Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Edith Partas (Face)

NAME: Edith Partas (Nicknamed "Face")
SPECIES: Mandalorian (Atrisian)/Cyborg
AGE: 23
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 177 cm
WEIGHT: 68 kg
EYES: Magenta
HAIR: Indigo (Dyed, Naturally Chocolate Brown)
SKIN: Creamy


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

(+) Technologically Savvy: Since about the time she was able to hold a wrench, she's been tinkering with all the tech she could get her hands on. Through necessity and experimentation, she's gained competency in several technological fields, allowing her to construct or modify her own gear and weaponry with minimal assistance.

(+) Smithing: Being reviled as one those scary Death Watch Mandos, she had to learn how to fashion her own set from her elders. While no wiz at smithing making metallurgical breakthroughs, she acquired the skills to at least forge her own set of basic armor, with beskar or more common materials. With limited access to mandalorian ore, she big into composites.

(+) Battle Hardened: Since a young teenager, she has fought in dozens of campaigns across the galaxy, facing a myriad of opponents on many different fronts. She remains cool and collected in fights, having long become desensitized to the carnage of war. The only thing that really bothers her these days is a lack of clean socks, and cold meals.

(+) Iron Chef: As noted before, she hates cold, packaged meals on the front. So she learned real quick how to cook up decent meals from whatever she could russle up. Unlike many of her Mando peeps, she finds the concept of hunting dumb beasts utterly boring while there's always a war going on somewhere, but she does hunt to acquire some quality cuts for her barbecue obsession.

(+/-) A woman without a cause: She's not big on ideological struggles or abstract struggles. All she really cares about is a nice pay day partaking in her favorite pastime of breaking shiny things with her contraptions. While technically a follower of Death Watch philosophies, she's mostly tuned out to the ideological clashes between the various Mandalorian sects, the silliness of trying to figure out who's best Mando. Her personal interpretation of the teachings from her elders was let go and let be. She doesn't really care if the soft United Clans trying to chase ancient glories, or the even softer New Mandalorians trying to play house. As long as they don't get in her way, then they can do whatever they want in their little corner of the galaxy.

(+/-) Loyal: While not one for big causes, she is fiercely loyal to the few in her little circle of friends and family. She would go through a saarlac pit for them.

(+/-) The Grudge: Her loyalty is perhaps only matched by her capacity to hate and hold grudges. Vengence against those who make the mistake of crossing her is usually swift and gruesome, sometimes a making it a family experience.

(+/-) Sadistic: She takes a secret pleasure in the agony of others, whether the suffering is inflicted by herself or others. There's little more enjoyable than toppling entire civilizations just because you can. That's just part of the awesome Mandalorian experience.

(-) Stubborn: Something of an independent spirit, she doesn't take to well to be directed by others, especially if she finds them incompetent. She'll kill a fool before she'll ever give them a chance to lead her to her death. Most of the time though, she'll blow people off in disagreements and do her own thing, for better or worse.

(-) Abrasive: She has a very direct manner in the way she deals with people, which may either be refreshing or rude depending on your sensitivity levels. Her lack of tact has been known to get her in trouble in the past, and probably will continue to do so moving forward. Oh well, that's just the life of a thug.


Like many female characters on Chaos, she has model good looks and an amazonian physique to die for. Outside of her armor can, she likes to dress comfortably with a little feminine flair, her line being drawn at the impractical that can put a damper on her fighting ability (A Mandalorian must always be ready for fodder to hit the fan). She keeps it simple with her hair, wearing it down or in a manageable braid or ponytail whilst fighting. She a big fan of hair dye, standing out with her trademark pastel blue hair.


Edith began life in a small settlement on Concordia, a stronghold for a particularly fanatic sect of the Death Watch. In no time, her parents and elders got busy indoctrinating into the ways of the Death Watch, trying to mold her into a good little crusader for their ideological conflicts against the True Mandalorians, New Mandalorians, and all the other groups trying to push their flavor of the Mandalorian lifestyle.

However, much to their dismay, Edith didn't really take all that well to teachings. While she embraced the whole fighting and raiding bit, she found herself disinterested in the political aspect. Outside her little bubble of life, she didn't care much for how other people wanted to live their life. As she saw it, being a Mandalorian was about freedom. Besides, if the Death Watch ideology was so cool, then she wouldn't have to be holed up in a hideout trying to avoid basilisk bombers.

Just before she hit puberty, she had to flee with her family from Concordia, as they had pissed off one too many people with their shenanigans. From the point on, the life of a spacer was thrust upon her. For her, it was a welcome change from the muggy jungles of Concordia. She fully embraced this new phase of her life of a spacer, and blood thirsty pirate for hire.

She displayed a knack for all things mechanical, so she more or less became the resident mechanic. In between fixing everyone else's crap (for a fee or favor, she wasn't running a charity), she entertained herself devising increasingly deadly inventions for destruction, taking every chance to employ them in battle.

While enjoying the mercenary life breaking stuff, she occasionally had to deal with the annoyance of her family trying to rope her into their crusades against the United Clans. With great reluctance, she helped, though only because she enjoyed the unique challenge of facing other Mandalorians.

Eventually, she had to split from her parents and most of her clanmates as she refused to commit herself to an increasingly suicidal struggle. She had no issue fighting any day, and loved it, but it was going to be on her own terms.

Relations would become chilly as she struck out on her own to cut her own slice out of the galaxy. Oh well, she hoped one day they would come to their senses as she was living the good life of making big credits with her ever-growing crew of lovable cutthroats.






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