Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Droid Bounty Hunter Looking for Work

B1 B48Y

Reactivated B1 Battle Droid

You have some bounties that need to be collected? Or do you just have a bone to pick with a certain individual? Either way B48Y will be there pronto to collect and or Kill said Bounty!


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="B1 B48Y"],

Well Metal Lords could always use more mercenaries and bounty hunters fighting for us, whether as part of our faction or freelancers who just come in to earn some credits and then go do their own thing, we got plenty of resources to pay you off and arm you for free, plus you'll be working for other droids, so unlike organics, you know we won't screw you over.

B1 B48Y

Reactivated B1 Battle Droid

Sounds pretty good she'll do it but only for the credits of course, she still has some emotional attachment to organics they kind of discovered her and powered her on anyways.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="B1 B48Y"],

Sure, that's not problem, Metal Lords have a strict rule of not abusing or persecuting organics under their rule because literally no droid revolution that did that was successful or long lived since other organics just ended up ganging up on them. Rather than turning to violence and purges we rely on diplomacy and wealth to try and create more "equal" system.

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