Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Enough is Enough.

In the wake of calamity, emotions always flared. Loss of life, great or small, always prompt outcries for justice and vindication. Public opinion shifts, as if to characterize entire people's by the actions of radical minorities. In such a landscape, presenting facts to the angst-driven masses meant nothing. And that is why Mand'alor the Reclaimer did not waste his time in such a venture. What mattered now was ensuring that the actions of one rogue, [member="Saverok"], did not have the intended affect. What mattered now was ensuring that the Mandalorian people did not erupt into the largest civil conflict since the age of Tor and Jaster.

And as such, his projection erupted into being: an azure manifestation presented to two individuals Isley knew had sense. They, intimately tied to the Mandalorian Protectors, had built a reputation for being concerned with the defense of the United Clan's borders. As such, it was to them that the Mand'alor would speak...and hopefully something positive would be the result. Today, Isley appeared devoid of his buy'ce, instead opting to look upon them with his own eyes.

"I've come before you to prevent war." he began, wasting no time in getting at the heart of the matter. "Only days ago, a rogue Gen'Dai by the name Saverok initiated an attack on the station above Mandalore. We came, I came, to stop him the moment we heard of his departure from Empire space...But basic protocol kept up from being able to board the station and aide in putting him down. The result..."

A heavy exhale left him. There would be time to grieve later.

"I've come today to reaffirm that which I stated above Mandalore. Saverok was rogue. His intent was to start a war between the Clans and the Empire, claiming his actions to be done in my name. This is a lie – and I've come to prove as much. If you'll allow me, I'll provide you with evidence to clear the name of myself and the Empire."

"And then, if you are willing to set aside our philosophical differences, I would like to work together to hunt this beast down. Only days ago, Saverok survived a capital barrage, I doubt the station's destruction is the last we'll see of him."

[member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Anija Betna"]
[member="Isley Verd"] [member="Arrbi Betna"]

So much had happened over the last couple weeks, and Anija was still trying to make sense of it all. The United Clans had just barely routed Kyr'tsad from the majority of their worlds when the terrorist attack on Mandalore occurred. She sighed heavily and pushed aside the stack of datapads she had been looking over. Damage and casualty reports. Neither of which she enjoyed. It always hit her hard when she had to tell someone that their son or brother wouldn't be coming home again. And some might find her less of a warrior for it, but she didn't care. Not one bit.

She sighed heavily then and pushed back from her desk in the Protectors headquarters to rub at her eyes. They stung from hours spent staring at the holoscreen where it floated above her desk. It was late. But, as was often the case lately, Anija found herself working long hours going over after-action reports and conferring with her fellow Protectors about ways to fortify their worlds against further attacks. She knew whatever measures were taken - they wouldn't stop the attacks completely. But, it was the purpose of the Protestors to slow down, or push back the attackers.

As she was contemplating this, the sound of an incoming transmission chimed insistently from her buy'ce with sat on her desk. She looked across the room at Arrbi, wondering if he was getting the same call. What intrigued her the most was the source of the transmission itself. Her unspoken question was confirmed when a hologram resolved itself separately above their desks. With a few keystrokes, she routed it to the large holoprojector which was set into the floor of the shared office. When it had, she stood from her desk and moved out into the center of the room.

"Isley. I wasn't expecting a call so soon after..." she shook her head, mostly at herself. As if to get her mental bearings more than anything. The mention of the attack left her feeling as if she'd been gut-punched. "I'd very much like to hear of this evidence you may have...." She shared a glance with Arrbi. "And, I'd like to avoid war as well. Manda knows we've all had far too much of it in recent months."

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