Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Duel?

Hello there!

I'm itching to get a feel for Aoki Mira's fighting style, but too easily overwhelmed to just jump into a Dom for that testing grounds. I was wondering if any Sith, Maw, or other Dark Siders were open to a duel? Just a good ol' fight. I was contemplating having her researching some light side/ grey stuff on a ruined planet, so maybe her opponent is there for a reason? Whichever would allow for both to escape without failing their factions and stuff lol

Mira is an early knight level Imperial Knight.

Let me know if interested!
Hmm... I think the Empire is technically on opposing sides of both the Enclave and the RTL, my main factions. But I can't think of any reason why Corbin might be near Mira. As for a reason to duel? He wouldn't really have a reason, but would accept a challenge if offered. I haven't done any combat (reading threads to try to get a feel for it), but I gotta start somewhere. So if you have any good ideas, I'm open to listen.

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