at her side fussed with a fresh scab which had begun to form on his elbow. "You'll make it scar." When he refused to ignore it she passed over the to-go cup she was carrying, leftover from the lunch they'd just had, so that he'd have his hands full. Luckily for Ideon there was still a decent amount of juice inside, so it wasn't all bad.
Voma was pretty cool. The population was made up more of droids than biological lifeforms, and frankly it showed. It felt generally cleaner, and more efficient, and oddly quieter. Though they were far from the only lifeforms present, of course, and the differences she'd picked up on were arguably negligible. Maybe she was just looking at it all with a critical eye, purposely picking out the differences.
Whatever, Rhia was more or less in droid heaven. "I wonder if Kiss has ever been here" she mused aloud, as she followed Marus' lead and walked down one of the busier streets. Ideon remained close to her, it had been a long time since he'd been exposed to such, long enough that he barely remembered how cities could be. Well, it had been a long time for Rhia too but she still remembered the likes of Orax which had been more or less the same as this. That helped keep her from any anxieties she'd otherwise have faced.
"So, what sort of clothes do you prefer?" she found herself asking Marus, as they reached something of a fashion district. A lot of high profile brands lay here and there, but smattered amongst them were more affordable holes in the walls. Naturally those were what Rhia was more focused on, something cheap and easy to get their hands on, make this an easier process. "If you aren't too fussed, maybe we can try there?" She gestured to a somewhat underwhelming storefront; hey, this wasn't her money she was spending.
i have no clue what's happening
Ultimately, Marus was better at finding food on the fly than he was clothing stores; lunch had been quick to reach, but the walk to find the 'fashion district' was a bit more winding and aimless than he'd really intended. Hopefully Rhia and Ideon had gotten as lost in some of the twists and turns and back-alley 'shortcuts' as he'd been feeling earlier, and didn't notice; even if they had, though, neither had commented on it, so he seemed to be alright on that front. Significantly less alright was the number of big-name, galaxy-wide brands that even he could recognize, many of which were either terrible or carried a painful premium, that faced him once he passed down the street.

At least until he noticed a bunch of smaller shops, some of them just completely open air, that were nestled between—

"Wait, didn't you say that astromech had masculine programming? And he's called Kiss? What sort of sadist came up with that?"

Right, clothing.

He looked around a bit, although with the added necessity to keep moving so that he didn't block off the busy street combined with a lack of any idea of what to look for beyond the general idea of 'clothes' meant that he didn't register much. Which absolutely didn't help Rhia's question. "Uh...anything that can hold up to general wear and tear all over the place, I guess? I've never had much of an eye for fashion." Not on himself, at least, he just focused on simple-but-comfortable and tried to make sure the colours didn't clash or make him stand out too much.

Why was he in the front, anyways? They'd found the place to search for clothes, his role as their bloodhound was done for now. "Lead the way! I'll keep my eyes out for anything that seems like a good grab."

Rhia Kesyk

Rhia Kesyk

Frankly Rhia had just been enjoying the journey. Sure they had a destination in mind, but this was all a good distraction from the reality of all that had happened up in space. If they got lost, then she felt certain they'd eventually make their way back to the starport so what did it matter? Her only real concern was Ideon, but for as much as he clung close by she could also see him staring around curiously. With any luck he'd adjust to being back among civilization soon enough.
Right now, they couldn't exactly be picky about where they went.
Marus' question pulled her from her thoughts, and she chuckled lightly. "Uh, his designation is K1-S5... Kiss." Was it sadistic? "He seems to like it. Well, seemed to. Maybe he just let me get away with it because I was a kid." She glanced down at Ideon and gently poked his cheek. "Younger than you even."
With no real plan in mind, and no input from either of them boys regarding what they were actually looking for, Rhia simply led the way into the small store and glanced around. As she'd hoped, these weren't name brands. In fact they didn't really seem to sport much in the way of branding at all. Plain shirts and the like. That suited her enough.
"Go and look for a change of clothes" she told the boy at her side, urging him along with a gentle push of her hand so that he wouldn't simply hide behind her the entire time. Reluctantly, Ideon slithered away among the racks of clothes.
Then she turned to Marus. "What do you think you'll need? I'll try and keep an eye out." For her part, she'd just find whatever would fit and not cost an arm and a leg. She was easy like that, didn't care too much about fashion. Not least in moments like these where you really couldn't be too fussy.

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