Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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En Force, We Fight [Republic Remnant]

Kian's blade came across his chest, the blade slamming into the blaster bolt and sending it into the enemy soldier off to his left before leaping into a roll and coming up, his blade thrusting forward and burying itself in the chest of the Imperial soldier in front of him. Kian pulled the blade back, retracting it from the man's chest and quickly dropped into a defensive stance, his blade flashing as it intercepted the incoming barrage of blaster fire. Kian didn't have time to reflect on the fact that he had just taken a life....that sort of thinking would plague him later when he had more time to reflect and less time spent merely trying to survive.

"Get back!" Came a shout and Kian darted to the side, taking cover behind what little remained of what was once a wall. Just as Kian cleared the field, he felt the shockwave of an explosion and the heat of flames licking at his skin.

"Good toss." Kian said to Bronn who stood behind the wall to Kian's said turning his attention to the beach around them. The unit Kian was attached too had made good headway and were more than three-quarters of the way up the beach now but had recently begun meeting heavier resistance. Looking back, Kian watched as the men sought desperately for cover, darting up to fire. The soldiers had been set up in small groups of six. Three would lay down cover fire while three would advance and then the roles would reverse and those who had previously provided cover would advance while those ahead provided cover fire. It had worked well, but there was a long stretch of flat ground now between the soldiers and the wall they needed to breach.

"Its a kill zone." Bronn said and Kian nodded in agreement. Even if they cleared the distance at full speed.....too many would die in the rush forward.

"There is no way we would be able to clear that and still take the wall." Kian said shutting his lightsaber down for a moment and pulling the comm to his ear to listen in on what was happening across the beach. Reports were coming in inconsistently and Kian could not make much out.

"We need some air..." Bronn began but stopped abruply. "Support!" He said louder and pointed toward an incoming ship. It was a Republic vessel. "Get on the comms and..." Bronn began to a solider next to him but Kian cut him off.

"He's going down." Kian said noticing the signs of a ship in distress. The ship was jerking erratically and it looked as if the ship would come down on top of Kian's group but the pilot pulled the ship up skimming just a few yards above the men. It took Kian a second to realize just where the ship would land. With a resounding thud and a thunderous explosion, the ship slammed into the walled encampment.

The walled encampment they needed to get into.

Bronn turned to Kian for a moment a look of astonishment on his face and then, slowly, a broad smile crept across it.

"Everyone on me." Kian said and with a snap-hiss, his blade sprang to life. The dust, smoke, and debris of the crash was just the sort of cover the Jedi and soldiers needed....not to mention that giant breech in the wall was like a welcome mat had been rolled out. Kian hoped the pilot had ejected in time....

"Advance." The call came out over the comms and Kian darted from cover, his lightsaber flashing as blaster bolts once more began to rain in....though this time with far less accuracy in the darkness of the smoke.

[member="BD-57"] | [member="Mereel Vaun"] | [member="Natsuki Xao"] | [member="Thaaros Klopp"] | [member="Ever Dawnracer"] | [member="Balaya Praelior"] | [member="Korynn Sol-Syna"] | [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] | [member="Tylane of Isobe"] | [member="Avin Starfire"] | [member="Jubei"] | [member="Joshua Tucker"] | [member="Inas Reut"]
‘Firebirds’. He thought that was an odd name. It was not a name he could recall having heard before. Thaaros thought that the name made them sound like a sports team or perhaps a musical group, though he was not the type of person who was all that interested in sports or music. He also thought that it was very unlikely that a group such as that would just appear in the middle of a battle.

Before Captain Thaaros Klopp of Naval Intelligence could allow his mind to wander any further he heard his name being spoken, “. . . Can you tell me anything about these Firebirds?” This question had been asked by the Admiral herself.

Still racking his mind for any information about the group he looked down at his datapad in search of answers. He had instinctively been searching for information about the group as soon as their name had been mentioned but there was very little to be found. The Republic seemed to have virtually no information regarding this particular group, there were a few mentions of the name ‘Firebirds’ scattered about on random files but nothing worth mentioning.

By this point Thaaros felt as though the Admiral’s eyes were boring into him, waiting for answers that he could not give. It had only been a moment or so since she had asked the question and in that time Thaaros had not taken a second look at her but he was sure that she was scowling at him. He could feel a sweat breaking out on his forehead and his datapad began to tremble in his hands. With a slight sigh he looked up and tried to summon the courage to speak and confirm his failure.

“No ma’am. We do not have any reliable information on this group.” He tried to sound as authoritative as possible. Without changing her expression, the Admiral turned her head away from Thaaros. Before he could stop himself, he spoke again “Though I would recommend caution. . . ma’am. . .”

She did not react to his second and entirely unnecessary piece of advice. Why had he felt the need to add his own opinion? She had not asked for it and she almost certainly did not need it but still Thaaros had given it. This was the exact reason why he had reached middle age without any major career accomplishments. He could never keep his opinion to himself and almost always annoyed his superiors by giving it.

In reality it was unsure if the Admiral had even still been listening when he spoke the second time but Thaaros was old enough to know that words always had consequences.

[member="Tylane of Isobe"]
The Transports were now stuck in High Orbit of the Planet and outside weapons range of the planets Anti Air weapons, as well as not noticed by the fleet that was about to engage. The general of the ground forces stood above the fighting of the planet and watched as the 1st company of the Volunteer Army stormed the beach head of the Imperial Forces that protected the base. He knew that his force was not strong enough to take them alone. With help from the Air force, the Bombers would be able to swing through and soften the New Base, as well as hurting the ship yards, but the main order was to occupy the factories of the factories. He ordered that Objective Alpha be completed soon of the timeline would be pushed back to decrease chances of success.

Troopers knew that Objective Alpha was to take on the Old Base that the Recon Unit informed the Army of. From there, the army would steal the Imperial Vehicles and use it to take out the Anti-Air Emplacements. That was the current mission for the Army then moving onto Objective Overlord, landing 2nd and 3rd Company and taking the New Base and the Ship Yards for the Republic.

The Sights on the ground was terrifying, the skies of the planet was filled with drop ships, fighters, and Bombers being shot out of the sky. The Republic Air Force needed those Anti-Air Turrets taken out before they could take out the troops on the ground. Lightly Armored Soldiers were forced to fall as the Imperial Army Ground Forces and Stormtroopers were being pushed back but never turned their back to the Republic. They Inflicted casualties that [member="Korynn Sol-Syna"] and [member="Inas Reut"] would need to get to once they landed on the ground or when the troopers were able to be transferred to the ships in orbit. Explosions from the Imperial Artillery and Operators where now getting into their Vehicles to fight back the Republic Invaders. The hole that opened up before [member="Kian Karr"] and his unit allowed them to pass behind the retreating Stormtroopers and cut them off from the base, if held, they would not be able to support the base for [member="Mereel Vaun"] and [member="Avin Starfire"] to assault and complete the first level of the mission for the Army. The Imperials were still reacting to the invasions so they were not ready for this small but quick assault.
Note: All ground forces landed in the first wave, Jedi and Soldiers are ordered to take the old fortified base as the landing pad of the 2nd wave of soldiers.
The sound that disappeared into the sandstorm was valiant and awe inspiring at first. The emotion and passion being put forward by the valiant lines charging forward into the great unknown ahead of them was met by deafining cracks of energy weapons ripping through the storm in a blind volley to slow the allied advance up the contested beach. A few of the first men out of the landing craft were cut down at the ramp door, their bodies being littered with a bolts or if lucky just thrown backwards from the kinetic transference. These brave sacrifices gave the rest of the platoon a chance to charge up the sand covered terrain towards the defensive wall of weapon emplacements and thick concrete and steel defenses.

Avin Starfire charged with them, his weapon a bladed blue beacon of light in the disorienting artificial sandstorm and debris. His own thoughts raced as the Jedi's mind switched itself from a thoughtful peacekeeper to an instinct-driven war-fighter much as his original master in the previous republic had drilled into him day after day all those years ago.

When the first barrage of blaster fire focused on Avin due to the light being visible through the sand and chaos of the invasion force, Jedi Starfire used his weapon to deflect the shots while continuing his charge using the alternate form V lightsaber technique known as Shien whilst dodging away from the rest. The fire continued to pour down onto Avin as he and his men took the beachhead although casualties were starting to pile with the lack of hardcover or air-support being a major challenge to their advance to the wall.

It was as the first groups of soldiers managed to push themselves under the effective firing arc of the emplacements and heavy weapons that the sound a transport plowing into the defenses near to Master Karr's attack lane was heard. The time had passed now since the initial charge from Starfire's small team of troops and what cover had been provided by the impromptu sandstorm had faded into nothing more than an inconvenience for the troops on the ground. The sand, however, was the least of their problems due to the increase in heavy weapons and mortar fire now raining down on the beach thanks to the increased visibility and by Avin's count upon his own arrival to the wall almost half of the initial platoon had been lost or wounded on the beach including two of the section leaders and the platoon radio operator.

The men that had survived were facing back out towards the sealine with their backs to the hulking wall. It was in this time of relative ease from the initial assault that the Lieutenant had consolidated his forces and prepared ammunition for the next assault phase.

"Master Jedi, I'm glad to see you made it! That was quite a rough one I'm afraid good sir." The young man's once smart and pressed uniform now had a variety of scorch marks and bloodstains to accompany the fine threading and golden rank pips. Due to the roar of automatic fire and artillery impacts everyman on the beachhead had begun to shout at each over to be heard with the officer being no different as he greeted Avin.

"Such is war Lieutenant, how many men made it past those guns?" Avin's tone was no longer light or calming, its previous tones being replaced with a stern coldness.

The officer turned back to his men and ran his eyes over them once more before replying, his voice tinged with regret and sadness this time around.

"Well, it appears we have lost most of one section and half of three and four section. The other halves of which are still out by those rocks" he pointed out towards a gathering of large boulders that were being bathed in a rainbow of colored blaster fire. Upon closer inspection, a smattering of bodies could be seen behind firing back at the weapons above where the Jedi stood.

Avin nodded as he thought back to the planning phase of their assault. Unlike his fellow Jedi, Avin had not been so lucky as to have his own battering ram and instead had to do this the old-fashioned way.

"Lieutenant get your men to fix harness and prepare their grappling hooks we are going to go up in the world."

No sooner as Avin had given his order had it been repeated to the ranks by the officer and preparations started to take place.

"I hope this works Jedi." Said the lieutenant.

"Oh, I do too" Avin replied before deactivating his weapon and crouching down and bending his legs for a leap.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Kian Karr"]
The smell of smoke greeted his nostrils. Mereel opened his eyes, and saw small flames jutting out from the pilot console. He pressed the button to open the cockpit, but the cockpit remained shut. "Osik..."

He activated his helmet's filtration system, it would give him some time to think of a way to escape the now aptly named Death Bucket. The flames grew taller.

He extended his left gauntlet's wristblades, and began slamming the blades into the cockpit's transparisteel. To his dismay, the cockpit transparisteel had largely withstood his blows, and only a small crack had formed in the pilot hatch. Flames were now licking his chest armor, and he could feel the ship getting hot despite his armor's air conditioning system. If he didn't get out soon he was going to be roasted alive.

He slowed his breathing and cleared his thoughts. He reached out into the force, and felt the raw emotion of the soldiers nearby. He put the emotions of the warzone aside, and once again emptied his thoughts. Reaching into his own calmness, he cast a wave of force energy from his hand and directed it at the crack he had previously made in the transparisteel pilot hatch.

The hatch's transparisteel shattered, and transparisteel shards flew up into the air in all directions before landing haphazardly around the fighter. He clambered out of the cockpit, and fell to the ground outside of the fighter. He now noticed that his chest piece was charred black, and that there was a sharp pain in his right leg - which had several bones broken during the fighter's crash.

He forced himself to stand, putting the majority of his weight on his left leg. He collapsed against the side of his starfighter, and opened the copilot's hatch. He grabbed his DC-15AB and strapped it over his shoulder, and slung his Westar M5 V2 across his back with a second strap, his DL-18 was already in its holster on his hip.

He pulled one final item from his starfighter: a shiny metallic band, given to him by a strange creature on Takodana. He put the band in one of his belt pouches, and began slowly and painfully limping toward the sound of blaster fire.

[member="Avin Starfire"] | [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] | [member="Kian Karr"]​


Operational Orders from Command:

  1. Report to the pods for deployment. *Completed*

  2. Survive the deployment onto surface *Completed*

  3. *UPDATE* Impound Speeder Bikes in name of the Republic *Active*

  4. Rendezvous with Republic Rangers *Pending*

  5. Await further orders. *Pending*

At the sound of the pair of speeder bikes zipping by somewhere up ahead, BD dug those metallic feet of his into the ground in the effort of coming to an abrupt halt. This was accomplished rather successfully as those electromagnetic joints creaked in response, which in turn caused the droid to waiver for the briefest of moments.

Visual sensors strained themselves from their effort to detect exactly where the speeders were coming from through the density of trees and shrubbery, paired with the information gathered from the droid’s audio intake sensors. It appeared that luck was on the side of the clankers this time, as BD had managed to not be detected by the pair of mounted scouts as they zipped by up ahead, stopping in the area that the latest calculations of his HUD gave for the nearest pod. That wasn’t a good sign by any means.

Yet, opportunity was found in this turn of events. The oblivious scouts were being approached from the rear by BD, the Droid not unshouldering that blaster staff until one of the speeder bikes was between him and the first of the scouts, who had busied themselves with scouring the landing pod for anything of value. Intelligence, weapons, possibly even a half eaten snack. Fleshy creatures were known to rarely properly dispose of the remainers of their meals.

What alerted the scouts to BD was that creaking buzz of those joints of his from the leveling of the blaster staff’s point aimed at the first of the scout’s back. Firing was not commenced immediately however. Most certainly not. The sheer amount of information that was zipping through BD’s outdated processor kicked in the common mechanism of these older model battle droids to cope with it. Chattering.

“Hands up, Imperials! These speeder bikes are now property of the…” It certainly did take a few seconds for the correct file to be found in the memory bank of BD. “...The Republic- Hey!”

These scouts weren’t about to stand around and be lectured by a battle droid. Ohh no. The one who wasn’t at blaster staff point had drawn their sidearm and taken the initiative. Their first shot would have easily struck the belly of the average trooper. But B1 battle droids were walking twigs, for better or worse. In this case better. The incoming shot hit the foliage behind BD, who turned that blaster staff on the scout with the smoking blaster and opened fire himself.

Bullseye! Bullseye in this case being the knee of the trooper who went down with a howl. That one certainly wouldn’t be an adventurer again anytime soon. The second trooper found themselves under assault as well now from a trio of poorly placed blaster shots, two flying well past their mark but the second hitting home on the trooper’s chest plate.
“...Property of the Republic Remnant!”

With that the battle droid scrambled his way onto the nearest bike, waited for his HUD to calculate the swiftest path to rendezvous with the other Rangers, and set off towards the destination. The information on his HUD notified him that there was an a rapidly escalation in activity, which meant the first wave of the assault must have begun on the ground. This called for a reassessment of objectives from command. Sending a ping to [member="Ever Dawnracer"] and her comm-link, BD chattered away again. “Commander! Where is the best location to deploy and support? Shipyard or link up with the frontal assault?”
The soldiers poured into the hole created by the crashed ship. Luck played a part in all things, but certainly in times of war and Kian was not going to allow such a good opportunity to be wasted. Kian, relying on the force to further reinforce his growing fatigue, Kian was the first through the opening, his lightsaber held steadily forward defensively. Kian was surprised to find that, as they entered through the opening, they met little resistance.

Then he looked around.

Scattered across the area were the bodies of imperial soldiers. Some were dead but many more injured. The crash into the wall had taken down a great number of the enemy and sent deadly debris out, immobilizing many in the area. But that was not the only reason that there was little resistance as Kian made his way through the smoke and the breach.

Reinforcements had arrived.

It seemed as Kian and the soldiers had been pushing their way through the damaged wall, others, lead by [member="Avin Starfire"], had began to mount an assault on the wall as well. This had prompted much of the attention of the defenders. Out there somewhere else amidst the fray of combat, Kian could also feel the presence of [member="Mereel Vaun"]. It was a hard force signature to miss....the strange blend of Jedi and Mando...

"We need to move quickly," Bronn said coming up beside Kian as the soldiers shuffled in beside them and took defensive positions, "They are preoccupied. Time to hit them hard." The man said pointing toward the stormtroopers who were engaging the other force.

"Well." Kian said looking around. "As far as I can tell, you're the highest ranking soldier left. What are your orders?"

Bronn seemed to consider this for a moment, a look of sudden concern flashing across his face as he looked around, as if searching for someone to replace him.

"I suppose I am." He said, putting some steel into his voice. "Soldiers. Move around toward the enemy flank." Bronn said through his headset, "Use that structure there," He said indicating a damaged building to the west of their position, "as a means of covering our advance."

The soldiers moved as one, using the cover to protect their movements from giving away their positions. So engaged were the stormtroopers that Kian and his men likely could have charged right at them and practically taken them by surprise. As they advanced, Kian stretched out with the force searching for the touch of Jed Starfire's mind looking to impart the information that they were coming to him.

Jedi Starfire.....we are approaching from the enemies flank.
"On my mark." Bronn said and Kian lifted his lightsaber, waiting to thumb the switch to activate the blade and felt the build up of tension among the soldiers around him. "ADVANCE!" Bronn yelled and at the same time Kian sent the message through the force to Jedi Starfire that they were attacking. The soldier's came from around the building, moving in a similar pattern to how they had on the beach. Units of six men, three fire, three advancing and then alternating to provide cover in the open area. Kian ignited his blade and rushed forward, clearing half the ground before the stormtroopers began to fire on them. With a final leap Kian brought himself at the nearest group of soldiers and back into the fight.

[member="BD-57"] | [member="Mereel Vaun"] | [member="Natsuki Xao"] | [member="Thaaros Klopp"] | [member="Ever Dawnracer"] | [member="Balaya Praelior"] | [member="Korynn Sol-Syna"] | [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] | [member="Tylane of Isobe"] | [member="Avin Starfire"] | [member="Jubei"] | [member="Joshua Tucker"] | [member="Inas Reut"]​

Republic Storyteller

[member="Ever Dawnracer"][member="BD-57"]

The two scout troopers had been out maneuvered. The one was dead and the other was basically out of the fight thanks to BD and his shooting, which was almost as accurate as a Stormtroopers was. Suffice to say, he did get away with the speeder and leave both scouts dead in his wake, but as he took off a patrol of speeders emerged from the woods, spotted him, and set off after him, firing on him from a decent enough distance that their shots were mostly wild, but they were certainly still there. Not a safe situation.

While Ever and her partner had felled the second group of troopers to stumble upon them, the Garrison had been alerted to their presence and was deploying storntrooper to their location. In general the entire planets worth of Stormtroopers were now on the move, making their way somewhere. Battle was being waged all around the planet, so nowhere was really safe for them. Dozens of White stormtrooper helmets would soon be visible heading their way.

[member="Ever Dawnracer"] [member="Kolab Shansaash"]​
[member="Adder Dawnracer"] [member="Alexander Sannes"]​
[member="Jesse Organa"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"]​
[member="Kaya Harfeld"] [member="Kian Karr"]​
[member="Lokthra Dawning"] [member="Mark Crassis"]​
[member="Matthew Calderon"] [member="Mereel Vaun"]​
[member="Natsuki Xao"] [member="Orn Pharr"]​
[member="Priscilla Utorna"] [member="Shoma Ike"]​
[member="Thaaros Klopp"] [member="The Dark Man"]​
[member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Tylane of Isobe"]​
[member="Tyra Solo"] [member="Zek Koth"] [member="Jubei"]​

On The Ground
Anti-aircraft fire was ripping away at the dropships that made their way to the ground. A few shots scored hits, but mostly the Republic pilots did a good job of avoiding getting shot out of the sky. The Garrison was mobilized and several squads of Stormtroopers were already dug in where the Republic ships were landing. They opened fire, ripping away at the soldiers and Jedi as they exited the ships. All around them people fell. Typical of a hot landing.

In the distance, several AT-AT's were on the move, plodding their way in the direction of the front line. They carried more troops to join the fray and some big guns to blast the rebels on the ground. Around their feet, AT-ST's moved, plodding forward more rapidly than their bigger, more powerful brothers. They were still not to be trifled with. Their guns were easily powerful enough to blast Republic troopers to bits despite their excellent armor.

Troopers dug in around the anti-aircraft emplacements as well. This was not going to be an easy fight.

In Space
Moff Tarkin was delighted to be able to fight the Republic again. Killing them would be an immense pleasure. As his fleet circled around the planet, they were made aware if the presence if an unknown force pushing in from outside the system. They, too, possessed Republic IFF codes, though if a different variety from the larger fleet that was approaching their position. He grumbled and motioned towards the communications officer.

"Have the Serration deal with that paltry force," he said, waving a dismissive hand.

While the ensign relayed the message, Tarkin touched a hand to his forehead in annoyance. There was always a wrinkle. Fortunately he had left a rear guard that would be capable of dealing with that situation. That just left him to have fun with the enemy Star Defender fleet. As they rounded the planet and the Republic fleet became visible, he squirmed in his seat, a grin of anticipation touching his features. After he was certain that they would be within range he turned to the Captain.

"All guns fire on their lead ships! Send in the fighters! We will crush these Republic dogs into dust! All hail the Emperor!"

"All hail the Emperor!"

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