Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Droids, drinks and acquisitions... sort of

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
The Cernun woman listened to the man as he spoke and told them of the companies flagship product and the way he presented it showed that a lot of work had gone into it and that he really meant each word. What interested her most about the armor though were it's maneuvering system that he called the Sky-strike jump pack and the Hyperion combat power pack as she thought that those could be further developed perhaps given enough time and devotion toward the project. "Quite the presentation and an impressive product design." She then said as she got a little professional in her expression and body language, though there was still the cheerfulness behind it all as she loved the factories design and what it made.

Zreame's jaw dropped when he spoke of the salary and she just stared at the datapad dumbfounded. 'Is this really all right? This isn't some scam?!' She thought as she walked towards [member="Draco Vereen"] and took the datapad for her into her hand and read it over to be sure she had heard right. She intended to be sure what her contract would entail as well as what duties would be placed on her shoulders so she could fulfill them and not take advantage of such an amazingly generous offer as well as show of immense trust in her abilities.

[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Kalyr Alor"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Kay was pretty amazed at the size of the factory. It went on as far as the eye could see. Very impressive. As Draco spoke about the armour she listened intently. Her interest was especially peeked when it was described as the type of armour that saves lives, rather than taking it away. A good Commanding Officer on the battlefront always brings their soldiers home, wounded or killed. No one gets left behind. Draco seemed like he was one of those types.

As she was given the contract, Kay took a moment to read it through and make sure that there was nothing untoward within it. The amount of money that he was offering was staggering and the amount of good that she could do with it was almost limitless. It was a good thing that she was a good spender. Only now as a COO of a major company, she'll have to dress the part. As much as she hated shopping for clothes, it was no different than when she was a diplomat. One always has to look the part to play the part.

Satisfied, she took the stylus in hand and signed the contract and shook the hands of both her new boss and her new co-worker. "Thank you for the opportunity."
I laughed at Zreame's question. "What did you think executives got paid? Friends and Rags. No, ArmaTech will provide, so long as you provide for ArmaTech. So far I have liked what I have seen from the both of you, so I see no issue with parting with the amount of money I made on one purchase last week. We benefit from a billion credit government contract from the Republic and are looking to exponentially expand it this quarter. I have friends in the senate, and the Silver Jedi Order. We sell from Borelias to Antecendant, with few gaps in between. We have close ties with MandalHypernautics and will be supplying to the Mandalorians in the upcoming quarter. I will gladly pay that cost for the help the two of you are agreeing to do." The datapads had lists of minor jobs for both of them such as up keep of paperwork and checking in on operations occasionally. It wasn't exceptionally hard work, just work.

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] [member="Lady Kay"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Signed the contract after she had finished reading it and took both [member="Draco Vereen"]'s and [member="Lady Kay"]'s hands with gleeful expression on her face. Handing Draco the signed contract she smiled wide. "I can't wait to start, especially to get to see the projects being worked on here." She was smiling so wide that it might actually look like it hurt a little but she was just happy, it was steady work and with the way it sounded she had quite a bit of freedom to work on projects of her own. Her tailed was wagging behind her quite fast as she shook with Kiddyness over the whole situation. The factory tickled her interests in engineering and metalworking just the right way and with the resources given to her she would definitely put it to good use.

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