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Codex Denied Dra'Zuul

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(A Dra'Zuul Gnarlwood)​

  • Intent: To create a fun unique species I plan on making a character for
  • Image Credit: Ubermonster
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Dra'Zuul
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins:
  • Average Lifespan: The oldest a Dra'Zuul who isn't a Sage or Stellae is 300 years. Sage and Stellae variants can live between 1000 and 1200 years due to heavy genetic manipulation and careful maintenance.
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: The Dra'Zuul are a unique species of plantoids who use their own species to create replacements for ships and machines to help run their society. Deeply spiritual, and often aligned with the light side of the Force, the Dra'Zuul are relatively pacifistic and yet they hold a darker side. Fiercely authoritarian believing unity and control forms the perfect society, Dra'Zuul seek to push their beliefs of the Universal Truths onto the other races of the galaxy to form a united cooperative alliance of species.
  • Breathes: Type 2
  • Average Height of Adults: Non-Stellae/Sage: 2-4 meters. Stellae: Case by case. Sage: 110 meters.
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Tends to be brown bark but is often changed through grafting or gene manipulation.
  • Hair color: No Hair, tends to have floral growths of many colorations.
  • Distinctions: Mono-Gendered plants, as far from humanoids as you can get.
  • Races:

Gnarlwoods: The Gnarlwoods as they've been named are the Dra'Zuul who allow themselves to grow far more naturally with little grafting or shaping giving them a much wilder look. Although many gnarlwoods take humanoid shape, many still take on strange bizarre shapes that don't seem to fit any logical body plan due to the incredible genetic diversity within their species and it being so reliant on environmental ques that the Dra'Zuul have little control over.

Hardoaks: Hardoaks are Dra'Zuul who have been shaped and grafted for one purpose and one purpose only: War. Usually with the intention of needing a defensive force capable of defending their planet and its sacred way of life from invaders. Hardoaks are raised (or uplifted from a Gnarlwood) to be perfect warriors. Hardened bark, dense fiber muscles, and even sometimes built in weaponry, Hardoaks are master warriors who live to defend their world and strike those who would refuse the Universal Truths.

Sage: A Sage is a Dra'Zuul who has left mobility behind and rooted down into the soil of their homeworld. This rooting is a sacred act only the most wizened of force sensitive Dra'Zuul are allowed to participate in. These Sages are nearly indistinguishable from regular trees and are often mistaken for such by outsiders. Centuries of Sages rooting down has led to the formation of the Sage Forest, a massive jungle that dominates the planet and is made entirely of Sage trees all who have linked their roots together and joined into a collective of conciousnesses capable of communicating instantaneously and great displays of force power. This Sage Forest is the ruling class of Dra'Zuul society, their combined knowledge and neural capacity effectively turning them into incredibly intelligent super computers capable of mass amounts of data processing power and storage making them prime decision makers and shepherds of Dra'Zuul society. This power of course comes with the downside that they are incapable of movement and are totally reliant on the other Dra'Zuul to be maintained.

The Sage Forest is known however to be incredibly slow in its decision making, many different view points clashing and a decision only being accepted once 80% of the Forest agrees with it. This reputation has led to Dra'Zuul society being somewhat self sufficient, really only needing to consort the Sage Forest for large societal decisions, interpreting the Universal Truths, or for extra-solar communications.

Stellae: The Stellae are Dra'Zuul who have been shaped, grafted, and genetically modified into star ships with which the Dra'Zuul explore and exploit the galaxy. These sentient ships are capable of self dependency and run themselves often carrying other Dra'Zuul on board purely as passengers or to operate what ever technology may be aboard. Stellae can be the size of a fighter all the way up to large capital ships. The most respected and honored Stellae are those who have grown over hundreds of years into their predetermined and usually monumental design while others have been cloned or genetically sped up in times of need. These sped up Stellae tend to be far less refined looking, with wild growths and outcroppings that serve no purpose but to waste their precious energy.

  • Force Sensitivity: Standard

Extreme Variation: The extreme variation of the Dra'Zuul species means they are incredibly adaptive and versatile but difficult to categorize in board terms needing a more case by case assessment.

Photosynthesize: The one thing that is uniform between all Dra'Zuul is the ability to photosynthesize to produce energy. They require more solid foods too, a 'diet' of only sunlight causes them to be sleepy and slugish but it can sustain them.


Fire: They're tree people, they burn pretty easily.

Incompatible: Dra'Zuul physiology, technology, and psychology make them ill-fitted for technology use by the rest of the galaxy and they often see it as profane destruction of nature.

  • Diet: Omnivore: The Dra'Zuul have no traditional stomach but an ingenious stand in unique to a plantoid species. Their 'stomach' is a system of internalized roots able to secrete enzymes that can break down organic matter that the roots wrap around and turn them into nutrients, but can also dig into ingested dirt, stone, or minerals to act as roots usually would.
  • Communication: The Dra'Zuul language is one difficult for other species to speak using specialized internal leaves to beat air very rapidly along grooves and tubes in their skin to create low humming noises or whistling, or when rubbed together chirps similarly to a cricket. These chirps, whistles, and hums often happen simultaneously making what they're saying a mystery except to protocol droids or interpretation devices.
  • Technology level: Dra'Zuul technology is drastically different than their counterparts relying on their ancient practices of grafting and shaping to turn Dra'Zuul into the machines and ships needed to run their civilization. This unique take on technology has seen them exploit and master forms of energy long since abandoned or dismissed by the galactic community. So although their technology is incredibly different and practically non-compatible with galactic tech it certainly holds its own and competes viciously for the spotlight of technological superiority.
  • Religion/Beliefs:
The Dra'Zuul have a firm belief in a code of ethics called the Universal Truths that promote self betterment, pacifism, mastery of nature, and unity. How exactly one accomplishes these goals is hotly contested but is usually left to the wisdom of the Sage Forest and to be carried out by the priest cast of Druids who speak for the Sage Forest. The general consensus is that spiritual mastery can be achieved through frequent meditation while bodily betterment is often accomplished through the the ancient rituals of grafting and shaping.

Grafting: Dra'Zuul are capable of grafting other planet species onto themselves accessing the unique abilities of those species. This is often used to achieve things such as weaponized limbs, armor, greater strength, intelligence, or agility or just to enhance themselves similarly to how most organics use cybernetics. This practice is heavily ritualized with the Druids acting as specialized physicians who do the procedure or even adventurers who travel the galaxy looking for unique plant species capable of exploitation by the Dra'Zuul. Those who are grafted are usually seen as more in line with the Universal Truths of self betterment and unity and are thus highly respected and sometimes revered if they have been grafted and shaped into works of art or highly efficient tools for Dra'Zuul society such as the Stellae.

Shaping: Shaping is similar to grafting but instead of adding new pieces it refines those that are already there. Through ritual binding, pruning, or even sometimes complete severance of limbs a Dra'Zuul can be shaped in many different ways. Growing new limbs, enhancing those that are already there, carefully shaping one's form into an aesthetically pleasing piece of art, all are possible with through Shaping. And just like Grafting, Shaping is heavily ritualized and overseen by the Druids who's sacred incense and muttered poems are said to enhance and confirm the process.

  • General behavior:

[ Include a description of the species history here. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn please describe the process through which they were created, by who, and why. Explain the various challenges encountered during their creation. Most galactic species will be quite old - include major events relevant to the species in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate. Including Chaos canon events, where they impacted the history of this species, is a plus. ]
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