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Approved Tech Durasteel Battle Cannon MK-3

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Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
Intent: To make a cannon to be used on battle platforms, meant to fight armored units
Development Thread: None.
Manufacturer: Durasteel Fist: Galactic Trade Section
Model: Durasteel Fist Cannon
Affiliation: Relovian Military and Open Market
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel​

Description: The Battle Cannon is the anti-vehicle of the Relovian Armed Forces. It can pierce armors that weaker cannons could not, it was meant to fight off light vehicles and pierce the out-shell of battle-platforms. This weapon is the most easily attainable anti-vehicle cannon on Relovian. The cannon can at best pierce 2-inch thick durasteel, which is the intent of the cannon.​
+ The Cannon is more powerful than comparative weaponry, the effect of firing all of its ammo in a single shot.
+ Even though it is a large weapon, the Cannon can be moved.
+ Due to the fact that the majority of Relovian Military using battle-platforms that do not use energy shields, this cannon pierces the average 2-inch think durasteel hulls.
- The Cannon requires manual reloading after every shot.
- It is incredibly heavy and cannot be moved without considerable work on the part of men or machines.
- The recoil on the cannon is incredibly large and it is suggested that no one be within a meter of the hind end of the cannon when firing.
- Because the gun uses energy blasts, en energy shield will absorb the shot with only a large draw on the power source.

Classification: Cannon
Size: Mobile Cannon
Length: 2.4m
Weight: 100 kg
Ammunition Type: Gas canisters, Powercells
Ammunition Capacity: 1
Effective Range:
Optimum: 250m​
Rate of Fire: Expected rate is 10 shot a minute.​
Special Features:
The weapon systems are simple and the guns fire all their ammo in a single blast.​
[member="Wirch Bicket"]
Please add an effective range onto this. If you need any help or suggestions on this, let me know.

Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
Silly me! I had been working on that and clean forgot to put it in!
Thanks for bringing that up. I feel foolish. :lol:

Is that better?
[member="Strask Ak'lya"]
[member="Wirch Bicket"]
Much. Thank you.
I'm going to ask you to beef up your description a bit. As it stands, it feels unusable. Why only have one shot when I have more? What kind of a punch does this thing have? What's the recoil like?
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