
Name: Dubrillion Factories
Development Thread: [x], [x], [x], [x]
Image Source: [x]
Intent: To provide an in depth submission about the history of these buildings, during the many times Dubrillion has been annexed by multiple factions, the corporations that have come to own them and their status now.
Classification: Industrial plant
Location: These factories are found on the outskirts of Dubrillion, on the outskirts of it's capital city. There are five of these structures, surrounded by trees. Each structure has it's own concrete wall, with barb wire and gates, with a tower in the corner of each wall, shaped as a square.
Affiliation: Alicia Drey (formerly); Ajira Cardei & [member="Draco Vereen"](currently)
Description: The Dubrillion Factories are cylinder in shape, with outer lying circles added into it's architecture for offices, storage space and employee areas, such as lunch halls, offices and meeting areas. Each factory has a designation. There are five of these buildings, each designated as A, B, C, D and E. There are thirty two floors, which can be accessed by lifts or stairs. Each floor has a designation, ranging from 1 to 32.
Each factory has been designed for the manufacture of military hardware and software. It was here that blaster pistols, rifle and carbines, to explosives such as thermal detonators and grenades, through to armors and up to military vehicles were manufactured for the Sith Empire, Confederacy of Independent Systems, Galactic Republic, Fel Empire and New Order, during the years in which the Dubrillion Factories were owned by Subach-Innes.
Capable of supplying governments with the necessary military items required during these times of war, the Dubrillion Factories have been in a state of abandonment from 837 to 844 ABY, when they were brought by Alicia Drey. Run down from years of weather, a state of disrepair from vandals and the detonation of proton torpedoes during the Primeval's dominion of Dubrillion, the Dubrillion Factories require refurbishment and repairs before it can begin supply of merchandise once more under it's new ownership.
History: At the end of the Four Hundred Year Darkness, a council of Sith Lords met together and formed the Sith Empire in 835 ABY. Seeking to expand their newly formed government, the Empire took over the world of Dubrillion. Darth Pandeima, otherwise known as Circe Savan, sought to bring her corporation, Subach-Innes, to the newly acquired world so as to provide military technologies for the Imperial war machine. TheDubrillion Factories, colloquially known at the time as the Subach Factories, were built to do this.
In 836 ABY, the newly formed Fel Empire joined the invading forces of the Galactic Republic and Mandalorian armadas and attacked the Sith Empire, successfully invading Durbrillion despite the efforts of Darth Ayra and the Sith Order. On their newly acquired world, the Fel's joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems (known now as the Abrion Systems Alliance) in a joint effort to purge Subach-Innes, it's properties, products and the influence of it's owner, Circe Savan, from their worlds. The Dubrillion Factories were attacked, alongside other properties belonging to the secretive Sith Lord, and were subsequently shut down by the Fel Empire.
With the successful completion of Operation: Weedkiller and the end of Subach-Innes on Dubrillion, the Dubrillion Factories remained inert for several months. During this time, the government of the Fel Empire and it's hold over Dubrillion fell apart. No longer a member world of the now defunct government, Dubrillion remained a neutral world for remainder of the year.
In 837 ABY, the New Order led by Darth Ayra invaded and annexed the former aligned Imperial Dubrillion, as she sought to reestablish the Sith Empire destroyed in the year previously. Under the domain of the New Order, Subach-Innes returned to Dubrillion and begun usage of theDubrillion Factories once more to supply the reemerging Imperial war machine in the Outer Rim. After the Battle of Dromund Kaas, where the New Order was defeated by the Mandalorians, Dubrillion once more became a neutral aligned world.
In the same year, Subach-Innes was officially disbanded, thus abandoning the Dubrillion Factories for the second time in it's history.
Abandoned, the Dubrillion Factories would remain unused for eight years. In 844 ABY the Netherworld event occurred. With millions disappeared overnight, the Primeval emerged from the Unknown Regions to expand it's territory into the Outer Rim and annexed Dubrillion. During the Primeval's dominion, Darth Ayra returned under the alias of Alicia Drey, accessed each factory and covered up the incidents that involved theDubrillion Factories.
Deleting historical records of Subach-Innes and the New Order found in the offices they once used, as well as destroying three Neutralizer II-class bombers she found, Alicia Drey brought the Dubrillion Factories, utilizing the crashing property market on Dubrillion, instigated by the mass hysteria and losses suffered during the Netherworld event.
In 844 ABY, on the planet Naboo, Serj Sularis- a Muun representative of the InterGalactic Banking Clan- met with Lady Shambleau, a representative of Ajira Cardei, who was interested in purchasing properties from Alicia Drey. On behalf of Alicia and Ajira respectively, Serj and Shambleau ironed out an agreement and price for the properties in question. After the deal was done, these factories fell into the ownership of Ajira Cardei.