Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Edge of the Galaxy: Chapter Two: The Black Ball

Seeing the man pull some moves, Onyx didn't know what he was trying to do or what he would accomplish. Whatever it was, he was going to try and work it against him. Loudly scoffing, he eyed the man. "That, sir, is no way to treat a lady." Walking between them he nodded his head towards the exit, telling him to leave. Turning Jak and the women he shrugged, "I am so sorry you have to suffer such low class at an event like this," he said calmly.

Extending one of the drinks in his hand towards the women, he smirked under his mask. He couldn't help it, it was so fun to play with his prey before dealing with them. And besides, Jak was here. He had to mess with Jak before revealing himself.

[member="Brent Smith"] // [member="Jak Sandrow"] // [member="Valeria Skyrender"]
[member="Brent Smith"] [member="Jak Sandrow"] [member="Darren Onyx"]

"And that's no way to speak to my husband good sir." She remarked sternly, accepting his drink and then slapping brent right back on the rear, squeezing for good affect. She moved in closer and pressed herself to him once more, hanging slightly from his body.

Her eyes were concealed beneath the black fox mask, roving the new comer. He was slick, just about as slick as Brent and with charm. though he'd made a fatal error. He was cocky and Valeria grinned under the mask, moving to exploit that.

"Darling, I feel this drink is far too bitter. And I'm a bit....peckish. Shall we grab a bite to eat with Mr.?"

To Jak a telepathic message floated in the air.
Double back, and then take him out. I'll distract him.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Jak shot back a message: Whom should I take out? The new guy, or your husband? The last bit he added with a mildly sarcastic humor.

"You know what?" he told the group. "I'll go get the food, no problem. I think I saw some sliders near the bar." He still kept scanning the crowd, searching for something, anything that would give away the Master's presence. Having a Force Master in the vicinity was kind of like having an invisible reek in the room with you: you really did NOT want an invisible reek in the room with you.

He made headway into the crowd, before slowly unsheathing a vibroblade. He didn't turn it on, but kept it in his palm - invisible to all but the trained eye - and in this crowd, no one was going to see it.

Doubling back, he took an angular route back to the group, hoping to end up in the stranger's blind spot.

[member="Valeria Skyrender"]
[member="Darren Onyx"]
[member="Brent Smith"]
He never took his eyes off Jak as he walked away. Onyx lost sight of him and refocused his attention on the women, who confessed that the man was her husband. He wasn't sure if she was telling the truth or not, but he didn't let his mind wander from Jak, who he sensed nearby still. He handed his drink off to a passing astromech droid and stood up straight, proper like.

"May I ask," Onyx said, stepping close to whisper to the supposed couple, "Who invited you? I'm just curious as to whether or not you're personal friends with the High Warlord or if you were guests specifically invited through other means." He flashed a smile, though they couldn't see it due to his distracting white mask. It had the desired effect, making him look like a empty husk of a being, almost dead like. His bright eyes though, were very clear to see. He could sense Jak moving towards him, though after glancing around he couldn't spot him in the crowd of party guests.

Never taking his eyes off the women and her husband, Onyx reached out to his old friend, a sinister smile creeping up on his face. "Hello Jak, you really don't wanna start a fight do you?" He knew it might take a moment for his old ally to recognize him, however once he did he hoped that his mere presence would off-put any plans of attack.

[member="Jak Sandrow"] // [member="Valeria Skyrender"] // [member="Brent Smith"]
Valeria Skyrender said:
"And that's no way to speak to my husband good sir."

She took it, wonderful, and even added some of her own spin. She was quick on her feet and picked the hint up royally fast. At Daren's word that it was no place to treat a lady, with his indication to leave, the man didn't move a fraction of an inch. He had no ID worth mentioning, judging by the fact he was wearing a mask instead of outdated stormtrooper armor, he looked more like a guest than anything else. But clearly, he wasn't. Guests didn't get in your business and demand you leave or semi-politely demand how you got here and what your credentials were.

The treasure hunter had moved to press closer to his body, full contact was going on and she was even getting into the grabbing action. His exposed mouth curled in a genuinely pleased smile as he ran two finger tips along her jaw from ear to chin, suggesting she look at him, "Oh that is going to cost you later, sweetheart. I can promise you that."

Would it cost her? Maybe. It honesty first depended on getting out of here in one piece first. She suggested food, and the other green fellow was quick on it.

Jak Sandrow said:
"I'll go get the food, no problem. I think I saw some sliders near the bar."
"You are a gentleman and a scholar," Brent called after the man, dipping his head in thanks.

Brent didn't have any extraordinary abilities in the Force; sometimes he'd get a flicker of premonitions here or there or he'd just be able to barely move fast enough to dodge danger headed his way. He didn't have any of that going his way, but what he did have was exceptional acting skills honed with time, practice, and pure in-the-field experience over the years. And best of all, he was a purveyor of classic method acting.

As the stranger stepped closer, close enough for Brent to smell his rank breath. He guessed this guy wasn't too keen on personal space.

Darren Onyx said:
"May I ask who invited you? I'm just curious as to whether or not you're personal friends with the High Warlord or if you were guests specifically invited through other means."

"Only if I may ask you to take a step back," Brent said, his voice carrying a tone of slight haughtiness. The agent reached into his pocket, retrieving a business card, "Nikoli Jones, I'm on the honor guest list, here to speak with Dressel about future security contracts with my men per Dressel's request. So unless you'd like to speak with Dressel personally about why you detained Nikoli Jones who came in all the way from Dredd to arrange this deal, I'd like to suggest you move, you can even check the guest list if it satisfies you," he even added a hint of his own anger, and cool irritation to the mix, just to keep it consistent. A few of the nearby guests and guards began to take notice of Brent's little irritation. Good. The more the better.

After a half pause, his voice took a nicer tone, "Now, if you'd prefer to discuss something more pleasant, we may."

Of course, Brent was counting on the man checking the guest list, and what would he find? Nikoli Jones of course, here on presonal request of Dressel. The man could ask all the way up to Dressel himself if he had the guts, he'd find the same consistent story. The real Nikoli Jones was floating through deep space somewhere between here and Dredd, along with his 10 deceased goons. The best covers were the ones created for you, by people who just so happened to be expendable.

[member="Darren Onyx"] I [member="Jak Sandrow"] I [member="Valeria Skyrender"]​
[member="Jak Sandrow"] [member="Darren Onyx"] [member="Brent Smith"]

Valeria smirked, drawing the both of them just a little closer until Onyx could hear her whisper under the mask. Brent was doing great, but every show needed a little spicing up. She provided that spice.

"Dressel would be very, very upset if he knew you were stopping us from reaching our appointment."

It was a sinister whisper. Her thoughts drifeted to her half melted Katana, wondering whether she could reach that or her Czerka machine pistol first, should things go south.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
He had a significant suspicion, but nothing confirmed... Still, he shot [member="Valeria Skyrender"] a mental message, I am 99% certain that you have a Master of the Force right in front of you - and there's only us, two little Knights. Do you still want me to try something, or... do we have an out?

Jak held back, still hiding in the crowd, and he sent out a mental probe for the stranger. The time for subtlety was over, and if the man was a Master, he'd know of Jak's Force presence anyway, regardless.

[member="Brent Smith"]
[member="Darren Onyx"]
[member="Jak Sandrow"]

While waiting for the others to respond, she felt Jak ping her mind again and flowed back a gentle reassurance to steel his nerves.

"Many predators can take down a larger one. Just as two Corellian Sandpanthers can take down a Reek, two Knights can ward off a Master. Have faith. Wait for an opening, then do what you feel is right."
He had them right where he wanted. Onyx wasn't a fool, he knew they'd attempt to talk their way out of the situation by dropping Dressel's name. Lucky for him, and unfortunate for them, he already formulated his next response. He gave a small chuckle, only light enough for them to hear. "Oh you naive bunch," he whispered through the Force to the group of troublemakers.

He raised his hands and removed his masking, placing it on his belt gently. A devilish smile slowly formed upon his face. "Allow me to introduce myself," he said slightly bowing, "Onyx, at your service."

Standing straight he crooked his head slightly, "Come on Jak, you wouldn't want to spoil the party now, would you?" He had years of experience, more then any of them. The former Jedi Master and Sith Lord eagerly awaited the fight that would erupt. But not yet, he could still end this without violence. Though, he preferred violence.

"Dressel sent me to fetch you all," he calmly stated, "He's waiting, allow me to show you the way?"

[member="Jak Sandrow"] // [member="Valeria Skyrender"] // [member="Brent Smith"]
[member="Jak Sandrow"]- [member="Darren Onyx"]- [member="Brent Smith"]

All pretences were off now. So Dressel truly was expecting them? That was odd, because to her estimations, Dressel had set her up and left her for dead. The last Sector she had been in, near the borders of FO territory had been rampant with unknown alien infestation. An infestation that had cost her much too dearly.

She retained the mask for now, and grinned, wickedly underneath.

"It is about time then." She bluffed, her voice sure and calm.

"Take us in then Mr. Onyx."

They disappeared from the Ball room floor, into the Antechamber of the Warlord....

Throne Room
They stepped through the door. Valeria took point, brushing past Onyx, with her rags of a cape dusting the floor. Twin sentries of steel and cables stood flanking the warlord, a hulking Graug with a huge Warhammer. To his left, a smoothly dressed Rodian, in a yellow duster Jacket, spacers trousers and large Blaster rifle stood.​
She scanned the room. There were high rafters, with red glowing lanterns hanging from chains every step of the way. flowing red banners, red carpet, red everything. She now understood why her sources called it, The Crimson Keep.​
She hissed his name between gritted teeth.​
"Halt." He replied, stalking down the stair casual, with the rifle in a low ready guard.​
"Who are you?"​
"Oh? I thought you were expecting me. After you all, you did leave me for dead you little snake bastard. Did you intend to sink me and claim the score for yourself. Maybe you do have the rest of the map eh?
It is I."
She peeled off the Black Fox mask, revealing her scarred face, dark hair pulled tight, and pale skin.​
"Valeria Skyrender. Surprise."
His maw gaped, a look of surprise striking him. It was anyone's guess what happened next....​
Well, that was a freebe, Brent thought to himself. He was waiting for them, more specifically waiting for Nickoli Jones. It looked like the cover had played out better than Brent thought. But they were far from out of the woods yet; there was still the matter of putting the man down, getting out of there alive against the odds, and returning home. All with a few strangers on his team that he didn't know about and another one of those Force sensitives. It seemed that he would spend his entire life surrounded by these guys.

The agent pretended to ignore the telepathic mocking. It didn't really matter to him what this guy thought, he was going to get this job done no matter the costs.

"Lead on then," Brent said with a wave of his hand.

When they arrived in the throne room, Brent could tell that this guy liked red a lot, maybe a little too much he guessed. Everything was on par with what the intel had told him; lots of glamour, lots of glitz, and lots of red. There could be guards behind every pillar, every banner that touched the ground with their length, behind every thing. Brent looked across the room casually, noting it all with a nonchalant indifference.

"Nice place you have here, Dressel," he commented.

The huntress brushed past the man who called himself Onyx towards the main man on the throne. Brent gave Onyx a shrug at her moving past him, "Ok, cool. Talk to you later."

And with that, he quickened his pace after her. She had most of the weapons, and if he was close to her, he could borrow some if the need arose. They were on the same team, he doubted she'd mind if it made a difference between walking out and being carried out. Besides, he'd give them back when he was done--or make sure she was re-reimbursed well for any damages. As if moving past the guard wasn't enough, she started introducing herself and going from 60 to 120 in a matter of seconds. Brent was thinking of something a little slower; isloate him, take him down, and get out. Well. There goes that.

As she discarded her mask, Brent could see her scarred face and finally knew her voice. It was probably a safe bet more than a few of those scars came because of this guy right here. And guessing by the shock on Dressel's face, he probably counted on whatever caused them to be a one way ticket to Pain Central.

Brent gave another shrug, "I know right? I'm surprised to with the masks I thought she was my--oh forget it."

The agent turned on his heel, placing himself back to back with the woman. He withdrew his pistol from his coat pocket, thumbing it to full charge. This night just got a hellva lot harder real fast.

"You really owe me a drink after this," Brent muttered over his shoulder, "and I mean really really."

[member="Valeria Skyrender"] I [member="Darren Onyx"] I [member="Jak Sandrow"]​

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Jak winced as [member="Brent Smith"] pulled his sidearm. Well... there goes the neighborhood. He cracked his neck, flexing his joints and preparing for a fight. His back was to [member="Darren Onyx"], and he desperately hoped that the Master - and he KNEW that he was the Master - wouldn't be expecting an oblique form of attack.

Quietly, he turned on his suit, the built-in shields subtly humming into existence around his head and chest, and flexed his fingers in preparation for a fight. He'd follow [member="Valeria Skyrender"]'s lead, but would try to focus on Onyx.
"Of course," Onyx nodded. He slowly turned, the crew in tow. He lead them through to the grand throne room where Dressel, his employer, was waiting. As [member="Valeria Skyrender"] revealed herself Onyx stepped forward, between the crew and Mr. Dressel. He shook his head politely before putting his mask back on. "I really wouldn't do that if I were you."

While he stood still, in his mind Onyx prepared himself for the fight ahead. He knew it was unavoidable at this point in time. However he did have one final trick up his sleeve. "I purpose an alternate solution," he kindly spoke. "You allow Dressel to live and in return I will lead you to an ancient treasure." Onyx was referring to a place that only he and one other soul knew, but that soul was gone. Onyx was the only one who knew where this Well of the Dark Side resided, on the ruined war-torn world of Moraband. While worthless at face value, many secrets were held within the tomb. Secrets that Onyx has always carried with him, the secrets that allowed him to achieve all the power he currently had.

"This treasure, I promise, will be worth so much more then the single life of a scumbag who set you up." Onyx walked forward, closing the gap. "However, if you are so sure you want to eliminate him then please," he side stepped the mistress and extended his arm towards Dressel, "Go ahead, you'll regret what happens next."

[member="Jak Sandrow"] // [member="Brent Smith"]
[member="Jak Sandrow"]- [member="Darren Onyx"]- [member="Brent Smith"]

Valeria smirked, and cast a look at Onyx. She replied to Brent with a simple nod, keeping her gaze fiery as ever.

"The treasures you say you have are but an illusion my friend. Compared to what he has the map to."

She glared back at the Rodian, whom stood in front of the Warlord, weapon gripped a little tighter, swallowing his words now.

She spread her arms wide and took another step forwards.

"So what's the deal Dressel? You let others speak for you now? Tell you what, I'll let you live, for your portion of the map and a few simple answers. What are the aliens, and why did you et me up!"

Dressel paused now, thinking his words over carefully.

"I...... yes. I set you up."

Valeria growled, channelling her rage into a potent mixture of purple energies which coalesced around her palms. She pressed the advantage, shuffling forwards another step, motioning for Jak and Brent to cover Onyx.

"Speak then. Or I'll end you!"

"What is the meaning of this!" The Graug Warlord replied, rising to his full height. Valeria sneered, raoring with a force enchanted voice, like gravel on a chalkboard.

"Silence! Sit!"

One hand rose, slamming the Warlord into his seat as the other pointed towards Dressel, fingers extended and joined, palms alight with dark arcane energies.

"I.... I have the map. The creatures. They are unknown. But my sources tell me they come from the Ssi-Ruvi cluster of Lwhek. Something about an expansion of their interests in the Fringe."

"You did not answer my question. Why."

"Because," Dressel replied, a grin splitting his reptilian face.

"The treasure would be much easier to claim with you out of the way. Or at least, my share. There are eight maps Valeria, of which I have one, Did you really think I'd share?"

He raised his rifle. She raised her palm, sending shimmering spears of midnight black from them, piercing both the Rodians legs, and pinning him to the deck. Dressel squeezed off two shots which ricocheted about the room. The guardian droids opened fire, and hell was unleashed....
The crimson and amethyst blades Onyx had always used ignited as he dove away from Dressel and the party of misadventurers. He smirked beneath his sinister mask and eyed [member="Valeria Skyrender"]. She was, clearly, the leader of this little team. Therefore she was the primary target Onyx had to eliminate. Launching himself forward, Onyx leaped through the air bringing both in front of him. The crimson saber spun in front of him, blocking any and all attacks that would be directed at him. As he neared her he brought the amethyst saber forward, bringing it down towards her shoulders.

He rarely missed a mark, however he was ready to counter her. She was a Force-sensitive like himself and although she wasn't as experienced as him, she could still prove a formidable foe.

[member="Jak Sandrow"] // [member="Brent Smith"]
Valeria and Dessel had their little chit chat, and while they did, Brent's eyes looked across the place for his out, sizing it all up. Things looked pretty bleak, but he'd gotten out of worse. Brent looked to Onyx. He was a hired gun, plain and simple. He really clearly didn't have any stakes in the game, he was here for money. It was a respectable business, a lot of the men and women Brent worked with did that. They had skills, other people had money, and together they solved problems. Brent could guess that if the right offer came along, and if he knew he wouldn't get shot in the back--literally--Onlyx would probably be more than willing to help them out.

Everyone could win. But first, they had to move a few pieces in the right place to make that work.

Shots were fired, and chaos ensued. Onyx broke away from the chaos, and Brent went the totally opposite direction. His first mission was to kill Dressel, no matter the cost. One of the droid guards had locked onto Brent, and was firing away with the agent's every move. With every shot the droid fired from its automatic blaster, it took a step closer towards him. Brent skid to a halt raising his blaster and firing at the droid. His shot clipped it, making it falter back. It bought him a few seconds, not a lot, but just enough for him to do what he came here for. The agent pivoted, setting his sights on Dressel. He squeezed down the trigger, giving a trio of shots. The first scored a deep wound in Dressel's chest, then the second seered his throat. The third missed wildly, thrown off by the droid shooting Brent and sending him sprawling back on the hard floor.

[member="Darren Onyx"] I [member="Valeria Skyrender"] I [member="Jak Sandrow"]​

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Jak was to the side, perpendicular to Onyx's assault on Valeria. As Onyx charged, Jak sent a massive Force blast in his direction, hoping to knock him off his feet. His exoframe whirred to life, and he spun on a dime and with fresh-drawn weapon, popped a droid right in the dome. It fell over, now headless, and he turned back to face Onyx's likely attack on him. His fist was drawn, ready to fight hand-to-hand, and he silently kicked himself for not constructing new lightsabers.

[member="Brent Smith"]
[member="Darren Onyx"]
[member="Valeria Skyrender"]
[member="Jak Sandrow"]- [member="Darren Onyx"]- [member="Brent Smith"]

Throne Room
Battle Royale

She saw Brent go down. She was going to move to get him when something else caught her eye. She was split between watching Dressel fall to the deck dead, grabbing Brent or countering the deep danger prickle she felt on the back of her neck.

In the end she had to go with the annoying prickle, and it paid off.

So it was a duel Onyx had wanted the whole time? Valeria was ready to oblige, pivoting on one foot and back pedalling. Mobility would now have to be her greatest asset. She tracked Onyxs shoulder, and his eyes, seeing how he moved. She guessed he was using Soresu or Ataru. Either way she was only versed in Makashi and Niman.

Which would have to do.

She drew her Czerka machine pistol and let the whole clip fly, spitting rounds towards the second guard droid, shattering its eye into a million splinters. It fell to the deck sparks flying in wild arcs. It's chain gun still fired, thumping slugs across the floor that ricocheted off the walls into the air around them...

About two arm lengths away she tossed the pistol, and unslung her Electrostaff, powering the double headed phrik staff up with a flick of a switch and growl.

"You should have never crossed me, Mr. Onyx!"

Now it was her turn. Jak attacked to try and throw him off balance. She moved in for the kill, hips squared towards him and struck with a double lash. The purple matrix of energy around her palms moved to her body and exploded in a brilliant dark starburst. Three mirror images of Valeria appeared from all sides, striking the exact same way.

A double flurry, slamming savagely in from left and right, about hip level with either head of the staff....
Brent could feel his head reeling from the impact of hitting the ground and the blasts hitting him. His chest was smoking from where the combat droid had scored its hit, the shell spider silk shirt was all but overwhelmed from the full front of the hit. As Brent took a deep breath, he winced at the pain in his ribs. One was probably cracked, the third from the top on the right side.

The agent slowly rose to his feet. As the world spun around him, Brent limped forward to Dressel's carcass. The man was dying slowly, gaggling on his own blood. Dressel's weak arms flailed out, slowly growing weaker, he saw Brent standing over him and extended both hands, either in a flimsy attack or a plea for mercy. It was hard to tell. Brent watched with a stoic face. It didn't matter to him, he came here to finish a job, and he was going to do it. He raised his blaster pistol and gave a single shot through Dressel's skull.

The body fell limp. It was done, but they were hardly out of the woods yet. Brent looked to his two compatriots with a sigh. He didn't know if they were really who they claimed to be or if they believed that he was who he claimed to be, but the main thing was it was important they didn't find out who he really was. Or why he was really here.

"We need to get out of here," Brent said. He pointed to the left of the throne, to a large red stone block, "Just through here is a secret passage that will lead us out. Its the path that probably has the least resistance, and it goes strait to Dressel's private hangar."

[member="Valeria Skyrender"] I [member="Jak Sandrow"]​

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Jak turned again, eyeing the block of stone. "Heh, good thing I brought my ultra-high-tech-lock-cracker with me."

His pistol rose, and he fired six rounds into the block - which all detonated a second after the revolver was empty.

The block shattered into smithereens, and Jak covered his mouth before the dust got to him. "Alright, let's move it!"

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