Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Enjoy The Silence (Crix)

Cryax slid forward so that Crix could straddle him better, and wrapped his arms around the slaver, pulling him closer in a tight embrace. The feeling of Crix on his lap was exquisite. The other man felt like a precious object or a pet that Cryax could cherish, and when he titled his head in for a kiss, Bane yielded to it completely. Yep, he was putty in Crix's hands, lost in those cruel brown eyes and golden curls. Smitten. When their lips parted, the Chiss couldn't contain his smile.

At Crix's suggestion that Cryax visit his compound for three days, Bane let out a low chuckle and pinched the other man's ass playfully.

"If I come to your compound will I end up as your slave, Crix?" he teased, stealing another kiss from his lover. "Has that been your plan all along? To capture your blue boy?"

The question he really wanted to ask was, "What about Toby?" Sadly, he wasn't sure if he would like the answer, so his tongue remained bitten.

[member="Crix Meriet"]
Crix purred as he was pulled into an embrace, he loved contact. He adored contact with his Blue boy sitting in his lap was unsurprisingly wonderful, it was a statement of power and allowed him to be cherished and Crix was made to be cherished. He smiled as they parted, the Chiss's smile was infectious as he swam in the red pools of his boytoys eyes. Continuing to graze over the back of [member="Cryax Bane"] 's neck. This man was divine, a demon to his angel Toby and crix lusted uncontrollably for him.

He snapped back to attention at the pinch of his ass, he yelped then chuckled batting Cryax's hand away "naughty" He laughed.

"You'd like that wouldn't you ?" He asked in reply, eyebrow cocked in coy fashion before his face was snatched into a kiss. Then he came to address his true motives. Whilst it was clear that Cryax was joking Crix would not have passed up the opportunity to enslave Cryax on a permanent basis to have him on tap would be heaven.

" Well I do love you in bondage, I'm sure your beauty would only be enhanced by a collar around your neck .." he said grazing his nails from the back to the front culminating in his fingers meeting in the recess between his abs "Some pretty chains on your wrists and ankles ..." He said hands drifting down to rub at his boys wrists, Likely still tender from the night before. He could reach all the way back to the chiss's legs so his blue would just have to imagine that " Oh blue the things I will do with you ... it will be glorious"

As for Toby ... well Cryax could be a secret.
Cryax let out a long, very let Crix's hands go wherever they wanted (which was everywhere). "Be your pretend blue slave?" he chuckled. "Can't see a downside to that, beautiful." When the slaver mentioned putting a collar around his slender blue neck, he couldn't help but raise a blue hand to feel his way around his own flesh, imagining what it would be like. Oh yeah, he wasn't going to let this man go so easily. When Crix's hands were done searching, Cryax took them and lay light kisses along the other man's fingers, much like he'd done at the cantina, the night before. Had it only been a night? It almost feel like he'd known Crix longer.

"I would like that very much, Crix," he admitted. "Enough to drop all of my business in Csilla for the next week." He laughed and shook his head. As if that could happen. "Of course the Chiss Ascendancy would never let me get away with it." It did seem awfully unfair that he had to go back to that blasted frozen planet with its cold and aloof people, instead of spending more time in a hot bath with Crix in his play dungeon.

"An Imperial Governor's work is never done," he said glibly. He pulled Crix tighter and nibbled on his neck. Was he using his position of power to impress the other man? Of fething course he was. He was Cryax Bane, after all, a man who never missed an opportunity to use every weapon at his disposal.

[member="Crix Meriet"]
"Pretend darling ?" Crix laughed, He hadn't pretended in a play dungeon since the time he put on a dress and a wig to traumatise a particularly attractive individual he'd ... borrowed. It had been a bad time in his life and someone had shown him strong liquor, it wasn't something he enjoyed talking about ... In his defence it did work though. The guest in his play dungeon was traumatised, but then so was crix the morning after. "There will be no pretend " Crix was in it for the full kitt and kaboodle.

He watched Cryax run his hands over his neck with a smirk, the power he had amused him ... nothing could compare with the power that one felt when they could spark such a reaction with only words. The he came undone again as his blue boy took his hands to place soft kisses across them. Such servile affection was his kryptonite as it were. Oh the price he would pay to spend the rest of his life being doted on by his blue whilst he listened to his Toby's heart beat as the slave teased his hair. He would die swiftly but it would be a death masked in pleasure ... the thought prompted subtle excitement in Crix.

His excitement wavered however when [member="Cryax Bane"] admitted that he was too busy, a man of compassion might have pitied the blue man for all his stress but Crix was far too consumed by his own self pity ... he got by doing very little by way of hard work, why didn't every one else do the same? He felt a touch let down by his Boy of blue, he was being selfish really.

Then it was all better , he was pulled in tight to his fellow man and slowly sparks of pleasure began shooting up his neck. That was better "Ah a politician ... yes mother always warned against them, look out for them Crix she said they'll always be too busy Karking the electorate to Kark you ..." That was a lie, his mother was too prudish to be so crude, he'd actually heard it from a whore who was far too drunk to stand but that was far less effective as a story hook. As for being impressed, Crix was not easily impressed, teen years filled with hate had rather jaded him and left him rather juvenile in terms of engagement "I suppose you'll just have to call me when you're free" He added, that could work too he supposed.
Cryax noticed the flash of disappointment on Crix's face when he mentioned his schedule. Tilting his head to the side, he brushed a blue hand over Crix's cheek.

"Hey now," he tutted. "I'll make the time for you, darling." A smirk lifted the corner of his blue lips. "I have business all over the galaxy. I'm sure that I'll be back into this part of space soon." More kisses came, this time on Crix's earlobe, where his lips softly lingered and then gave a tug. Perhaps the other man could even make a trek to Coruscant? Bane wasn't about to invite Crix to Csilla, not with his approval rating still in the negatives and those horrible political cartoons in the press. One depicted him as being walked around on a leash by Sith Lords, and there was that other one where he was literal puppet with a Sith Lord's hand going up his...ok, now he was getting annoyed thinking about it. He forced his thoughts back to the handsome slaver, which was a fairly easy task.

His fingers were starting to prune and the bathwater was starting to cool, but he still couldn't tear himself away from the irresistible Meriet. He let his hands rake down the other man's back until they were submerged.

"Can I come to your compound in two weeks?"
Crix relaxed as the blue hand ran over his cheek. The touch was welcome but he was still disappointed he couldn't have it all his way, he supposed it was for the best though he needed to be careful his dalliances with Little Big boy blue didn't cut into his Time with Toby, who was afterall the most important man in his life.

He smirked back as His blue tutted, he was trying his damndest to still look annoyed but was ultimately failing. How could he stay annoyed at such an alluring man. "You'd better be back I'm not in the habit of ..." He was halted as [member="Cryax Bane"] began to kiss his ear "...Oh!" He sighed loudly. eyes closing head rolled back. He was in heaven, only this time it was a daemon that put him there. He 'grr'ed' at the minute pain of his ear being tugged a small spike in the fluff of relaxation and all talk of schedule was forgotten. Crix would if asked go most anywhere in the galaxy, his new role with the princess did mean regular business trips away to reinvigorate the workforce. He opened his eyes as he felt a tension creeping back into his blue. Crix could understand what had upset the Chiss ... He can't have been to blame and no one else was here. Perhaps the chill of the bath had gotten to him, it was growing colder now ... then as quickly as the tension started to arrive it set about leaving and Crix felt hands drop to his shoulders.

His back arched as fingers raked over his back and into the water and his head returned to Cryax's shoulder for a moment or so. As Cryax asked his question a cheeky grin returned to Crix's face and he sat up again "Blue you can come wherever you want and whenever you want ... just tell me in advance" He replied "I don't want a mess afterall"

As he sunk back in the bath a shiver tore up his back, "It's colder than death in here now" He chuckled "You ready to get out?"

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