Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Enlisting in the Republic military

As he stepped off the transport and entered the recruiting station he look around as grand building, the high circling, the holo vids of the great Republic victories and the tragic losses. As he approached the recruiter he felt a sense of doubt fall over him. This passed and he made his way to the recruiter's’ desk.

The recruiter looked up and said" welcome citizen looking to serve the Republic this place now do have any idea what MOS you want?” the man asked.

“Yes I do I thinking the combat medic, I been a civilian med in the refugee camps on Ord Mantell for about 5 years and another 6 years a medic here on Coruscant, I am force sensitive and semi-skilled in using the force for healing.” Doc replied

[member="Jarin Eldaro"] @Kiyron

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