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Invasion Duracrete Jungle | BOTM Invasion of GA held Metellos OOC


Brotherhood of the Maw StaffGalactic Alliance Staff


START DATE: 9/28 - END DATE: 10/12

The Second Great Hyperspace War continues to escalate on all sides.

Defeat! The Maw has been suffering setback after setback since the Battle of Tython. Following the Battle of Empress Teta, the Maw grows in desperation to maintain control of the Core Campaign. Under the command of the Wrath of the Maw, Kyrel Ren, the Maw seeks to make one last gambit in hopes of maintaining its brutal hold on the Core Worlds.

Low on manpower, realizing the effects of every world they’ve occupied being stripped clean and left with dwindling resources the fearsome raiders of the Maw set their eyes on a world rich enough to replenish the Brotherhood, and might turn the tide of the Core Campaign in the favor of the bloodthirsty fanatics that have plagued the Alliance for so long. A world prized on its exports of good and advanced technology, its industrial powerhouse is a target the Maw cannot afford to pass up: Metellos.

With the Alliance distracted by its former Imperial allies, the Maw makes a quick desperate strike, like the raiding days of old, they seek plunder and slaves of which to feed the barbaric horde that threatens to destroy everything in rage. The Alliance remains unaware of the elusive Darth Mori who always stays one step ahead united with Darth Ptolemis and Kyrel Ren to carry out her grand design.

However, despite appearing distracted, The Galactic Alliance is braced for a brutal onslaught. Metallos is a fortress world prepared to face the Maw horde and their usual tactics — but is The Alliance world fortified enough against The Maw and their new leadership?

The full power of those that drive THE AGE OF HUNGER is yet unseen by The Alliance.

The board is set for one of the biggest campaigns of OPERATION SHADOW HAND. It is either the Maw finds redemption for Tython, or continue to face shame and defeat at the hands of the Alliance.


Objective: 1 Depths of Hell
The HellWell is known well to be a dumping ground for bodies. This was only further added following the centuries old bombardment the world suffered during Operation Shadowhand. With little room to dump more carcasses, the bottomless pit became a permanent dumping ground for sick, dead, and the dying. No one knows how long it goes down, but it is filled with thousands if not millions of corpses. The Heathen Priests of the Maw, and the New Sith Order have gathered to perform a terrifying ritual hoping to bring the evils of hell to the surface, and use the energy of the undead to unleash terrifying destruction. The dreaded Heathen Priests hope to unleash the power of the dead. The Alliance learns of the sinister intentions and have sent several strike teams of the New Jedi Order brightest and bravest to stop the Priests from unleashing the power of the dead souls trapped within the Well.


Objective: 2 Unto the Breach
The Battle above is just as brutal. Maw and Alliance fleets clash in a field of dangerous space debris, The Alliance have fortified Metallos’s orbit lined with defensive platforms, mines, and hangers. Interdiction missiles have reduced the Maw’s fleet by half, leaving the Alliance open to a deadly ambush. The Brotherhood makes a desperate attack through the heavily defended, and debris-filled orbit, while the Alliance does everything it can to stop the wrathful Maw fleets from punching through. Outgunned and outmanned after being cut off from the main force, Brotherhood forces aim to do anything it can to break through Alliance lines.


Objective: 3 Into the Heartland
The heaviest of fighting is seen in the Industrial heartland. Tanks, war beasts, The Maw’s tactics focus on fast, mobile warfare. The primary target of the Maw is fuel, food, and slaves. Slip in with a small strike team, or engage in one of the largest vehicle engagements of the Second Great Hyperspace war. The Maw’s goal is to raid the factories, and if they can’t then they would burn it all to the ground, embracing its desperation to frightening new extremes.


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