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Attesuus'geonin, displaying genetic anomalies such as dyschromia and hirutism.


  • Name: Egeonin (eg-ee-oh-nin)

  • Designation: Sentient

  • Homeworld: Egeon (eg-ee-on)

  • Language: Sullago; tonal, almost musical language with a complex grammatical system.

  • Average Lifespan: 150 - 200 standard years

  • Estimated Population: Planetary

  • Description: The Egeonin are a winged and bipedal species capable of flight. They are digitigrade with a long, feathered tail. Incredibly rare outside their home system, they have often been mistaken for the “Angels” from the moons of Iego by unwitting spacers. This may be due to their frequently luminescent and pale coloring, delicate features, and quiet way of speaking.

  • Breathes: Type 1 atmosphere.

  • Average height of adults: 1.70 m

  • Average length of adults: N/A

  • Skin color: Shades of brown from white to black; shades of blue and purple from pale to dark, Often they have a luminescent/opalescent, glowing quality to their skin.

  • Hair color: Most commonly shades of brown, black, white, and red. Some may also have shades not seen in humans, such as blue or green.

    Feather color: Some, such as Attesuus'geonin have luminescent/opalescent, brightly colored feathers of many colors. More typically, Egeonin have more “natural,” colored feathers of brown, red, black, and white. They still retain the opalescent and reflective qualities similar to the brightly colored feathers, but a lesser sheen. It is the fashion of some young people to dye their feathers in unnatural colors.


  • Feathers and Down: Some of an Egeonin’s body is covered in a very fine down that almost looks and feels like fur. Those from colder areas have it generally cover more of their bodies, while those living in hotter often only have the backs of their arms and hands covered. Outside of distinct races, the average individual has the down on the majority of their bodies, stopping before the neck and upper chest, face, hands, groin, underarms, and feet. Egeonin do not go through a distinct molting phase, instead continually cycling through shedding one feather here and there. This goes for both their wings and their down.

  • Birdlike Feet: Being digitigrade, they walk on their toes, having 5 on each foot: three in front, two in back. Each digit is capped in a strong, sharp talon, although it has been in fashion for some to file these down considerably. They can use these digits to grasp, carry things, and roost; their digits have less dexterity than their hands. The Attesuus'geonin, from coastal regions, still retain the partial webbing between the first three digits of their feet and hands, making them semipalmate. Some Egeonin have four digits on their hands, some have five, but every member of the species has opposable thumbs and hard keratin claws that may be filed down.

  • Gender Differences: Males can usually be distinguished by their slightly larger size, more “masculine” features, and deeper voices. Depending on the subspecies, males may have darker or brighter coloring. Females are generally slightly smaller, have rounder features, and have higher-pitched voices.
  • Reproduction: Reproduction requires 1 male and 1 female unless genetic engineering is used. A female goes through a pseudo-pregnancy, forming a leathery soft-shelled egg in an organ similar to a human uterus. After 2 standard months, the egg is laid and incubated in a nest for another 3 months, after which the egg hatches. The female regains the ability to form another fertilized egg after the 2 months and the laying of the first egg is complete.

  • Aging: Newborn are mostly helpless, unable to fly. They grow quickly, however, and within a year of them being hatched, they are at the equivalent of a human 4-year-old. At this point their flight is limited to small, skittering "jumps" and are unable to carry themselves for any great height or distance. Growth then slows down considerably, maturing at a rate closer to the average human. When reaching their thirties, their aging slows to a snail's pace. This allows for a lifespan beyond the average 70+ years of humans. This does not mean, however, that a 160 year-old Egeonin is still as young and spry as when they were 30. They're still physically old, it just took them longer to reach that point.

  • Misc. Internal Features: Most of their skeleton is composed of bones containing a lattice-like structure inside them, making them reasonably strong, but still light. Egeonin are able to digest cellulose due to special enzymes in their digestive tract, but cellulose still is not a mainstay of their diet. They have multiple small air sacs in addition to lungs, allowing their respiratory system able to handle the amount of airflow necessary to sustain flight. The downside to this is that Egeonin are more susceptible to air pollutants and harmful gases. They are more likely to develop asthma than other humanoid counterparts, and airborne poisons that could kill a human in an hour could kill them in half of that time. Even if they did survive, their lungs would probably have permanent scarring. Their inner ears are constructed in such a way that they do not easily get motion sick and they have a high level of spatial awareness, which is necessary for flight. They also have

  • Misc. External Features: An Egeonin’s wings are anchored directly below the bottom edge of their shoulder blades, allowing free and unrestricted movement of their arms when their wings are folded. To support their flight, they have an extra set of pectoral muscles below their primary set, reserved just for their wings. They also have a long, feathered tail that acts as a rudder when in flight.

  • Genetic Anomalies: Egeonin have a statistically high rate of genetic anomalies when compared to humans. These genetic anomalies are usually harmless and result in mere outward changes in appearance. Most commonly seen are dyschromia and their equivalent of hirsutism. In an Egeonin, hirsutism can take the form of down growing over the entire body or not at all, for example. Additionally, it may take the form of fully-formed feathers growing on the back of the arms and shoulders as well as the wings.


  • Attesuus’geonin: Usually brightly or darkly colored skin, bright iridescent wing feathers, and a crest of feathers that gradually fades into downy hair. Semipalmate feet and hands. Quite intense and social in nature, although some see it as rather hot blooded. They work hard and play hard, and culturally the desires of the individual are regarded as highly as the needs of the whole.

  • Dakar’geonin: Almost entirely pale colorings, white feathers, soaring, hawk-like wings. They inhabit the cold mountain and arctic regions of their homeworld. They are often solitary and aloof in nature, with a rather reserved culture towards outsiders. Greatly valuing family, once someone is admitted into their inner circle, it takes a great betrayal to break their loyalty. Blessed with special antifreeze proteins in their blood and cells, they are the most resistant to extremely cold temperatures and long exposures that could kill humans. However, they are also the most


Artistic representation of Dakar'geonin, likely based off a spacer's description

  • Strengths:

    Can digest cellulose

  • Capable of flight

  • Resistance to cold (Dakar’geonin only)

  • High spatial awareness/innate sense of "true north"

  • Keen distance eyesight

  • Can hibernate to survive extreme stress

  • Long lifespan

  • Can reproduce relatively quickly

  • Harmful genetic anomalies easily corrected with Egeonin-specific cybernetics


  • Abnormal Physiology: Adaptable to many places meant for bipedal species, but certain things like clothing, armor, and safety equipment will be ill-fitting. If in a medical emergency, medical staff or droids may not be knowledgeable enough to give proper treatment.

  • Sensitive airways: Egeonin are blessed to have efficient respiratory systems, but this also makes them more likely to develop asthma from repeated exposure to pollutants. The higher rate of airflow in their bodies also leads to a greater vulnerability to airborne poisons.

  • Susceptible to heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and sun poisoning (Dakar'geonin only)

  • Cannot reproduce with other species without the aid of genetic engineering

  • Generally inexperienced with technology and “undereducated”

  • Very little knowledge of Galactic events outside their system. A fair number of individuals don’t even speak or read Basic

  • The onset of hibernation instinct is involuntary, and in later stages cannot be ended with outside intervention. It must run its course.

  • Certain harmful genetic anomalies prevalent


  • Diet: Omnivorous. Their native diet is largely devoid of meat and animal products, however, as they prefer to protect the environment from most large-scale animal farming. Instead, plant based substitutes of these products and insects are highly popular and affordable.

  • Communication: Egeonin primarily use their native language, Sullago. Basic is known mostly by those in large cities with starports,. The few traders that have ventured out of their home system make use of Bocce and Huttese as well as Basic and Sullago.

  • Technology level: Egeonin have a technology level lower than that of the galactic "standard" in most industries. They are not a widely spacefaring species, and have had to develop the majority of their technology on their own. They adopt what they can, such as hyperdrive technology from spacers, and do their best to adapt it to their needs. Curiously, they have sophisticated cybernetics technology that can operate just as well as if not better than their organic counterparts. This arose partially out of the large number of harmful genetic anomalies prevalent in Egeonin, and the need to correct or even entirely replace affected parts. It should be noted, however, that the Egeonin are not gifted at cybernetics for other species, and their cybernetics are generally geared toward correction rather than enhancement. For example, a person receiving artificial eyes to correct blindness may now be able to see in darkness and into the infrared spectrum, but it would be rare for a person to seek out an implanted cyberjack.

  • Religion/Beliefs: Their is no official religion, only a set of “folk beliefs” or cultural beliefs and traditions that Egeonin follow with varying degrees of fervor. Some, generally in urban areas, only pay homage to the ideas and traditions, but view the deities, stories, and afterlife as fairy tales. Others go as far as dedicating their life to a monastery, vowing to serve the spirits of nature and the cosmic Source. The majority lie somewhere in the middle, celebrating religious holidays, performing rituals at major life events, and generally trying to do the right thing.

    They worship nature through preserving it, and believe that when one dies they go back to the Source (Force), even if the person was not Force-sensitive. They believe Force-sensitivity is granted through a celestial lottery governed by the faceless gods of nature. Everyone has at least one entry; those that are born to Force-sensitive parents have more. The more Force-sensitive ancestors one has, the more entries one has.

General behavior: [Describe general behaviors such as: family life, values, how they raise their young, how they find mates, how they interact with the world and other species around them. Do they hunt? Do they build? Are they inventors? Are they explorers? Are they nocturnal or diurnal? Do they attend schools? Etc, etc. ]

Egeonin generally have close familial ties, living in communal areas and putting the needs of the whole before their own.


Pre-recorded History:
Egeonin firmly believe themselves to have evolved from birds, over time becoming apex predators through developing sentience before other species had the chance. Evolutionary xenobiologists have debated if they are truly descended from birds as they claim, as they have many features that are seen to belong to reptiles and mammals. Little is known about this era, but it is known that many lived in small “flocks” that roosted in trees or slept in caves. Unlike other avian species in the galaxy, Egeonin have retained the ability to fly with wings apart from their arms, and are still able to sense and see magnetic fields.

The Darkness
Egeon was not immune to the ravages of the Gulag Plague, despite being an isolated world. No one really knows how the Plague got to Egeon. It could have been as simple as an infected spacer’s ship docking in a major starport city, where it easily spread. The Gulag Plague was simply called the Sickness by the Egeonin, and the time from when it hit to when the Egeonin finally rebuilt was called “The Darkness.” Multiple nations and civilizations fell, and entire races were wiped out. Part of the planet’s population is descended from the few who were able to bunker down in the north, whether in cloistered monasteries and abbeys closed off to the world, or in mountain fortresses of the nobility. The Egeonin’s ability to survive great cold comes from these bloodlines, as well as their hibernation instinct.Over time they intermingled, and
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