Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Educating The Future (Coryth)

Coryth giggled, "Yes, it might just be a wee bit of a bad idea. Still an amusing thought, nonetheless."

The redhead nodded. That idea helped to better form the idea inside her mind of how this process would work out. "That makes sense to me. I was having a little trouble visualizing it. At least I have a better idea now of how it's going to work and what it will be like."

She walked over to her small pack that she'd brought with her. she then reached inside and pulled out a Solari crystal. The lightside power within it, radiated through her hand and out into the room, so obvious of what it was and the power within that it held for a lightsider. Stepping back over to the workbench she took a breath before she set the Solari into place.

Now she sighed a little, as she nervously watched Phylis move to the furnace. This is where it would all begin. "Is there any way I can help from here? Or can you do this part alone?"

[member="Phylis Alince"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]
“I would value your help, Coryth. I can show you how to Alkahest metal if you wish. This is as good a time as any!”

She took the Solari crystal in her hands, and Phylis marvelled at the power she felt inside it. “Incredible, dear. This will be perfect. I’ve never held a Solari before…but it’s well worth the weight. Indeed, this may help us in this construction process.”

Taking some blocks of Alusteel, she put them into the furnace to melt. When they were liquefied she would be able to pour it into a special tube mould which would allow the metal to form in the shape they desired it to be.
Coryth nodded, "Well, I'd like to learn, so by all means help to guide and teach me Phylis."

The redhead smiled as she watched Phylis look over the Solari crystal. "I happened upon in on Rhen Var when I was looking for my daughter. It's just been something I've been hanging onto since then, looking for the right time and right thing to put it to use for."

[member="Phylis Alince"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]
“You have a key advantage already, Coryth because you are well versed in Art of the Small. It shouldn’t be hard to teach you the first step. Whilst the alusteel melts, we’ll use some copper.”

Phylis used telekinesis to move a small copper block into a crucible and then into the furnace. As it melted much lower than the compound she was able to soon retrieve it and pour the molten metal into a small cast.

“Now, use the Force, Coryth, focus on the molten metal, feel the constituent atoms, feel the Force in it, and now use the Light to solidify and set those bonds rigid. Like you use the Force to heal living tissue, so here you use it to bind metal to metal with the Light. Use the Solari if that helps you channel your power.”

The end result would be a copper ring strong with the Light Side, but with no other special properties. A keepsake for Coryth if she wished.
Coryth nodded, "That's true. That's what the majority of my healing skills are based on."

Her eyes followed as she watched Phylis take the copper and head over to the furnace to melt it. Listening to Phylis, she closed her eyes and drew upon the force, drawing it into herself. Taking the Solari crystal in hand, she now used it to help her focus and give her greater power.

Using Art of the Small, she worked down until she could view and manipulate atoms. It took a moment or two for her to draw the light into it, to help strengthen the metal, and make those bonds as strong and rigid as possible. Taking her work further she drew the Light into the metal, bringing the Force into it as just another part of the metal. With a relieved breath, she opened her eyes and looked to Phylis. "How'd I do?"

[member="Phylis Alince"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]
Phylis was surprised and very pleased to see Coryth’s quick pickup of the skills required. She shouldn’t have been surprised, the redhead was extremely skilled already with Art of the Small, the most vital factor here.

Taking the copper from her, she examined it, nodded. “Excellent work, dear! Just what I was hoping you’d be able to do for me.”

“You will of course take more time to refine the art, so we’ll start off with you using the Force to enter an area of metal, and then I will do the fine detail work required to finish it off.”

Taking several crystal mounts she had pre-fabricared she placed them inside the mould.

Coryth personally had been pleased she'd picked up the skills as quickly as she had. It made sense though that she would pick it up as well. After all Art of the Small was her prized skill and one so very many of her healing skills were based upon. It only took a little extra work to apply it to a new area. Of course her work wouldn't be perfect or flawless but it was a start.

"Naturally. I didn't expect to perfect the art in just one go. All great things take time." She then gave a nod, understanding her part in the next phase. "Ready as I'll ever be." She said as she took a breath and closed her eyes, once more focusing on the metal and allowing her powers to flow into it. From there it would be up to Phylis to do her part.

[member="Phylis Alince"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Phylis nodded. This would be a difficult build not least because she had to direct the molten metal whilst infusing it. At least this way she had Coryth there who could take up half the slack and allow her to focus on the other tasks.

“Channel the Light into the metal as I pour it, don’t worry about being too precise, we just want to infuse it as much as possible, then lock it down when I’m ready.”

And so, with the mould standing upright the crucible was pulled from the forge with a telekinetic hand and poured into the mould. With Coryth’s help they would begin to infuse the metal with the Force, and at the same time Phylis was able to direct the pour so there were no bubbles or weak points.

It was hard work, and tiring, but she literally could not have done it without her fellow Jedi Master.
"Alright, that I can do." The redhead said quietly, her eyes still closed. She was working to maintain her focus and draw as much of the force into her as she could.

Coryth waited until Phylis began to pour it into the mould. As Phylis did so the redhead poured as much of the lightsided energy she could into the molten metal. The red hot metal began to take on a slight golden aura as Coryth poured more and more light into it.

[member="Phylis Alince"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]
The metal began to glow, and though Phylis could not distract much attention from her tasks she gave Coryth a thumbs up.

She had more to worry about though as a leak sprung and molten metal began to escape. Acting swiftly, she called on some wet clay left around for this purpose and used the Force to slap it into place.

When it was at last complete it stood in the centre of the room, the metal steaming gently as it set.

“Good work, Coryth. Now, what we do is remove the mould whilst it’s still hot and continue infusing. Whilst you do that I will prepare all the crystals and lock them in place…all we’ll need is the Mantle when we find it to attach to the top.”

The mould broke away and the still hot metal was left hovering in mid-air for the next step.
Coryth's eyes widened slightly as she noticed the leak. Though, she herself couldn't do much about it. She was relieved to see Phylis quickly manage the problem. And instantly she went back to work infusing the molten metal. And finally that part was complete. The redhead breathed a little easier for the moment, having a brief rest while Phylis spoke. "Alright, I'm ready whenever you are."

Closing her eyes again she worked quickly to draw on the force a final time. With some effort, sweat now beading on her forehead, she started to press as much of the lightsided energies as she could into the still hot metal. Things were getting harder and harder, but she pressed on. After all, they were almost done with this section and soon she could take a proper rest. It was up to Phylis now to prepare the crystals and place them while she continued her work.

[member="Phylis Alince"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]
Like making a lightsabre, the staff and its components started to come together. The interior braces swooped down the inside of the tube and then locked in place. The crystals soon followed, each in precise order. With little clicks they were then secured in place.

Now she turned her attention to the staff itself. Overall it looked good but irregularities in the mould and metal meant it wasn’t perfect yet. So, using the Force, her lightsabre and file she went along making every part was as perfect as could be.

“Right, so now this is the tricky piece. We focus on the infused metal and seal the molecules together. Then we cool it a final time and the metal is locked…forever.”

She was rapidly becoming exhausted, but there was just one more task before she could rest.
Coryth's eyes were now open, watching as Phylis placed the crystals into place. Each click, hearing them settle into the staff. The tiny redhead waited and watched as the brunette worked the staff over, filing away any irregularities and flaws throughout the item.

"Okay, so this time just doing things slightly differently as we seal off the molecules. Got it." Even she could sense the exhaustion in Phylis, and knew at least this would soon end and they both could rest for a little while.

"If you need it Phylis, you can always draw some power from me." Coryth offered before closing her eyes a final time to draw upon the Force again. This time her concentration was a little different as she brought her focus down to the smallest molecule to begin work infusing each one to one another binding it all together.

[member="Phylis Alince"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]
Phylis looked to her friend. On the one hand she didn’t want to admit that she was getting tired. On the other…she wanted this done right!

With that in mind she nodded. “Thank you, Coryth.”

She stretched out her hand to Coryth, taking the other Master’s in her, and drew strength from her, but not too much so as to drain Coryth.

And so, at the last, it was done to Phylis’ satisfaction. As they cooled the staff a final time she picked it up by hand and ran it down the smooth metal.

“Only one way to tell. Have a cut with your lightsabre.”

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