Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Elrood by Starlight: Ray meets Keira

Ray smirked slightly as Keira disagreed with his remark. He took a final drag from his cigarette, casting it aside with a flick of his fingers. As the Dark Jedi's aura vanished his brow furrowed, bewildered. He had heard you could mask your presence but had never tried himself, finding no reason to make the attempt. His mouth opened as though he was going to comment on the feat but the words died before he could ever voice them. Her presence swelled, indescribable in it's sudden immensity, forcing an involuntary step back from the Desert Fox.

"Your strength commands respect Keira. But your putting words in my mouth." Ray's own saber was drawn, hidden in the sash at his waist. The deep purple blade flicked to life with a hum. He spun the blade and dipped through a slow, nearly lazy, sequence of the only form Lorraei had a solid grasp of, Makashi. His blade came to rest in a low gaurd at his side, "I have seen what others can do. I have seen the cruelty of the criminal underworld and the majesty of a Master breathing life into an injured child. Just as I see you now Keira. Still I am not afraid. I have faith and confidence. Faith that when I die I will be welcomed into the light of heaven."

In the space of a breath he drew the Force into himself, it's energy surging through his limbs. Again his blade swept the air passing through an attack sequence with incredible speed. Ray switched the weapon off holding it loosely in his hand. "Confident that if I must fight you Keira, I will force you to kill me. I do not fear death pateesa but, I'm not going to provoke her either."

[member="Keira Ticon"]
A slow nod and a slight smile was her only response for a time. There was no doubt that he was certainly far more spiritual than herself, but Keira wouldn't allow such a minute difference to drive a wedge between what was now master and apprentice in a number of respects. No matter what she said it seemed he would continue to demonstrate what she deemed an unnecessary amount of respect for her ability. It was a miniscule aspect of what would no doubt grow to be a complex relationship indeed. But right now a discussion of philosophy wasn't her primary concern. That would come later, of that she had no doubt. However, this was about a furthering of his training and their learning together.

The display offered with his violet blade droning and sluicing through the air was silently noted with the briefest upturns of the corners of her mouth. His bladework was impressive, his finesse and simple talent blatant in every flick of the wrist. It was far from similar to her own brash, headstrong style, but it held its own sort of careful refinement. It seemed his appreciation for the finer things in life even extended to his ability in combat, a factor altogether unsurprising. There was an unspoken confidence present, a well of quiet knowledge of all that he was capable of and wouldn't hesitate to do. The only thing better than actually being talented was knowing the limits of one's own skill intrinsically, and it was that advantage he possessed.

"Sometimes a taste of fear is necessary to survive, even if it can be inconvenient." As always, there was a method to her madness, even if it wasn't always immediately recognizable. "You don't want to walk into every fight confident of your immediate victory and unafraid of your opponent. That attitude will only get you killed or somewhere close to it, I can assure you." Once again that was personal experience speaking. If there was one thing she hoped to pass on, it was for him to not turn out as she had, scarred and without any place to rest his head, trusting no one. He deserved better, and she would be damned if he wouldn't achieve it eventually. There was a sort of compassionate side to her when she so chose, however hard it was to believe.

Silently she watched him, a number of thoughts processing behind her otherwise impassive countenance. "I want you to find me when it's convenient for you. Then we can begin." Her head inclined slightly, and she merely stepped off the edge of the ship, landing lightly in a crouch and slowly straightening. Amber eyes regarded him once more from that new vantage. "And please, take your time. Unlike the rest of them I'm not in any hurry. Patience is a good virtue to have, even for someone like me." It was that she left him with, turning slowly on her heel and walking off into the sea of grass, disappearing just as steadily as she had manifested in the first place.


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