Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Image Source: [ x ]
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  • Workshop Name: Dzujen'qo [ Way of the Hidden Leaf ]
  • Location: The Scion.
  • Specialty: Alchemy & Blacksmith craft & Bio-engineering
  • Tier: 5
The Way of the Hidden Leaf is many things, chief among them a loosely-knit network of alchemists and crafters apprenticed by the Hidden Leaf (translation varies and could presumably also mean Dark Leaf or Shadow Leaf). But more than that it is a branching route from which rare and powerful artifacts flow into the Galaxy without a clear hint where they come from exactly.

Commissions are granted in one of two ways: either through direct contact with the Dzujen'qo or through a personal request.

The initiated are aware that such requests can be granted by visiting the Oasis on Tatooine. A trade settlement has slowly been build there over the years. One of the blacksmiths there, an Iktotchi by the name of Bolan, has a small forge in the settlement. It is known to those initiated that a drop of blood and the request noted in text are required for consideration. They must wait near the Oasis for three days.

If the request is granted, they will know by the cold slipping through their veins for a singular moment.

If nothing arises? Their request has been denied.


From the very beginning Cerbera had been taught by the greatest alchemists this Galaxy has ever seen and once she reached Masterhood herself, she decided it was time to impart her knowledge to those worthy herself.

The Dzujen'qo is the natural expansion of this ideal.

Through business dealings, inheritance and opaque position within Akure Executive Interstellar Cerbera has all the money she would never need. For this reason the Dzujen'qo model is not framed around the gathering of money as much as the expansion of the alchemical trade and the circulation of artifacts crafted by the network.

Some of the products find their way to the Marrow & Illskins Alchemy shops found throughout the Galaxy.


One Mastercraft Project thread.
Hello, I'll be the factory judge reviewing your submission. If you have questions, please feel free to respond to this thread once we are underway.

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