Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Enjoy The Silence (Crix)

For a slicer, landing on a place like Isis was a bit like losing a vital sense, such as touch or hearing or even sight. The crystal valleys that made up the planet’s surface made it impossible to communicate using any other technology besides fiber optics. The crystals themselves had a strange way of disrupting most wireless frequencies. This limitation meant no datapad, Holonet, or even wireless commlinks. As Cryax Bane, slicer and Imperial Governor of Csilla, was accustomed to being fed innumerable amounts of information through his ARCs, filigrees of bytes and algorithims that flickered in and out by the microsecond, to suddenly lack this glut of data was unsettling to say the least. Would he actually have to resort to talking to someone? Force only knew.

Sitting in a booth in the Orion Cantina on Isis with even his Datapad as useless as a phantom limb made Bane antsy as feth, and when he got antsy, he drank. Three whiskeys later, the overwhelming stillness of his somewhat blurry vision was a bit more palatable. The Chiss, a former crime lord himself, had come to Orion to purchase some special goods for the One Sith, some special sentient goods. The Coruscant Tourism Center had suffered a decline in business since the terror attacks on Coruscant. So his usual method for procuring slaves was neutered for the time being. With glass in hand, he waited for his contact [member="Crix Meriet"] to show. Although bored and fidgety, Bane wasn’t desperate enough to start making conversation with his two bodyguard droids. Not yet anyway.
Crix hated Isis for reasons entirely different to [member="Cryax Bane"]. He could stand the frankly primitive methods of communication, indeed he begrudgingly liked them they did after all assist him in avoiding his noble parents. it was after all hard to shout without wireless communication from across the galaxy. No he hated Isis for a great many reasons chief among which was his employer, The priss Porcelain Princess who seemed to lack the ability to think ahead ... The fact the planet looked like the spice induced dream of a pageant girl didn't help. None the less he stayed, because so long as he stayed away from the princess and the outside he could enjoy the luxuries on offer and Toby of course. Isis for all it's faults allowed him plentiful 'Toby Time'.

Sadly he couldn't bring Toby with him today, his Darlin' boy always got so tense when he was taken to slave trades. Tense Toby equaled tense Crix and a tense Crix was a cross Crix. Cross Cix did bad things, bad things like pushing harlots into rock grinders. Of course Crix was very easily made cross, such was evident by the battered waiter he had crawling behind him. A blond haired, blue eyed beauty. Or at least he had been a beauty before he upset Crix he had welts on his face to match his eyes now. Why would the Cantina let him do this ? Money it always came down to Money Crix greased the cantina owners like cheap fish.

"I must apologize Mr. Bane, Blondie did something very stupid so I had to punish him and now he's following me around to apologise" Crix pointed out the dark stain on his Jerkin, Blondie had brought Crix the wrong gold brand whiskey and tripped up to boot. His fight with the waiter was immaterial however they would no doubt 'recompense' later in a cleaning closet then all would be well for Crix ... less so for blondie. He sat down with a smile across from the Chiss, bondie began by kissing Crix's boots. "Now sir, shall we begin " He drew a binder from his bag "I'm afraid this blasted planet forces me to use low tech methods ..." He frowned but in truth Crix prefered a tangible catalogue to sell slaves from .... not quite the same as a 'Physical' tour of the slaves but not everyone appreciated those. fools.

"Now what were you looking for in particular ?" He could sort slaves by specialisation, hair/eye colour, gender, 'Night abilities' etc. ...
The Isis slaver, Crix, arrived at their booth with a "friend" in tow. The crawling man had apparently crossed Crix in some way and was now being forced to grovel at his feet, literally. Glowing red eyes lingered on this handsome sadist sliding in the booth across from him, and the faintest smirk lifted his blue lips. Cryax liked the man already. Sadly, Crix was all business, pulling out a binder of potential product for the Chiss to peruse. Suddenly, purchasing slaves seemed the furthest thing from his mind with such a good-looking human at the table, especially as the sight of another man kissing his boots was somewhat stirring to Cryax.

The ridiculously wealthy ex-crime lord turned to a different waiter, this one more upright.

"A drink for my friend here," Bane said. "Your finest bottle of Whyren's Reserve."

He swiveled his head back to Crix, glowing red eyes lingering a bit too long on the man before he dropped his gaze to the binder in his hands.

"I need an assortment of humans and different species," he said. "As healthy as possible." The live bodies were for experimentation, most likely at the hands of Sith Alchemists. Although once they left his hands, Cryax didn't give a kark where they ended up.

He ran his fingers through his blue-black hair and smiled widely at the slaver, racheting up the charm a few notches.

"What I'd really like to know is, where can I get one of you?"

[member="Crix Meriet"]
Had Crix known that he was being thought of 'all business' he would likely have been upset. He liked to think of himself as rather exciting. By the same token however he would have been faltered to be thought of as handsome and sadistic. On those two counts he knew he was guilty and he was karking proud of it. Crix was by his own admission freaking fabulous and anyone who doubted it well they couldn't be more wrong. He handed over the binder and became briefly distracted by [member="Cryax Bane"] 's eyes. He'd never seen a chiss before but god those eyes, those eyes were quite something. A select few naughty thoughts raged in Crix's mind but then he came back to reality and stopped. No he couldn't betray his Toby like that .... then again it would be a waste of an opportunity to let the chiss pass through his fingers without getting the proper touch in, wouldn't it?

Oh he didn't know.

Then the Blue bombshell ordered alcohol and good alcohol to boot. Crix loved alcohol, the sad fact was alcohol did not love Crix. It went straight to his head and made him forget that Toby was his devoted Lover. He never really forgot Toby he just forgot to connect Toby to dalliances and then his brain stopped doing the thinking and his impulses took over. Nevertheless Crix was never very good at denying the things he wanted and he wanted alcohol. So when the bottle was produced he didn't refuse it. It wasn't the 182 batch but my god was it good. He would no doubt swiftly become very tipsey.

They were still talking slaves however. so he looked away from the Chiss's eyes and from the Whiskey "You'll find every slave in that catalogue has undergone extensive physical assessment, only the fittest make that catalogue the runts usually end up being killed " Publicly of course to send a message 'weak slaves die'. "The bulk of my slaves are human, I find they tend to appeal to my proclivities a touch better than most others I can catch and they react so well to the whip," Crix loved his whip "but you will find my more exotic species at the back four pages, the rest of the catalogue is divided up by category first is house and bed slaves, my speciality " He liked to think his bed slaves were the best in the galaxy he had after all tried all of his and a great many others besides ... purley market research of course.

"Then you've got slaves with technical knowledge, architecture, artisan crafts that crap then finally the grunt slaves" His darling grunt slaves such strong bodies and such weak minds often best served as a team.

He drank as they progressed and as promised his head started to go fuzzy, it was a nice fuzzy like candy floss. Then of course conversation took a lustful turn.

"Darling I can assure you that there is only one of me in the galaxy ... The mould broke after me " He focused on his knuckle, he'd grazed it beating blondie, and it seemed that in rubbing it crix had broke the skin. such a shame really it was horrifically inconvenient and seemed to happen a lot ... he really ought to invest in gloves ...
"So the question I'd like an answer to is now you've found me wadda ya gonna do about it? ... " He pressed his knuckle to his mouth to stop the bleeding "... Stud" He mumbled into his hand as he finally returned to those captivating red eyes.
Cryax perused the binder, only half-listening to Crix's hard sell. His attention was far too drawn on the man’s lips as he lifted the glass of Whyren’s to them and the way the other man's eyes burned into his own. His instincts weren't wrong about Crix. The other man seemed to have an interest beyond making a sale. Bane heard enough that he trusted Crix to pick out a selection of subjects for him, the ones with the strongest minds were perhaps the most suitable for withstanding whatever horrors the Sith brought upon them. If he simply let Crix choose, then their evening could be spent in more exciting ways. The mention of whips and bed slaves weren't lost on him, however, and he raised his eyebrows as the other man mentioned them. Mr. Meriet, you devil, you.

Crix himself seemed to unable to ignore the obvious charge of electricity between the two of them, and his words and pet names were a sweet symphony to Bane’s ears. Cryax sipped his whiskey slowly, savoring thoughts that could melt the very ice in his glass. He dropped his gaze to the slaver's bleeding knuckles, then to the hapless waiter at his side. Bruises had blossomed on the other man's face. Sadistic men were definitely a weakness for him.

"What am I going to do, eh?" Cryax asked with an appreciative smirk, his glowing red eyes brimming with amusement. He leaned over the table, reached out a hand and took Crix's wrist, pulling the other man's hand towards him. Lifting it to his mouth, Bane ran his blue lips along the broken skin on Crix's knuckles, then took one of the other man's fingers into his mouth, sensually and demonstratively. The hand was soon released.

"Convince you to take me home," he answered plainly. He leaned back in the booth and gave him a challenging gaze. Your move, Mr. Meriet.

[member="Crix Meriet"]
Crix was incapable of ignoring a great many things if someone had nice eyes and good endowment it was likely he'd bed em erm I mean bring them on a totally sweet date followed by purely consensual light kissing. No sleaze here ... the cleaning cupboard was another matter however there was lots of sleaze in there. Enough sleaze to make a whore blush in fact.

It seemed he had spoke entirely in innuendo for the past five minutes and entirely accidentally. He did that sometimes, but judging by the Blue Boys reaction he seemed to enjoy it. That was good ... if the eyebrow raise was anything to go by it seemed Crix was in for quite the night of pleasure. The only concern would be who would be holding the whip ... Crix was not accustomed to being on the receiving end. Then it occurred to him perhaps this wasn't just a party of two , now that was a fun idea. Fun enough to make Crix's eyes glitter for a brief second.

It seemed talk of business was now being entirely abandoned. Crix was more than happy with that the slaves could wait until Crix was entirely satisfied. As [member="Cryax Bane"] took hold of his wrist Crix smiled and shut the binder with his free hand. Lust was the topic of conversation now and binders of that sort were unrequired ... the metal type were welcome however. He had picked up the folder but dropped it immediately as Cyrax ran his lips over Crix's poor wounded knuckles. The touch was soothing though he recalled a greater paragon of his relaxation in the back of his mind. His niggling reservations did not however prevent the groan from escaping his lips. He almost melted when the Chiss began to suck his finger, god it was sinful.

Secound only to inflicting pain Crix loved nothing more than being doted upon, grazing kisses, Massages, Bubble baths they were the back door key to Crix's heart. Of course he was yet to find anyone who did pampering as well as Toby ... not that his whiskey addled mind remembered. No all his mind could do at present was transmit an over whelming urge to get his new blue friend alone. He gave a disappointed sigh as his hand was released and pulled the file back. His eyes down cast. Then with the file away his eyes went back to the Chiss's a coy grin playing over his lips "Is that so?" He asked laying his head on his hand. He couldn't take the Blue Bombshell back top the palace Thais might see and something else dug at his mind also but he couldn't pinpoint it. Perhaps a hotel there were some good ones with thick walls. "Well I'm not some cheap Cantina Harlot, it will take more than some 'sinful' " The memory made him stir again "Sinful Lips service to get in my pants ... seduce me Mr. Bane" Crix did after all have complex feelings. Granted they were almost exclusively selfish but that was beside the point.
Oh ho ho. So Mr. Meriet wasn’t as easy as he looked. A wicked smile cracked Bane’s face and he let out a low, throaty laugh. Once upon a time, Cryax had been a fairly shy, no-name slicer from the Outer Rim. Several years spent at the helm of a criminal syndicate had killed off that boy completely. Present day Bane was smooth, experienced, and shameless. Still, the Chiss was used to the being the one seduced, not the seducer. As a rich crime lord, he mostly bought his way into beds, and as the Imperial Governor of Csilla, he was open to certain types of favors in exchange for political gains.

Even so, challenge definitely accepted.

“Going to make me work for it, huh, Mr. Meriet?” Cryax said with another faint quirk of his brow. The way the other man looked at him, he didn’t think it would take too long. First, he removed his suit jacket and folded it neatly on the back of the booth. His blue hands crawled up to his own shirt collar, gently untying his tie. With a slight flourish, he slid it slowly off his neck and dropped it on the table, his red alien orbs never leaving Crix’s cruel brown eyes. Next, the top three buttons of his white dress shirt were undone. He opened the folds of his shirt, revealing just a hint of lean, spotless blue flesh.

Once he felt he had whet the other man’s obvious appetites, Cryax stood, straightened out the front of his pants, and sauntered over to the other man. He bent over to let his lips graze the other man's earlobe as one hand snaked through tousled curls.

“How about I sit on your lap, Mr. Meriet, and we can talk a bit more about what your specific proclivities are?”

[member="Crix Meriet"]
Crix was equally unaccustomed to seducing, he occasionally doted upon his Toby but the slave came readily seduced. By the same token he had never been seduced in such a subtle way, his usual liaisons were usually sparked by woefully inappropriate grabs and dirty language. This Chiss was seducing him in a 'classy' way and it was working. He had raised an eyebrow as Cyrax began to remove clothing, he was getting a little hot under the collar know and with every button he got hotter. He ran his finger through his collar as [member="Cryax Bane"] undid his buttons in teasingly slow fashion.

"Yes ... work for it ... so much work" He mumbled in response to Cryax's first question. Crix didn't know what it was but this man made him crumble in a way no one other than Toby had ever topped. Perhaps it was that the blue bombshell was the only other companion beside toby that had seemed to be of some substance, or maybe it was the promises unspoken and the mysteries undisclosed that made this man so captivating. Whatever it was Crix was captive ... hmm Kidnap role-play now that was ... sparking to say the least.

He was overwhelmed as the Chiss stood up. "Scoot Blondie ... your vexing me now ... " He lied twas not the battered blond that vexed him, twas the blue man and his sinful way. None the less the blond was dismissed with a light kick and off he went likly glad of such an easy escape.

Crix decided that actually being rendered weak at the knees was unpleasant ... right until it wasn't. Did this man know all his secrets, The hands, the hair and the ears Three of his soft spots nailed in what felt like an eternity of five minutes. He groan once again as the soft graze of lips and the light tickle of whispered breathe. It was as if Crix had been freed of all his stress. A rare skill indeed a skill he thought only Toby possessed ... or at present the mysterious nag which was the forgotten connection to Toby. He took a sharp intake of breath and spoke trying desperately not to sound Husky. As he spoke his index finger traced the recesses of Cryax's neck and upper chest, he was seduced despite his claim not to be easy. "Sounds Marvelous ... with perhaps a few amendments, I sit on your lap " Cryax was taller than Crix after all and Crix liked to feel protected either by is whip, his wit (Both of which were not present currently) or by the close presence of another more physically imposing person usually in the form of Toby. Crix had quite deep daddy issues and as such subconsciously craved fatherly (ish) affection, he above all desired to be looked after. "And we go somewhere a little more comfortable ... the list of my proclivities is extensive and this booth is making my butt sore ..." He whispered into the ear of his present object of lust. "The Hotel round the block has quite the luxurious penthouse I'm told" Luxurious and discreet both highly desirable.

His eyes left the Chiss but his left hand did not. With his free right hand he drank what remained of his whisky, his head now utterly muffled.
Amendments that involved a devastatingly handsome slaver wrapped up in his arms in some luxurious Isis hotel? Sign him up, please.

“I can live with those amendments,” Cryax said in the barest of whispers. Fairly confident that he had the man eating out of the palm of his blue hand, the Chiss leaned in and gave Crix a tender kiss on the neck before he went to collect his suit jacket from the back of the booth. During his time spent consorting with the most vile denizens of the Coruscant Undercity, Cryax had found that even sadists needed a soft touch once in a while. There would be plenty of time for roughness later. Or whatever debasing thing the other man desired.

“Hotel ‘round the block it is,” said Cryax, his red eyes gleaming with a score of prurient fantasies, mainly scenes that involved he and Crix entangled in every position imaginable.

Bane enthusiastically grabbed his jacket, gulped down his glass of Whyren’s, and dumped a superfluous amount of credits on the table. Facing his quarry, he studied the other man for a moment, indulgently drinking him in.

“Lead the way, en'kin'at,” he said, slipping into his native Cheunh tongue. "I'm in very your capable hands."

At the site of their master gathering his things, Cryax’s bodyguard droids clanked to attention. A blue thumb was hooked in their direction.

“You don’t mind if they come along, do you? Don’t worry. They won’t watch.” He smiled, white teeth bright against his blue skin.

“Unless you want them to, of course.”

[member="Crix Meriet"]
crix sat awestruck for a moment as the chiss kissed him. It had been more tender than he expected but it felt good, so good.

"Very good" He coughed, trying to save face. It was perhaps too late for that his I'm tough facade was likely in tatters now but what could he do. He had a weakness to being doted upon. A weakness it seemed that this Blue Bombshell would be exploiting. He trailed his hand down the Chiss's arm as he left. In the mind of drunk Crix he had seen nothing more sexy than [member="Cryax Bane"] but sober Crix knew better. If only sober Crix was here he'd know how to save face, alas he was not and as such Drunk Crix was left looking shell shocked with weak knees and tight trousers. Not good and yet all too perfect.

Crix lost the ability to speak for a moment as Cryax's eyes sparked a sea of images to swim about in the muffled mass of his brain. So he only nodded at the Chiss's confirmation. Then the sound of a clinking glass brought him back to alertness "Lead the way?" He mumbled to himself "Ofcourse" Came louder and he pushed himself up. Crix was not so sure about the whole capable thing he found himself needing to lean on the table so he didn't fall over. He managed however separating from the table and linking arms with the Chiss.

As for the bodyguards Crix didn't really care so much about them coming "They can come" He replied "But leave 'em outside the door don't want they confusing kinks with killing, you see blaster burns would ruin my complexion a touch" He smiled.

He led Cryax outside leaning on him slightly so as not to betray how very drunk he was. Alcohol was as said like Crix's abusive friend he loved it but it always seemed to be punching him in the face. "I need to get my overnight bag out of my speeder ... I've got toys" He chuckled having spoke perhaps a little loudly. Pulling his Blue buddy over to a speeder parked by the door whilst he fumbled in his pocket for his keys. eventually finding them he took a deep breath of fresh air before he collected his bag swapping it for his briefcase, Business could wait till the morning.

Then bag slung over his shoulder and speeder hopefully locked he stumbled his way to the hotel. Feeling slightly surer of himself again now.

The hotel itself was a grand affair, the Penthouse grander still. A far cry from the seedy motels that lesser men used for such hookups. As they entered their room for the night Crix led Cryax over to a Chaise Lounge and seated him gently. The Chiss had seduced him it seemed fair that Cix be a touch seductive too. So once Cryax was seated Crix sank to his knees first unzipping the Chiss's trousers, no doubt touching a bit inappropriately in an entirely 'accidental' way. Then he moved down to Blue's feet he had been reliably informed that the nerve ending in the soles of one's feet could, if stimulated correctly, be both relaxing and arousing. He was not to know of course that the Chiss before him had prosthetic legs.
“Toys, eh?” said the Chiss, leaning against Crix’s speeder with a devilish grin. Cryax was no stranger to toys, and given his choice in lovers, criminals and Sith Lords alike, the Chiss was usually on the receiving end of whips and stuff cuffs. However, Bane too could dole out the pain once in awhile if allowed.

Cryax had to practically hold Crix up during the walk to the hotel. It seemed that the other man couldn’t hold his liquor as well as he’d expected. Not that it bothered him at all. On the contrary, it could make the evening’s highly anticipated events that much more fun, with inhibitions shattered and thrown to the wind. The hotel itself was incredibly lavish, definitely up to the standards of a picky imperial governor, although admittedly Cryax was so attracted to Crix he would have simply taken the other man in a dark alley somewhere. It was no surprise that both men, each as wealthy as sin, shared the same taste for opulence. During the turbolift ride up to their penthouse, Cryax couldn’t help pushing Crix up against the wall, kissing and groping as much as the handsome slaver would let him. The journey was almost too short.

The doors to the penthouse suite hissed open and both men stepped inside. Crix was gentle as he ushered Cryax to a plush chaise lounge. His pants and shoes were quickly removed and the slaver was soon kneeling at his feet, much to his excitement. Seeing the other man in that position, roused some darker instincts in the Chiss, and that sinfulness flashed in his glowing red eyes. Cryax’s legs were cybernetic, both lost first during torture, then one lost again during the Battle of Kashyyyk, sliced off by a Jedi lightsaber. The replacement legs were completely state-of-the-art. Not only did the prosthetics look exactly like organic blue limbs, but they were also outfitted with technology that simulated organic nerve endings. When Crix began to lavish attention on his bare feet, Bane let his eyes flutter closed and threw his head back, a moan escaping his lips. The handsome slaver on his knees before him was better than any drink or spice he could have enjoyed this evening.

“You’re quite addictive,” he told Crix breathlessly.

[member="Crix Meriet"]
The elevator journey was quite something. Crix was unused to such forceful affection. Toby was too gentle to engage in such things, content instead to to treat crix like glass and that was fine to crix, he loved being made to feel boneless. Then there were the whores and all though the affection was always rough it was normally Crix who was doing the pushing and the biting and the groping. It was a new and indeed welcome change of pace for the slaver. To be the one against the wall, it was odd , it was everything he wasn't in the world outside the lust. That's what made it liberating, so he didn't fight. By the time they got to the penthouse Crix had lost a number of shirt buttons and a mark on his neck. No doubt it would be sore in the morning but right now it felt divine.

Crix smirked as he pressed a little harder on his Blue Boy's feet "I Try Darlin' , I try" came his response then continuing his hopefully welcome ministrations he began to pepper kisses up [member="Cryax Bane"] 's feet and legs stopping just as he reached the 'danger zone'. He did enjoy being a tease. Pressing one last kiss to the man's upper thigh he adjusted the Chiss's legs to rest on the lounger. "Now before we move on to discussing my vast and sordid list of proclivities ... I want to slip into something more comfortable ..." He stood up grazing his hand over Cryax's cheek and slowly walked over to the holdall to pull out some pajama pants. No doubt they would end up over a lamp very quickly but if they were to play with his toys on the Chiss ,Crix didn't want to feel vulnerable and that meant he needed pants. Then he turned his head back to his Blue Bombshell.

"The pertinent question is are we playing a team sport or a spectator sport?" either appealed to crix for he would either be the one being served .... and what a servant this crime lord could be ... or he was the one setting the pace. Whilst he waited for an answer Crix started on his shirt, beginning to undo what buttons remained to him and letting the garment slip to reveal his shoulder.
As the pressure points of Cryax's feet were massaged, he felt exquisitely pampered. Crix was turning out to be an incredibly skilled lover, and he could already tell that one night with him was going to be a tough sell. Then Crix exchanged the foot massage for something even better.

The teasing kisses that were paved up and down Cryax’s legs sent the Chiss into an almost maddened state. His heart-raced uncontrollably and his breathing became much heavier. He was quickly and very obviously coming undone. With one last kiss, the handsome human tore himself away deposited Cryax’s legs on the chaise lounge. Bane carefully popped open the buttons on his white dress shirt and tossed it aside, revealing a lean, but muscular blue chest. He ran his fingers through his blue-black hair, and leaned back with his hands behind his head, smiling at Crix as he watched the man slowly undress, revealing a pale, fetching shoulder.

Were they playing a team or spectator sport, Crix asked him. Cryax was generally a submissive lover, and would rather be ordered around and then karked good and hard than be romanced, the harder the better. Right now, the Chiss had an overwhelming curiosity that he badly wanted to sate, involving the accoutrements in Crix’s bag, the slaver’s toys.

“Well, ch'eo ch'acah,” he said, sweet-talking in Cheuhn. “Why don’t you show me what you’ve got in the bag?”

“Or better yet, use them on me.”

[member="Crix Meriet"]
Crix let his shirt fall into heap on the floor spectator sport it was then. He was almost disappointed, he had hoped to get His boy of blue get physical but that time would no doubt come. He sat on the bed to take his own shoes off. Then his trousers could come off and they could get started. He was brought to a halt by the sight of the blue demi-god on the Chaise. He looked a picture of pure ... well you know. Like a blue Toby, less adorable though. [member="Cryax Bane"] was more like the bad kid who always had the cigarettes.

Crix smiled back and growled. He did so hope the bed wasn't creaky. Then he went back to unchanging. Boots,socks, Trousers, Underwear all were strewn across the room. then he put his pajamas on it seemed there was a desire to get into his toy box. "Skipping the verbal poodoo and going straight onto the physical demonstrations are we?" He chuckled. He raised his brow at the chiss's parting blow, Cryax had seemed like a man who prefered to dominate the bedroom. Well that was good news it mean Crix could do what Crix did best ... Be masterful.

"Only the slaves who have earnt it get to see the toys ... so crawl over her and kneel by me and we get the ground work done" He smirked waving a blindfold. They needed to organise safe words and what on earth they were to call each other Mr. Bane & Mr. Meriet was much too professional.

And that Ladies and gentle men marked an interval to what remained of civilised conversation. See nothing, hear nothing, say nothing.
Later that evening after TOTALLY PG 13 THINGS HAPPENED...

Cryax thought it was cute that Crix wore pajamas to bed. He himself had always found them much too restrictive to sleep in. So, as Crix climbed into bed after those aforementioned things that happened, he curled up next to Cryax, pulling the other man’s arms around him, and moved closer so that they could spoon. If a sociopathic slaver could be described as adorable, then Crix certainly would be.

During the act, Crix had made a faux pas that almost caused an early end to the evening: He shouted out another's name. Oh yeah, he did that. After more than a few minutes of the other man's grovelling, Cryax finally came around and was no longer pouting at Crix, but he did want to know more about this Toby. He soon found out that Toby was Crix's slave with whom he seemed to be madly in love. A flash of jealousy consumed him, but well, Cryax wasn't exactly a one-man Chiss, so he simply grunted and wrapped Crix more tightly in his arms and drifted off to sleep.

When the morning light pierced through seams in the privacy screens over the penthouse's windows, Cryax found himself extremely well-rested and entangled in the arms of the handsome slaver. Nuzzling Crix's neck, he paved a few kisses over the man's cheek, carefully waking him.

"Morning beautiful," he whispered softly in the other man's ear.

[member="Crix Meriet"]
Crix wore pajamas to bed for two reasons firstly because they kept him warm, crix loved being toasty it made him feel cozy and protected. Bringing us nicely onto the secound reason protection, in his line of work there was always a risk off slave revolts, sentient rights extremists or Jedi and if any of these people attacked at night he didn't want to be found his his pants down, literally really. concern for protection is also what prevented him from sleeping alone in a bed. That is why he insisted on spooning with [member="Cryax Bane"], Crix loved spooning he alway felt so safe and he was always little spoon. If that made crix adorable then he would take that.

Crix had called Toby's name durning what was clearly only light to moderate petting , In his defence he was drunk and he'd never met someone as good as toby before, usually nobody came close to the perfection of Toby and yet here the Chiss was as close to perfect as any mere mortal could get albeit in vastly different ways to crix's hearts desire. He supposed that adding to the first to reasons the fact that he was missing Toby didn't help either. He had none the less apologised and dutifully answered all of his 'blue's' questions and been rewarded by a tighter snuggle, it was perfect and being too tired to detect the jealousy in his Chiss he drifted off to sleep.

Sleep was not kind to Crix however and he was tormented by a nightmare in which toby found him a Cryax in bed together and became so distraught that he left and crix couldn't find him. He awoke in tears and coated in sweat. An overwhelming urge to kill consuming his head, he could in his rage think of his blue as a whore and a number of his whores died before his darling T could find out. He had resolved to smother his latest flame with a pillow but as he was setting about untangling himself Cryax shifted and it felt as if crix was being nuzzled. The simple touch soothed him and he recalled just how much he wanted his blue. He couldn't kill something he wanted and if they were clever, they both were, Toby need never find out.

He began to relax, his anger and fear diminishing. He shifted around a little until he was lay with his head buried by his blues chest a feeble attempt to stave off night terrors. He didn't dream the secound time.

Being woken up with nuzzling and kisses was crix's secound favorite way to wake up right behind breakfast in bed. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled. Kissing his way up his blue boys chest until they were face to face then crix cuddled closer laying his back against his blues shoulder "Morning my beautiful Blue" he replied alongside a little yawn. then gently rubbing at his Chiss Lovers arm he continued "Why don't you run us a nice bubble bath and I'll get room service to bring up breakfast in time for when we are done?"
If Cryax was aware of the murderous dreams about him, he might find himself appalled at Crix, but then again, as the Chiss still had his blue paws in the Coruscant Underworld, murderers were as common as dirt. He himself was accustomed to rubbing elbows with the lowest of the low. Either, he was blissfully unaware of any subconscious smothering desires. All he knew was that there was a handsome man in his arms who was surprisingly affectionate and tender for being a cruel slaver. Bane certainly wasn't complaining. Cruelty was quite the turn-on for the sociopathic Chiss.

Crix responded to his gentle kisses by snuggling in closer, and laying kisses along his bare chest. Bane's skin was flawless, the product of cutting-edge synthskin grafts, procedures done to cover up scars from his various tortures during his Red Ravens presidency. Soon, Crix rubbed Cryax's arm and then asked for a bubble bath to be run for them, which erupted in a record scratch moment for Cryax. Bane liked to be told what to do beneath the sheets, but outside of the bedroom, he was generally the man giving orders, not receiving them. It was obvious that Crix was the same way, and his gut told him that there might be an ensuing power struggle at some point in the near future. Cryax blinked and frowned, his outrage almost palpable, but it fell apart when he stared into the other man's heavy-lidded brown eyes, hiding under a few rogue curls. Crix's wasn't a face he could stay mad at for more than a few seconds.

"Ok, darling," he said with a nod, rising from the bed, and moving to the refresher. Begrudgingly, the Chiss started to run the bath, wondering just how much servility the other man would expect of him. If Crix expected Bane to wait on him hand and foot, like his slave-slash-lover, Toby, he had another thing coming.

[member="Crix Meriet"]
Crix was always tender and affectionate to those who had touched his soul or made some positive impact on him. Granted the list consisted only of Cryax and Toby. For all his cruelty and dominance in the sheets Crix loved nothing more than to be pampered and occasionally he liked to pamper his favourite man, well men now ... This small amount of tenderness he had would of course have no effect on his performance in bed, in fact he had some ideas on their next rendezvous, he would get his blues opinion when they were soaking in the bath.

Snuggled against the Chiss's chest Crix didn't see the anger that tainted hi dear chiss, he had not meant his request as an order. He was not after all the chiss's master outside their little games. He could also not comprehend that his crix would be angry at him, he had done nothing wrong he therefore misinterpreted the tension in his man's shoulders as stress not anger . He had garnered from wht conversation they'd had that his blues day job was a stressful one. Crix endeavoured to have that tension gone before they left after breakfast.

As his darling whent to draw them up a bath Crix contacted room service. He needed a strong breakfast and no doubt so did his Chiss Lover no doubt. Crix ordered a large spread to be brought up within the next two hours. He also ordered that a pair of chalices cut from the crystal of Isis be brought up for Cryax a parting gift as it were, crix loved getting gifts and he hoped Cryax did too. His Requests met Crix joined his darling, discarding his pajamas by the door. He came in and stood beside the chiss and took his hand "Are you ready to get in my love?"
Any of Cryax's irritation dissipated as soon as he saw the beautiful slaver standing in the refresher doorway, sans pajamas. Unf. The man was too handsome for words. Plus, he heard Crix making a Holo-call for room service and something else which he didn't catch. Perhaps he wasn't expected to be Crix's Toby stand-in after all. His lips spread into a smile, contentment softening his features.

"Of course darling," he said and slipped his blue body into the tub, sinking underneath the bubbles. He extended an arm, bading Crix to join him.

Bane didn't mind paying for companionship, but he had to admit, it was rather nice to have someone he considered an equal of sorts, returning his affection. He enjoyed his nights with Lorraei and their trips to the Quanera luxury resort on Chroma Zedd, but every now and then, he couldn't help wondering if it Lorraei's devotion was simply a well-practiced act. Pleasing Bane was the man's form of income, after all.

"I could get used to this," said the Chiss, locking eyes with his lover. He averted his gaze, suddenly a bit insecure. He was fishing for hints from Crix, signs that would reassure him he'd see the man again. It wasn't like him to get attached so quickly, but someone like Crix didn't come along every day.

[member="Crix Meriet"]
Crix smiled back at his Blue, he seemed less tense. That was good , his aim was surprisingly enough to soothe Cryax and maybe get to know the parts of him he didn't put forward. He might have been cruel to those outside his inner circle but he was at heart a romantic. Albeit a romantic with a kink or ten.

He watched the chiss sink into the water, his smile continuing, then he took the chiss's offered hand, allowing the man to help him into the bath. The hot water was great, the hot man was better. Last night Cryax had promised that Crix would sit on his lap and they had got ... well, distracted. So he took the opportunity now. wrapping his legs around the man's back and trailing a hand over his back and neck "Amazing , dear simply amazing "

He had not intended to take this dalliance with Cryax beyond one night but the chiss left him wanting more. Only his Toby had ever had that power over him before, his Toby usually a dalliance with another would feel like a betrayal but looking at Cryax's eyes made such thoughts flee his mind. His Toby could never find out but he wanted more and he was determined he would have it.

His smile softened, Less cheeky more flattered as his Blue dropped his eyes "Good, because I intend to keep this up ..." he said gently cupping [member="Cryax Bane"] 's cheek lifting his head other hand still trailing over Cryax. He locked his eyes with those bright red orbs leaning forward to kiss the chiss for what must have been the 100th time. soft and quick, he was being gentle on his blue now, aiming to prove his desire "I had some ideas on meeting you next infact ... I recall you called for slaves and well you still haven't bought any so perhaps you ought to come to one of my compounds for three days The first I will spend showing you the stock and pampering you, then day two we will play with my wide array of toys ..." The big boys that he couldn't fit in a travel bag, stocks etc ... he even had a rack buried somewhere "Then on day three you can tell me whether it's pampering or pain that you want extra servings of, sound good ? "

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