Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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DUST 514 Players?

In the last week or so I have been exploring a PS3 exclusive game called DUST 514. Essentially--if you're familiar--it takes place in the EVE Universe and even has interactions between EVE Online and DUST players; for example EVE corporations can hire DUST players as mercenaries to help them win control of planets.

The game isn't very different from your typical FPS. However; it does exhibit a meta similar to PlanetSide 2 and offers a vast array of customization options that simply don't exist in similar games. The best part? It's 100% free-to-play. There are micropayments, but all they do is provide custom skins or allow players to utilize weapons with a lower skill requirement (which is funny since if you use a weapon you're not skilled for, they do less damage.)

Thus it's absolutely not a pay-to-win game, and has a model similar to League of Legends.

That said, myself and [member="Arrbi Betna"] are attempting to create a corporation (guild, clan, etc.) and would be happy if you would play with us. Currently we're just squading up and doing public contracts, and we plan to play casually. As far as learning curves go, it's nowhere near as complicated as EVE Online and is a game one can easily drop in and out of with no fear of losing progression.

If you're interested, PM me your PSN so I can add you. We're just looking to play for fun. :)
I've tried this game before. I didn't really like it dispite it being set in the awesome EVE Universe. I play EVE Online however which isn't that hard once you slowly learn things. Can't wait for EVE Velkyrie to come out next year.
I played EVE for a long while, but haven't done so in...I'm guessing about two years? Thinking of getting back into it though, it was certainly a lot of fun. I think the key with EVE is moderation. Play too much at a time and it'll overwhelm you, so it's worth pacing yourself.

I never got into nullsec, I flew incursions full time with TVP. I made bucketloads of money doing it, it has to be the easiest source of ISK in the game simply because of how well-trained and well organized people were, a result of a very large group of people doing the same thing over and over again 24/7. Having said that, if I get back into the game I think I'll give nullsec a go. After all, the point of playing video games is fun, not fake money, though sometimes the lines get a little blurred in EVE!

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