Nimue Stormson
Empress of Effekt

Image provided by Doctor Who wiki; Weevil from TrochwoodName: Dwergi
Designation: Barley sentient
Homeworld: Effekt
Language: No discernible language; mainly grunts and chatter noises
Average height of adults: 1.524 meters
Skin color: Pale Tannish
Hair color: white; though hardly any
Breathes: Type 1
Physically stronger than humans
Able to build crude tools
Vulnerable to bright light, which blinds them. Long exposure could mean permanent blindness.
Short lifespan
Distinctions: flattened, rodent-like faces. Sharp teeth. Claws. Nearly hairless skin.
Average Lifespan: 20-25 years
Races: Southern Breed (indicated by paler skin), and Northern Breed (indicated by more yellow-ish skin color)
Estimated Population: Average of 9 million worldwide
Diet: Mainly omnivorous, but are harmed by any and all natural or artificial poisons; just as humans.
Communication: None
Very similar to primitive cavemen. They're a hunter gatherer type of creatures that have the males to all the harder work of hunting, fighting, etc. A small hunting party will wait until nightfall before going out and seeking food before morning comes, at which point they return to the caves. Dwergi are set within tribes, most often deep within mountains, and are led by a chief Dwergi; usually the strongest or the oldest. There tends to be a larger female over male ratio in a tribes population because the males do most of the dangerous work that can lead to ther deaths. In fact there have been cases where humans have tried to wipe out entire tribes without success due to the females staying in hiding; threfore allow for them to reproduce more Dwergi offspring. Dwergi usually believe that the two moons of Effekt are gods and pray to them when hunting or in time of war. They bury the bones of their kill and pray the gods grow a new animal from the dead remains.
Technology level: Primitive; the most they've created were basic tools and weapons; i.e. spears, bows and arrows, and daggers.
General behavior:
Very hostile towards others even to wear they eat any and all animals as opposed to trying to tame them. In the past they were more curious, but given human hostility they've become more defensive. The sight of anything new, however, be it technology or even a different species, does make them curious enough to examine; though it usually ends with them deciding whether to eat it or not. They'll try to make contact with a different species to see if they communicate, but if they cannot be understood, or feel threatened by them in anyway, it will end in conflict. So far no species has managed communication, which has meant the Dwergi tend to hate anything.
Throughout Effekt's history the Dwergi have always been more of a grand nuisance than anything else. They plagued the people in both large and small ways, usually involving them eating either a flock of sheep or everything including the shepherd and his family. Given their short lifespan the Dwergi have never truly advanced father that being primitive Neanderthal-like creatures. There had come times when, in order to deal with an influx or constant attack rate by them, the Effektians would set out large piles of meat that was poisoned for the Dwergi in order to lessen their numbers. Others have often captured them and used them in gladiator-like games to force them into fights with human warriors or other Dwergi. Even after the more advanced technology had been introduced to the world the Dwergi never understood enough to use it, now becoming less threatening to the people.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To add to the sci-fi/fantasy-esc feel of the planet of Effekt