Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Blessed are the peacemakers

Animus stared at the piles of reports he had compiled on the screen, and on his desk. Datapads worth of information, the result of years of very nefarious deeds and dastardly actions by one, @[member="Circe Savan"]. Some called her a harlot and an idiot, others called her a scientist. Animus liked to call her a Sith. He had put out the APB to the spies and agents in the Fel to bring everything they could to him. He had mixed reports of the Mnenchei helping her out, so that was an immediate call for concern. Ally of the Republic or not, harboring a fugitive of that calibre would not be tolerated.

Animus leaned back on the desk, rubbing his eyes. He was as much of a spy as he was a field agent, and this was the actual bread-and-butter of the job. He was wondering who would show up, and who could help, really. He needed concrete evidence and proof that it happened, something to present to the Imperator to further justify the witch-hunt, to give him more leeway with his investigations. He just needed something more...obtainable. He turned back to the pile of data, and began to pour over it, sighing as he awaited the various individuals within the Fel that had agreed or at least said they'd try and help to get their asses into the data room.

The dim lime-green light of the room bounced around him in every which way, as he looked at the various pieces of data he had constructed formed around him.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden

As allies of the CIS, and quite the worthless spies it would seem, the Leadership Council had ordered that Wiklea and his Bothan SpyNet contacts assist Fel Intelligence with the tracking and elimination of a high priority target. According to the news networks, the Fel Imperium had signed a bill that ordered the deaths of all Sith regardless of their affiliation. Of course, the Bothan Newtwork had known this far before any of the media had and that was no surprise for the Network was always watching. Marching through the Fel Intelligence building on Bastion, Wiklea quickly found himself at a closed door that read simply "Animus" above the door. Straightening his attire, Wiklea knocked on the door and awaited an answer.
Blessed are the peacemakers
@Wiklea Ve'nar

Animus' eyes drifted to the door, shutting off the database floating around and opening the door for the Bothan. Remarkable species, even more remarkable spies. He blinked a few times, before folding his hands behind his back."This is everything we know, so far. The Mnenchei dominion helped her or may have not, but it looks more than likely that they did. And if they did, I won't feel bad about razing their planet to the ground, or lining them up and.."He made two popping noises with a gun to the side of his head, and a comical 'dead' face.

He went back to the serious tone, adjusting the t-shirt he was wearing to better fit him, and then he turned to face the Bothan."So, Mister Ve'nar, what do you have for me?"He wanted the man to feel at home and comfortable, and not to feel forced, even though he may have not had much of a choice in the matter whether or not he helped the Fel or not.

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