Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ENDGAME] Lawful Neutrality (Polis Massa - Galactic Alliance, Outer Rim Coalition)

Sharukan were known, if only in moderate terms, to Julius from his time studying with the Monks. So when they had been identified as hosts, he had opted to wear the armor his mentors had gifted him, gracefully sculpted plates of their own design and make, showing off an arm of the same mysterious and smooth white substance and softly glowing songsteel. A Corellian Longcoat, altered to resemble a Jedi's outer-robe almost, except in leather, was draped over this all, and the only weapons he carried was a pair of lightsabers, one to each hip. Tattoos shone and shimmered in metallic silver as he walked into the room, and nodded politely to the escort and assembled folks.

His voice was quieter than any in the room might remember, if they remembered him, but his eyes carried expressions his stance did not. Weariness. Grit. Resolve. And still lurking in their depths, a light of mirth. [member="Shinnan Moreno"] had been left aboard the new ship to get familiar with it as he had the meeting. But the words he spoke were, at the least, respectful. In a rare display of a finally cooling temper, he locked eyes to the hosts, bowing his head respectfully and spoke to them in their tongue, even if not the most adroit at the words.

"Thank you for the gift of passage and host. I request to speak later amongst us."

Then he turned, speaking in basic, eyes and head up. That should stun them. Even if broken and jarringly accented, he had taken the time to remember and refresh that much. Know your players, just like in any gambit.

"Pardon a soldier for a rough tongue earlier, folks. This situation is most abnormal, and I've heard mixed reports of Sharukan conduct in the Rim and Rift territories, so I was unsure of what to expect. And I've been out trying to find an old friend who has gone missing, hence the delay in arrival. Now, as far as I know, I am the only slated representative from the Coalition that will be able to make it. We have to look to our own borders for incursions from neighbors emboldened by the Alliance collapsing. Shall we talk, then?"

[member="Linna Beorht"] | [member="Alexandra Russo"] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Jaius Sovv"] |

Everything about this had been on rather short notice.

Not that there was really ever a way to prepare for a sudden refugee crisis, but Samson still felt a bit bad for dragging Sortz here from Terminus. Well. He had simply asked and she had said yes, but part of him was still worried she wasn't here because she wanted to.

Instead just to do him a favor.

Which was nice, yes, but not really fair to her. "Mmhm, then u wrap the wound and you are done, nicely done, Sortz." Sam complimented her as he leaned in to inspect her handiwork.

She had shown some interest in the basics and the clone had been eager to show her.

"You are okay now, Mister Belsh. Free to go." Sam tried one of his smiles. It only served as an encouragement for the wounded refugee to depart as quickly as possible. Oh well, at least he had murmured a quick thank you to Sortz.

That was something.

"Always try to remember their name. It is... personable." Sam informed her conspiratorially, before checking over the ledger. "Oh, look, we have a small break planned in."
Sometimes, you did what you could. Sometimes that wasn't very much at all. Working for Daro (never a picnic or the picture of good works), searching for her own past, there wasn't much room for goodness it felt like sometimes. She sliced, cheated, stole, sometimes hurt people- none of it but the first ever felt right but it was the life she lived now, in pursuit of whatever had come before.

Except Samson.

He was the one thing that she didn't feel wrong about. The thing that didn't feel like she was constantly at war with who she needed to be and who she wanted to be.

If it was difficult, being treated by two hulking giants, one of who was green, tusked, and clearly not that well versed in first aid, Mister Belsh handled it like a champ she thought. Working carefully, tongue sticking slightly out the side of her mouth in concentration, Sortz didn't think she's ever managed anything so delicate as tying off that bandage.

The human thanked them quickly but politely (but how else would you thank someone almost twice your height?) before returning to the staging area the refugees were by and large milling about in.

"I'm bad with names," she admitted once he was out of ear shot. "I knew it was Mister B.... but then I forgot the rest of it," she added sheepishly.

Sortz was very good at some things. Others? Not so much.

Her stomach rumbled when he mentioned a break.

"Uh, lunch maybe?" She said, standing up.

Casually she stretched, groaning slightly as something in her neck popped. She'd been leaning over like that for a while and it wasn't as easy as working with computers. No, this stuff was hard.


He chuckled softy.

"I used to use post-it stamps.... my patients always looked funny at me, but it worked wonders." Now Samson simply repeated the name in his head over and over again as he worked. That... wasn't an advice he'd give Sortz right now, because she didn't have the experience to do these sort of procedures automatically. Once you have done the same thing over and over again? It became a habit. It was interesting to see Sortz work though, she walked into the same issues he had at the beginning, but even after a few days of work it seemed to get easier for her.

Relatively speaking.

His hand brushed her shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze. "You are doing well, Sortz, proud of you." It couldn't be easy for her Sam mulled to himself. Slipping out of the doctor's coat and into a regular one, doing his own little stretch there.

Slicing was where her heart was and her expertise.

Stepping into this? That had to be complicated, but she was handling it like a champ.
Hope is the elixir of life. (semi-retired)
Aboard the Tyrax, Meeting Room
~political deliberations
w/[member="Linna Beorht"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Jaius Sovv"] [member="Julius Sedaire"]

"Thank you," Alexandra answered the representative from the Sharukan Empire with a cant of her dark head, then the brunette quickly took the empty seat next to the Alliance's Chief of State. The Taanabian gave him a small nod with a reassuring look. The blue-plated 3PO protocol droid stood a couple of steps back from her chair and strategically between the two. Kay-Threepio would remain silent unless spoken to for now.

The Sullustan looked weary, but still held himself together with regard for the dire situation. Alexandra would do what she could to support him and the whole of the Galactic Alliance or what was left of it... Alex still hadn't heard any news yet if her husband had survived the sacking of the Lothal Jedi Temple. It weighed on her mind, well more on her heart, but for now the best thing Alex could do was help to keep things moving forward for those who survived as there was still hope.

Alexandra listened thoughtfully to the different points of view being presented from those present at the table and now the new attendee from the Outer Rim Coalition who had just joined them. He must be Corellian. Only they could display so much charisma and make it work.

Since the Ambassador was not an official diplomat of the GA as of yet, she would continue being mindful of the fluid negotiations and defer to the CoS for now.
"Me suppose no fair to Polis Massa if Squibs only ones with burden of orbital housing; if Squibs feel orbital housing best for policing space traffic, Polis Massa possibly will too. Squibs issue bond money for that but Polis Massa and ORC must also issue bonds to fund their share, too" Adegabaydee suggested to the other attendees, before showing on-screen what Squib engineers proposed to design to get a 6km orbital arcology built.

In effect, the orbital housing Adegabaydee suggested would amount to a series of 6km orbital stations over Polis Massa and Skor, from where traffic can be patrolled. [member="Alexandra Russo"], [member="Linna Beorht"] would probably be surprised that [member="Julius Sedaire"] arrived right as the Squib King outlined his plan for how to shoulder the burden of refugee flows, with, hopefully [member="Jaius Sovv"] listening and, since the Alliance's Chief of State. Now, the King could always issue "refugee bonds" to fund their construction, estimated to be around several billion for the Squibs' share, even when accounting for the purchase of materials from the Metrobig Salvagestuff Platform, but would the Kallidahins? Would the ORC do that? Or the Kallidahins' ability to service debt instead call for smaller housing stations in Polis Massa? Meanwhile, the first medvac units are en route to Skor with only the supertransports left in their respective systems to board their take of refugees from Manpha and Subterrel. And with the news of the Shakurans' surprise gambit, Cathul, back over Skor, proposed not to take any hostile action until they proved hostile, or combat has otherwise erupted, but then again protecting the medvac units in this sector was her priority until the Shakurans attack medvac units.

Jaius Sovv

Sharukan Expeditionary Cruiser Tyrax
Polis Massa System

"I beg your pardon," Jaius had been nodding along solemnly until he could have sworn he heard [member="Linna Beorht"] use the word 'annex', "Could you repeat that last?"

Once she had complied and confirmed it was an accurate translation, the Chief of State grew silent for a time. He allowed the other representatives respond to this sudden turn of events in their own way, discretely gauging their reactions while the gears of his mind quietly turned. The King of Skor immediately weighed in in on the economics of their refugee problem. Sovv's old fashioned Sullustan sensibilities could not help but view the Squibs as a simple people, yet this Adegabaydee ([member="Cathul Thuku"]) was first and foremost a problem solver and he could not help but admire that quality, especially now.

"Most honored Sharukan representatives, fellow gentlebeings," he announced, ready to speak his mind at last, "In light of these current developments, it is my fervent belief that we must do everything within our power to find an alternative solution here together, so that certain drastic measures might be avoided."

He carefully hedged his words there. In principle what the Sharukans had suggested was intolerable. In his heart he knew that any attempt to annex a system filled with Alliance refugees would only end in violence and more disaster. And yet there were so few of them left, it was a stand he feared they could no longer afford to make. Add to that the complication of the head of state being surrounded by Sharukan military without so much as an honor guard. Tact was the best course here, he had decided.

"While our Defense Fleet is no doubt in some disarray," Chief Sovv continued, "I am certain that any and all ships in the area still flying under Alliance colors would be willing to shoulder whatever resources are at our disposal towards resettlement operations as well as assist in providing protection to reestablish stable trade throughout this sector, free of cost."

Although he did not show it, being interrupted by the arrival of the Coalition delegate as well as another prominent Alliance civilian [member="Alexandra Russo"] caused a wave of relief to roll over him.

"Master Sedaire, it is a pleasure to finally put a face to the name," he shook the hand of [member="Julius Sedaire"] warmly, nodding as well to Russo whose reputation he recalled from her time as a diplomat, and from the HoloNet when she was still Rogue Leader, "Ambassador Russo."

"If you will all excuse me, with our host's permission I would appreciate a moment to step away and make a few brief communications with our Defense Force. I will let the others catch our newcomers up on where we stand, but it is imperative that I first and foremost inform the rest of my people that I am still alive, but also so that I can assess just what we are realistically capable of pledging towards our collective cause in this dire hour."
[member="Jaius Sovv"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Alexandra Russo"]

As the latest round of statements wound down, the captain spoke briefly, a dozen words at most. Linna nodded in deference and began unpacking. The Sharuka used a dense language, and didn't speak much around outsiders. More to the point, the captain knew she'd understand his orders and insights.

"By all means, Chief Sovv. The Sharuka have no interest in this territory and would far prefer that local powers -- the Coalition, the Alliance, and planetary governments -- fix their own problems. The more resources and ingenuity you bring to bear, the less necessary our presence becomes. As I said, our ships will begin guiding and redirecting traffic within hours unless a solution is found."

She turned her attention to the Squib King.

"A six-kilometre orbital housing development will take months to construct, at minimum. Who builds what and pays for what is for you all to decide. I would suggest, though, that you focus your efforts on short-term solutions to the immediate obstacles. Durable solutions are up to those present. The Sharukan Empire's only concern at this stage is uncluttering the spacelanes and the subspace airwaves. Please proceed with that goal in mind."
Location: ANS Immobilizer 422, Skor orbit

It took longer than expected to get the Immobilizer 422 to Skor, presumably because there were emergency repairs to make after the engagement on Fondor. But little did its captain know was that when the I422 arrived on Skor, with 14 squadrons of fighters in tow, it had to be centering the gravity wells where the remaining patrols could safely maintain order among the ships passing through Skor's space without risks. To the extent it was possible with only four gravity wells; it was just not enough to enable a proper blockade but inbound traffic would be constrained to a specific area determined by the gravity wells, based on where the past traffic came from. Outbound traffic would have to get through other areas devoid of any gravity wells. Not the most optimal solution, of course not. But it was better than nothing for the time being. It definitely made redirecting traffic much easier, but was the use of an interdictor the way to go? Especially since the I422 was still having some traces of hull damage, and not just under the form of expended explosive tiles? But the medvac from Manpha and Subterrel will arrive soon.
"Thanks," the Tro'zet answered, leaning slightly against his hand for a moment.

Proud, he said. She mulled over that as he pulled on his jacket and they headed out into the streets. It was both a weird thing to say in this regard but also pleasant. Sortz tried not to over think it, but it was difficult. Sortz tended to over think everything.

Sortz went to shove her hands into her pockets as was habit, but his hand caught hers and instead she left it there, hand held in his (the other deep in the other pocket) as they walked. People mostly got out of their way- either member of the pair was enormous alone, but together, no matter how careful they tried to be, they still took up quite a bit of real estate on the sidewalk.

"It's hard work, isn't it?" She said softly, glancing over at him.

"One of the reasons I stay out of the core is stuff like this," she said quietly, glancing around for a moment before her eyes found the pavement again. "Too much..... everything. I don't know how you can bear it all the time. Not the core, I mean, this. I'm happy to help? But I don't know how people do it all the time?" She realized she was repeating herself and fell silent, absently chewing on her lower lip.

Sortz wasn't a good person. She knew that. She knew what she was willing to do (even if she felt bad about it). But Samson? Samson was the real deal, in her mind. Someone who worked, selflessly to help others. She admired him for it.


Sol Stazi

ANS Spear of the Alliance
Polis Massa System

"It's not that I don't appreciate the lift, Commodore," Sol steadfastly remained at attention despite the order he had been given to at ease, "Staying on board is the least we can do for tugging what's left of the Firebird back to safe harbor. I just don't understand what I'm doing here."

He gestured at the deck of Commodore Sykkla's ready room.

Have a seat, Captain, the duros made no effort to hide his discomfort at his Vaemath superior's innate telepathic form of speech, but complied, I have just received the most interesting communication from the Tyrax. It would appear the Alliance Chief of State is alive, and currently on board engaging in...discussions.

"I am delighted to hear it, sir," the army officer said in an unenthusiastic tone meant to convey how little politics interested him.

It would seem Chief Sovv is most insistent on ascertaining reports on our current disposition. He wishes to know how much the Defense Force in this sector is able to provide in terms of manpower for relief efforts. With Admiral [member="Cathul Thuku"] currently focused on overseeing medvac runs from coreward space, this responsibility has been delegated to me.

"Commodore, I'm afraid I don't understand. I'm just a Captain, I don't have access to that kind of-"

You are here, Sykkla interrupted him at last, eyes narrowing, Because the Chief of State has informed me that if we are unable to meet certain expectations, the Sharukan Empire has threatened to annex this entire system and sort it out for themselves. The same Sharukan Empire currently hosting our sole remaining head of the Triumvirate aboard its expeditionary cruiser.

"I believe I am beginning to grasp my relevance, sir."

You're relevant because Twilight Company is the closest thing I can find to special forces in the middle of the this quagmire. I expect preliminary operational details for a mission to breach the Tyrax within the hour. We will not allow our Chief of State to be taken hostage by Outer Rim isolationists. Not again.

"Yes, sir!" Sol stood, and saluted. Once the commodore had dismissed him, he paused before taking his leave, "We'll need one of your pilots."

You'll have my best, Sykkla called out in response. He then cast his thoughts out beyond his ship to Tiburon Squadron running patrols nearby, [member="Cuan Kunn"], report to me in my ready room.
The Fleet was arriving. Well, what bits of the fleet there were to arrive. Cuan was seeing them pop into the system as he watched his scanners. Listening to the chatter coming from the larger ships, he wasn’t completely certain he was going to be called into the fight. It was… a strange location they had him in.

But he was waiting for his orders. Everyone was still on high alert here. But after what just happened? The Sullustan doubted it would ever truly go away. Not for years. But that didn’t mean the pilot was going to relax. The Squadron was running CAP and that was where Cuan was coming in. His current role was as first response fighter around his roost, the ‘Spear’.

What he wasn’t expecting was the call to return to roost. And not by the telepathy of the Commodore. Shaking his head, he nodded, knowing he’d be seen. The pilot banked his X-Wing and made to land in the Spear. Being greeted by a cart, the pilot delegated to his astromech about what was needed to be done with the fighter. Fuel and a bit of topping off the charge.

The ride to the ready room wasn’t going to take long and when he stepped off, the pilot held his helmet under his left arm, and would salute the Vaemath Commodore. “Sir. Reporting as requested.”

[member="Sol Stazi"]
ANS Spear of the Alliance
Polis Massa System

Oren paced the hallway restlessly. Something was not right with these Sharukan, then again, what was right with anything anymore? Coruscant had fallen, betrayed by a thread that even she could not see. She had failed in her duties as a Shadow but she would not fail protecting what was left of the Alliance and the Light. A Durros walked passed her that she faintly recognized. She had seen his file, Captain of Twilight company, what was his name...?

"Captain Stazi!" She called out, he looked busy, readying. The Force flowed in turmoil around him, something had happened with that Sharukan no doubt. "Has something happened?"
[member="Sol Stazi"] [member="Cuan Kunn"] [member="Oren"]

The Tyrax was your average Sharukan cruiser, meaning tougher and nastier than elite ships of its size from the galactic mainstream. Still, a boarding ship with a field disruptor would be able to get through its shields at the cost of some turbulence. Likewise, Alliance stealth would do just fine at keeping a boarder ahead of the gravitic tensor cannons. Certain measures could breach its doonium-equivalent armor, too. The real challenge came afterward.

See, the gravity was slightly different, the atmosphere was slightly different, the lighting was slightly different, the design angles and control layouts and deck plans were totally different, and none of the technology was in any way compatible with slicing, hacking, map-reading, et cetera. The Testoran Guard were aboard, power-armored specialists in boarding and counter-boarding. Oh, and not a single label or control panel was in any language that anyone from the galactic mainstream had ever encountered.

None of which, at this stage, the Galactic Alliance had reason to know in detail. That could change - Sovv, Thuku, and the Polis Massans were aboard and experiencing it firsthand - but hadn't yet.

Doable? Plausibly. The Sharuka had no real Forcers apart from Linna, and no direct counter to Jedi Knights except disruptors and tensor rifles. The Alliance personnel of Twilight Company were very good at their jobs. And the Sharuka commander just didn't imagine that the Alliance would have the temerity to drop a commando extraction on the diplomatic talks, verbal strongarm or no verbal strongarm.

Sol Stazi

Ready Room
ANS Spear of the Alliance
Polis Massa System

Lieutenant Kunn.

The Vaemath commodore's was gazing out his ready room's viewport at a starry night beyond, hands clasped behind his back in seeming quiet contemplation. Slowly Sykkla turned and returned his Sullustan flight leader's salute. Cuan was not the ranking pilot aboard the Spear, but in the commodore's personal estimation he was one of their best. It weighed heavily upon his shoulders to ask anything more of the lieutenant, especially after the kind of day they'd had.

I have a mission for you, after filling [member="Cuan Kunn"] in on the parameters in the same general way he had described them to Captain Stazi, he added, Chief Sovv was clear that we were only to proceed either on his order or in response to unacceptable provocation from the Sharukan.

I won't lie to you lieutenant. This would be a high risk op, mission priority over all other considerations. I will not order you to go. I'm asking for a volunteer, and I think you're the best man for the job.

Lower Decks

"Has something happened?" Sol wheeled on Master [member="Oren"], eyes narrowed and lips curled in a snarl, "Yeah, something happened. Your Grand Marshal shut down our defense grid, and now the fething Core's on fire. Piss off, Jedi."

With an about face, Captain Stazi continued down the corridor for half a dozen paces, before he stopped. Closing his eyes, the duros trooper breathed out an audible sigh of frustration.

"You really want to help?" he called out over his shoulder, "Follow me."

Not waiting to see if she would follow, he stalked off towards one of the destroyer's primary hangars, where he had called ahead for Twilight Company to assemble.

"Captain on deck!"

"Can it," Sol grunted, waving his troopers out of their positions at attention, "We've got an op, single platoon. Whose turn is it?"

"We were just about to sort that out, cap'n."

"Well sort it out then!" Stazi barked, already marching out of the hangar back the way he came, "Squad leaders report to CIC for briefing when you're through."

He barely looked at Oren as he passed her by, "You too. Could use a mystic's point of view."

The captain could only hope that none of his senior officers would be injured too severely in the wrestling matches that would determine which lucky platoon got to go.
Walking into the room, Cuan saluted the Commodore. Being a part of a ship that was designed around the Jedi Master Coren Starchaser, who still hadn’t reported in. He wasn’t sure what that meant, but the Starchaser did have the honorary position of Tiburon Lead when he was around. And the Commodore was just working on the assumption to keep the galaxy spinning with the support of the Alliance, or in support of it, however.

“You know I won’t turn a mission down. Are we needing any other Tibs or just me?” The Sullustan spoke in his native tongue. He knew that the Commodore could understand him. Half of the Alliance forces had learned operational Sullustan, after all.

“And what is the mission?” He inquired. The pilot was always itching for the right job to take to get things done.

[member="Sol Stazi"]
Location: Skor orbit

Then again, due to the sheer volume of traffic, restoring order via a system of gravity wells occupying four vertices of a cube, each between long-range turbolaser range of each other, was taking some time. Perhaps it was a little slow for the Immobilizer 422's captain: outbound traffic flows around Skor were restored to order much faster than inbound traffic. But that was simply because of the cold, hard truth about the traffic flow. And interdiction: inbound traffic can more easily arrive in directions not covered by interdiction, but outbound traffic could only depart from specific areas. And, unlike the Metharian Nebula, the interdiction in place isn't strong enough for causing inbound ships to crash into one another. What is now happening is that there is a cluster of ships grouped more or less at each gravity well, and other inbound ships are also advised to move over to these points, with the medvac supertransports reverting some distance away from Metrobig Salvagestuff Platform so as to not collide with anybody. At that speed, it would be better for the smaller ships to attempt evading the two Oxens...

If only she knew.

In truth Samson had the reverse in his mind.

This? This was easy, simple, the sentient body was like a puzzle to him with a specific arrangement that worked and the more he tried? The better Sam got at making the separate pieces fit together in the right pattern. That created life and health and happiness. It was fun and it was good when that happened. In truth it sometimes confused Samson a bit how often Raj worked to... break them instead.

Oh, there was always a motive behind it, but still.

He had found that giving life, repairing, was more enjoyable in the long run, but perhaps there was simply something he was missing. "It is... challenging sometimes, Sortz, but I imagine the same can be said about your line of work." No, Raj could not be wrong.

Such a thing was inconceivable.

"Computers? Code? It is beyond me and believe me," He leaned in and kissed her softly on the cheek, ignoring the looks. "I read a book or two about it." Just to try and have a few extra subjects they could talk about that were in her wheelhouse. He had noticed that when the subject was something Sortz was more comfortable about... she kind of let go of her tension.

Grew more relaxed.

It was nice.

"Every chapter brought more questions, demanded other books to be read. It was fascinating though." A shrug as he squeezed her hand. "I will be honest. I take it one step at a time and try not to think too hard about it- but sometimes I do feel like needing a break from all this. Your presence helps though."

He tried a smile for her.

Jaius Sovv

Sharukan Expeditionary Cruiser Tyrax
Polis Massa System

From the way Jaius swept back into the room of assembled delegates, it was difficult to believe that he had just spent the past several minutes pacing back and forth, psyching himself back up for his return after a flurry of increasingly desperate communications. The Sharukan commander had provided an escort, something that at first had raised his suspicions, but in the end the Chief of State was admittedly grateful when they translated his requirements to the Tyrax's communications staff, and he was even allowed some privacy while his personal com link was bounced off the expeditionary cruiser's more powerful transmission array. Still, it was safer to assume that all his transmissions had been monitored somehow anyway.

"Assembled delegates, most honored Sharukan," Chief Sovv clapped his hands together once and bowed as a signal for politely requested attention, "I thank you for your patience."

"I have just spoken with Commodore Sykkla on the Spear of the Alliance," he announced to them all, "He remains adamant that the overall situation is not quite so dire as I originally predicted, but confirms my fears that our Alliance's humanitarian infrastructure has been impacted by all this disarray, and it may take some time for us to manifest a more coordinated response. I am however pleased to report that as King Adegabaydee informed us, Admiral [member="Cathul Thuku"] is alive and well in the Skor system, which has suffered no further aggression so far and is even now beginning to rebuild."

"I also took the liberty, forgive me for my presumption, of making a few other calls," he glanced over at [member="Linna Beorht"], "With our host's permission?"

After receiving a confirmatory nod, Sovv placed a SoroSuub personal holoprojector on the conference room's central table.

"Fellow representatives, allow me to introduce President Mya Jesel of Susefvi."

"You have my attention, Chief Sovv," Mya was more than the humble state leader of some backwater moon. The Suarbi system was the domain of the Jensaarai, "And the attention of the Saarai-kaar. For now."

"Susefvi is not a large moon, but I have spoken to them about loosening their normally stringent immigration policies to allow some political refugees, so long as the privacy of the Saarai-kaar's Enclave remains inviolable. In return, they simply request we do not abandon them to the vornksrs if the Sith or Imperials determine them to be an intolerable extension of the New Jedi Order by proxy."

"We to negotiations."

"Most honored Sharukan, your offer to restore order is most generous," in a way Jaius meant it, he knew their decision to potentially annex Polis Massa came from an earnest desire to help. Still, it felt odd to say considering his coded discussion with Sykkla earlier about potential 'exit strategies', "And yet it seems unfair to impose such a burden upon your esteemed Empire, simply because there is no other option. Instead I propose we work to establish a collective of systems with a shared interest in preventing the Trailing Sectors from falling into complete anarchy and lawlessness."

"The First Order blockade will continue to impact trade, as well as our ability to provide aid north of the Vero Passage. Alone, Polis Massa cannot contend with this crisis. But we also have Skor, and now Susefvi. I am certain Terminus and Utapau would send assistance, perhaps in time even Elrood. The Sharukan Empire could assume some administrative responsibilities, but this is the Alliance's mess on your doorstep. Allow us to build an alliance that will clean it up, it is our most sacred responsibility."

[member="Julius Sedaire"] | [member="Alexandra Russo Porte"]​
Sortz chuckled, cheeks flushing slightly as she glanced at him out of the side of her eyes.

"A book or two?" She arched an eyebrow, her tone amused.

He was sweet. How was he so sweet? Every time they interacted she had at least one moment where it hit her like a truck just how lucky she was in all of this. Just how good this was. Easy? No. Not always. But usually it was communication mishaps rather than actual problems, things that, with some talking, they got sorted out. They tried, and usually managed, to meet each other halfway. As it turned out? Half way wasn't that far for either of them.

"Well, if you have questions, you can ask," she said. "But I think this might be one of those places where what we do seems like magic to the other no matter what."

She squeezed his hand slightly, leaning her shoulder against his a bit.

"Sometimes it does all feel like a lot," she admitted. "You help me too."

Somewhere, Daro was probably making faces at her for all of this. If he knew of course. Which he didn't. That was like bringing Samson home to dad (sort of? It felt like) and she wasn't ready to subject him to that.

Samson, not Daro. Daro would survive.

"How about here?" She said, stopping them by a food cart. Usually this was her first sort of stop when considering eating.


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