Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Embers of the Universe

Sith. There it is again. Yet it was a statement that the Sith herself had never made. Maybe her lightsaber really did give her away. What other wielder wielded a crimson blade? Then again, who wielded a black one, for that matter? This guy clearly wasn’t so Force-sensitive.

Destroyed your planet? Senestra cocked a brow but fought against looking so incredulous. That may explain his vicious condition. Religious reasons aside, she kept her lightsaber on her person just in case he tried something stupid even in his wounded state.

“What planet?” Asked a guard, blaster still in hand.
“He attacked her first!” Cried one bystander. “I saw it!”
“Good for him if this Sith ruined him! JUSTICE!”
“Her lightsaber is a bit red, I admit it,” spoke the other guard.
“Red blade at that,” said a civilian. “Yet he’s no Jedi. His is black!”
"Oh for pity's sake!"
Said that elderly woman. "Get him a medkit!"

Dragon. That was House Sylverian’s motif. However, the family was no powerhouse, and unlikely to be recognized on Estaria by two guardsmen. Dragons. Serpents. Every one of them. What do they say about snakes again? A silver tongue.

“This weapon is an heirloom,” Senestra did not lie, gazing between the guards, eyes into eyes.
“If I was some merciless Sith, I would use it against you.” Yet she didn’t. She stood as a statue.
“I can’t speak to this man’s planet, whatever happened, though it is my desire that no one dies.”
She looked just one of the men in the eye, and focused. “I was acting in self-defense, you see.”

Phoenix Viper Phoenix Viper
“You’re kind never use self defence” Phoenix states and raises his lightaber befire his leg buckles and he falls onto a wall. By ‘your kind’ he means siths. Phoenix starts trying to push himself against the wall. Wondering when the police will get there
Truthfully, whatever her reasons, even if she herself couldn’t comprehend them, well, Senestra had some inclination to save this man. To help him. Maybe it was plainly her curiosity getting the better of her.
Having attacked her with his black saber. Claims of Sith destroying his planet. He was a mystery, to be certain of it.

Unfortunately, he had already proven himself a greater aggressor than the supposed Sith in his presence. He had reached for her first, had ignited his lightsaber, swung it at her, had even attacked the security guards, never mind whether he only targeted their blasters. Her? She had done nothing to the latter, and only reacted against the former.

He was punished for it, granted; a broken arm, a buckled leg. He was wounded, but one guardsman had already communicated for a medkit to be brought in as quick as Christmas. There were hardly two members of security in this facility, and the majority had since flooded toward the corridor by this moment.

That meant that the police would come next. Sure enough, sirens could be heard blaring in the distance.
The evidence might be stacked up against that black swordsman, though the woman wasn’t going to run.
As a guard walked toward the man to patch him up, guarded by his team’s blasters, the woman spoke up.
“Whatever happens,” she addressed guardians, civilians. “I don't believe he tried to kill me. Not with his fist.”

Phoenix Viper Phoenix Viper
“Drop your weapon before coming near me” Phoenix orders. Getting slightly light headed from blood loss. His skin going more pale. The guard throws down his weapon as he approaches Phoenix and starts fixing his leg

“POLICE! HANDS UP” a loud shout comes from inside of the crowd and a crew of officers appear. Their blasters raised. Ready to shoot at any sudden moment. Phoenix looks back at them and cusses under his breath. His dark blade still turned on and in everyone’s view
Clearly the guard was as brave as he must have had more of an EMS function. Despite the guy with the black lightsaber, he was at their mercy, including the woman's. It was fortunate things had not turned out that badly. He was definitely weakened, wounded, but that blaster shot to his leg should have cauterized the flesh on impact to minimize any blood loss at the very least.

And the man didn't appear thankful in the slightest. Nobody had to help him, and Senestra felt compelled to simply find out who the hell he was. Cue the police coming through with a command to put hands up. She did just as she was bidden. Hands bereft of weapons, held up, standing motionless, keeping quiet.

The audience in the corridor moved out of the way of the police as they took the floor and formed a semi-circle around the man and the woman standing by the wall.

"DROP THE BLADE AND PUT YOUR KRIFFING HANDS UP!" There were a few types of peacekeepers, so to speak, and this one clearly wasn't here to play as he addressed the black swordsman.

One of the officer's partner's echoed. Here we go.

"I'd listen to them," Sen advised the angry guy.


Sen shrugged.

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