Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Droid designers, ship designers, and maybe CEO types?

Hey guys, so for those of you who do not know, Justice Shipping owns a shipwright subsidiary called Justice Yards, and another that makes non-combat droids called Metal Man Industrialized.

Here is what I am looking for/need:

--Someone who likes to design ships, if you enjoy that, contact me, you can totally design them for the yards, use them however you want, even make a custom ship for yourself. As long as you are following the rules and (somehow) we get to make a buck here at Justice Shipping, its whatever you want.

--Someone who likes making droids. Specifically non-combat droids. If you have been itching to make the new astromech droid, protocol droid, mechanic droid, or whatever droid series line, here is your chance. The thing is the same as the ship one; artistic licences are yours, you will be making a profit too, and you will get to use your creative outlet.

--Anyone who wants to be the CEOs/sub CEOs of these companies, let me know. They will still be owned by Justice Shipping and thereby myself and the board of directors, however you will have a say in what we we do. I will want to know why you are qualified to be entrusted with these children of mine, so be ok with that if you are interested.

Cheers and happy posting!

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