Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eli Fenric

Eli Fenric, The Bound
"Yes... Yes... Do as I am told and as they say..."

  • Name: Eli Fenric
  • Alias: 'Girl', Prisoner #10453
  • Force Rank: Apprentice
  • Force Alignment: Dark Sided
  • Species: Near-Human
  • Race: Firrerreo
  • Age: 15
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 100 lbs
  • Eye Colour: Grey
  • Hair Colour: Black
  • Skin Pigmentation: Tanned Caucasian
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • N.A
  • Masters: N.A
  • Apprentices: N.A
  • Successful Students: N.A
  • Planet of Birth: Lowick
  • Father: Unknown
  • Mother: Unknown
  • Siblings: Unknown
  • Spouse: N.A
  • Children: N.A
  • + Tabula Rasa: Eli is a blank slate, meaning that she can be shaped and moulded as she or anyone else sees fit. While this may not, on the surface, seem like a good thing, it also means she is susceptible to swiftly learning new things and also that she has no pre-existing ideals, morals or beliefs about the Galaxy at large.
  • + Firrerreon Heritage: As a Firrerreon she has extremely quick natural healing as well as the capability of seeing in varying scales including UV. Aside from this she is also able to avoid being blinded by light or objects such as sand or dirt due to the membranes protecting her eyes. However she lacks the cultural aspects of her race due to her upbringing.
  • - Weakened Spirit: Eli is for all intents and purposes a broken individual. She offers almost no resistance and carries very little self-determination. Far more subservient than most other beings she has adjusted to life at the bottom of the pecking order. She has no kin', no friends or beings to support her. She is very much alone, and has spent most of her life with only herself for company.
  • - Oubliette: She knows very little about herself, her situation and the Galaxy at large. From the age of seven she has been locked in a windowless prison cell, practically an oubliette, while those who had her contained worked away at weakening her mind and forcing her to forget exactly who she was and even why she was there, making her easier to control.
  • N.A
  • Armour: N.A
  • Weaponry: N.A
  • Droids: N.A
  • Transport: N.A
  • Property: N.A
  • Miscellaneous: N.A
  • N.A
  • N.A
  • N.A

"Prisoner One-Zero-Four-Five-Three..." the man began, peering over the edge of his glasses at the trembling young girl who was bound in place. There was a slight crackle as the holo-vid began to record the session at hand. "What was your name, again?" Silence. "Let's begin with something a little easier, then... Do you know where you are? Answer me, girl, do not test my patience." The girl stared ahead instead with a hollow gaze, her body rocking slightly where she sat. One very small word escaped her lips, barely audible and carried by a single breath. "Kiffex." The rocking only increased. "Kiffex, very good... And how long have you been here?" No response. The holo-feed wavers for a moment as the connection briefly drops, the brief lag causing a time skip. "-- never know life outside of Kiffex, is that what you want?" By now the child's empty eyes were filled with tears. "No name, no family, no home... Face it, girl, you're nobody in this Galax--" Finally her lips parted. "Eli" she rasped. "Eli, Eli, Eli!" Her head lifted while she stared right at the man. Oddly, there was a determination within her gaze. Without warning the man was thrown backwards by an unseen force and the holo-feed cuts off...

  • N.A
  • N.A

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