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Approved Planet Elysium

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Name: Codename: Elysium. Catalogue name: SV33649684.

Region: Core
System: SS3364968
Suns: 1 white dwarf.
Orbital Position: Formerly habitable zone. Originally the 4th planet from the star, now it is the nearest.
Moons: 3 small moonlets which are more captured asteroids than permanent moons.
System Features: <Here you may list other planets, important asteroid belts, spatial anomalies, or other features of the star system>
Coordinates: Just above-right of Loronar, below-right of Corellia.
Rotational Period: 2.5 standard days.
Orbital Period: 392 standard days.

Class: Terrestrial.
Diameter: 9,800km.
Atmosphere: Formerly II, now III-IV
Climate: Arid. Formerly mild, now cold.
Gravity: 0.9 Standard.
Primary Terrain: Mountains, plains, dried water courses, caves.

Native Species: None extant. Primitive life once lived in the seas, but all native life was boiled away by the cataclysm.
Immigrated Species: Droid mining teams. A few organic overseers, soon to be replaced.
Primary Languages: Droid, basic.
Government: Techocracy.
Population: <5000 droids. 10 organics, soon to be 0.
Demonym: Elysian
Major Imports: Droids, machine parts, fuel, transport.
Major Exports: Mineral ores, specifically (in order of abundance):
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Aluminium
  • Other standard metals
  • Gold and other precious metals.
  • Some diamonds.
  • Some radioactive ores.
  • Some rare ores.
Affiliation: Formerly Loronar Industries, soon to be Archangel

Major Locations: Central Base is located just south of the equator in an area of mountains, deep caves and dried riverbeds. This base is the central processing and distribution hub of the mining operation. There are five other smaller bases, some linked by hover trains, others by shuttles. These bases are rather unimaginatively named One through Five.
Culture: Being droids for the most part, culture is something which doesn’t enter into the equation. The organic controllers fit into standard galactic culture.
Technology: Galactic standard.
History: SV33649684 is a boring name, but it fits with this planet. The galaxy is filled with millions of such worlds, though this one has a slightly more interesting history than most. What is known about this world has come from summations and guesses from the few organics to visit it.

In the beginning, SV33649684 was the 4th planet of a regular main sequence star. It was on the edge of the habitable zone, and liquid water formed on the planet, cutting deep channels and gullies in the stone and filling great seas and rivers. Into this, primitive life began to evolve, especially in the seas where the sparse atmosphere and cold conditions were not quite as biting. Fossil records show that fish-like and especially jelly like creatures evolved, living specially deep underwater near the volcanic vents from the planet’s core.

Time was not on these creatures’ side though. The start they orbited started an unstoppable process of fusing hydrogen into helium and expanding into a red giant. The first three planets were first melted and then consumed whilst SV33649684 slowly had its water and atmosphere boiled away. Every living thing was extinguished, and though the planet survived, it survived as a burnt desert husk. The star which had given then taken life evaporated away to leave just a small white dwarf fragment.

Fast forward several million years and an Old Republic automated survey probe mapped the planet, but nothing especially enticing was noticed about it. The planet was too cold and hostile to support settlement and easier mining worlds were available.
And so the great events of the galaxy passed SV33649684 by. However, in the aftermath of the Gulag Plague, Loronar needed raw materials and conducted a survey of nearby systems. SV33649684 was perfect for droid operations and a base was established five years before the present. A team of 10 organics monitored and controlled the mining operations from their sealed dome.

Recently though, Loronar has been acquired by Archangel Research and Design, and the co-owners of the company Moira and Maelion, see SV33649684, codenamed by them Elysium, to be a key location. The deep caves can house substantial, hidden bases, whilst the ores and minerals allow the construction of droid manned factories which can be crewed by and producing the machines which they hope to overthrow the galaxy with. The plan also involves installing a new processing machine on Elysium, helping it to live up to its name is a grimly amusing way.

Notable PCs: None
Intent: A standard, simple mining world, this planet does not have any unique or restricted items. It is simply a droid mining centre and soon to be secret base for Archangel.
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