Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Embargo Embarassments

Worlds covered entirely by expansive cityscape and commerce were easily Alkor's least favorite. Druckenwell had once been patrolled by Galactic Alliance forces, but in the wake of their bitter defeat by the Sith, the world had fallen into economic crisis. With efforts by the Confederacy to bring the planet into their fold, corporations like BlasTech had shown an effort toward resurgence into the galactic market.

In order to assure that the newest project by the arms dealer brought good money into their borders, the Confederacy had assigned a contingent of their finest Security Forces to oversee operations while the corporate sector worked to fulfill their promise of new and exciting goods: goods that the CIS would benefit from long term and short term.

The CDF was long overdue for an upgrade in personal armor, and the stores had just opened up shop with the premiere designs on display for all the big spenders to peruse. Alkor found himself filled to overflowing with ennui as he watched the denizens of Druckenwell trip over themselves to be at the front of the line.

As daylight faded and the busy hours passed, several stores closed up shop with signs that read "Sold Out" hung in their windows. It had largely been a successful operation. They would do it all over again tomorrow.

Alkor knew the news would go over well with the Viceroyalty.

"Lord Marshall," greeted one of the Defense Force Corporals who had been assigned to his unit. "We've finished doing our routine checks in this sector. Please advise."

"We'll be moving downtown next, Corporal," Alkor told him. "The lower end shops most likely have not done so well for themselves, and there have been reports of petty crime over the last few weeks. Anticipate that we may see a break in or two on the next watch."

"Sir!" The man snapped off a quick salute and went to instruct his subordinates. Alkor reached for his datapad. Even a small crime would have been more exciting than glorified guard duty. He thumbed through the screens quickly and sighed.

"Two weeks worth of this?" he asked quietly. "Can't we go back to fighting a war?"



It wasn't petty crime if you needed it to survive. Then it was just crime, which was all the difference to someone like Vryi, who really didn't have a choice in the matter to begin with.

She didn't have much of an education to go off of, but she was pretty sure the word 'petty' didn't apply to her here. What did that mean? Like vengeful or something? Nah. She didn't have anything against the poor shopkeeper she was about to fuck over. She just needed the cash in, and this was the way she was ordered to get it.

These suits would still go for a pretty penny in the underground, she suspected. But how much? 100 credits? 500? She mulled over these thoughts, half bored on the abandoned porch she sat crouched on as she scoped out an armor shop across from her. The closed sign had gone up an hour ago, and slowly she had watched the lights go out... the workers trickle off... until it was just the singular manager slipping out the back door she was watching.

There had been no point scoping out a shop in the upper district, the security was too high and the goods were running low. But down at a place like here? Vyri watched as the keypad flashed red and the manager slipped off into the thick of the night, reasonable certainty she could blow throw it and get out before any guards showed up.

Their presence was always much thicker where the money was.

With a nimble swing she went over the rail and clattered to the ground. A single light shined on the back alley, illuminating her side as she went to the door. There was nothing of note about her. Dark hair. Worn clothing. A gun pulled from her hip, leveled brazenly at the keypad as she approached.

Two shots fried the keypad. With the wave of her hand and a heavy grunt, the metal door pried haphazardly open. And then she was in.

Eyes on the prize, she went straight for the goods in the back room.
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The silent alarms tripped faster than a datapad could register. Every Knight Obsidian and Security Officer for three clicks had seen and heard the call within seconds, and Alkor was eye deep in his datapad regarding who would respond first. There was a cadre of rank and files not thirty meters out, but they were green rookies. The chance of them letting a criminal slip through their fingers was far greater, and for a heist in the high end marketplace, that was a risk Alkor was unwilling to chance.

"Groups B and D, lock down the perimeter," he commanded swiftly as he turned and headed toward the shop that had set off the alarm. "Group C, head toward the shop and secure the rear exit. I will move in from the main entrance and attempt to deal with the criminal without violence."

He always said that, and everyone always expected violence. Perhaps they found humor in it now. "Group A, stand by for further instructions. I may need a hand dealing with the criminal."

"Yes, sir!" Alkor could see the building now. He had not gone far from the main plaza since he started his original trek toward the lower city.

"You got a count on our OpFor?" he inquired.

"Just one, if scanners are working properly," came the response. "Doesn't seem like a really big operation. Just a quick heist."

"Ten four," Alkor nodded. "I'll get a read on the situation. No one engage without leave from an officer."


Vyri pulled herself ass-end out of a crate, looking sharply around her as an odd feeling stirred in her gut.


There was no way she had missed something here, right? Of course not, her head reasoned. Her stomach twisted in further protest.

She kicked into action, grabbing two packets and deciding to hell with all the rest. Her gut had never done her wrong before, and it was better to have a little pay out then a bail bond to your name. Vyri hop-skipped-jumped in place, holstering her gun and holding up a package with her teeth as she rearranged things. She fit the two of them comfortably between both her arms and took off, the woman moving sharply as she navigated the shelves and darted out the back door.

The street light felt bright on her eyes after the dim darkness of the store. Her heart stuttered, racing in protest to the exposure of the empty street. She ran back for the second floor balcony she had come from, one package tossed headlong up onto it. Beyond the balcony laid a door she had already broken into. She had planned to make a quick escape through the building and deposit out onto the street at the other side.

Now there was just the matter of reaching it.

She scattered back a few steps and gave a running jump, catching onto the rail with one hand and grunting as she started to pull herself up.
The security contingent fanned out quickly and capped off the alleys and streets nearby, but there were no immediate reports to confirm a visual on the target. They hadn't seen the offending party firsthand, but descriptions slowly trickled in from still-stunned onlookers and the victims of the crime themselves.

Unfortunately, the data came back skewed. Different people saw different things. The only consistent description was 'female, adolescent or young adult.' That could have described half of the city-planet's own population.

"I've got eyes on target," came a call across the secure channel. "Vaulting through buildings on the second floor, possibly scaling at rooftop level. She's not on the ground."

"Spread out and make it impossible to exit at ground level from any establishment or home in the area," Alkor commanded. "Initiate sector lockdown protocols. No one in or out without proper authorization. I'll pursue the suspect myself."


"No point wasting bodies to apprehend a perpetrator who we can tire out by using a single man," Alkor explained. "And I've got some experience with manhunts. You make sure to handle things on your end."

"Yes, sir." There was a certain amount of reluctance in his voice, but the man accepted his orders.

Alkor entered the building and made his way to the second floor where the door had been thrown open, but by the time he arrived she had already pulled herself upright and started running again. He could smell her desperation on the air, and if he concentrated, he could see a lingering amount of her signature left behind where she fled.

Alkor stepped up to the guard rail of the balcony and took a deep breath. If she had any amount of Force Training, he had yet to sense it.

That probably also meant she had yet to realize that the guards were moving into their positions.

He threw himself headlong off the balcony and toward the opposite window, guided entirely by instinct. When he landed, he rolled slowly to his feet and looked around. Where would she go next?



The door to that balcony had been broken through too. Inside Vyri used was using what time she had thought she gained to raid a bedroom. The woman moved quickly, her heart beat steady as she moved without panic. This wasn't her first heist, nor would it be her last. The woman life of crime had built her up to be quite the methodical and calm worker.

Panic only made you trip up.

She yanked the pillow case off the bedding of an unmade bed. The owners were not home. Perhaps out for a dinner or still at work. It made her job easier in the end. She wasn't a leave bodies behind kinda gal. She was shoving the two packages into a pillowcase when she heard the subtle click of the balcony latch.

She turned sharply, holding her breath.

And there it was, the faint sensation of a warning in the back of her mind.

She twisted the pillow case inside her grip, her other hand raised up. She bit her lip, slowly ... carefully... concentrating with all her might .... to have the force quietly close the bedroom door. And then she turned to the window at her back, frowning as she parted the curtains and pied at the window latch. Wind caught her hair, no balcony beyond the window for her to escape to. Just a pure, straight drop off.

She hefted herself up, taking a deep breath in preparation...

Alkor Centaris Alkor Centaris
The hunt was Alkor's life.

From his youth on Corellia in the slums, picking pockets to stalking major figures in Sith space to carve open the path to unwavering loyalty to Darth Carnifex, he had learned an inexhaustible patience. There was no frustration in finding that his prey was not immediately caught in his trap. He laid the foundation and let the woman do all of the hard work herself.

Alkor tilted his head backward and opened his thoughts to the Force. Whispers that slipped past only moments before became louder, ringing in his ears. The simple sensation of a small tug became the ministrations of a giant. Where the woman tried to be subtle, her discreet usage of the Force was like a beacon to a Master of Force Sense.

She narrowly kept a safe distance. Alkor could appreciate that. The more room he allowed her to have, the more mistakes she would make in her belief that she was free.

He crept forward now, following the ripples left behind by her movement. Her breath, heavy from exertion, still lingered on the path. The heat from her body left a residual trail that someone sensitive enough to such a thing could feel it radiating. His eyes burned a low crimson as he sharpened his senses, and he followed the directions she had unwittingly left for him.

All the while, the Defense Force moved to stifle all avenues of escape.



And she jumped.

The wind rushed out to meet her, whipping across her body for a mere second before she slammed into the ground with a grunt. Pain lanced up her shins, the woman breaking a fall with a roll that would leave bruises. But at least she was out.

She jolted up, ignoring her discomfort as she tossed the pillowcase back over her shoulder and took to the streets. She ignored a wave of discomfort at being so exposed. Her exit had been meticulously planned, but it was clear now she must have set off an alarm. She'd have, what, one guard on her tail at most? She didn't believe there would be much coverage around here, though the fact that someone seemed to have followed her in through the balcony door did leave her mildly impressed. But he couldn't know she'd jumped and kick off street bound, right?

She rounded the corner and slowed down, her breath puffing in exertion as the woman melded into the semi busy street of night life vendors. She dropped the pillowcase to be in front of her, pushing her hair out of her face as she casted a wary glance around. And then slowly, causally, she made for her speeder.
She was gone before he arrived, but that was to be expected. Alkor saw the window as the door swung open and tilted his head. The fall from that height was hardly insignificant. Without the aid of the Force, realistically, a body could take considerable damage if not properly equipped. Almost no one running a heist came that well-prepared.

The Dark Jedi moved forward with his commlink in hand, snapping off orders as he approached. "Flank the alleyway," he commanded. "Subject is fleeing at ground level. You are authorized to utilize force, but only non-lethal."

It was a theft, at best, some community service would fit the crime. If the subject resisted and Confederate lives were ended, that would be a different situation. Alkor hated the part of his duty that dealt with crime and punishment. It almost seemed absurd to place him in a position of authority with the way he had spent most of his youth and adult life.

Still, for whatever reason, he was here and his job was this. He peered out the window in time to see her back as she ran.

Ran, straight toward four Confederate Security Force guards, all quick to train blasters on her. Set to stun, of course. "Stop right there!" one man barked toward her. "Stop, or we'll make you stop!"

If she turned, she would see four more round the corner from the opposite end of the alley. Alkor watched from on high, careful to poise himself to intervene in the event she did make a nuisance of herself.



Vyri skidding to a stop before her speeder, her eyes wide in alarm as she stared down the barrel of four blasters.

She remained frozen for a moment, her muscles tense as her thoughts raced. This wasn't part of her plan. Thankfully, she was quick to adapt.

Surviving on the streets demanded quick fingers, and she moved with a deftness that spoke to her ability to stay alive. She flipped her gun out of its holster with an indiscernible speed, the movements a blur. Shots hit the ground at the feet of the men, making them scatter for cover. This bought her precious seconds. Her fingers drummed over the speeder keypad, pulling up autopilot and a set of coordinates. The bag was dropped with a thud into the storage container. It hadn't even been able to hiss close before the autopilot took over.

She kicked her leg up over the seat, but the trained soldiers were quick to recover. A flurry of shots were fired her way. In the chaos, several hit. She fell to the ground, her world reeling. The speeder kicked to life, zipping up into the air with or without its passenger. She was left with the final gimps of the speeder's tail lights, the warm glow zipping off unhindered into the distance.

So at least there was that.
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The Defense Force troops were good in urban scenarios. Live fire was an eventuality they prepared for, but it still startled them when so much of it came so quickly. Still, they adapted to the situation with the intent to allow as few casualties as possible. While the bike went zipping past, they had secured the real prize. It lost the rider and left her conveniently in their midst.

They circled her and fingered the triggers of their blasters. "Drop the weapon," came the harsh command, "drop it or we'll open fire."

She was already on the ground. They had dropped her. Alkor had to act. Just because she had a handle on the weapon didn't mean she was an effective threat.

That was a subtle difference between the way he looked at things and the way they were trained to deal with targets.

The soldiers behind her closed in slowly, while the men in front closed the small gap made by her speeding escape vehicle. "Did someone get a blip on that bike?" came a question from somewhere.

"Negative," the reply was filled with frustration.

"How do we explain the lost goods to the proprietor?" another man soured. "Just catching the criminal isn't going to make up for the losses."

During the small debate, Alkor had managed to slip down to ground level and slowly make his way to the scene. Their distraction hopefully proved enough to keep the girl's attention as the Dark Jedi approached, but even if it had not, he moved to place a hand on her shoulder. Crouched next to her prone form, he lowered his voice.

"Easy," he said. "There's been enough damage done today, don't you think? Let's get you back for questioning."

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Bit of an insult, that.

Easy? What was she gonna do, blow up the place? Damn guards had downed her. Her body remained stiff on the ground, paralyzed from the stun bolts that had hit her shoulder and side. A face appeared over her, carrying those mocking words. Her eyes shone with what defiance she could muster. The tip of her finger on the gun's trigger twitched, relaying her reluctance to come back easy.

But no shot rang out, the only movement in her body was her chest heaving up and down.

Her gaze jolted wildly over each face above her, the woman trapped on the ground. Contained. Just great.

Her finger twitched again, her wild gaze locking heavily back onto the face hovering closet above her. if looks could kill.
He worked the weapon away when the confirmation came that she could not fire. Her body was numbed out, but the fire burning behind her eyes hadn't dulled at all. When he saw it, Alkor tilted his head slightly. He remembered the desperation, the contempt, the innate feeling that no on understood why he had to do the things he did. There was always a reason, even for the smallest action.

He held no sympathy for her. He simply understood. No one had sympathized with him. No one had done anything for him. No one was going to do anything for her, either.

Alkor took her arms and moved them behind her back. "Someone grab that blaster," he called as he detained her with shock cuffs and hoisted her upright. Her body sagged against him for the moment and he supported her, at least until she could regain her equilibrium and put weight on her feet again.

The Defense Force soldiers had lowered their weapons by now, and someone hurried over to take the discarded blaster. Once he was satisfied the scene was well contained, Alkor spoke up. "Clean up the mess, make sure any home or business owners are duly compensated for damages. I'm taking her in."

Security ceded to the Knights in certain aspects of investigation, especially when a senior Knight Obsidian was on scene. Alkor had priority here. "Can you speak?" he asked her as he carried her toward their ride.



He would feel the subtle twitch of her muscles as she tried to access them. Neurons misfired, causing a twitch ... a tension ... a nudge. But not even her will power could reboot her nervous system. Not until the shot's effects wore off.

At first he got an airy breath. Then a grunt. There was effort. This wasn't Vryi's first stint with a policing force and she knew it wouldn't be her last. She knew the timing of the affects like the back of her hand. By the time he had her sitting, she could access her tongue.

"F-Fuc - k. Yooou," she ground out. Her heart slammed in her chest, her mind still reeling at the turn of events. How were they so set up for her? How could she fail?

Could she break out?

Her gaze dragged around the area. The face that hovered over her was inconsequential. Didn't matter. Her area did. For a moment she harbored the hope that he'd appear and break her free. But then reality hit.

That wasn't happening.

A bit of life flooded back through her leg like a rush of air. She slammed it up, going for the officer's groin. It was a desperate move. No tact. Probably even costing her a smaller opportunity to run.

But it felt nice.
"..." His response was flat, just like his expression. There were others in the Confederacy who would have taken it as a joke and poked back at her, but she had the luck of crossing paths with the one man who had no sense of humor. He simply continued on his way, and she was extra baggage.

He could acutely feel her attempts to break free of her unseen imprisonment. The body off had a way of rebelling against the unnatural. Stun bolts were hardly different. It was something else that caught his attention, and his fingers curled into a fist.

She kicked at him. The impact came and went. It was certain she made her mark, but instead of a sharp cry of pain, a grunt came from the man. A grunt, and a hot beam of crimson light. He pulled her closer, face to face with him, and held her gaze evenly.

The blade burned hot, just far enough from both of them that it felt like an unpleasant bout of direct sunlight.

"Do it again," he said softly, "or try to escape, and I'll pretend I forgot how to do my job properly."

The lingering CDF soldiers made themselves scarce as the scene unfolded.

Alkor did not blink.



The steel in her gaze dispersed in an instant, flooded by a healthy dose of fear. There was no way to hide it. No cool words she could say, other places to look. There was simply him. Her. And that light saber at her face.

Goosebumps speckled her skin.

The fight went out, her muscles relaxing obediently inside his arms.

Message received.

Her breath would wash over him as she exhaled a withheld breath. A sense of life flooded back into her left pinky too, but she ignored it. No point in doing otherwise. He would come to find Vyri was particularly attached to the idea of not dying.

Slowly, the fear became replaced by a simmering glower. "Since when do they send sith after petty theft," she managed to get out. He'd watch as she found she could flex her chin. She did so, trying to yank back from him and that searing beam of nope light.
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While her body still showed signs of reluctance and fear at his assertion, her mouth very quickly got over the sensation. Alkor disengaged the blade quickly and let her go, at least, far enough that she was no longer close to his face. He still had control of the situation as a whole, and she would go where he prompted.

Or she'd get to play Corellian Roulette, lightsaber edition.

They both knew how that would play out.

The question had a particularly good answer that involved joint forces training exercises and deep pockets among Confederate businesses, but Alkor also had enough Street knowledge not to give her that answer. A recidivist always asked questions when they were caught. Harmless questions at first glance; but when faced with the opportunity to find out not to get caught the next time, every ounce of knowledge benefitted a thief.

No, this woman got another answer altogether from him.

"Since when do thieves rob large businesses during hours of heightened traffic?" More business meant more security. Unless she was some sort of master jewel thief, that wasn't the kind of opportunity she was looking for. "Unless you have a thing for handcuffs," he added with a shrug.



Vyri rolled her eyes, not answering that either.

"Usually they involve me leaving men in them, but that can still be arranged." She worked at her jaw, the motion growing smother as she slowly regained control of her facilities. In truth her answer involved a particularly complex system of underground orders-- a thing she was disinclined to ignore. queen of it all was sometimes these orders left her in tight pinches.

Shitty working conditions, no back up.

She would get herself out of these on her own. She looked up at the man hovering over her, her demeanor shifting into something softer. "You take me someplace warm and I can show you..."

She gained access to her shoulder just in time to shrug it, the strap of her tank top slipping down and exposing a bare stretch of neck.
Someplace warm, eh?

The Dark Jedi nodded his head slightly. "That can be arranged," he replied. "The Sand Cells in Golbah City are about the warmest place in the Southern Systems." His eyes were glued momentarily to his datapad as he logged several packets of information about the arrest, use of Force, et al.

"Though I doubt you would enjoy your stay. They're generally reserved for enemies of the State and traitors." With good reason. The Sand Cells were inhumane at best, with full exposure to Geonosian days and nights, and water supplied in ration to keep the inmate from becoming dehydrated.

People were sent there to be forgotten about, or to die.

When he looked up, the woman had lost the strap of her shirt from her shoulder. Alkor blinked. "Here, let me help you with that," he said, nonplussed. He reached up and returned the strap to its proper resting place.

"Now," he gestured to the speeder, where she would sit next to him while the Droid carried them off. "After you."


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