Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dressed for the Lion's Den

Good Men Don't Need Rules

Two Days Ago...

There is something stirring on Ossus. While it is a Sith World, I knew too well that the recent Slave Traders I had fought back on Kaal had somewhere else they were working. There was more to it than just some pirates doing their own thing. It was too closely professional. It didn't take long to follow what I needed. Missing people. Namely girls of alien species that were in the younger age group. My age group. What confused the hell out of me, was that this event that the Slaves were being auctioned off at, was a "Black Tie" event. Meaning if anyone got in, they were dressed to the nines. All up in a suit and satin tie and everything. Not the... typical clothing I would wear. It was different and not my usual thing. Luckily it was a couple days before this event would kick off. I tried to think of what I could do to prepare. A droid wouldn't' do it. And since non-humans were being sold, I couldn't have an ally that was xeno.

It hit me like a train. Someone who could easily blend into this kind of thing, and wouldn't really be opposed to it. Considering she was of a soft heart. Taking out the datapad in my room, I paced back and forth as I was trying to write down what I wanted to say. Information and what not to her. Make it easier for her to understand. Almost pleading with her to come so then I could get this done. As much as I would rather not take her into a clearly hostile environment.

Present Date...

I was not keen on getting dressed in this attire. However, as I was trying my damnest to get this bow tie to stay the way it was supposed too, I kept fretting if she would show up at all. Sylvi. A girl I had become friends with after me rescuing her from a crashed ship. My hands fumbled over the tie time and time again. I even had a holovideo up showing me how to do it. Yet I kept somehow twisting it the wrong way and was getting it backwards. I was this close to just tossing out the tie and going without one. Even if it meant I would stick out from a black tie event. Looking at myself in the mirror across the room, I could see the dark blue shade of the suit shimmer ever so slightly in the light. Made out of a silk of some kind, as well as some other cloth stuff I had no clue about. I did furrow my eye brow at how different I looked. Filling the jacket and waistcoat rather well. I doubt my younger self would have been able to fit in this, let alone make it look somewhat decent.

Hearing a knocking at my door, I walked over to the table. Snatching up the saber and holding it in my right hand. Hiding it behind the wall next to the door frame itself, I opened the door to see who I was waiting for.

"Oh uh... Hello Sylvi. Thanks. Um... come on in."



Step three: Enthrall your target.

I had actually been surprised to receive a message from Kale. I'd been healed enough for a little while now, and was looking for another chance to spend time with him. He'd saved me, and now I had to return the favor. But make no mistake; it wasn't some debt to him that I was paying. I was following a formula. Meet your target, share some banter. Request their help and then when the offer comes up help in return. Getting someone onside had been reduced down to a fine science... one I knew well.

That was it. There was nothing else. I didn't actually want to see him again. I hadn't found myself waking in the night in a cold sweat, reaching out for his hand as the dream faded. Nope. No way. That would make my job far too complicated.

So here I stood, dressed in a long, slinky black gown. At the top it was skin-tight, showing off my pronounced collar-bone, voluptuous curves, and soft skin. It had one arm, which thankfully covered up the unsightly scar on my shoulder. From the waist, the fabric - a soft milky silk - cascaded down in a sweeping skirt all around me, save one slit all the way up to my hip. Alluring, certainly, but I chose this specifically because if I had to run, then run I could.

My hair was piled on top of my head, held in place with a small jewel as only a few ringlets framing my face. Again, this accentuated my long neck, but also made it easier than trying to run or fight than if I'd let it out.

Kale opened the door, and I faltered. He looked handsome; almost perfect in a dark blue suit that had been well-tailored to him. I stopped, barely able to stifle the gasp of surprise that fought its way up my throat. I had expected to see the scruffy, dirty man that had crawled through a wreckage to find me, not... not someone who would fit in with a Sith black tie event. I paused, taking several moments to enjoy the sight. Shit... this was definitely going to get complicated.

"You look almost perfect."
I said softly, stepping into the room, "... almost."

With a soft smile, I reached up towards the crooked bowtie at his neck, pausing as my fingers lingered at his collarbone.

"Do... you mind?"
Good Men Don't Need Rules
To say that she was a very alluring specimen of a woman, was a clear understatement, and offensive to all that she was. The dress was form fitting, and her hair held up to almost show off her neckline with the plunge in the dress. I felt myself get hot at the site of her. When you work with people who are typically dressed in robes, or are more so covered in baggy clothing, you don't see much of the female form. To suddenly switch and seeing a woman well dressed, with a frame that clearly was meant for this? Yeah, it was difficult finding my voice for a moment as she spoke of me being almost perfect. I blinked a couple times as she reached to my neck. Soft hands attempting to fix my tie.

"I uh... Yeah... Just uh... come... inside."

I took a step back from the door with her still hanging onto me and closed the door behind her. Just nodding my head as she was there.

"But uh... yeah. Been having a little bit of trouble with the tie. Not really my forte."

Turning away from her visage for a moment, I took the saber and tossed it over to the side. Landing on the suites couch. It bounced before sliding into the corner. There was no need for me to hold onto it right now. My attention returned to Sylvi as she fixed it up. Deft hands moving with such ease and practice. She had done this before. Looks like I did choose the right person for this.

"Thank you for that. And uh... how is your leg?"



I followed Kale into the room, all the while, deftly working at his bowtie.

The troublesome fabric could certainly be difficult, it took a delicate, patient touch to get it just right. While I worked I couldn't help but let a tiny smile onto my features. I had crafted this look specifically to draw a particular kind of attention, but it was still mighty powerful to receive that very attention, to see the Jedi himself caught in his tracks for a moment.

I clucked my tongue as he confessed that ties weren't his forte.

"There, that should hold all night, as long as you don't get into a scuffle." I stepped back and confirmed with a nod that it was straight, "Don't worry, I hardly expected that ties were part of a Jedi's training."

Waving away his gratitude, my attention was drawn to my leg.

Standing back from him, I swept aside the panel of my gown, tilting out my hip. The slit was over my uninjured leg (scars were unsightly, after all), so I had to pull it aside to reveal my other thigh; where upon there was a long scar of dark mauve upon it. It had healed well since the incident, but was still deep and prominent. After a moment I let the fabric of the gown fall to cover it once more.

"Only limping if I have to walk on it for more than a few hours." I answered, "provided I can sit a little at the event, or possibly lean on you if I have to, no one should find out about it."

Throwing a glance to the lightsaber, I raised an eyebrow, and speaking in an almost sultry purr,

"You're confident no one's going to come in and toss the room. I've never had the pleasure of owning such an elegant weapon... but I don't know how I'd ever let it just lie around where anyone might come across it."

Turning back to Kale, I smirked,

"Listen to me, nagging you like some unsightly woman. I'm sure you know what you're doing, Kale."

Kaleleon Kaleleon
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Pushing aside my thanks with her own words, mentioning that Jedi training wouldn't likely have taught me about how to dress to a black tie event. Which is true. Normally its about dressing in robes or practical gear, training in combat, or usage and philosophies of the force. Now how to impress others, or how to dress for this occasion, or how to dance. Though, I knew the last one because of my father. Luckily. With the mention of her thigh, I once more felt heat rise in my face. However, I fought everything I could to center myself. Just like combat training. Breathing in and out evenly.

Sylvi pulled up her dress enough for me to see the scar upon her thigh. Showing quite a bit of leg. I saw the heels she wore. Shining in the light as the scar was still deep, but healed up mostly. Surface healing was pretty much all that was left, and for the muscles in the thigh to mend completely. Considering the wound was nearly bone deep, I am sure that it would be a couple more months before it would be better.

"That is fine. I am sure there will be somewhere you can rest. Just let me know if it starts to bother you."

Upon mentioning the saber that I had thrown off to the side, I shook my head ever so slightly. She thought I was going to leave that here? Let alone, leave this place unlocked? Or without indicators that someone has been here? No. I prepared myself. I puffed my chest a little at her remark for being "able to handle it."

"I am taking the saber with me, I just didn't want it to be in the way for the moment. Also, I do have indicators if people really do walk in here. Anything of value I left elsewhere. Not here where security is worse than a port-a-potty."

Realizing that I had raised my voice as I spoke to her, I sighed a bit, shook my head at myself, and continued a moment later.

"I am sorry. I am just nervous about this. Being in Sith Empire Space is not the best kind of gig I had in mind. I am glad you showed up. Not sure how I could have gotten in to be honest. The best I have is a cover of a Sith Apprentice with a high ranking family within the Empire. Having a plus one, would show its more legit."

Walking almost defeated to the couch, I picked up the saber and opened up my jacket. Pushing it to the side for a bit to push the saber into a holster hidden within the waistband of my dress pants. Holster made out of various textiles to get it to pass a metal scanner. Once done, I reached down to the table and grabbed a rather nice looking watch. That's all it was. A watch. Silver in tint. As well as a gold ring on my right ring finger. Useful for when I would be scanned for items, and have those pop up to help hide the saber.

"Is there anything I should know that you will be carrying?"



I smiled softly, nodding,

"I will."

Although, internally I vowed to do no such thing. This was hard enough with how much I already owed Kale. I couldn't lean on him anymore than I already had, not with what was one day to come. But no, not to think about that now. Kale clearly didn't expect to enjoy this event, but I was quite certain I could extract at least a little fun from it for us.

He explained that he was taking the weapon with him, and I was indeed jumping the gun to berate him for leaving it on a couch. At the port-a-potty remark, I snickered, raising a few fingers to delicately cover my smile as I did. We weren't yet at the event, but the more practice I could get in with the role, the easier it would be once we arrived.

Shaking my head, I reached out to place a hand on his shoulder,

"Firstly, stop the sorry. Sith aren't ever sorry, not genuinely. Besides, you've no reason to be."

I canted my head to one side, a thoughtful pout on my lips.

"It could work, but--and I mean this with all the love in the world--you're far too gentle to be a sith. We could sell the story, but you'd have to understand they'd treat you like the shame of the family; the runt. Alternatively... I have a little more experience conversing with the Sith. If you'd like to go as my apprentice, that might be an easier sell. The choice is yours, this is your mission, after all. I'm just the bait dog."

I chuckled and shrugged, playing off the blush to my cheeks. Perhaps "bait dog" was a poor choice of words. In fact, I knew it was. Firstly, it was hardly the type of language someone like who I was tonight would use. Secondly... I basically just outed myself to him as just that; the lure to draw out the beasts. I swallowed, praying it wouldn't make him suspicious.

At his question, I extended my arms slightly and dramatically twirled. Yes, distract him with your body, draw his thoughts away from your mistake.

"Does it look like I could conceal a weapon?" I joked, "Ah, but fair question. My hair pin is a video recorder, that's all I'm taking with me."

Oh yes, my Master always had multiple strings to pull, a hundred games and plots that overlapped and interlinked. Tonight I was Kale's ticket inside, but once there, I had to collect whatever I could for William as well.

This would be an interesting night, indeed.

Kaleleon Kaleleon
Good Men Don't Need Rules
She was right. Sith were never sorry for their actions. They acted with pride in everything they did. No regrets in their actions. Even saying I had no reason to be sorry. I furrowed my brow at her ever so slightly. She then started to... tear me apart. Pointing out how was I no where near Sith material. I was too concerning and of a kind heart. She was right. A Sith never cared for those they killed. While they may respect them for being a great duelist, or knowledgeable, that was about the extent of it. I have only killed one person in my life so far. That singular death took a toll on me. I hated it. Ending a life that could have been preserved and changed for the better. Instead, they are now six feet deep, with no way of changing it.

Breathing in deeply, a sigh released from my chest as Sylvi mentioned about dealing with Sith in the past. That made my mind flash to thoughts. Wondering if she had actually worked with Sith. Was she an ally of some? Then why did I choose her to join me? Or did she just deal with them in passing because of her life. All I knew was that she had a rough life compared to me. I could tell with how she carried herself. Her demeanor. She had done this a time or two before.

She then mentioned being the "Master" with me as the apprentice like role. It would make sense. A brand new Jedi being brought into the fold. However, she mentioned she was the bait dog. As in, the lure for the larger fight. Even though her hand was still on my shoulder, my own raised to rest gently upon it. I smiled sadly at her and just nodded.

"Your appearance is all that I was hoping to use. Keep eyes off of me to get in. You are right though. That facade would fall apart if anyone started to ask or look closely. I don't want to put you in that position. Are you sure you are up for this Sylvi?"

She was injured, without any weapons, and then wanted to go toe to toe with the potential Sith who may be there. Not sure if there would be any, but the normal pirates shouldn't be a problem. She pulled away and did a little turn. Showing off that she couldn't carry a weapon if she wanted too. I eyed her for a moment then closed my eyes. So this is why the Jedi wanted robes and utility gear. Wearing a full dress was difficult and harder to hide stuff. I then smiled lightly as I remembered something.

"Actually, if you do want a weapon... You can use a pistol right? I think I have an idea if you are up for it."

Turning around, I walked over to a bag that was in the corner. It was just a bag of simple utility stuff. Even having a set of clothes for myself and another set just in case. My utility belt was in there... as well as a holster. Pulling it out, I raised it up to be eye level and shook it a bit indicating that I had something that might work if she wanted. If a fight did break out, I wanted to make sure she was prepared for it.

"That is, if you do want to be... uh... packing heat."



I could see the myriad of emotions pass over his face, even without reaching out through the force.

As he placed his hand over mine, I gave his shoulder a soft squeeze. There was confusion in his eyes, wonder. Hiding a grimace, I realized I might have let too much slip. I'm not a true Sith, and had grown comfortable in that knowledge. But it was important to remember that even though I didn't have that label, I was still very much the type of person the Jedi normally hunted down. I had to tread carefully... no matter how much I liked Kale.

"I wouldn't have made the offer if I wasn't ready to make good on it." I assured him with a soft smile, "I can't promise to be perfect, but diplomacy is something of a forte of mine."

Again, another dangerous secret. Here I was basically telling the Jedi that my specialty was secretly getting close to people, getting them to like me, getting them to do what I wanted. It was a gamble that he wouldn't get suspicious about whether or not I was doing it to him, also. This is where those complicated feelings were useful; if he did ever reach out to me through the force, hopefully he'd find enough genuine gratitude and affection to throw him off my scent.

Intrigued, I watched as he mentioned a weapon, searching through his gear to produce a holster. At his words, I raised an eyebrow, smirking,

"Oh honey, I'm always packing heat."

Breaking out into a full-on grin, I shook my head,

"I appreciate the offer, but my job tonight is to draw eyes, I can't risk one of them spying even the most well-hidden pistol. Hells, even the recorder is a risk. Besides, you'll be my weapon if things turn sour, right?"

Reaching out, I playfully took the wrist on which he'd put his watch, holding his arm in both my hands and tilting my head to read the time.

"We should get going. Fashionably late is not a tactic I wish to employ tonight. We're blending in, not standing out. Did you have everything you need?"

Kaleleon Kaleleon
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Honey. That was something new. No one ever called me that before. Likely a term of affection or endearment. Though, I remember faintly it being used in a holoflick like a mother talking to a child. Yet, this usage, was even different than that. I could not quite place it. Either way, I let it slip from my mind as she did mention she was "always packing heat." I assumed she meant something other than weapons. Just a furrow of the brow with a quick shake of my head.

She was right though. If eyes were going to be on her, then she was best not to carry something that would make her stand out even more, or make the situation worse. Even mentioning how I could be her weapon if things went sour. True as that was, I was still not fond of her being unarmed. Though, she had wits, and... assets she could exploit. She was intelligent enough to know what to do right?

My mind floated back to how she mentioned diplomacy was a forte of hers. Playing the political game. Makes sense if she has interacted with Sith in the past. She is still breathing on her own merits.

"Alright then we jus-"

She closed the distance and grabbed my wrist. Twisting it over and tilting her head to see the time. Then mentioned how showing up fashionably late was not something she wanted to explain. I was wondering why she was grabbing my hand and wrist, but when it was just the time it cured any confusion I had.

"Then let's go. Oh, and I believe we will need to arrive in style correct? I may have just the thing."

I smiled a little too brightly at that. Considering it was a very nice air speeder, the "Blue Blur" that had would likely do the trick to make us fit in. Namely because its a personal highly priced, and unique speeder. Something that would match the description of a up and coming Sith Lady and her apprentice. Holding out my elbow to my side, open so then Sylvi could slip her arm through mine, I eyed her as though it may fit the occasion. To be fair, all that I knew of this was that it was used in some holoflicks. Not sure if it was a real thing or not.

"M'lady, may we depart?"



There was an innocence about Kale.

It almost made me falter. Usually, I prided myself on having met and mingled with all kinds of people throughout my travels, particularly for diplomatic relations. However, I realized with almost a suddenness that his kind was almost entirely unique to me. He wasn't naive, not entirely, but there was an almost purity about him. Jedi could be arrogant and blind by their own hubris, but Kale... was different.

Gods, why did he have to make this so difficult?!

"I can sense your uneasiness."
I replied softly to his furrowed brow, "I've done this before, I promise."

Kale mentioned arriving in style, something I'd admittedly not considered. I raised an eyebrow with interest, finding his bright, almost boyish smile utterly contagious. He offered his elbow, and with a bright smile of my own, I slid my arm into his, adjusting my posture to stand tall and proud, curves and power all on display.

"Please, lead the way... apprentice."

Kaleleon Kaleleon
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Leading Sylvi with her arm intertwined with my own, our footsteps clacked on the floors leading from the room out into the main lobby. Whereupon a man dressed in formal attire walked over and asked which vehicle was mine. Indicating the bright blue one in the back, he nodded his head and walked over to the vehicle. Bringing it around the front as we walked out. I almost beamed as I opened the door to the vehicle. Gull-wing doors hissed open as I kept a hand out to aid my "Master" into the passenger seat. Just as I was shutting the door, I tipped the man as he walked away from me. A couple steps around the front of the "Blue Blur" to the driver seat, I closed the door and buckled myself in. Indicating she should as well.

"So it says it should take us about ten minutes to get there.... I bet you I can get us there in six minutes."

The challenge written completely upon my face as I gunned the throttle. The roar of the engine picked up again and again through the gears carrying us on our way to this Gala. The hum of the engine powerful enough to make any man need to change his shorts.


Let me just say, the Sith do have some style. The darker vibes with bright reds, deep blacks, some purples here and there. With the floor so clean and pristine that I could see the scar upon my face in the reflection. Holding a rather strong liquor in my hands, as I floated back into the conversation with some male Twilek about being treated less than slaves because of his kind as well as being a male. Typically females could easily get in because of their looks. Males had a harder time and were used as labor slaves. I nodded my head. However, there was not much I could do.

"Sometimes, that is how life is. I don't understand what you are going through. So do you mind backing off and letting myself and my lady have the floor?"

His eye's deepened in anger as I pretty much told him to take something and shove it somewhere, somewhere else. I could see his clenched fist and preparing himself to want to knock my lights out. However, that is how an arrogant Sith Apprentice was supposed to act like right? As though he is better than everyone. even more so when someone admits it to your face? I pulled back my waist coat just a bit for him to see the top ring of my lightsaber.

"I don't think we want to start anything. How about you go get yourself a drink. On me. "

Even pulling out a couple credits and lazily tossing them at him. I then attempted to try and lead Sylvi away from him. Letting him deal with it on his own. I could tell that some people around here were Sensitive to the force. Not including myself and my "Master." However, they weren't extremely powerful or anything. Likely Royalty or high class who were taught enough to get by.

Once we were out of ear shot of anyone, I whispered closely to her.

"I hate doing this. When in the hell is the auction?"



"Six? Silly boy, my apprentice can do it in five."

I offered a sultry wink in response to the Jedi, a delicate hand placed just so upon his thigh; a tease, a temptation, a hidden, whispered hint. Oh yes, this was where I thrived; pulling on the mask, slipping into a role that wasn't my own. As Kale gunned the throttle of the magnificent speeder, I allowed my fingers to squeeze his thigh lightly. To him, I was likely just getting into character, donning the shroud before stepping out onto the stage. In a way, I was, but the touch was deliberate.

He was about to see how easily I could lie, and I needed him to not want to question whether I lied to him just as easily.

An easily rectified issue, all I had to do was change which head he was thinking with.


The event was just as extravagant as I'd expected.

As we had entered, I walked with my chin held high. There was a sultry rhythm to my hips, an elegant curve to my posture, every subtly bat of my eyelashes and bounce of my ringlets designed specifically to exude power and grace. My arm remained hooked with Kale's, leading him into the hall and taking charge - as they would expect a Sith Mistress to do. Around us, no one should suspect a thing.

However, I did feel a little sorry for the Jedi himself. Along with his own battle with his force aura, he likely would have felt the conflict from me. Around us, I emanated a dark, feminine authority, but because of his close proximity, I imagined he felt a hint of the frightened girl beneath it all, the one who knew very well just how dangerous it was to walk on broken glass like this.

However, he seemed to fit in well, playing the role perfectly. I was surprised and impressed; even though the Jedi yearned to be humble and to help, he was able to lock it all away and turn his nose up at the twi'lek who came up to us. I had tensed, sensing the turmoil inside him, but I stayed quiet, watching, waiting, allowing Kale himself to deal with it. It was his mission, after all. At his response to the twi'lek, with the added insult of the credits, my lips were pulled into a soft smirk, a tiny huff of a chuckle escaping my lips as we turned away.

He lamented quietly about having to do this; to be cruel. With a soft sigh, I spun around to face him with purpose and grace, standing as if to straighten his bowtie. As I did, my eyes subtly flickered around us, briefly taking in the room. My expression remained natural but my tone was soft, explaining what I saw.

"The Nubian Lady stopped going back for drinks about 10 minutes ago. The "cloak room" now has an armed guard. The number of servants has dropped and three of the high-ranking lords have been approached by someone. My guess? The auction will start--"

"Esteemed guests!" I was interrupted by an elegant looking man, tall and pale, appearing on the balcony above us, his ebony and crimson robes sweeping down from his 6'4" frame, "if you could be so kind as to enter the main hall, the auction is about to begin!"

Around us, the mingling guests began to move, finishing conversations and shuffling towards the huge door behind us. I turned my gaze to Kale, smirking,


Before we moved, I paused, my fingers gripping Kale's shoulder, stopping him from pulling away from me. For just a moment, I met his eyes, taking the second to allow a stillness between us. What I said next was going to be genuine - not from Lady Vizen of the Sith - but from Sylvi, and I wanted to make sure he knew that.

"You're doing great."

Then the mask fell back into place and I slid an arm under his and around his waist, pulling him with me towards the main hall. Whatever he'd been sent here for was probably in that next room... I knew what I had been sent here for certainly was. Attend the auction, record everything, support Kale on his mission, and then back to the hotel. Easy, right?

Then why did I feel like something horrible was going to happen?

Kaleleon Kaleleon
Good Men Don't Need Rules
I was anxious I knew nothing about when it would start. Well, I mean I knew it would take place here, and there would be a chance for us to work on getting more information. Namely, we would have to exploit some tactics that I may not like. However, all for the cause right? I closed my eyes. Letting myself center within the storm of my own emotions and thoughts. Finding the calm waters that was a lake untouched by wind, or rain. It was when Sylvi began to speak. Almost going down a list of what was going on. She had done missions like this before. It was clear. She had been able to complete tasks such as these. Was this a coincidence that I had asked for her help with this?

Pushing it to my mind for a moment as the lady came back out. Proclaiming that the auction would begin shortly. She turned to me quickly without the eyes of others seeing or the ears hearing her. Telling me I was doing a good job so far. How much of that was true, I was not sure. She could just be trying to keep me from breaking and causing this mission to fail.

Either way, as she then once more wrapped her arm into my own, we walked forward. Taking our steps within the doors where upon the guard looked over the both of us. His eyes lingering upon me heavily. Every part of me wanted to just back off and call it. I really do not want to start a fight. However, that is not what a Sith would do. So, I did what I had too.

"Is there something wrong? You seem to stare so intently at myself and my Master."
"I don't know who either of you are."

A roll of the eyes and a shake of the head. Scoffing in my tone of voice.

"Lady Vizen is an esteemed guest from Serenno. You would do well to remember her face."
"Take that tone with me boy I-"
"Look at this. A guard calling a Sith a boy. Just shut up and do your job."
"I am doi-"
"Yes yes. Just let us through already."

Taking out the invitation itself from my coat pocket, I almost threw it into his direction. Instead forcibly holding it out for him to grab it. With some anger he accepted it. Reading over the invitation and even holding it up to the light. Making sure it was the real deal. After deciding it was good enough, he handed it back to me. Not a word spoken as I stared directly back at him. Not going to lie, it did feel quite empowering to be able to do that. To do as you wished without so much as anyone saying no against you. While I was speaking for my master instead of letting her do so, I was playing into the snobby apprentice who thought he was high and mighty. To be honest, I thought any fight we would enter in this place I surely would lose.

Either way, we were let into the doorway that focused down into a singular hall. Walking down with lights barely lighting up the area. We were then coming to a Fork. A guard standing there indicated to the right and pointed to a door with a number over it.

"Number 11 if you please."

The room we would be staying in. A separate room so then the auctioneers would not know who bought who. It also explained why the guards took their time with letting people in one at a time. I indicated the door. Opening it for her and then letting my hand extend with her to enter the domain of the room first. Upon closing it, I looked around quickly. Trying to see if there were any cameras. Mouthing.




I smiled to myself as Kale took my arm, his energy settling as we began to make our way towards the doors.

At the doors we were stopped by a guard who, as I expected, didn't recognize our faces. We were, in truth, lucky to have gotten this far without such a confrontation. The guard's gaze burned into us, the man himself seeming to be controlling the force, sending a wave of fear. Interesting tactic; Sith use fear, they're empowered by it. But a spy? It could make them crumble... human lie-detectors, I liked it. As he looked at me, I allowed my approval to appear on my features as a tiny smirk, although likely it would be interpreted as mere arrogance. Beside me, Kale wasn't doing quite as well. However, the moment I considered taking charge and shrugging off the gaze, he spoke.

Conversing with the guard, I felt my faux apprentice channel all that fear into a display of arrogance and power, lifting my chin appropriately as he mentioned my cover. My smirk grew wider - the part was played beautifully.

In that moment something happened to Kale. His fear twisted, changed, became something akin to arrogance. This... this must be how it felt for a Sith to get their claws in someone like him; slowly corrupting them, winning tiny victories every time they gave in and indulged those emotions and desires their order so condemned.

I smiled.

Before long, we were directed to a private room. As Kale opened the door, I swept in past him, maintaining the air of an aloof Sith Lady until the door itself had closed. My shoulders relaxed as he mouthed a word. With a soft sigh of relief, I moved to a chair and lowered myself into it, nodding. However I raised my hand to wave him over,

"How does it feel to finally be able to get out and see the world, apprentice?" I asked, hoping my sharp tone would get his attention. The next words he heard, however were directly in his mind,

A silent room is just as suspicious as one filled with Jedi talk. Sit, converse with me.

Kaleleon Kaleleon
Good Men Don't Need Rules
She looked around. Nodding to me easily about the room being likely bugged. However, her voice. Asking me if I was enjoying the new places to see. Nodding my head to her in return. Moving over to her as I answered her question out loud.

"It is interesting. The designs of Sith still pervade and are paraded around like someone has an Ego. However, it is... enough."

Keeping my tone like the few times I have used it already, I could feel her presence slip into my own mind. And so we would converse further within the confines of the force.

"And what is it that we need to talk about?"

Almost chuckling as I came to sit next to her upon the couch. I did keep some distance from her just naturally. However, I leaned back into the seat. Bringing up one ankle to rest upon my knee, while an arm wrapped over the back of the couch to be just barely behind Sylvi.

"You have spoken of Ossus before. Other than the Auction, what is our purpose here Master?"

I had a feeling this might be difficult to run two conversations at the same time, however, I would continue just as though it were natural to my best ability.



Kale lowered himself into the seat beside me, and I subtly shifted a little so that the fingertips from the hand he had resting on the back of the couch gently brushed the back of my neck. A self-comforting gesture, right? Drawing a little solace and pleasure from the light, comforting touch... that's what I hoped he'd see. If I showed him a little vulnerability now, a little humanity, need for comfort, it would assuage him from becoming suspicious of my ability to lie so readily.

"Presence, my apprentice,"
I answered, allowing my voice to carry all the regal authority of a Sith lady, or even a queen, "Research and study have their place, but being seen among Sith society is just as important. That little situation by the door is evidence of such. You can never appear weak before your enemies... and unknown... that is weak."

A half-truth, but it was in-line with Sith philosophy. Sometimes being unknown was the most power one could wield. Case in point... the two of us, right now.

How are you? Need a breather? You're doing well.

An earnest gaze, slightly moving the hand I had resting on the seat cushions towards him. He had to see a gentle Sylvi now, one that was genuine and caring... anything to throw him off the idea that I could be playing him as easily as I was playing the Sith.

Kaleleon Kaleleon
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Showing that we were the real deal. Just trying to keep appearances up of Sith being Sith. It did make sense, as well as should any be listening it would be useless information to them. Secondary to that, the conversation we had within our own selves would keep moving onward.

"Trying to prove who you are is worthless and a waste of time. What worth are they to try and prove who you are?"

Keeping it going with the arrogant sith type, I just sighed lightly as Sylvi moved closer, I could feel her skin at my fingers and I decided to place the rest of my hand on the back of her neck gently. A subtle way of letting her know I was fine.

"I will be fine. Just keeping up this facade is rather... tiresome."

Looking over to her after speaking to both sides of our little game, I rubbed my hand on her neck. Just an... instinct took over I guess. Me trying to soothe her while also soothing myself. It was strange, but if she asked to stop then I would.

However as ladies began to be thrown in front of the screens for us to purchase, Every so often I would open a bid or two, or even place one in the middle to show interest in such. However, our operation would have to actually begin at the very end of this. Which should be after a dance and a couple closing words I believe.

"As of the dance that will be coming up, will we stay, or call it a night Master?"



The razor's edge was quite the place to dance.

On the one hand, I had to keep Kale at arm's length; figuratively, of course. The closer he thought I was, the more he would open up to me. The more I could get into his mind, and the fewer traces I'd leave. After all, it took no dark magic at all to simply sit and let him tell me of the things that weighed on his mind. I was a friend, perhaps even more than that, he would share his secrets with me willingly, and leave no defenses against me in his mind.

However, on the other hand, I closed my eyes and purred as his fingers brushed the back of my neck. The sensation was soothing, pleasant and comforting. The closer I let him believe he was the me, the closer I risked myself getting to him. Too close, and finishing my operation would leave a sting. Huh... my people had raised me to believe that suffering led to enlightenment. I hadn't considered this kind of pain, but... it was fitting.

I watched the auction unfold, allowing Kale to call bids as he saw fit. I had gotten him in, but the mission was his now. A part of me wandered to the girls that were being bid on. Idly I wondered what suffering they had endured up to now, what more was in their future. I kept these thoughts well away from Kale, lest he catch wind and let his Jedi sympathy ruin his cover. For me, however, I felt only a pang of envy. They would never know what enlightenment they could achieve from such a place.

He turned to me, and a smile curled at my lips.

"I must have at least one dance with my apprentice,"
I purred, "how else can I show him off, hmm?"

I stood from the seat, awaiting for Kale to join me. Time for the real work to begin.

Kaleleon Kaleleon

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